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Provided - Keppel Offshore & Marine

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Strengthening friendships in NantongDawei, Secretary of the NantongMunicipal Party Committee, inNantong. During the call, Mr Chooexpressed his gratitude to Mr Dingfor his long-standing support, andthe two had an exchange on thelatest developments and progressin the Chinese city.Mr Ding Dawei (right), Secretary of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee, presented a photoalbum titled “Nantong 2012” to Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> Corporation and Chairmanof <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>, to mark the long-standing friendship between <strong>Keppel</strong> NantongShipyard and the Nantong Municipal governmentIn a gesture of friendship, Mr Dinghosted Mr Choo to a dinner andpresented him with a photoalbum titled “Nantong 2012”. Alsopresent at the dinner wereMr Huang Aijun, Vice Mayor of theNantong Municipal Government,Mr Qu Yongguo, Vice Secretary-General of the Nantong MunicipalGovernment, and Mr ZhouZhushan, Nantong Maritime SafetyBureau Chief.Separately, Mr Tong held adialogue session with Mr Dingduring his visit to Nantong on18 March 2013. Mr Tong alsoparticipated in a tree plantingceremony with <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantongvolunteers while inspecting theyard’s new facilities.Participating in a tree planting ceremony are (from left): Mr Cao Jinhai, Governor, NantongGangzha District; Mr Shen Hongxin, Party Secretary, Nantong Gangzha CCP; Mr Tong ChongHeong, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>; and Mr Edmund Lek, President of <strong>Keppel</strong> NantongShipyardMr Chow Yew Yuen, COO of<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, was also separatelyhosted to a yard visit led byMr Edmund Lek, President of<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong, on 21 March2013.To reaffirm the strong tiesand long standing partnershipbetween <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard(<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong) and the NantongMunicipal government, Mr ChooChiau Beng, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong>Corporation and Chairman of<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> (<strong>Keppel</strong>O&M), and Mr Tong Chong Heong,CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, called on theMunicipal government officialsduring their visits to the yard inMarch 2013.On 28 March 2013, Mr Choopaid a courtesy call on Mr DingThe meetings underscored<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s commitment todevelop <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong into aworld-class offshore yard throughenhanced facilities, improvementsin production processes, a growingtrack record, and strengthenedfriendships with the NantongMunicipal government.12<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

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