Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals

Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals Children & Young People's Services Resource guide for professionals
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Starlight OutpatientsService Contact Details Description of Service Referral ProcessGeneralPractitioneradvisory telephonelineHotline: 020 8510 7764Duty Paediatric Registrar(Tel: 020 8510 5555)Paediatric Secretaries(Tel: 020 88510 7876/7)For use by GPs to discuss management ofchildren or young people, asking for advice orurgent referral to the GP rapid referral clinic.If a child is acutely unwell and likely to needadmission, or there is an acute injury, referralto the Paediatric A&E Team may be moreappropriate by bleeping the Duty PaediatricRegistrar bleep (via switchboard).The hotline is open every weekday10.00 – 12.00.GPs can phone the duty Consultant atother times of the day via switchboardor leave a message with the paediatricsecretaries.Primary careadvisory telephoneline020 8510 7450 This is a telephone line open 24 hours aday 7 days a week. Calls are answered by aPaediatric Nurse. All calls are documented andan agreed action plan made with the caller.It can also be used by parents of childrenrecently seen in our service or under ‘Hospitalat Home’.This service is open to all primaryhealth care staff.Paediatric LiaisonNursePaediatric Liaison NurseTel: 020 8510 5120Paediatric LiaisonHealth Visitor & CONICoordinator:Tel: 020 8510 739209.00 – 17.00 Monday to FridaySafeguardingChildrenDuty HomertonPaediatric RegistrarTel: 020 8510 5555For further details please see safeguardingsection14Resource Guide for professionals | Updated January 2013

GeneralPractitioner rapidreferral clinicGeneral paediatricoutpatientsAll other paediatricclinicsTel: 020 8510 7764fax: 020 8510 7537This clinic is run by a Consultant eachweekday between 10.00– 13.00. Afterdiscussion the Consultant will jointly decidethe most appropriate action. Usually the childwill be seen within 1 – 2 days.General Practitioners who feel that achild needs to be seen by a Paediatricianfairly urgently may refer the child by thishotline.Tel: 020 8510 5018 or020 8510 7425Clinics are held by Consultants together withmiddle grade staff. If one of the Consultantshas been involved with the family in the pastreferrers are asked to state this in the letterso the same Consultant can see them forcontinuity of care. Otherwise the child will bebooked into the first available appointmentwith one of the Consultant team.If a child is stable enough to wait 2weeks, please send a referral letter bypost, or by choose and book.Please let us know if the familyrequires advocacy so that this can beprearranged.Wherever possible please state a phonenumber for the family in your referralletter.Referral process as with general paediatric outpatients.All paediatric referrals are screened daily by a Consultant Paediatrician. Some referrals will be diverted to an appropriatenurse-led clinic, community colleagues, and occasionally directly to a tertiary clinic.All referrals to the optometry and orthoptist services are also screened by medical staff.Continued >Resource Guide for professionals | Updated January 2013 15

Starlight OutpatientsService Contact Details Description of Service Referral ProcessGeneralPractitioneradvisory telephonelineHotline: 020 8510 7764Duty Paediatric Registrar(Tel: 020 8510 5555)Paediatric Secretaries(Tel: 020 88510 7876/7)For use by GPs to discuss management ofchildren or young people, asking <strong>for</strong> advice orurgent referral to the GP rapid referral clinic.If a child is acutely unwell and likely to needadmission, or there is an acute injury, referralto the Paediatric A&E Team may be moreappropriate by bleeping the Duty PaediatricRegistrar bleep (via switchboard).The hotline is open every weekday10.00 – 12.00.GPs can phone the duty Consultant atother times of the day via switchboardor leave a message with the paediatricsecretaries.Primary careadvisory telephoneline020 8510 7450 This is a telephone line open 24 hours aday 7 days a week. Calls are answered by aPaediatric Nurse. All calls are documented andan agreed action plan made with the caller.It can also be used by parents of childrenrecently seen in our service or under ‘Hospitalat Home’.This service is open to all primaryhealth care staff.Paediatric LiaisonNursePaediatric Liaison NurseTel: 020 8510 5120Paediatric LiaisonHealth Visitor & CONICoordinator:Tel: 020 8510 739209.00 – 17.00 Monday to FridaySafeguarding<strong>Children</strong>Duty HomertonPaediatric RegistrarTel: 020 8510 5555For further details please see safeguardingsection14<strong>Resource</strong> Guide <strong>for</strong> <strong>professionals</strong> | Updated January 2013

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