Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Psychophysics</strong> / <strong>Physiological</strong> <strong>Optics</strong>Schematic eye model based on the regression of age-dependentchanges of the crystalline lensTakushi Kawamorita 1, 2 , Hiroshi Uozato 1, 2 , Hiroshi Sasaki 3 , YukoShibata 2 , Masatsugu Kanazawa 2 , Masakazu Hirota 2 , yoona jang 2 ,Shinji Arai 2 , Kimiya Shimizu 4, 2 . 1 Orthoptics and <strong>Visual</strong> Science,Kitasato University School, Sagamihara-shi, Japan; 2 Ophthalmologyand <strong>Visual</strong> Science, Kitasato University Graduate School of MedicalSciences, Sagamihara, Japan; 3 Ophthalmology, Kanazawa MedicalUniversity, Kahokugun, Japan; 4 Ophthalmology, Kitasato UniversitySchool of Medicine, Sagamihara, Japan.Purpose: To construct a schematic eye model based on theregression of age-dependent changes of the crystalline lens anddetermine the effects on retinal image quality of refractive index,transmittance, scattering, and lens shape.Methods: Optical simulation was performed using the optical designsoftware CodeV. Three-dimensional eye models based on a modifiedNavarro model eye were used for the simulation. We used a numberof published regression models in relation to the shape and opticalcharacteristics of crystalline lens used. Refractive error andmodulation transfer function (MTF) were calculated.Results: With increasing refractive index of the lens nucleus (from 0to +0.02), refractive errors showed a myopic shift (from 0 to -8.50D). The amount of change increased in as the lens nucleus becamesteeper. However, with increasing refractive index of the lens cortex,refractive errors showed a hyperopic shift (from 0 to +2.33 D). Asscattering angle increased (from 0 to 30 min arc), MTF decreasedoverall and the lens nucleus was affected the most. As transmittanceat the center of the lens decreased (from 100 to 10%), MTF wasincreased at 250 c/mm and decreased at 100 c/mm, indicating theeffect of apodization.Conclusions: This schematic eye model based on regression of agedependentchanges of the crystalline lens should prove useful for thecomparative evaluation of refractive correction methods and thedevelopment of new ophthalmic instruments.Commercial Relationships: Takushi Kawamorita, None; HiroshiUozato, None; Hiroshi Sasaki, None; Yuko Shibata, None;Masatsugu Kanazawa, None; Masakazu Hirota, None; yoonajang, None; Shinji Arai, None; Kimiya Shimizu, NoneSupport: JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24791872; KitasatoUniversity Research Grant for Young Researchers 2012Program Number: 849 Poster Board Number: B0073Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMComparative Analysis of Residual Astigmatism Induced by aSingle-piece or Three-piece Intraocular Lens after CataractSurgeryJin Kwon Chung 1 , Mee Kum Kim 2 , Won Ryang Wee 2 . 1 Department ofOphthalmology, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine,Seoul, Republic of Korea; 2 Department of Ophthalmology, SeoulNational University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea.Purpose: To analyze comparatively lenticular astigmatism of singleandthree-piece intraocular lenses (IOLs) after cataract surgery.Methods: The medical records of the 397 patients who underwentcataract surgery with IOL implantation were retrospectivelyreviewed. Patients were divided into 4 groups depending on theimplanted IOLs (SN60WF, SN60AT, MA60BM, or AR40e). IOLinduced lenticular astigmatism was measured by differences betweenrefractive astigmatism and total corneal astigmatism as determined byFourier transformation. Vertical and horizontal astigmatic vectors(J0), oblique astigmatic vectors (J45), and overall IOL inducedastigmatic strengths were compared. Coefficients of determination ofIOL J0 and J45 values were assessed using linear regression models.Results: Mean (J0, J45) vectors were -0.19 diopters (D) and 0.06 D, -0.20 D and 0.06 D, -0.17 D and 0.09D, and -0.22D and 0.06 D in theSN60WF, SN60AT, MA60BM, and AR40e groups, respectively. Nosignificant intergroup differences were found for J0 or J45. OverallIOL induced astigmatic strengths were 0.35 D, 0.37 D, 0.42 D, and0.39 D in the SN60WF, SN60AT, MA60BM, and AR40e groups,respectively, which were without statistical significance. Linearregression analysis showed a highest R2 value for SN60AT and alowest R2 value for AR40e for the determination of refractiveastigmatism. The residual astigmatism induced by IOLs contributedto refractive astigmatism by an average of 23.8%.Conclusions: Single-piece IOLs with an aspheric optic seemed to becomparable in terms of functional stability with three-piece IOLs interms of inducible residual astigmatism.Commercial Relationships: Jin Kwon Chung, None; Mee KumKim, None; Won Ryang Wee, NoneProgram Number: 850 Poster Board Number: B0074Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMImpact of Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) versus White-to-White (WTW) measurement on sizing of Visian ImplantableCollamer Lens (ICL) and Residual Postoperative RefractionPuneet Panda 1 , Ann Ostrovsky 2 , Scott E. Brodie 1 , Mark Speaker 2 .1 Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY;2 Laser and Corneal Surgery Associates, PC, New York, NY.Purpose: The aim of this work is to compare residual postoperativerefractive error after implantation of Visian Implantable CollamerLens (ICL) in patients having the lenses sized with either UltrasoundBiomicroscopy (UBM) or white-to-white (WTW) measurements, andto determine if the residual refraction correlates with amount ofpostoperative lens vault.Methods: This cohort study included 33 eyes that underwent VisianICL implantation. Sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) distances were determinedusing Ultrasound UBM in 23 eyes and with caliper assisted white-towhite(WTW) measurements in 10 eyes. Manifest refractions(spherical equivalents) and central lens vaults were comparedbetween the two groups at the postoperative month 1 visit, using twosamplet-tests.Results: The pre-operative mean spherical equivalent (MSE) for all33 patients was -10.97 diopters (D) (range: -5.37 D to -17.13 D). Thepre-operative MSE was -10.18D for the UBM group, and -12.78D forthe WTW group, respectively. The postoperative MSE was -0.43+/-0.43D for the UBM group and -0.85 +/-0.53D for the WTW group(p=0.02). Postoperative mean central vault height was 495 +/- 167umin the UBM group and 710 +/- 250um in the WTW group (p>0.05).Conclusions: This study suggests that UBM valuation of STSdistance results in more precise sizing of the ICL implant andconsequently in more accurate refractive outcomes. Effective lensposition, reflected by postoperative lens vault may be a factor inpostoperative refractive outcome. Residual refractive error was oftenthe result of astigmatism in some patients.Commercial Relationships: Puneet Panda, None; Ann Ostrovsky,None; Scott E. Brodie, None; Mark Speaker, NoneProgram Number: 851 Poster Board Number: B0075Presentation Time: 1:00 PM - 2:45 PMMeasurement of the intraocular scattering in cataractouspatients, using different instruments and parameters.Comparative studyJuan Carlos Ondategui Parra 1, 2 , Lorena Mateos-Pena 1, 3 , Joan A.Martinez-Roda 1, 2 , Montserrat Arjona 1, 3 . 1 <strong>Optics</strong> and Optometry,Politechnical Univ of Catalonia, Terrassa, Spain; 2 University VisionCenter (CUV), Terrassa, Spain; 3 Center for Sensors, Instruments andSystems Development (CD6), Terrassa, Spain.©2013, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permissionto reproduce any abstract, contact the <strong>ARVO</strong> Office at arvo@arvo.org.

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