Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Psychophysics</strong> / <strong>Physiological</strong> <strong>Optics</strong>sensitivity [area under curve (ANOVA: f = 13.27, d.f. = 1, p = 0.01)]and cut-off values (ANOVA: f = 6.33 , d.f. = 1, p = 0.038) than theyounger subjects. The protan carriers had similar sensitivity curves asthe age matched normal trichromatic subjects. The deutan carriers,however, had on average lower chromatic sensitivity than both thenormal trichromatic subjects and the protan carriers (for all agegroups). The cut-off spatial frequencies were lower for the deutancarriers than for the normal trichromatic subjects at all age groups.Conclusions: The results show a decline in sensitivity to chromaticspatial patterns with age, and that deutan carriers have lowersensitivity to chromatic spatial patterns compared with age-matchednormal trichromatic subjects.Commercial Relationships: Elise W. Dees, None; Stuart J. Gilson,None; Rigmor C. Baraas, NoneSupport: Research Council of Norway Grant 176541/V10 and182768/V10 (RCB)Program Number: 3708Presentation Time: 3:30 PM - 3:45 PMContrast Sensitivity (CS): Color CS is Decreased More thanLuminance CS at Low Light LevelsJeff C. Rabin 1 , Michael Castro 1 , Daniel Ewing 1 , Hayley George 1 ,Paul Lau 1 , Shannon Leon 1 , Andrew Yoder 1 , John Gooch 2 , SteveWright 2 . 1 Optometry, UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry, SanAntonio, TX; 2 Ophthalmology, USAF School Aerospace Medicine,Dayton, OH.Purpose: It is well-known that spatial & temporal vision decreasewith decreasing luminance but less is known about the impact ofluminance on color vision. Our purpose was to compare the effect ofluminance on chromatic (color) & achromatic (luminance) CS.Methods: Luminance CS was measured with the Pelli-Robson (PR)chart which has large letters which decrease in contrast in 0.15 logsteps (0.05/letter). Color CS was measured with the cone contrast test(CCT; Innova Systems, Inc.) which uses a Netbook computer & rapidstaircase to present colored letters on a grey background whichdecrease in cone contrast to measure red (L), green (M) and blue (S)cone contrast thresholds. PR & CCT were measured at photopic (85cd/m 2 ), low photopic (5.4 cd/m 2 ) & mesopic (0.7 cd/m 2 ) levels byhaving subjects view monocularly through neutral density filters. 16color vision normals (CVN) & 14 hereditary color vision deficients(CVD) were tested.Results: In CVN color (L & M cone) and luminance log CS wereequal at high luminance (1.95 log CS) but decreased linearly with logluminance with color CS decreasing more rapidly (3.5X) vs.luminance CS (2.5X) such that color CS was 0.2 log units (1.6X)lower than luminance CS at the mesopic level (p

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