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that you represent what you have written honestly. If in doubt seek advice from your tutor orlecturer.The School of Psychology will respond vigorously to acts of plagiarism.Laboratory Reports and Data CollectionIt is clear from what has already been said that laboratory reports must be the product ofyour own activities. It is particularly important that all the statistical analyses are done byyou. You may need assistance from other students or from your tutor in learning how toperform some calculation, or to run the appropriate computer program, but once you havelearned these things you must carry out the analyses yourself.When you are required to collect data it is extremely important that you keep strictly to theprocedures described in the laboratory and that the data presented be reported accurately.Fabricating or misreporting data in any way is a very serious misdemeanour. The demandfor honesty in research is paramount.PenaltiesAcademic misconduct is treated very seriously in the University and particularly in the Schoolof Psychology. If proven, penalties will be imposed. These will vary according to themagnitude of the misconduct.The minimum penalty is a grade of zero for the submitted work. A grade of zero for thewhole unit is a possibility for second or more serious offences. For repeated or particularlyserious offences the student may be excluded from the School of Psychology or from theUniversity.ProceduresOn detection of academic misconduct the student will be advised by the relevant teachingstaff as to the nature of their misconduct. The relevant Unit Controller will be informed and asubcommittee of the Board of Examiners will investigate and determine the appropriatepenalty. Where penalties are applied a record will be kept.As is University policy, students have the right of appeal. The procedure is outlined in theCurtin University Calendar.55Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY JOURNALS AT CURTIN UNIVERSITY LIBRARYTITLE CALL # YEARSAdvances in instructional psychology P 37 00437 (Vols 1&3)Advances in developmental psychology P 159.9 07077 (Vols 2&4;1982 - 1986Advances in experimental social psychology P 301 01890 1964+Advances in clinical child psychology P 159.9 00941 1977,19801986-1988Advances in school psychology P 37 06716 Vol.1 & 6Advances in the psychology of human intelligence 159.9 20292 1982,1984,1988Advances in applied developmental psychology 159.9 20888 1986-1989Advances in applied social psychology P 301 07102 1980-Advances in vocational psychology P 159.9 22473 1990+American Journal of psychology P 159.9 03920 1968+American Journal of community psychology P 301 03260 1973+American Journal of Psychiatry P 616 03910 1939/40-1973slightly imperfect1974-1985American Journal of health promotion P 613 21502 1989+Annals of theoretical psychology P 159.9 21195.01 (Vols 4 & 5)Annual review of psychology P 159.9 05230 1960+Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child P 616 0515 1968+DevelopmentApplied social psychology P 301 03760 1980,1985,1988Applied cognitive psychology P 159.9 22797 991+Applied psychology P 159.9 50140 1987+Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry P 616 11078 1967-19imperfect56Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY JOURNALS AT CURTIN UNIVERSITY LIBRARYTITLE CALL # YEARSAdvances in instructional psychology P 37 00437 (Vols 1&3)Advances in developmental psychology P 159.9 07077 (Vols 2&4;1982 - 1986Advances in experimental social psychology P 301 01890 1964+Advances in clinical child psychology P 159.9 00941 1977,19801986-1988Advances in school psychology P 37 06716 Vol.1 & 6Advances in the psychology of human intelligence 159.9 20292 1982,1984,1988Advances in applied developmental psychology 159.9 20888 1986-1989Advances in applied social psychology P 301 07102 1980-Advances in vocational psychology P 159.9 22473 1990+American Journal of psychology P 159.9 03920 1968+American Journal of community psychology P 301 03260 1973+American Journal of Psychiatry P 616 03910 1939/40-1973slightly imperfect1974-1985American Journal of health promotion P 613 21502 1989+Annals of theoretical psychology P 159.9 21195.01 (Vols 4 & 5)Annual review of psychology P 159.9 05230 1960+Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child P 616 0515 1968+DevelopmentApplied social psychology P 301 03760 1980,1985,1988Applied cognitive psychology P 159.9 22797 991+Applied psychology P 159.9 50140 1987+Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry P 616 11078 1967-19imperfect56<strong>Curtin</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a trademark of <strong>Curtin</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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