Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO

Visual Psychophysics / Physiological Optics - ARVO


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<strong>ARVO</strong> 2013 Annual Meeting Abstracts by Scientific Section/Group – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Psychophysics</strong> / <strong>Physiological</strong> <strong>Optics</strong>fragment-perception was distinct from the topography of the P2elicited by probes during fragment perception, suggesting that neuralprocessing of probes differed as a function of perceptual state. Twosource localization algorithms estimated the neural generator of thedifference positivity to lie in the lateral occipital cortex (LOC), aregion associated with object perception.Conclusions: These data suggest that objects attract attention andmodulate the processing of individual elements occurring within theirboundaries, perhaps reflecting the perceptual binding of the elementsinto a unified object. Importantly, these effects were observed whenthe perceived "object" in this case emerged as a function of thefluctuating perceptual state of the viewer.Commercial Relationships: Anastasia V. Flevaris, None;Antigona Martinez, None; Steven Hillyard, NoneSupport: T32 MH 020002-11A1Program Number: 582 Poster Board Number: C0193Presentation Time: 10:30 AM - 12:15 PMDigital precise remote near visual acuity evaluation using mobiledevicesOren Yehezkel, Anna Sterkin, Maria Lev, Uri Polat. Ucansi Inc., NewYork, NY.Purpose: Our aim was to develop a tool for precise remote selfassessmentof near visual acuity in order to accurately and remotelyestimate the functional reading acuity.Methods: We used an application by Ucansi Inc., developed for iOSbasedmobile devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod), based on the technologytested both on mobile devices and PCs (electronic visual acuity,eVA). Here we present part of the data, collected on 73 volunteersthat were tested on iPhone 4, operating the application by themselves.The minimal measurable acuity is -0.18 logMAR, as determined bythe pixel size of 0.078 mm. The stimuli were matrices composed of25 letters "E" (5×5), each with a randomly chosen orientation out of 4possibilities (left, right, up or down). Two variations of inter-letterspacing within the matrix were used (0.4 and 1 letter size). The taskwas to report the orientation of the central letter. The evaluation wasperformed using a staircase measuring the minimal detectable targetsize. For each staircase, the duration of target presentation (rangingbetween 240 to 30 msec) and the inter-letter spacing were changed.The results were compared to the standard clinical near visual acuitychart (ETDRS chart-based visual acuity, cVA) and to the requiredreading addition (measured using the fused cross-cylinder test, FCC).Results: There was a significant correlation between the eVA and thecVA. Best correlation was found between monocular eVA and cVA(R=0.85, p

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