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PSYCHOLOGY 704: INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOTHERAPYUnit Index Numbers: 309529Tuition Pattern: Seminar/Workshop, 4 hours/weekCredit Points: 25Unit Requisites: Psychology 701Unit Coordinator Dr Jenny Thornton(9266 7087) Room: 401:310LecturerGill Stevens(9266 3027) Room: 401.339SyllabusThis course focuses on students‟ theoretical understanding and clinical skills at an advanced andapplied level. Students are exposed to some of the major theoretical systems, including existentialtherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The class work willinvolve role-playing and working with clients, videotaping, viewing of films and tapes, and didacticinput.Learning OutcomesOn completion of this unit students can:1. apply advanced knowledge of specified major theories of psychotherapy to specific clientproblems2. undertake an adequate model-specific case formulation3. assess their own performance as a therapist4. apply psychotherapy process skills and model-specific interventions5. integrate their personal style with specific psychotherapeutic techniques6. apply ethical principles in the practice of individual therapyUnit Outline1 CBT2 CBT3 CBT4 CBT5 Psychodynamic6 Psychodynamic7 Special Topic8 Existential9 Existential10 Existential11 Special Topic12 Special Topic27Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

Self-disclosureAlthough participation in training exercises is required for this unit, no grading is associated with theparticipation. Self-disclosure of personal material is under the control of the participant. The classwill be conducted in accordance with the APS Code of Ethics (2008) guideline on Privacy (A.4.b)Psychologists avoid undue invasion of privacy in collection of information. This includes, but is notlimited to:(a) Collecting only information relevant to the service being provided; and(b) Not requiring supervisees or trainees to disclose their personal information, unless selfdisclosureis a normal expectation of a given training procedure and informed consent hasbeen obtained from participants prior to training.All trainees in the Master of Psychology (Counselling) have been informed that self-disclosure is anormal expectation of some of the units in the course, both at the selection interview and in writtendocumentation. All trainees have signed a declaration indicating that they have given informedconsent upon enrolment in the course.Attendance and submission requirementsThree absences during the semester will require that the unit be repeated. The three absencesinclude absences due to illness. At the discretion of the lecturer, late attendance may be counted asan absence. Note that specified due dates and submission requirements may only be altered withthe consent of the majority of students.Assessment:1. Reading and participationComplete readings and participate in class discussions. You must be present for 80% of theunit. If you miss more than 2 sessions, for any reason, you will not pass the unit.2. Existential case formulation (20%)You will be given a case study and will be required to completei. A multimodal assessmentii. An existential case formulation (using a standardized format)3. Existential video (30%)a) Videotape 2 psychotherapy sessions with a client (45 minutes each) demonstratingthe existential model of psychotherapy. You may choose to submit either the first orsecond videotaped session for assessment purposes.b) Include a brief existential case formulation (no more than one page) andc) A one page summary of observations and reflections with (timed) notes referring tosignificant sections on the tape. Include notes from an observer (nature of observerwill be discussed in class)d) DSM-IV assessment (provisional)The sessions will demonstrate:i. Basic listening and focusing skillsii. Identification and clarification of major problems/issuesiii. Presentation of an existential formulation of the problem to the clientiv. Therapeutic interventions consistent with the existential modelThe process of choosing individuals to act as clients should be discussed withlecturers prior to beginning the process.4. CBT Case formulation (20%)You will be given a case study and will be required to complete28Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

PSYCHOLOGY 704: INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOTHERAPYUnit Index Numbers: 309529Tuition Pattern: Seminar/Workshop, 4 hours/weekCredit Points: 25Unit Requisites: Psychology 701Unit Coordinator Dr Jenny Thornton(9266 7087) Room: 401:310LecturerGill Stevens(9266 3027) Room: 401.339SyllabusThis course focuses on students‟ theoretical understanding and clinical skills at an advanced andapplied level. Students are exposed to some of the major theoretical systems, including existentialtherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The class work willinvolve role-playing and working with clients, videotaping, viewing of films and tapes, and didacticinput.Learning OutcomesOn completion of this unit students can:1. apply advanced knowledge of specified major theories of psychotherapy to specific clientproblems2. undertake an adequate model-specific case formulation3. assess their own performance as a therapist4. apply psychotherapy process skills and model-specific interventions5. integrate their personal style with specific psychotherapeutic techniques6. apply ethical principles in the practice of individual therapyUnit Outline1 CBT2 CBT3 CBT4 CBT5 Psychodynamic6 Psychodynamic7 Special Topic8 Existential9 Existential10 Existential11 Special Topic12 Special Topic27<strong>Curtin</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a trademark of <strong>Curtin</strong> <strong>University</strong> of Technology.CRICOS Provider Code 00301J (WA), 02637B (NSW)

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