4 - Refresco.de

4 - Refresco.de 4 - Refresco.de


Business review 2009 People and organization Refresco’s fast-track growth requires continuous proactive development of the organization and its staff on all levels. The Refresco organization is based on strong and empowered geographic profit-responsible units and now consists of four business units in regions where we have multiple companies and production facilities, and three profit centers in regions with a single company. In compliance with our business philosophy, we keep the lines between Holding and geographies simple and short. By doing so, we can closely guide and support the unit management to guarantee the necessary speed in decision-making processes. In 2008, the focus was on optimization of structures, streamlining of operations and staffing of senior management positions following the acquisitions and organic growth of Refresco in 2007. Local teams were ready to manage the increased scope and to realize the projected future growth of Refresco. This year, initiatives have been focused more around development, building on the strategic outlook, culture and core values that were defined in 2008. Nevertheless, in 2009 several units also continued to streamline their operations and to rightsize activities. Refresco Benelux 4 factories Refresco France 3 factories Refresco Germany 4 factories Refresco Iberia 4 factories Holding to streamline With the strengthened HR functions across the units, a new approach to management development and talent identification was rolled out, group-wide training initiatives were taken and on a local level high priority was given to strengthening the middle management layers of Refresco. In general, all units moved forward in professionalizing their human resources function, policies and practices. The focus on development and unlocking internal human potential is very important in being able to accommodate the fast-paced growth. Because the majority of staff in senior management positions joined Refresco from outside companies over the last three years, the ambition is to significantly promote Refresco-groomed management talent to higher positions in the coming years, within and across (newly acquired) units. This is why Refresco designed and implemented a new management development approach with special inclusion of middle-management levels. Recruitment efforts started to be more tuned to employing higher potential talent in middle-management levels and increasing efforts in coaching and developing talent. After they were trained in behavioral competences, managers across the units engaged in a workshop Refresco Scandinavia 1 factory Refresco Poland 2 factories Refresco UK 1 factory

“In 2009 Refresco business units continued their operations and to rightsize activities” to define Refresco leadership behavior, which formed the backbone for developing Refresco management. A group training program was designed, for which we use an outside faculty from a few selected preferred suppliers, each covering different areas of leadership and management skill development. In Refresco Benelux and Refresco Iberia the acquisition and integration of Schiffers Food at Hoensbroek and the Zumos Pascual plant at Palma del Río were successfully accomplished. Refresco Benelux started in cooperation with SBK - a well-known Dutch training organization - the Refresco Academy, which trains employees to obtain the diploma of Operator C. The increased complexity of production lines and product varieties requires highly skilled personnel. On top Refresco wishes to optimize production line efficiency by means of World Class Manufacturing techniques. Therefore this integral training structure was set up. Refresco Iberia continued its initiatives to enhance organizational effectiveness and upgrade the quality of middle management through their ‘Talento’ project. In Refresco Poland, the process of streamlining and rightsizing was taken a step further whilst at the same time new HRM initiatives were successfully deployed and overtime and absenteeism was reduced. Absenteeism was also significantly reduced in Refresco UK. In Refresco Germany, the intended restructuring of the manufacturing blueprint was completed including closure of the Burgstetten plant and the further streamlining of the Uelzen plant. At Refresco France, the turnaround of St. Alban was successful, which made the plant an important hub for a major contract manufacturing customer. Due to the inclusion of acquisitions the average number of employees within the Refresco Group increased from 2241 to 2318 full time equivalents. Preferred partner Our customers Refresco supplies a broad portfolio of customers. On the one hand, accounting for approx. 60% of our total output, we manufacture private label products for leading retailers across Europe. Not only does this comprise delivering the end product, but it also entails responsibility for the entire supply chain. On the other hand, we co-manufacture for international A-brands. Their trust in us is rewarded by the quality and service we deliver. We must understand our customers’ needs as well as the trends and movements in the markets we operate in. Close cooperation with our customers is therefore essential to successful business relationships. Refresco’s organizational model is characterized by strong and independent decentralized business units with central coordination focused on specific functions. Refresco provides the business units with the tools to run their operations in the best way possible. For that purpose Refresco started implementing a Group ERP system in 2004. Part of the synergies on past and present acquisitions can only be realized with better information and coordination. It is in line with the strategy begun in 2004 to roll out the Group ERP system to the newly formed business units. The central Holding team is set up to support the business units in their performance. The Holding team provides the necessary tools, transfers best practices and coordinates synergies across the companies. The Holding team is purposely kept compact to control costs. In our business, we focus on long-term cooperation with customers. Short-term or single collaborations do not fit our business model because we believe in delivering high quality at the right price. This requires major investments that are not profitable when undertaking a short-term cooperation. We aim at market winners who we can offer state-of-the-art production sites combined with our highly skilled purchasing and manufacturing staff for turning out high quality products. Being in the right place at the right time to supply our customers means we are right behind them in their international expansion. page _ 32 / 33

“In 2009 <strong>Refresco</strong> business units continued<br />

their operations and to rightsize activities”<br />

to <strong>de</strong>fine <strong>Refresco</strong> lea<strong>de</strong>rship behavior, which formed the<br />

backbone for <strong>de</strong>veloping <strong>Refresco</strong> management. A group training<br />

program was <strong>de</strong>signed, for which we use an outsi<strong>de</strong> faculty from<br />

a few selected preferred suppliers, each covering different areas<br />

of lea<strong>de</strong>rship and management skill <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

In <strong>Refresco</strong> Benelux and <strong>Refresco</strong> Iberia the acquisition and<br />

integration of Schiffers Food at Hoensbroek and the Zumos<br />

Pascual plant at Palma <strong>de</strong>l Río were successfully accomplished.<br />

<strong>Refresco</strong> Benelux started in cooperation with SBK - a well-known<br />

Dutch training organization - the <strong>Refresco</strong> Aca<strong>de</strong>my, which trains<br />

employees to obtain the diploma of Operator C. The increased<br />

complexity of production lines and product varieties requires<br />

highly skilled personnel. On top <strong>Refresco</strong> wishes to optimize<br />

production line efficiency by means of World Class Manufacturing<br />

techniques. Therefore this integral training structure was set up.<br />

<strong>Refresco</strong> Iberia continued its initiatives to enhance<br />

organizational effectiveness and upgra<strong>de</strong> the quality of middle<br />

management through their ‘Talento’ project.<br />

In <strong>Refresco</strong> Poland, the process of streamlining and rightsizing<br />

was taken a step further whilst at the same time new HRM<br />

initiatives were successfully <strong>de</strong>ployed and overtime and<br />

absenteeism was reduced. Absenteeism was also significantly<br />

reduced in <strong>Refresco</strong> UK.<br />

In <strong>Refresco</strong> Germany, the inten<strong>de</strong>d restructuring of the<br />

manufacturing blueprint was completed including closure of the<br />

Burgstetten plant and the further streamlining of the Uelzen<br />

plant. At <strong>Refresco</strong> France, the turnaround of St. Alban was<br />

successful, which ma<strong>de</strong> the plant an important hub for a major<br />

contract manufacturing customer.<br />

Due to the inclusion of acquisitions the average number<br />

of employees within the <strong>Refresco</strong> Group increased from 2241<br />

to 2318 full time equivalents.<br />

Preferred partner<br />

Our customers<br />

<strong>Refresco</strong> supplies a broad portfolio of customers. On the<br />

one hand, accounting for approx. 60% of our total output,<br />

we manufacture private label products for leading retailers<br />

across Europe. Not only does this comprise <strong>de</strong>livering the end<br />

product, but it also entails responsibility for the entire supply<br />

chain. On the other hand, we co-manufacture for international<br />

A-brands. Their trust in us is rewar<strong>de</strong>d by the quality and<br />

service we <strong>de</strong>liver. We must un<strong>de</strong>rstand our customers’<br />

needs as well as the trends and movements in the markets we<br />

operate in. Close cooperation with our customers is therefore<br />

essential to successful business relationships.<br />

<strong>Refresco</strong>’s organizational mo<strong>de</strong>l is characterized by strong and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>centralized business units with central coordination<br />

focused on specific functions. <strong>Refresco</strong> provi<strong>de</strong>s the business units with the tools to run their operations in the best way<br />

possible. For that purpose <strong>Refresco</strong> started implementing a Group ERP system in 2004. Part of the synergies on past and present<br />

acquisitions can only be realized with better information and coordination. It is in line with the strategy begun in 2004 to roll out<br />

the Group ERP system to the newly formed business units. The central Holding team is set up to support the business units in<br />

their performance. The Holding team provi<strong>de</strong>s the necessary tools, transfers best practices and coordinates synergies across the<br />

companies. The Holding team is purposely kept compact to control costs.<br />

In our business, we focus on long-term cooperation with<br />

customers. Short-term or single collaborations do not fit our<br />

business mo<strong>de</strong>l because we believe in <strong>de</strong>livering high quality<br />

at the right price. This requires major investments that are<br />

not profitable when un<strong>de</strong>rtaking a short-term cooperation.<br />

We aim at market winners who we can offer state-of-the-art<br />

production sites combined with our highly skilled purchasing<br />

and manufacturing staff for turning out high quality products.<br />

Being in the right place at the right time to supply our customers<br />

means we are right behind them in their international expansion.<br />

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