Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals

Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals
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B. CAMHS DisabilityContact detailsService descriptionReferralsAccess criteriaService provisionCAMHS Disability Team, Hackney Ark Children & Young People’sCentre for Development & Disability, Downs Park Road, London E8 2FPTel: 020 7014 7071Ruth Hill: AdministratorJanine Michelotti: Acting Team Leader/Lead Clinical PsychologistThe CAMHS Disability team at the Hackney Ark is a partnership betweenHomerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and East LondonMental Health Foundation Trust. It is a multidisciplinary team whichconsists of: clinical psychologists (including assistant and traineeclinical psychologists), a child psychotherapist, a family therapist, a playspecialist and a consultant psychiatrist.All families are offered an initial appointment within 5 weeks from thedate the referral was received.The service operates between the hours of 9 – 5 Monday – Friday.Any professional from within health, education, social care or thevoluntary sector may make a referral.Parents may also self-refer, provided they have already been known tothe service in the past.The team sees children and young people from Hackney and the City,aged 0 – 19 years, who have dual difficulties, viz. mental health oremotional needs which occur alongside a disability. The disability mustbe such that it is permanent and enduring, requiring a multi-disciplinaryapproach to treatment. This includes (but is not limited to) learningdisability, speech and language disorder, social communication disorderor physical disability. For those who have autistic spectrum disorder (ASD),there must also be a primary learning disability present.The team has a number of specialist autism clinicians who work jointly withpaediatricians to provide ASD assessments for under-5s. They also work inpartnership with Hackney Learning Trust in running the Early Bird and EarlyBird Plus parenting programmes for pre-school and school-age childrenwho have an ASD diagnosis. The team also participates in the Short Breaksscheme and is a part of the HIT Squad team.The team also offers sibling groups for siblings of children with disabilities,and parenting programmes aimed at parents of teenagers with disabilities.20Resource Guide for professionals | Updated January 2013

C. Lifestyle, Exercise, Activity, Positivity (LEAP)Contact detailsService descriptionAccess CriteriaReferralsService Provision0 – 5 yearsLEAP, 1st Floor, Defoe Building, Hackney Community College, 50 HoxtonStreet, London N1 6LPTel: 020 76834098Fax: 020 70147251Dr Ian Moran: Project LeadThe service based at Hackney Community College offers a range ofservices from direct individual and group interventions for children andfamilies to teaching, training and consultation, parenting groups andhealthy lifestyle promotion.The multi-disciplinary clinic accepts referrals from health care professionalsregarding children and young people, aged 0 – 18 years, who meet one ormore of the following criteria:• When there is a concern about overweight/obesity and universal servicesare inappropriate or have been unsuccessful or when a multi-disciplinaryapproach is required;• When BMI (body mass index) is between the 98th centile and +3.5 SDS(Standard Deviation Score) (2009 UK BMI centile charts),• or BMI is between the 91st centile and the 98th centile with medical comorbiditiesor with psychosocial dysfunction or with complex needs (2009UK BMI centile charts);• When there are behavioural concerns in relation to a child’s excess weight.Patients can be referred to the service by a GP, health visitor, paediatrician,occupational therapist, educational therapist or other health or social careprofessional. Families may also self refer to the service. Those with a BMIover 3.5SDS will not be accepted into this service.We offer HENRY (Health Education Nutrition for the Really Young) groupsto parents of children 0-5.5 – 11 years Services offered through a multi-disciplinary team.11 – 19 years Services offered through a multi-disciplinary team.Resource Guide for professionals | Updated January 2013 21

B. CAMHS DisabilityContact detailsService descriptionReferralsAccess criteriaService provisionCAMHS Disability Team, Hackney Ark <strong>Children</strong> & <strong>Young</strong> People’sCentre <strong>for</strong> Development & Disability, Downs Park Road, London E8 2FPTel: 020 7014 7071Ruth Hill: AdministratorJanine Michelotti: Acting Team Leader/Lead Clinical PsychologistThe CAMHS Disability team at the Hackney Ark is a partnership betweenHomerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and East LondonMental Health Foundation Trust. It is a multidisciplinary team whichconsists of: clinical psychologists (including assistant and traineeclinical psychologists), a child psychotherapist, a family therapist, a playspecialist and a consultant psychiatrist.All families are offered an initial appointment within 5 weeks from thedate the referral was received.The service operates between the hours of 9 – 5 Monday – Friday.Any professional from within health, education, social care or thevoluntary sector may make a referral.Parents may also self-refer, provided they have already been known tothe service in the past.The team sees children and young people from Hackney and the City,aged 0 – 19 years, who have dual difficulties, viz. mental health oremotional needs which occur alongside a disability. The disability mustbe such that it is permanent and enduring, requiring a multi-disciplinaryapproach to treatment. This includes (but is not limited to) learningdisability, speech and language disorder, social communication disorderor physical disability. For those who have autistic spectrum disorder (ASD),there must also be a primary learning disability present.The team has a number of specialist autism clinicians who work jointly withpaediatricians to provide ASD assessments <strong>for</strong> under-5s. They also work inpartnership with Hackney Learning Trust in running the Early Bird and EarlyBird Plus parenting programmes <strong>for</strong> pre-school and school-age childrenwho have an ASD diagnosis. The team also participates in the Short Breaksscheme and is a part of the HIT Squad team.The team also offers sibling groups <strong>for</strong> siblings of children with disabilities,and parenting programmes aimed at parents of teenagers with disabilities.20<strong>Resource</strong> Guide <strong>for</strong> <strong>professionals</strong> | Updated January 2013

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