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Financial review 2009 concentration of credit risk. In order to reduce the exposure to credit risk, the Group carries out ongoing credit evaluations of the financial position of customers but generally does not require collateral. Use is made of a combination of independent ratings and risk controls to assess the credit quality of the customer, taking into account its financial position, past experience and other factors. Sales are subject to payment conditions which are common practice in each country. The banks and financial institutions used as counterparty for holding cash and cash equivalents and deposits and in derivative transactions can be classified as high credit quality financial institutions (minimal: A rating). The Group has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure to individual financial institutions. Management believes that the likelihood of losses arising from credit risk is remote particularly in the light of the diversification of activities. 3.3 Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The approach of the Group to managing liquidity risk is to ensure, as far as possible, that it always has sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and more extreme conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the reputation of the Group. The Group has a clear focus on financing long-term growth as well as current operations. Strong cost and cash management and controls over working capital and capital expenditure proposals are in place to ensure effective and efficient allocation of financial resources. 3.4 Market risk Currency risk The Group is exposed to currency risk mainly on purchases denominated in USD. At any point in time the Group hedges 80 to 100 percent of its estimated foreign currency exposure on forecasted purchases for the following 12 months. The Group uses currency option contracts and forward exchange contracts to hedge its currency risks, most of which have a maturity date of less than one year from the reporting date. Where necessary, forward exchange contracts are rolled over on maturity. In respect of other monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, the Group ensures that its net exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying or selling foreign currencies at spot rates, as necessary, to address short-term imbalances. The Group’s investment in its UK subsidiaries is hedged by a GBP secured bank loan, which mitigates the currency risk arising from the subsidiary’s net assets. The investments in other subsidiaries are not hedged. Interest rate risk The Group is exposed to interest rate risk on interest-bearing long-term and current liabilities. The Group is exposed to the effects of variable interest rates on receivables and liabilities. On fixed interest receivables and liabilities, it is exposed to market value fluctuations. For certain long-term interest liabilities to financial institutions, the Group has entered into interest rate swap agreements through which the Group effectively pays at fixed interest rates for certain long-term interest liabilities. 3.5 Capital management There were no changes in the approach of the Group to capital management during the year. The policy is to maintain a sufficient capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. The Executive Board monitors the capital employed, which consists of the capital in property, plant and equipment, as well the net working capital. Furthermore, the Group monitors its cash positions, both actual and forecasted, on a monthly basis. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries are subject to externally imposed capital requirements.

4 Notes to the consolidated balance sheet 4.1 Property, plant and equipment The composition and changes were as follows: EUR’000 COST note Land and buildings Machinery and equipment Other fixed assets Under construction Total January 1, 2008 180,190 186,543 7,104 8,109 381,946 Additions 6,281 23,370 886 5,421 35,958 Acquisitions through business combinations 5,009 4,800 0 0 9,809 Transfer to assets held for sale 4.8 (863) 0 0 0 (863) Disposals 0 (5,140) (798) (361) (6,299) Effect of movements in exchange rates (1,774) (3,525) (161) (258) (5,718) December 31, 2008 188,843 206,048 7,031 12,911 414,833 January 1, 2009 188,843 206,048 7,031 12,911 414,833 Additions 2,259 22,819 3,296 17,813 46,187 Acquisitions through business combinations 6.1 11,574 10,390 0 191 22,155 Transfer to assets held for sale 4.8 (4,820) 0 0 0 (4,820) Disposals (1,683) (23,710) (1,030) (1,833) (28,256) Effect of movements in exchange rates 347 778 56 15 1,196 December 31, 2009 196,520 216,325 9,353 29,097 451,295 page _ 78 / 79

Financial review 2009<br />

concentration of credit risk. In or<strong>de</strong>r to reduce the exposure<br />

to credit risk, the Group carries out ongoing credit evaluations<br />

of the financial position of customers but generally does not<br />

require collateral. Use is ma<strong>de</strong> of a combination of in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

ratings and risk controls to assess the credit quality of the<br />

customer, taking into account its financial position, past experience<br />

and other factors. Sales are subject to payment conditions<br />

which are common practice in each country. The banks and<br />

financial institutions used as counterparty for holding cash and<br />

cash equivalents and <strong>de</strong>posits and in <strong>de</strong>rivative transactions<br />

can be classified as high credit quality financial institutions<br />

(minimal: A rating).<br />

The Group has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure<br />

to individual financial institutions. Management believes that<br />

the likelihood of losses arising from credit risk is remote particularly<br />

in the light of the diversification of activities.<br />

3.3 Liquidity risk<br />

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet<br />

its financial obligations as they fall due. The approach of the<br />

Group to managing liquidity risk is to ensure, as far as possible,<br />

that it always has sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities<br />

when due, un<strong>de</strong>r both normal and more extreme conditions,<br />

without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the<br />

reputation of the Group.<br />

The Group has a clear focus on financing long-term growth as<br />

well as current operations. Strong cost and cash management<br />

and controls over working capital and capital expenditure proposals<br />

are in place to ensure effective and efficient allocation<br />

of financial resources.<br />

3.4 Market risk<br />

Currency risk<br />

The Group is exposed to currency risk mainly on purchases<br />

<strong>de</strong>nominated in USD. At any point in time the Group hedges<br />

80 to 100 percent of its estimated foreign currency exposure<br />

on forecasted purchases for the following 12 months. The<br />

Group uses currency option contracts and forward exchange<br />

contracts to hedge its currency risks, most of which have a<br />

maturity date of less than one year from the reporting date.<br />

Where necessary, forward exchange contracts are rolled over<br />

on maturity.<br />

In respect of other monetary assets and liabilities <strong>de</strong>nominated<br />

in foreign currencies, the Group ensures that its net exposure<br />

is kept to an acceptable level by buying or selling foreign<br />

currencies at spot rates, as necessary, to address short-term<br />

imbalances.<br />

The Group’s investment in its UK subsidiaries is hedged by a<br />

GBP secured bank loan, which mitigates the currency risk<br />

arising from the subsidiary’s net assets. The investments in<br />

other subsidiaries are not hedged.<br />

Interest rate risk<br />

The Group is exposed to interest rate risk on interest-bearing<br />

long-term and current liabilities. The Group is exposed to the<br />

effects of variable interest rates on receivables and liabilities.<br />

On fixed interest receivables and liabilities, it is exposed to<br />

market value fluctuations.<br />

For certain long-term interest liabilities to financial institutions,<br />

the Group has entered into interest rate swap agreements<br />

through which the Group effectively pays at fixed interest rates<br />

for certain long-term interest liabilities.<br />

3.5 Capital management<br />

There were no changes in the approach of the Group to capital<br />

management during the year. The policy is to maintain a<br />

sufficient capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor<br />

and market confi<strong>de</strong>nce and to sustain future <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of the business. The Executive Board monitors the capital<br />

employed, which consists of the capital in property, plant and<br />

equipment, as well the net working capital. Furthermore, the<br />

Group monitors its cash positions, both actual and forecasted,<br />

on a monthly basis.<br />

Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries are subject to<br />

externally imposed capital requirements.

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