Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Psychophysics</strong> / <strong>Physiological</strong> <strong>Optics</strong>Methods: In this prospective study,16 patients with maculopathy andno change in VA (≤ 5 letters change in ETDRS score) and CRT (≤ 20μm in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT))between 2 visits (interval: 2-6 months) were evaluated. Diseaseentities included diabetic macular edema, age related maculardegeneration, central serous retinopathy, Stargardt's disease andidiopathic macular hole.Retinal sensitivity was assessed using the Spectral-OCT/SLOmicroperimetry (MP) (Optos Inc, Scotland, UK) at both visits. Thetest pattern was a standardized polar 3 grid which consists of 28points within 11° from the fovea. The mean change and variance inretinal sensitivity for all patients was compared to the MP intersessionvariation of 10 patients with retinopathies.Results: A total of 700 points from 25 eyes (16 patients) withmaculopathy were analyzed. The mean age of subjects was 53 years(SD ±16). The results are summarized in the table. The overallvariance between the two visits (6.0dB) was significantly greater thanthe inter-session variance (2.4dB) (Mann Whitney Test, p=0.008).Conclusions: Microperimetry may capture subtle functional changesin maculopathy patients with stable visual acuity and no change incentral retinal thickness. Further studies with larger sample size areindicated to validate the observed results.decibels) was measured with fundus-tracking microperimetry. Acircular pattern of 28 test locations covering the central 11 degrees ofthe macula was used. Stimulus duration was 200ms, at an averageinterval of two seconds, and at a Goldmann III size. Fixationlocations were recorded during 20 seconds of viewing an “X.”Fixation stability was calculated by fitting a Bivariate ContourEllipse Area to these data.Results: Thickness remained stable post-treatment in half of thepatients whereas the other half demonstrated an initial drop after thefirst injection and remained stable after subsequent visits. Aqualitative assessment of OCT suggests that the integrity of the IS/OSlayer did not improve if it appeared disrupted at baseline visit.Sensitivity increased across all visits for one patient(12.5%),increased for two patients in later visits(25%), remained stable inthree patients(37.5%), decreased slightly in one patient(12.5%), andmore importantly in the last patient(12.5%). While fixation locationwas variable for all subjects, fixation stability (BCEA area) slightlyimproved in one patient(12.5%), did not change in fivepatients(62.5%), and was quite variable for two patients(25%).Conclusions: Our data suggests that thickness and sensitivity werepredictors in evaluating outcome of anti-VEGF treatment. Fixationdid not show a significant improvement in stability post-treatmentand fixation location tended to vary between visits indicating thepossibility of more than one PRL.Commercial Relationships: michele arthurs, None; Richard B.Rosen, Opko-OTI (C), Optos (C), Clarity (C), OD-OS (C), Topcon(R), Zeavision (F), Genetech (F), Optovue (C); Gennady Landa,None; Rishard Weitz, None; William H. Seiple, NoneSupport: GenentechClinical Trial: nct01255774Commercial Relationships: Hongting Liu, None; Millena G.Bittencourt, None; Owhofasa O. Agbedia, None; AhmadrezaMoradi, None; Yasir J. Sepah, None; Daniel A. Ferraz, None;Mohamed A. Ibrahim, None; Raafay Sophie, None; MehreenAnsari, None; Quan Dong Nguyen, Genentech (F), Regeneron (F),Lux Biosciences (F), Abbott (F), GSK (F), Santen (F), Santen (C),Bausch and Lomb (C), Optos (F), Heidelberg Engineering (F)Support: Wilmer Research GrantProgram Number: 5027 Poster Board Number: A0189Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMMonitoring the Progression of AMD post anti-VEGF treatmentusing the OPKO OCT/SLOmichele arthurs 1 , Richard B. Rosen 3 , Gennady Landa 3 , RishardWeitz 3 , William H. Seiple 2, 3 . 1 Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC,Canada; 2 New York Lighthouse, New York, NY; 3 New York Eye &Ear Infirmary, New York, NY.Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of anti-VEGF treatment inpatients with exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD)using the optical coherence tomography-scanning lightophthalmoscope (OCT/SLO), and to determine if predictors of anindividual patient’s responses to treatment can be identified.Methods: Patients diagnosed with exudative AMD and havingreceived no prior AMD treatment were recruited. Eight subjectsbetween 58 and 85 years of age with visual acuities ranging between20/16 and 20/200 were enrolled. Monthly treatments of ranibizumabwere given in the affected eye for up to 12 months. Three measuresof local retinal function were obtained monthly using the OPKOOCT/SLO: retinal structure (OCT), psychophysical function(microperimetry), and fixation location and stability. Integrity ofouter layers and retinal thickness were obtained with the OCT fromline scans and from 3D topographies. Psychophysical sensitivity (inProgram Number: 5028 Poster Board Number: A0190Presentation Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PMRelationship between <strong>Visual</strong> Function and Optical CoherenceTomography features in Early Age-related macular degeneration(AMD)-Early Markers Observational StudyRuth E. Hogg 1 , George Murphy 1 , Giovanni Staurenghi 2 , ChiaraRosina 2 , Rufino Silva 3 , Ana Rita Santos 3 , Usha Chakravarthy 1 .1 Center for Vision and Vascular Science, Queen's University Belfast,Belfast, United Kingdom; 2 Eye Clinic - Department of ClinicalScience, “Luigi Sacco”- Sacco Hospital, II School of Ophthalmology- University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 3 Faculty of Medicine., Universityof Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.Purpose: To investigate the relationship between visual functionparameters and tomographic metrics.Methods: Study sample: 105 patients (53 males, 52 females) withunilateral advanced AMD from 3 Centres (Milan, Coimbra andBelfast) aged 52-93 years. Study Eye=Fellow eye without advancedneovascular disease. Best corrected distance acuity (BCVA) and nearacuity (NVA), reading speed adjusted for print size (reading index;RI) and low-luminance acuity (SKILL test) were measured. Highdensity macular raster scans on the Heidelberg were obtained.Trained graders measured the neuroretinal thickness (NRT) andchoroidal thickness (CT) at the foveal centre and evaluated thecontinuity of the following layers (ganglion cell layer GCL, innersegment/outer segment junction IS/OS, external limiting membraneELM, photoreceptor layer PRL and retinal pigment epithelium RPE).Univariate and logistic regression analyses were employed toexamine relationships between function and morphology.Results: NRT was associated with BCVA (r=0.24 p=0.024); CT withreduced (SKILL score) (r=-0.4 p

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