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Soaring on Super B<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS has secured a contractfrom Falcon Energy GroupLimited (Falcon Energy) throughits subsidiary, FTS Derricks, toconstruct a KFELS Super B Classjackup rig with delivery scheduledfor 3Q 2015.Mr Wong Kok Seng, MD (<strong>Offshore</strong>)of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>(<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M) and MD of <strong>Keppel</strong>FELS said, “Falcon Energy enteredthe offshore oil drilling businesswhen they ordered two jackuprigs from China in 2011. We aredelighted that Falcon Energyhas chosen the KFELS Super BClass design for their new highspecification jackup rig, which willbe built at our yard in Singapore.“So far this year, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS hasalready delivered six rigs ahead ofschedule, safely and on budget.With this new contract, we nowhave on order 21 KFELS B Class/Super B Class jackup rigs, whichis today the industry benchmarkfor premium jackup rigs. We lookforward to providing Falcon Energyand their partners with a premium,safe and efficient rig with onscheduledelivery.”Customised to Falcon Energy’srequirements, the KFELS Super BClass jackup rig is equipped witha high capacity hook load of twomillion pounds for operationsin high temperature and highpressure wells. Developedby <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s technologyarm, <strong>Offshore</strong> TechnologyDevelopment, the KFELS B Class/Super B Class jackup design<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS recently delivered two KFELS Super B Class jackup rigs ahead of schedule toTransocean. The yard has another 21 K FELS B Class/Super B Class jackup rigs on orderprovides maximum uptime withreduced emissions and discharges.This brings <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s neworders as at 15 April 2013 to$2.2 billion.A new customer to <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS,Falcon Energy is a leading player inthe regional offshore marine andoil and gas sectors. The company islisted on the Singapore Exchange.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 20133

Third delivery to Perforadora CentralReinforcing <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> &<strong>Marine</strong>’s (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M) strongrelationship with Mexicandrilling companies, <strong>Keppel</strong>AmFELS has delivered the jackuprig, Papaloapan, to Mexico’sPerforadora Central SA de CV(Perforadora Central).The rig was christened on11 April 2013 at <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELSin Brownsville, Texas by LadySponsor, Mrs Gabriela Jiménez deAlvarez Morphy, wife of Mr LuisAlvarez Morphy Camou, Directorof Perforadora Central.Papaloapan is the third jackup rigbuilt by <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS forPerforadora Central and is based onthe LeTourneau Super 116E design.Mr G.S. Tan, President and CEOof <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS, said, “We areglad to be able to deliver anotherhigh quality rig to PerforadoraCentral on time, on budget andin a safe manner. This is the thirdjackup rig we have delivered toPerforadora Central since 2004 andthe fourth rig is in good progresswith delivery in mid-2014. This is aresult of our close partnership withPerforadora Central and our strongengineering and project executionexpertise.”Papaloapan has been chartered byPEMEX, the Mexican national oilcompany, for work in offshoreMexico. <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS’ closeconnection to PEMEX includeshaving built two 220-menaccommodation modules forPEMEX in 2006 as well as repairingand servicing a total of 16 rigsthat have been chartered by PEMEXfrom other companies over the years.Mr Tan added, “<strong>Keppel</strong> hasdeveloped a strong partnershipwith Mexican companies. Besidesthe current rigs that we arebuilding for Perforadora Central,we are also going to repair ajackup rig for PEMEX soon.PEMEX’s demand for jackup rigsis expected to remain strongand <strong>Keppel</strong>’s Near Market, NearCustomer strategy has put us in agood position to benefit from it.”Mr Patricio Alvarez Morphy Camou,General Director of PerforadoraCentral said, “We are extremelyhappy with the job <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELShas done not only in deliveringthe previous two rigs for us, butalso in the excellent work done onPapaloapan. We have developeda great working relationship with<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS over the years,and can only look forward toaccomplishing other great projectstogether, starting with the workin-progressof our latest new buildjackup, Coatzacoalcos.”<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS previouslycompleted Tonala, an ultrapremium KFELS B Class jackupfor Perforadora Central in 2004,followed by Tuxpan, a LeTourneauS116E rig in 2010.Celebrating the christening of the rig are the teams from <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS and Perforadora Central;Mrs Gabriela Jiménez de Alvarez Morphy, Lady Sponsor (second from left); Javier Alvarez MorphyCamou, Director of Perforadora Central (third from left); G.S. Tan, President & CEO, <strong>Keppel</strong>AmFELS (fourth from left); Patricio Alvarez Morphy Orvañanos, Senior Vice President, PerforadoraCentral (fifth from left); Luis Alvarez Morphy Camou, Director of Perforadora Central (6th fromright); Patricio Alvarez Morphy Camou, Director of Perforadora Central (third from right); FranciscoLopez, Project Manager, Perforadora Central (second from right); Beto Sierra, Project Manager,<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS (far right)The yard’s current projectsinclude the construction of aLeTourneau Super 116E jackup rigfor Perforadora Central, which isscheduled for delivery in 2Q 2014and the major upgrade of thesemisubmersible rig, Ocean Onyx,for Diamond <strong>Offshore</strong>.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 20135

Brilliant feats at BrasFELSSeveral recent milestones wereachieved at BrasFELS, <strong>Keppel</strong><strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>’s (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M)yard at Angra dos Reis, Brazil,bearing testament to the yard’sengineering capabilities and abilityto innovate amidst challenges.Successful undockingNoble Roger Eason, the seconddrillship upgrade projectawarded by Noble Corporationto BrasFELS, was successfullyundocked on 6 March 2013.With detailed planning andseamless coordination, theundocking operation wascompleted safely. With thesuccessful undocking, the drillshipproceeded to the final phase ofintegration.Reflecting the strong teamwork between <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s yards, work on Noble Roger Eason wascarried out by <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS in Singapore and BrasFELS in Brazilexisting piping, deck steel platesand stiffeners, as well as columnblasting and painting.The scope of works for theupgrading project includes thefabrication and integration of thenew port and starboard sponsonblocks, a 36-men living quarterand a new bow thruster module.After fabricating these new blocksand modules, the vessel will thenbe lengthened by removing theold stern and replacing it with anew one. This process is known as“jumboisation”.Quest for moreSeparately, BrasFELS was awardeda contract by Diamond <strong>Offshore</strong>Netherlands B.V. (Diamond<strong>Offshore</strong>) to upgrade and repairthe semisubmersible (semi) rig,Ocean Quest. The semi arrived atBrasFELS yard on 5 January 2013,and remained at the yard foraround three months. The scopeof work included the renewal ofBrasFELS also integrated newowner-furnished living quartersaboard Ocean Quest, by lifting themodule onto the vessel.The lifting of the living quarters,which weighed a massive 240metric tonnes, was a challengingtask.Undeterred, BrasFELS came upwith a good solution. It transferredthe weight from the floatingcrane to strand jacks – mechanicaljacks capable of lifting veryheavy weights – to lift the livingquarters onto Ocean Quest. Withthis innovative workaround, theplanning and execution of thelifting operation – including thedesign and fabrication of thestrand jack foundation – wascompleted safely and smoothlywithin a compressed time frame of10 days.Despite the complex task of lifting the 240metric tonne living quarters onto the semiOcean Quest, the BrasFELS team was able tothink of an innovative solution and completethe lifting operation in just 10 daysMr Ryan Matre, Project Manager atDiamond <strong>Offshore</strong> said, “Despitethe challenge of lifting suchheavy loads, the entire liftingoperation went very smoothly. Wethank BrasFELS for planning andexecuting the operation withina condensed time frame and fortheir innovative solutions.”Works on the semi have completedand it departed from BrasFELS on17 April 2013.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 20137

Innovative solutions inThe Netherlands<strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme, <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong>& <strong>Marine</strong>’s yard in the Netherlands,has built its reputation for qualitydeliveries as well as an ability todevelop innovative solutions forcustomers.Recently, the yard and Palfinger,an Austrian company, jointlydeveloped a new technology forthe maintenance and modificationof jackup legs, which are oftendifficult to reach due to their highposition. Traditionally, the riglegs are accessed by industry ropeaccess techniques, or by buildingscaffolding towers.The new technology, known asthe JUMP (Jack-Up MaintenancePlatform) system, is an integratedsolution involving telescopiccranes, aerial platforms, andsupply and rescue platforms. Ithas proven to be a safe, reliableand efficient alternative to thetraditional methods of accessingrig legs. With a stable platform towork on, the JUMP system providesan added benefit of allowing workto be done even in poor weatherconditions, thereby reducingproject downtime.project schedule, traditionalmethods to access the jackup legs,requiring building time, were notfeasible.In response to this challenge,<strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme installed twoJUMP systems on the jackup.Each system allowed 10 qualifiedstructural fitters and welders towork together on the rig legs, andthis enabled the six-leg section tobe lifted off in just 15 days, or fivedays per leg section.In Singapore, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS iscurrently in discussion withPalfinger to bring the JUMP systemto its yards, and the technologycould be implemented fromMay 2013.Separately, <strong>Keppel</strong> Verolmesuccessfully conducted themaintenance and upgrading workson the heavy-lift vessel, MightyServant 1, for Dockwise. The vesselarrived at <strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme on4 April 2013 for the repositioningof existing buoyancy casingsand the installation of two newbuoyancy casings.The work was completed in just aweek, facilitated by the completionof prefabrication works on the twonew buoyancy casings before thevessel’s arrival at the yard.Following its redelivery toDockwise, the heavy-lift vessel wasused to transport Lucius project’struss spar from Finland to the Gulfof Mexico, with the truss sparfloated off the vessel upon itsarrival.The JUMP system was put underan extensive period of testingby <strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme beforebeing integrated into the yard’soperations.This innovative technology wasrecently applied to the yard’s workon Ezion Holding’s jackup rig,Prime Exerter. Due to a compressed<strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme utilised to good effect the JUMP system, a new technology jointly developedwith Austrian company Palfinger, to access and work on the rig legs of Ezion Holding’s jackupPrime Exerter<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 20139

Cutting edge pipelay operations<strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine has startedthe construction of the highspecificationdeepwater pipelayvessel – DLV2000 – for Hydro<strong>Marine</strong> Services, Inc., a subsidiaryof McDermott International, Inc(McDermott). The contract wassecured by <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarinetowards the end of 2012.Developed by <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong>& <strong>Marine</strong>’s <strong>Marine</strong> TechnologyDevelopment, the vessel isdesigned to support advancedpipelay operations, in whichpipelines are installed to depths ofup to 10,000 feet. It is also capableof achieving efficient pipelay ratesfor long trunklines, operating insevere weather conditions, andproviding significant thrust outputand power distribution.Signing the stage certificate to officially commence the construction of DLV2000 – a highspecification deepwater pipelay vessel built for McDermott – are (from left) Mr Seon-Gyu Kim,Surveyor at the American Bureau of Shipping, Mr Hoe Eng Hock, MD of <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine,Mr John A. MacPherson, Project Manager of McDermott, Mr Scott V. Cummins, Senior VicePresident and GM (Asia Pacific) of McDermott, and Mr Ben Goh, Project Manager of<strong>Keppel</strong> SingmarineTo mark the start of construction,the yard performed the cuttingof the first steel plate for thevessel at a strike steel ceremonyon 15 April 2013. Present at theceremony were Mr Hoe Eng Hock,MD of <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine, Mr TohKo Lin, ED of <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine,Mr Scott V. Cummins, SeniorVice President and GM (AsiaPacific) of McDermott, Mr JohnA. MacPherson, Project Managerof McDermott, Mr Seon-Gyu Kim,Surveyor, the American Bureauof Shipping (ABS), and projectteams from <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine andMcDermott.Participants at the ceremony alsowitnessed the signing of a stagecertificate to officiate the start ofconstruction of the vessel.The participants at the strike steel ceremony of DLV2000 witnessed the cutting of the vessel’s firststeel plateMr Hoe Eng Hock, MD of <strong>Keppel</strong>Singmarine said, “We are pleasedto commence the constructionphase of this high-specificationdeepwater pipelay vessel. Wewill work closely with McDermotttowards our common goal ofsuccessfully completing the vesselsafely, on time and within budget.With the support of all ourstakeholders, our project teamswill work hard towards a qualitydelivery.”10<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

Strengthening friendships in NantongDawei, Secretary of the NantongMunicipal Party Committee, inNantong. During the call, Mr Chooexpressed his gratitude to Mr Dingfor his long-standing support, andthe two had an exchange on thelatest developments and progressin the Chinese city.Mr Ding Dawei (right), Secretary of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee, presented a photoalbum titled “Nantong 2012” to Mr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> Corporation and Chairmanof <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>, to mark the long-standing friendship between <strong>Keppel</strong> NantongShipyard and the Nantong Municipal governmentIn a gesture of friendship, Mr Dinghosted Mr Choo to a dinner andpresented him with a photoalbum titled “Nantong 2012”. Alsopresent at the dinner wereMr Huang Aijun, Vice Mayor of theNantong Municipal Government,Mr Qu Yongguo, Vice Secretary-General of the Nantong MunicipalGovernment, and Mr ZhouZhushan, Nantong Maritime SafetyBureau Chief.Separately, Mr Tong held adialogue session with Mr Dingduring his visit to Nantong on18 March 2013. Mr Tong alsoparticipated in a tree plantingceremony with <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantongvolunteers while inspecting theyard’s new facilities.Participating in a tree planting ceremony are (from left): Mr Cao Jinhai, Governor, NantongGangzha District; Mr Shen Hongxin, Party Secretary, Nantong Gangzha CCP; Mr Tong ChongHeong, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>; and Mr Edmund Lek, President of <strong>Keppel</strong> NantongShipyardMr Chow Yew Yuen, COO of<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, was also separatelyhosted to a yard visit led byMr Edmund Lek, President of<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong, on 21 March2013.To reaffirm the strong tiesand long standing partnershipbetween <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard(<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong) and the NantongMunicipal government, Mr ChooChiau Beng, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong>Corporation and Chairman of<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> (<strong>Keppel</strong>O&M), and Mr Tong Chong Heong,CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, called on theMunicipal government officialsduring their visits to the yard inMarch 2013.On 28 March 2013, Mr Choopaid a courtesy call on Mr DingThe meetings underscored<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s commitment todevelop <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong into aworld-class offshore yard throughenhanced facilities, improvementsin production processes, a growingtrack record, and strengthenedfriendships with the NantongMunicipal government.12<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

Deepening bilateral tiesSingapore’s Minister of State forTrade and Industry Mr Teo Ser Luckand his delegation visited<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard (<strong>Keppel</strong>Nantong) on 25 April 2013 togain a better understanding of<strong>Keppel</strong>’s offshore and shipbuildingbusinesses in China.This was part of Mr Teo’s officialvisit to the Chinese cities ofNanjing and Nantong between24 and 26 April 2013, with the aimof deepening relations betweenSingapore and the two Chinesecities. The delegation comprisedofficials from the Ministry of Tradeand Industry and IE Singapore.Mr Teo’s visit to <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantongwas hosted by Mr Edmund Lek,President of <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong.Singapore’s Minister of State for Trade and Industry Mr Teo Ser Luck (fifth from right) andMr Ong Siew Gay (fourth from right), Singapore’s Consul-General in China, at <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantongwith Mr Edmund Lek (sixth from left), President of <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong, Mr Goh Toh Sim (third fromleft), Chief Representative (China), <strong>Keppel</strong> Corporation, Mr John Chua (fourth from left), GM ofAsian Lift, Mr Chen Yixing (fifth from left), Vice Mayor of Nantong Municipal Government, andother Gangzha government officialsMr Lek and his team briefedMr Teo on the yard’s track record,current and new projects beingundertaken at the yard, as well asthe development plans and growthstrategies of <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong.Mr Teo and his delegation werethen brought on a tour of theyard to have a close-up look at theoperations. Nantong governmentofficials led by Vice MayorMr Chen Yixing, and Singapore’sConsul-General in China, Mr OngSiew Gay, also joined in the visit.Driving safety across bordersAs part of ongoing efforts to alignsafety practices across the group’soverseas operations, <strong>Keppel</strong><strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>’s (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M)Health Safety & Environment (HSE)team conducted a safety workshopat <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard(<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong) which was heldbetween 9 and 11 April 2013.The workshop was organisedwith the aim of inculcating goodsafety practices among the yardmanagers, supervisors and juniorofficers at <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong.Mr Yong Chee Min, GM, HSE of<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, spoke on varioustopics including “Challenges ofbuilding a safety culture at <strong>Keppel</strong>Nantong”, “<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’s SafetyInitiatives” and “Alignment ofGood Safety Practices”.Findings from an inter-yard safetycross audit conducted at <strong>Keppel</strong>Nantong in March 2013 werealso shared at the workshop.This cross-business unit auditevaluated the maintenance ofmajor equipment and overallsafety culture of the yard. BrasFELSand <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine Brasil, twoother <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M overseas yards,participated in the cross auditprogramme earlier in the year.Mr Edmund Lek, President of<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard, said,“At <strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong, we arecommitted to achieve a strongsafety culture and an incident-freeworkplace. We are glad to haveMr Yong Chee Min sharehis valuable insights with uswhich inspires us to strive forhigher safety standards in ouroperations.”<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201313

Marking safety excellence<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> (<strong>Keppel</strong>O&M), as part of the <strong>Keppel</strong> Group,contributed to several milestonesin the Group’s continuing effortsto uphold best safety practices inits operations and to raise safetystandards in the industry.COMMITED TO bizSAFEFor the fifth consecutive year,the <strong>Keppel</strong> Group sponsored theannual bizSAFE Convention heldon 22 February 2013 and organisedby the Workplace Safety andHealth (WSH) Council.Seven companies under the <strong>Keppel</strong>Group are bizSAFE Partners, ofwhich three, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS, <strong>Keppel</strong>Shipyard and <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine,are subsidiaries of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M.As bizSAFE Partners, the companiesparticipate actively in the safetyinitiatives of the WSH Council suchas the implementation of risk andWSH management systems toreduce injuries and illnesses. Thishelps to lower the cost associatedwith such incidents and also allowthe companies to better assessthe WSH performance of itscontractors, suppliers and tenants.Within the <strong>Keppel</strong> Group,<strong>Keppel</strong> Land has attained thehighest recognition possible fora bizSAFE status – Mentor. ThebizSAFE Mentor is accorded tocompanies that have consistentlyshown exemplary leadershipin WSH management andperformance, and share theirpractices with other small andmedium enterprises participatingin the bizSAFE Programme.Mr John Birchall, Group SafetyCoordinator for <strong>Keppel</strong> andDirector of Safety & Healthfor <strong>Keppel</strong> Land, spoke at theconvention on the topic of “ThebizSAFE Mentor and Industry” andencouraged other companies tostrive for the mentor status.DOUBLING UP ON SAFETYAs <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS targets to deliveran unprecedented 20 rigs in 2013,the yard is focused on ensuringthat every project is delivered ontime and with an excellent safetyrecord.The two jackup rigs being built forArabian Drilling Company (ADC),ARABDRILL 50 and ARABDRILL 60,achieved 2.5 million and 1 millionsafe man-hours respectively.A double celebration washeld on 26 February 2013 withMr Mohamed Yusof Rafie,Chairman of the Board fromADC and Mr Tong Chong Heong,CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M joining theproject teams in commemoratingthe milestone. ADC awarded the<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS and Arab Drilling Company celebrate their strong partnership and the excellent safety performance on the two jackup rigs,ARABDRILL 50 and ARABDRILL 6014<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard and Bumi Armada jointly celebrate the achievement of one million safe man-hours on FPSO Armada Claire<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS team a safety bonus ofUS$10,000 in appreciation of theirperformance.On 28 February 2013, MaerskDrilling presented <strong>Keppel</strong> FELSwith a safety bonus of US$30,000for achieving 2 million safeman-hours on the construction ofthe CJ70 jackup rig, B332.Celebrating the occasion were theproject teams and senior officers,Mr Frederik Smidth, Chief TechnicalOfficer from Maersk Drillingand Mr Wong Fook Seng, ED(Operations) of <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS.Mr Wong Fook Seng said, “Theseachievements are a result ofthe strong vigilance and closeteam work by the project teamsinvolved. We have built up a strongunderstanding with our customerson the shared vision of safety as acore value.“Across the yards, we havecultivated a strong safety mindseton all our projects. We havevarious initiatives to keep safety atthe forefront of every process andspecial attention and educationhave been given to the HighImpact Risk Activities.”CROSSING SAFETY MILESTONES<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard recently markedsafety milestones on three majorprojects.The yard achieved one million safeman-hours on its latest FloatingProduction Storage Offloading(FPSO) collaboration, the FPSOArmada Claire, with its long timecustomer Bumi Armada Berhad.The partners celebrated thissignificant record for the projecton 14 March 2013. Works on theFPSO is expected to complete infourth quarter of this year.Meanwhile, on 8 March 2013,700,000 incident-free man-hourswere clocked on a Floating Storageand Offloading (FSO) projectbetween <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard andPerenco Group, FSO Mayumba.This project is scheduled tocomplete in the second quarterof 2013, following which it willbe stationed in the Lucina field,offshore Gabon.<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard receivedUS$15,000 and $10,000 in safetybonuses for its good performanceon FPSO Armada Claire andFSO Mayumba respectively.In addition, project teamsfrom <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard andEMAS <strong>Offshore</strong> Constructionand Production Pte Ltd cametogether on 26 March 2013 tomark 500,000 safe man-hoursachieved on an FPSO project – theFPSO Arunothai is undergoingmodification and upgradingworks at <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard andis expected to complete in thesecond quarter of 2013.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201315

TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATIONWeld done<strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine continues to enhance its operationalproductivity through automation and mechanisation.A robotic welding machineis giving a boost to <strong>Keppel</strong>Singmarine’s productivity.Compared to when pipe spools arefabricated manually, the use of thismachine helps to reduce theman-hours needed by 25%.The adoption of this machine in2012 resulted from a study done bya team of engineers from <strong>Keppel</strong>Singmarine over the previous year.As part of the study, the teamvisited Kranendonk, a specialistin robotics for the offshore andmarine industry in Holland.The robotic welding machineis able to fabricate four to fivestraight pipe spools – measuringone inch to 10 inches in diameters– in an hour. The machine onlyrequires one operator.<strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine is in the process of incorporating robotic applications to its steelcutting and fabrication processesIntegrated with the ComputerNumerical Control (CNC) bendingmachine, straight pipe spoolswelded by the robotic weldingmachine can be bent readily. Thisreduces usage of elbows in pipespools fabrication, hence reducingman-hours used for production.As part of <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine’squest for continuous productivityimprovements to its operations,the company is also in the processof incorporating more roboticapplications to its steel cuttingand fabrication processes. Theseenhancements are expected tobring about a 14% reduction inman-hours per annum.The robotic welding machine at <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine uses 25% less man-hours comparedto the manual fabrication of pipe spools16<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATIONProcess for welding of flangesThe pipe spools fabricationprocess begins with theoperator selecting the desiredspools to fabricate. He willthen programme the machineto import the relevant datafiles from the engineeringdepartment through a sharednetwork drive. Subsequently,the machine is activated forfabrication.Once activated, the roboticwelding machine will start topick up the flanges from thematerial rack and align them tothe pipe using a vision cameraand an 8-point position sensor.Once the alignment is done,the flanges will be fitted andtacked to the pipe using thetwo arms of the machine.Finally, the flanges are weldedto the pipe using all fourrobotic arms simultaneously.1. During the pipe spool fabrication process,the operator selects the desired spool tofabricate and imports relevant data files tothe machine to activate it for the productionjob2. Robotic arms pick up flanges from thematerial rack3. The flanges are aligned to the pipe using a vision camera (left) and an 8-point positionsensor (right)4. The flanges are then fitted and tacked to thepipe using two of the robotic arms5. Finally, the flanges are welded to the pipeusing all four robotic arms simultaneously<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201317

CENTRESPREADGovernment and industry officials, offshore and marine representatives, as well as media and analysts converged at the <strong>Keppel</strong>-sponsoredSea Asia 2013 reception, held on the evening of 9 April 2013Staying on the pulseRepresentatives from companiesand industry bodies were invited toexplore pertinent maritime issuesat Sea Asia 2013’s conferences.Amongst them was Mr Chow YewYuen, COO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, apanelist of the <strong>Offshore</strong> session, aplatform to discuss the current andfuture prospects of the offshoreand marine sector in Asia.At the forum, Mr Chow reiterated,“The long term fundamentals ofthe offshore and marine industryare expected to stay intact. Thisis underpinned by the increasingdemand for energy from arapidly growing middle class aswell as increased urbanisation indeveloping countries.”Mr Chow further shared thatto sustain its growth into thefuture, <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M will continueto enhance its businesses andsolutions in line with evolvingindustry requirements.Some of the key market trendshighlighted by Mr Chow includedthe growing demand for newer,higher-specification rigs, whichboast strong safety and efficiencyfeatures. Such preferences, henoted, further strengthened withthe Macondo incident. In addition,he pointed out that despite therecord number of rig deliveriesthis year, industry reports pointto a substantial shortage of suchoffshore rigs in the market.Another notable market trendMr Chow shared on is theacceleration of exploration andproduction (E&P) activities intomore challenging environments.Deepwater regions such as Brazil,West Africa and Gulf of Mexico,and harsh environments such asthe North Sea and Arctic regionshave seen growing E&P activities.Continues on page 20...<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201319

CENTRESPREADContinued from page 19...Mr Chow also elaborated on therising demand for local content inoffshore and marine solutions ascountries with significant oil andgas resources seek to capture moreeconomic value from these assetsfor their domestic economies.Touching on the hot topic of shalegas, Mr Chow stated that it wouldbe a “game changer” for theenergy industry in the longer term.At the moment, the technologiesand infrastructure to extract andexport shale gas are limited.Addressing the issue ofcompetition from China and Korea,Mr Chow acknowledges that yardsfrom the two countries are movinginto the rigbuilding market, andthat the Chinese in particular areable to offer competitive pricesand financial terms for theirservices. In response to the risingcompetition, <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M willcontinue to focus on deliveringvalue-added services and providerobust, market-relevant solutionsas well as optimise its operationsand raise its productivity.Joining Mr Chow in sharing atthe <strong>Offshore</strong> session was keynotespeaker Mr Noboru Ueda,Chairman & President of ClassNK,and panelists Mr Paul Aston,Managing Partner of HolmanFenwick Willan Singapore LLP,Mr Lionel Lee, Group MD, EzraHoldings, Mr Kenneth Richardson,VP, Energy Development, ABSand Professor Martin Stopford,President of Clarkson ResearchServices Ltd. Mr Matt Frei,journalist and broadcaster with ITNLondon, moderated the session.Sharing on shipyardtechnologiesDr Basil Lui, Corporate andTechnology Manager, <strong>Keppel</strong><strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> TechnologyCentre (KOMtech), representedthe group at the Technology @Shipyards forum.Dr Lui introduced <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M’sresearch and development(R&D) and technology units andtechnology strategy. He explainedthat technology foresight,knowledge management andinnovation are critical to thegroup’s growth as a technologyfocusedcompany.Soon after KOMtech was formed in2007, a technology foresight groupwas started so that <strong>Keppel</strong> O&Mcould more deeply understand thepreferences and requirements ofits customers, Dr Lui elaborated.Regarding the group’s knowledgemanagement and innovationinitiatives, Dr Lui shared that<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M encourages its peopleto actively participate in in-houseand external discussion platformsto broaden their perspectives andget feedback for their ideas.The group’s concerted efforts tobetter understand its customersas well as engage in R&D andinnovation has borne fruit. Today,the group possesses a range ofproprietary solutions which enjoywide market-acceptance.Mr Chow Yew Yuen (third from left), COO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, shared his thoughts on the outlook of the industry at Sea Asia’s <strong>Offshore</strong> talk, which wasmoderated by Mr Matt Frei (left), journalist and broadcaster with ITN London. Other panelists include (second from L-R) Mr Paul Aston, ManagingPartner of Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore LLP, Mr Lionel Lee, Group MD, Ezra Holdings, Mr Kenneth Richardson, VP, Energy Development, ABS, andProfessor Martin Stopford, President of Clarkson Research Services20<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

Accolade in innovationMr Aziz Merchant (right), ED of Deepwater Technology Group, receiving the Outstanding Maritime Research & Development and Technology Awardon behalf of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> Technology Centre, from Mr Lui Tuck Yew (left), Minister for Transport, at the Singapore InternationalMaritime Awards 2013For its achievements in developinginnovative solutions for theoffshore and marine sector,<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>Technology Centre (KOMtech) wasrecognised at the 2013 SingaporeInternational Maritime Awards(IMA) .The R&D arm of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong>& <strong>Marine</strong> (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M) wasawarded the OutstandingMaritime Research & Developmentand Technology Award for itscontributions to the developmentof feasible solutions in deepwaterdrilling and production. Mr AzizMerchant, ED of DeepwaterTechnology Group, received theaward on behalf of KOMtech.Specifically, KOMtech receivedthis accolade for its design of theExtendable Draft Semisubmersible,or E-Semi, which is a specialisedfloating production system thatprovides alternative and viablesemisubmersible solutions for drytree applications.Comprising a second tier pontoonconnected to a conventionalsemisubmersible, the E-Semi usesextended columns to reduceheaving motion. This allows forthe application of dry treesolutions, which require lowermaintenance and operatingexpenses, and easier wellintervention and reservoir accesscompared to a traditional wet treesolution.“We are pleased to be given thisprestigious recognition from theMaritime and Port Authority ofSingapore (MPA) for our researchwork on the E-Semi. This is abreakthrough development fromKOMtech which will contributesignificantly to the futurelandscape of deepwater drillingand production,” commentedMr Aziz.Present at the event wereMr Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of<strong>Keppel</strong> Corporation and Chairmanof <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, Mr Tong ChongHeong, CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M,Mr Chow Yew Yuen, COO of<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M, as well as seniormanagement of KOMtech.Held this year on 11 April at theShangri-La Hotel, the biennialawards ceremony honoursindividuals and companies fortheir outstanding contributionsto Singapore’s development as apremier global hub port and aninternational maritime centre. Theevent, organised by the MaritimePort Authority of Singapore,was held in conjunction with theeighth Singapore Maritime Week.It featured 10 award categoriesspanning areas such as offshore &marine engineering and trainingdevelopment.22<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

President Tony Tan took a tour of the exhibition panels on <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>’s (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M) history (left) and met with the beneficiariesfrom Children-At-Risk Empowerment Association (CARE) and Teen Challenge (right) who were thrilled to meet the President and tour the yard at<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M<strong>Keppel</strong> Corporation also pledged5,000 hours of communityservice in Singapore. <strong>Keppel</strong>Young Leaders will also assistsocial enterprises nominated forthe President Challenge’s SocialEnterprise Award.On <strong>Keppel</strong>’s contributions,President Tan said, “<strong>Keppel</strong>Corporation has chosen tocelebrate its 45th anniversary bygiving back to society. I knowthat its contribution will bringrelief, support and hope to manySingaporeans. I am also optimisticthat <strong>Keppel</strong> and its employees willderive meaning and fulfillmentfrom their involvement. I hopethat more corporations will besimilarly inspired to give back tothe community.”Mr Choo Chiau Beng, Chairman of<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M and CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong>Corporation, said, “As President’sChallenge has gone beyond thegiving of money to the giving oftime and the imparting of skillsto the disadvantaged, <strong>Keppel</strong> islikewise doing the same forworthy causes.“At <strong>Keppel</strong>, employees areencouraged to care for thewell-being of others, especiallythe less fortunate in society.Furthering our commitment tovolunteerism, we will pledge 5,000hours to community service inSingapore this year. Beyond ourshores, our people in operationsaround the world will also bestepping up their communityoutreach activities, and we willshare their stories in due course.”Amongst guests witnessing thecheque presentation at the <strong>Keppel</strong>yard was Mr Chan Chun Sing,Acting Minister for Social andFamily Development and SeniorMinister of State for Defence;members of President’s ChallengeSteering Committee as well asbeneficiaries from Children-At-RiskEmpowerment Association (CARE)and Teen Challenge.On supporting social enterprises,President Tan said, “This year, wewill go beyond just recognisingthe social enterprises and thepeople behind them. We willcreate opportunities for the awardwinners to draw from the expertiseand experience of industry leadersthrough mentorship and businessadvisory programmes, to providesupport for the social enterprisesto continue to grow and remainsuccessful in their mission.”On <strong>Keppel</strong>’s support to socialenterprises, Mr Choo said, ”Werecognise that more concertedefforts should be made to help thenascent social enterprise sector inSingapore develop its capabilities,build robust networks, and betterachieve its social missions.Continues on page 28...<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201327

Partnership in work and playThe management of <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS and their subcontractors celebrate a win-win partnershipSubcontractors play an importantrole in <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS’ success andover the years, the yard hasforged close relationships withthem based on mutual supportand understanding. The strongpartnerships formed with thesubcontractors have helped toensure smooth and safe workprocesses at <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS, enablingthe yard to meet its recorddeliveries this year.Such strong ties were reinforcedat the <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS SubcontractorsExecutive Council’s inauguralAnnual Dinner held on 14 March2013. The Council, which wasformed in 2008, represents over150 subcontractors.At the event, Mr Tong ChongHeong, CEO, of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong>& <strong>Marine</strong>, paid tribute to thesubcontractors for their dedicationto <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS’ projects. He notedthat with the volatile globaleconomy, increased equipmentcosts and reduced foreign workerquota in Singapore, companieswould need to significantlyincrease productivity throughinnovation and training. He sharedthat <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS would extendits support to subcontractors interms of productivity training andadvisory services, so that together,we can meet the challenges ahead.The message was well-receivedby the subcontractors who pledgedto work hand in hand with<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS. Following thespeeches, it was a night ofmerriment with games andperformances, bringing theparticipants closer together notjust in work, but also in play.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201329

Guiding younger generationEver ready to share his knowledgeand industry experience toguide the future of Singapore’sengineering community, Mr SeowTian Keng, Senior Manager(Production) at <strong>Keppel</strong> FELSparticipated as a panelist at thePSB Academy’s Industry Nite 2013held on 14 March 2013 for theacademy’s students.The panel, which discussedstrategies for new graduates’ jobsearches, comprised representativesfrom engineering, finance,marketing and human resources.Mr Seow represented theengineering sector and sharedwith the students what <strong>Keppel</strong>looks out for in its search fortalent. The panel also providedinsights into the knowledge, skillsMr Seow Tian Keng, Senior Manager (Production) at <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS (second from left) sharing hisindustry experience at the PSB Academy’s Industry Nite 2013 held on 14 March for the academy’sgraduating students.and competencies necessary for asuccessful career in their respectiveindustries and job functions.Following the panel discussion,PSB Academy students had theopportunity to interact withMr Seow and other industryprofessionals during a speednetworking session, to gleandeeper insights into the workingcommunity.The PSB Academy, a corporatisedspin-off from the former SingaporeProductivity and Standards Board,is a private education institutionin Singapore that offers a suite ofcertificates, diplomas, and degreeprogrammes.Rewarding excellenceThe <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Multi-Purpose Co-Operative Society Ltd (<strong>Keppel</strong> FELSCo-Op) held its 4th Bursary Awardsand Education Grant PresentationCeremony at the <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong>& <strong>Marine</strong> (<strong>Keppel</strong> O&M) Tower,Multi-Purpose Hall, on16 March 2013.The <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Co-Op bursaryawards aims to recognise andreward members’ children whohave achieved excellent academicperformance and displayed goodconduct in school. The <strong>Keppel</strong> FELSCo-Op also offers education grantsto Co-Op members who requirefinancial assistance for theirchildren’s education.The ceremony saw a total of 50children receiving the awards.Presenting the awards at this year’sceremony was Mr Wong FookSeng, ED (Operations) of <strong>Keppel</strong>FELS and Chairman of <strong>Keppel</strong> FELSCo-Op, and Mr Ng Seng Chong,Assistant Shipyard Manager at<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS and Chairman of the<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Co-Op Bursary.Each year, applications for thebursary awards are open toCo-Op members whose childrenare currently pursuing studiesin a recognised local educationinstitution or university.A total of 50 children received the bursaryawards at the presentation ceremony heldat the <strong>Keppel</strong> O&M Tower on 16 March 201330<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

Galloping good timePicking a winning race horse ismore than just luck. You needgood research into understandingthe track record of the horse,its strengths, the jockey, as wellas other factors for a calculatedprediction – not unlike choosingthe right yard to build quality rigs.<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS’ customers coulddraw the comparison whenthey exchanged tips during theSundowner event at the TurfClub on 22 March 2013. Over 30customers and representativesfrom <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS gathered at anexclusive VIP room to watch thehorse racing and exchange racingtips. It was an enjoyable night ofbuilding camaraderie.Held several times a year,Sundowner provides a goodplatform for <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS and theircustomers to foster relationships insocial settings away from the yard.<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS and its customers and partners enjoying themselves at the races during the Sundowner event in March 2013<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201331

For the love of heritageMr Aziz Merchant, ED of <strong>Keppel</strong><strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> TechnologyCentre (Deepwater), DeepwaterTechnology Group and <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS(Engineering), and his wife,Dr Reshma Merchant, SeniorConsultant & Head, GeneralMedicine at the National UniversityHospital and Assistant Professor atthe National University of SingaporeMedical School, are ‘lifelong loversof antiques’. They both developedand shared this passion since theiruniversity days in the UK.Their love for history and heritagewas captured in a Business TimesExecutive Lifestyle article publishedrecently on 13 April 2013, whichhighlighted the Merchants as keenantique appreciators who are alsostrong supporters of the AsianCivilisation Museum (ACM)in Singapore.While the Merchants’ interest inantiques started when they werein university, what ignited theirstaunch support of the ACM wasnone other than their 10-yearolddaughter Farah. Farah hadreturned one day from a two-hourvisit to the ACM and raved aboutthe visit.Dr Merchant recalled, “Farahwas very excited about whatshe had seen and couldn’t stoptalking about it. Aziz and Ibecame convinced that if twohours at the museum can instillsuch a passion for heritage andhistory in our daughter, imaginethe multiplier effect it wouldhave if more children got to seethese extraordinary antiques andartifacts from the past.”At the time, the couple had justmade a substantial donationto the ACM to help mount theTreasures of the Aga Khan Museumexhibition, a collection of Islamicart belonging to Prince Karim AgaKhan IV. However, the exhibitionwas not a permanent fixture at theACM and was later movedto Canada.The Merchants then sought tomake another donation thatwould become part of themuseum’s permanent collection.They eventually decided onan intricately carved 17thcentury Mughal cabinet madeof rosewood, ebony and ivory.The cabinet purchased by theMerchants is likely to have beenmade at the Mughal court in Agra,India, and is similar to what ShahJahan Agra had in the Taj Mahal.Mr Merchant said, “Singapore is amulticultural society with a lot ofexchanges and learning betweenthe different races and religions,and we find that the museum is thebest place to spread that philosophyof learning and exchange.”By displaying the rare antiquecabinet in the museum, the couplehopes that their contribution willhave a positive and lasting impacton future generations, providingthem with a visual record ofculture and history to enhancetheir learning experience beyondthe classroom.Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam (centre, in grey suit) expressingthanks to Mr Aziz Merchant (second from right) and his wife, DrReshma Merchant (right) at the National Heritage Board Gala Dinneron 15 March 2013, for their contributions towards the Asian CivilisationMuseum in SingaporeEager to promote multicultural exchanges and learning between thedifferent races and religions in Singapore, the Merchants purchasedand donated an intricately carved 17th century Mughal cabinet made ofrosewood, ebony and ivory to the Asian Civilisation Museum32<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

Benefitting BrownsvilleIn a show of continued support forhigher education in Brownsville,Texas, <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS contributedUS$50,000 to the Universityof Texas at Brownsville (UTB),adding to the existing <strong>Keppel</strong>AmFELS Endowed Scholarship,a collaborative effort between<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS and UTB.Mr Tan Geok Seng, President andCEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS presentedthe cheque to Dr Juliet V. Garcia,President of UTB at a ceremony on9 April 2013.Commending <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELSinvolvement in the localcommunity, Dr Garcia shared,“<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS is just the kind ofbusiness every community wishedthey had. In addition to providingemployees with good jobs, theyhave been funding scholarships atour university for many years.”Mr Tan Geok Seng (second from right), President and CEO of <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS, presented thecheque to Dr Alan Artibise (third from left), UTB Provost and Dr Juliet V. Garcia (third from right),UTB President. Joining them were scholarship recipient Phong Nguyen (fourth from right) andother representatives from <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS and UTBMr Tan said, “<strong>Keppel</strong> believesin giving back to communitieswherever we operate. Throughthis scholarship, we are committedto invest in shaping the lives andbuilding a skilled workforce. I amproud that <strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS is along-standing supporter of UTB.”Phong Nguyen, a mathematicsstudent en route to his Bachelorand Master degrees on anaccelerated schedule, is one of thebeneficiaries of the scholarship. Heshared, “I am especially grateful to<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS for this scholarship,which has helped fund the coursesI took last summer. I plan to applyfor the scholarship again nextsemester.”Formula for speedAlways keen to give a boostto Singapore’s engineeringcommunity, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS was aPlatinum Sponsor of the NationalUniversity of Singapore’s (NUS)Formula Society of AutomotiveEngineers (FSAE) team, in theireffort to design and build aFormula One-style race car fromscratch. With the successfulcompletion of the race car, theproject team is ready to competein the annual FSAE competition, anengineering-design competitionorganised by the Society ofAutomotive Engineers and heldevery May in Michigan in the US.Through such involvement withNUS, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS gains access to agroup of top engineering studentsin Singapore. Tan Heng Lee and NahZhong Hui were former membersof the NUS FSAE team who joinedthe <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS family in 2008.Today, Heng Lee and Zhong Huiare Project Superintendents at<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS. Following in theirfootsteps are former FSAE teammembers Joshua Lim and AlvinChia, who joined <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS in2012 as graduate engineers.The 2013 edition of the NUS FSAERace Car proudly sports the <strong>Keppel</strong>FELS logo, and was launched on22 March 2013. The car will beheading to Michigan for the FSAEcompetition from 8 to 11 May2013, where it will compete againstother cars built by teams from 120universities around the world.<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201333

Winning eyeImpactful images taken at <strong>Keppel</strong><strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>’s yards havewon photographer Stefen Chowinternational accolades.In late 2012, Stefen was namedwinner of the AmericanIllustration-American Photography(AI-AP) Latin Americanphotography competition forphotos he took at BrasFELS,<strong>Keppel</strong>’s facility at Angra dos Reis,Brazil.Juxtaposing BrasFELS’ workerswith the massive equipment andbuilding materials that are usedto construct or repair vessels,Stefen conveyed through theseimages the sheer scale of offshoreand marine projects. His imagesalso depict the yard’s workersgoing about their daily work,portraying the dedication of theseunassuming men in their complexundertakings.Stefen said, “I have workedwith <strong>Keppel</strong> for five years andmy experience with the Grouphas been an eye-opening andhumbling experience. I witnessedfor myself <strong>Keppel</strong>’s relentlessCan-Do! spirit. I have also learntthat people at <strong>Keppel</strong>’s yards workvery hard and meet challengeswith passion, integrity andfortitude.“Through my projects with<strong>Keppel</strong>, I have been providedwith opportunities to meet manyunsung heroes of the offshore andmarine industry. I am grateful tohave been privy to their lives andgiven the opportunity to sharetheir unique stories.”Stefen’s award-winning pictureswere not just limited to those hetook of BrasFELS – his picturesof <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard won theInternational Photo Awards(Los Angeles) in 2008 andPhotographie de la Paris (Paris)in 2012.Juxtaposing BrasFELS’ workers with the massive equipment and building materials that are used to construct or repair vessels,award-winning photographer Stefen Chow conveyed the sheer scale of offshore and marine projects34<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

GLOBAL NETWORK<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> Ltd(Head Office)50 Gul Road Singapore 629351Tel: 65 6863 7200Fax: 65 6261 7719www.keppelom.comSINGAPORE<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Ltd(Pioneer Yard 1 – Head Office)50 Gul Road Singapore 629351(Pioneer Yard 2)55 Gul Road Singapore 629353(Shipyard Road)31 Shipyard Road Singapore 628130(Crescent Yard)60 Shipyard Road Singapore 628131Tel: 65 6863 7200Fax: 65 6261 7719www.keppelfels.comEmail: marketing@keppelfels.comContact Persons: Wong Kok Seng, Managing DirectorAziz Amirali Merchant, Executive Director (Engineering)Keith Teo, General Manager (Marketing)<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard Ltd(Tuas Yard – Head office)51 Pioneer Sector 1 Singapore 628437Tel: 65 6861 4141Fax: 65 6861 7767(Benoi Yard)15 Benoi Road Singapore 629888Tel: 65 6861 6622Fax: 65 6861 4393(Gul Yard)55 Gul Road Singapore 629353Tel: 65 6861 3007Fax: 65 6862 3645/7www.keppelshipyard.comEmail: ks@keppelshipyard.comContact Persons: Chor How Jat, Managing DirectorLouis Chow, Senior General Manager (Commercial)Mah Chan Wah, General Manager (Commercial – Shiprepair)<strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine Pte Ltd15 Benoi Road Singapore 629888Tel: 65 6861 6622Fax: 65 6862 1792www.keppelsingmarine.comEmail: singmarine@keppelsingmarine.comContact Persons: Hoe Eng Hock, Managing DirectorPoon Tai Lum, General Manager (Commercial/Marketing)<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> Technology Centre (KOMtech) Pte Ltd31 Shipyard Road Singapore 628130Tel: 65 6591 5450Fax: 65 6265 9513Email: KOMtech@keppelom.comContact: Dr Foo Kok Seng, Executive Director(Shallow Water Technology)Aziz Amirali Merchant, Executive Director (DeepwaterTechnology)<strong>Offshore</strong> Technology Development Pte Ltd55 Gul Road Singapore 629353Tel: 65 6863 7409Fax: 65 6862 3465Email: felsotd@pacific.net.sgContact Person: Dr Foo Kok Seng, Executive DirectorDeepwater Technology Group Pte Ltd50 Gul Road Singapore 629351Tel: 65 6863 7163Fax: 65 6863 1739Email: aziz.merchant@keppelfels.comContact Person: Aziz Amirali Merchant, Executive DirectorEmail: anis.hussain@keppelfels.comContact Person: Anis Altaf Hussain, General Manager<strong>Marine</strong> Technology Development Pte Ltd15 Benoi Road Singapore 629888Tel: 65 6860 2858Fax: 65 6862 2562Email: chenghui.tan@keppelsingmarine.comContact Person: Tan Cheng Hui, Senior General ManagerAsian Lift Pte Ltd23 Gul Road Singapore 629356Tel: 65 6668 4222Fax: 65 6668 4333Email: asianlift@asianlift.com.sgContact Person: John Chua, General Manager<strong>Keppel</strong> Smit Towage Pte Ltd23 Gul Road Singapore 629356Tel: 65 6668 4222Fax: 65 6897 8056Email: kst@keppelsmit.com.sgContact Person: Ben Chew, General Manager (Regional)Jerry Wong, General Manager (Singapore)AUSTRALIA<strong>Keppel</strong> Prince Engineering Pte LtdLevel 2, Riverside Quay, 1 Southbank Boulevard,Southbank, Vic 3006, AustraliaTel: 613 9982 4589Fax: 613 9551 0624Email: cchiam@ozemail.com.auContact Person: Charles Chiam, DirectorAZERBAIJANCaspian Shipyard Company LtdSouth Bay, KMNF Basin, Baku AZ1023, AzerbaijanTel: 994 12 449 9930Fax: 994 12 449 9931Email: csc@csc.azContact Person: Chandru Sirumal Rajwani, PresidentBRAZIL<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Brasil SARua da Quitanda, No. 86, Sala 301,Centro CEP 20091-005Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilTel: 55 21 2102 9400Fax: 55 21 2102 9425Estaleiro BrasFELS ltdaAv. Conde Mauricio de Nassau, S/n - Jacuecanga23914 - 460 - Angra dos Reis, RJ, BrasilTel: +55 24 3361 6000Fax: +55 24 3361 6258www.kfelsbrasil.com.brEmail: kaichoong.kwok@keppelfels.comContact Person: Kwok Kai Choong, President & CEO<strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine Brasil LtdaRua Prefeito Manoel Evaldo Muller, 3388,Bairro Volta Grande, Navegantes, Santa Catarina,Brasil. CEP88-375-000Tel: 55 47 3342 6460Fax: 55 47 3405 0170Email: Chongkee.tan@keppelsingmarine.comContact Person: Tan Chong Kee, General ManagerBULGARIA<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Baltech Ltd54 Debar Street, Varna 9000, BulgariaTel: 359 52 684 250Fax: 359 52 684 252 (Admin)Email: office@fels.bgContact Person: Lyudmil Stoev, General ManagerCHINA/HONG KONG<strong>Keppel</strong> Nantong Shipyard Co. LtdNo. 9 Yan Jiang Road, Nantong City, Jiangsu ProvinceP.R. China 226005Tel: 86 513 8530 0000Fax: 86 513 8530 0007Email: edmund.lek@keppelnantong.cnContact Person: Edmund Lek, President<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS Engineering Shenzhen Co. Ltd3th Floor, Chiwan Petroleum BuildingChiwan Road No. 5, P.R. China 518068Tel: 86 755 26851902, 86 755 26851959,65 68637215 (Singapore Contact)Fax: 86 755 26851670Email(China): jongheng.ho@kfelsshenzhen.comEmail (Singapore): jongheng.ho@keppelfels.comContact Person: Ho Jong Heng, General ManagerINDIA<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS <strong>Offshore</strong> and Engineering Services MumbaiPte LtdUnit 3&4, 8th Floor, Prism Tower-A, Mindspace,Link Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai 400 062, IndiaTel: 91 22 4001 8888Fax: 91 22 4001 8898E-mail: kabeer.syedahamed@keppelfels.comContact Person: Syed Ahamed Kabeer, General ManagerIndonesiaPT Bintan <strong>Offshore</strong>Jalan Nusantara KM 23, Kecamatan Bintan Timur,Kabupaten Bintan, Propinsi Kepulauan Riau, IndonesiaTel: 62 771 462 800Fax: 62 771 462 575Email: yauchai.nam@keppelfels.comContact person: Nam Yau Chai, General ManagerJapanRegency Steel Japan Ltd46-59 Nakabaru, Tobata-kuKitakyushu, Fukuoka 804-8505 JapanTel: 81 93 861 3103Fax: 81 93 861 3114Email: ws.chong@r-sj.comContact Person: Wong Chun Yu, PresidentKAZAKHSTAN<strong>Keppel</strong> Kazakhstan LLPSEZ “Seaport Aktau”, Aktau 130001, Mangystau RegionRepublic of KazakhstanTel: 7 7292 571 100HP: 7 300 528 4885Fax: 7 7292 571 110Email: pw.yick@kkl.kzContact Person: Yick Ping Wong, General DirectorTHE NETHERLANDS<strong>Keppel</strong> Verolme BVProf. Gerbrandyweg 25, 3199 KK Rotterdam-BotlekHarbour no. 4550, P O Box 1001, 3180 AA RozenburgThe NetherlandsTel: 31 181 234300Fax: 31 181 234346www.keppelverolme.nlEmail: mail@keppelverolme.nlContact Person: Harold W.M. Linssen, Managing DirectorTHE PHILIPPINES<strong>Keppel</strong> Philippines <strong>Marine</strong>, IncUnit 3-B Country Space 1 Building, Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue,Salcedo Village, 1200 Makati City, PhilippinesTel: 63 2 892 1816Fax: 63 2 815 2581www.keppelphilippinesmarineinc.comEmail: mhq@keppelpm.com or commercial@keppelpm.comContact Person: Toh Ko Lin, PresidentStefan Tong, Executive Vice-President<strong>Keppel</strong> Batangas Shipyard<strong>Keppel</strong> Philippines <strong>Marine</strong> – Special Economic ZoneBO. San Miguel, 4201 Bauan, Batangas, PhillippinesTel: 63 43 7271532 to 36Fax: 63 43 72714885 or 63 43 7271453www.keppelphilippinesmarineinc.comEmail: kbs@keppelpm.comContact Person: Poh Leong Kok, President<strong>Keppel</strong> Subic Shipyard, IncSubic Shipyard – Special Economic ZoneCabangaan Point, Cawag2209 Subic, Zambales, PhilippinesTel: 63 47 232 2380Fax: 63 47 232 3350, 63 47 232 3883 to 84Email: all@subicship.com or commercial@subicship.comContact Person: Leong Kok Weng, PresidentQATARNakilat-<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong>Erhama Bin Jaber Al Jalahma ShipyardSouthern Break Water, Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC)PO. Box 28388, QatarTel: 974 4419 7300Fax: 974 4419 7301Email: commercial@nkom.com.qaContact Person: Abu Bakar Mohd Nor, CEOUNITED ARAB EMIRATESArab Heavy IndustriesP O Box 529, Ajman, UAETel: 971 6 526 3232Fax: 971 6 526 3233www.ahi-uae.comEmail: ahiaeme@emirates.net.aeContact Person: Jimmy Loh, Managing DirectorUSA<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> USA, Inc5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 1065, Houston, Tx 77056, USATel: 1 713 600 8380Fax: 1 713 600 8384Email: tommy.sam@keppelfels.comContact Person: Tommy Sam, Vice President<strong>Keppel</strong> AmFELS, LLC20000 State Highway 48Brownsville, TX 78523, USACell: 1 956 592 6149Tel: 1 956 831 8220Fax: 1 956 831 6220Email: g.tan@keppelamfels.comContact Person: Tan Geok Seng, President & CEOFloaTEC, LLC14701 St. Mary’s Lane, Suite 250, Houston, TX 77079Main Tel: +1 281 870 5200Main Fax: +1 281 870 5210Email: businessdevelopment@floatec.comwww.FloaTEC.comDirect Tel: +1 281 870 5556Mobile: +1 281 381 2781Email: ehnamtvedt@floatec.comContact Person: Eric H. Namtvedt, President<strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> Agencies International, LLC(Texas Office)5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 1065, Houston, Tx 77056, USATel: 1 713 600 8371Fax: 1 713 600 8374Email: mike.holcomb@kmaihouston.com /Contact Person: Michael Holcomb, President/DirectorMobile 1 713 816 0438Email: john.bajor@kmaihouston.comContact Person: John C Bajor, Marketing ManagerMobile 1 713 922 3226(New Jersey Office)15 Huddy Avenue, PO Box 417, Highlands, New Jersey, USATel: 1 7132 872 8800Fax: 1 7132 872 8801Email: keppelnj@comcast.netContact Person: John J. Bajor, DirectorVIETNAM<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS LimitedPetrovietnam Tower, Suite 150M9 Hoang Dieu Street, Ward 1, Vung Tau City, S.R. VietnamTel: 84 64 850098Fax: 84 64 850089Email: john.chin@keppelfels.comContact Person: John Chin, Country ManagerRUSSIA<strong>Marine</strong> & Shelf Development Ltd22 Mytnaya Street, Building 1 Moscow, 119049, RussiaFederationTel: 7 499 2367962Fax: 7 499 2367977Email: sergei_vasnin@msn.comContact Person: Sergei Vasnin, General Director<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 201335

Four more jackup rigs for Mexico<strong>Keppel</strong> FELS secured contractson 27 March 2013 from Mexicandrilling company, Grupo R, to buildfour jackup rigs.The jackup rigs will be built to<strong>Keppel</strong>’s proprietary KFELS B Classdesign and are scheduled fordelivery progressively from2Q 2015 to 4Q 2015.When completed, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS willhave built 10 KFELS B Class jackuprigs for Mexican customers since2012. These include two for theMexican national oil company,PEMEX, two for CP Latina andtwo for Oro Negro.Mr Wong Kok Seng, MD (<strong>Offshore</strong>)of <strong>Keppel</strong> <strong>Offshore</strong> & <strong>Marine</strong> andMD of <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS, said, “Mexico isan important market for us and weare glad that Mexican operatorshave chosen the KFELS B Classas their preferred rig design and<strong>Keppel</strong> as the preferred shipyard.“We look forward to supportGrupo R as they expand their fleetof premium jackup rigs for theMexican market, with safe, on timeand on budget deliveries.”Customised to Grupo R’srequirements, the rigs will be ableto operate in water depths of upto 400 feet and drill to depths of30,000 feet.PEMEX has announced investmentplans of US$25.3 billion for 2013,of which US$20 billion will betargeted at upstream activities.On a visit to <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS on30 January 2013, Mr Emilio LozoyaAustin, CEO of PEMEX, said thatthe company is embarking on itsmost ambitious drilling programmein decades and plans to addbetween eight and 12 offshoreplatforms to its fleet.Mr Ramiro Garza Cantu, Presidentof Grupo R said, “PEMEX hasindicated their aim to operatethe biggest fleet of jackup rigsin the world and Grupo R is wellpositioned to support them withfour premium jackup rigs. Wechose the KFELS B Class jackupdesign for our first shallowwater rigs because of their highspecifications and their provensuccess for PEMEX.“In choosing <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS, weare also partnering a shipyardwhich is able to meet the needsof our customers in termsof cost-effectiveness, time,technology, quality, and safetywith environmental considerations.This will further enhance ourcapabilities as the leader inMexico’s onshore and offshoredrilling industry.”Besides the Primus rig delivered toOro Negro in December 2012, twoother KFELS B Class jackup rigs,the Tonala and Ocean Scepter, areoperating successfully in Mexico.When the rigs for Grupo R are completed in 2015, <strong>Keppel</strong> FELS will havebuilt 10 KFELS B Class jackup rigs for Mexican customers since 2012Printed on recycled paper36<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> March – April 2013

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