
how-to-start-a-blog how-to-start-a-blog


Make friends and have funWith practice, you will find you can easily build your base of blog fans and followers. As youbecome an expert in your niche, you can inspire, encourage, and help your followers make adifference in their own lives. Along your blogging journey, you will also make new friends andconnections throughout the world. If you like to travel, that means a lot of couches availablefor you to stay on while winging your way around the globe!Make money from your blog$Blogging can also have financial benefits. You can place ads, receive affiliate commissions bypromoting products of established online retailers, and you can sell your own digital productsand merchandise. We’ll talk more about monetization in Chapter 6.$Here are some great articles that cover additional personal and business benefits of blogging Number of articles byLinda Dessau and Benefits and Tips of Blogging by Barry FeldmanHow to choose a perfect nicheBefore you start your own blog and aim to become a successfulblogger, consider the following:The same applies to blogging. You want to attainthe highest form of knowledge in the niche/topicof your choice. So pick the one that appeals toyou - the one you are passionate about and mostinterested in - aim to reach success, happiness,comfort, security, and recognition. By picking yourniche of interest and having your own point ofview you will be able to position and differentiateyour blog from the competition.“The meaning of life is in attaining thehighest form of knowledge, which isthe idea of the good.”AncientGreek philosophers7

Here are tips from Pat Flynn about niche selection. If you still cannotpick one, here is an interesting approach from Nathalie Lussier.Choosing the niche that best fits you is the first step to becoming asuccessful top blogger.Brainstorm your ideaThis is one process that can help you determine which niche isbest for you:Make a list of your interests or hobbies. Which topics fascinateyou? List them all, for instance: golf, fishing, yoga, playinggames, cooking, etc.Make a list of the accomplishments you areproud of, for instance: musical talent, artistictalent, sports achievements, etc.Make a list of difficulties you have overcomeor defeated, for instance: lost a significantamount of weight, recovered from a financialsetback, etc.During the course of this exercise, you will get abetter feeling for the topics that resonate with you.The ones that you are most passionate about are the bestcandidates for your niche.Blog success validationWhether you want to blog for prestige, fortune, fun, or connections,you need to research the niche you choose and make sure thetopic is viable. The following “Blog success validation” exercise willhelp you determine whether your blog has real potential. It will alsohelp you understand why most blogs fail.Potential niche sizeEven if you believe you have a brilliant blog idea, you will likelystruggle to succeed unless you find a niche market withenough people or one with little competition. You don’twant your niche to be too small or too big.Example: The size of “golf” niche is on average 2.8+millions monthly searches. This niche might be too big andbroad. However if you go after niche that is narrow, such as“plane golf swing drills” (average 4k searches monthly), the volume8

Make friends and have funWith practice, you will find you can easily build your base of <strong>blog</strong> fans and followers. As youbecome an expert in your niche, you can inspire, encourage, and help your followers make adifference in their own lives. Along your <strong>blog</strong>ging journey, you will also make new friends andconnections throughout the world. If you like <strong>to</strong> travel, that means a lot of couches availablefor you <strong>to</strong> stay on while winging your way around the globe!Make money from your <strong>blog</strong>$Blogging can also have financial benefits. You can place ads, receive affiliate commissions bypromoting products of established online retailers, and you can sell your own digital productsand merchandise. We’ll talk more about monetization in Chapter 6.$Here are some great articles that cover additional personal and business benefits of <strong>blog</strong>ging Number of articles byLinda Dessau and Benefits and Tips of Blogging by Barry FeldmanHow <strong>to</strong> choose a perfect nicheBefore you <strong>start</strong> your own <strong>blog</strong> and aim <strong>to</strong> become a successful<strong>blog</strong>ger, consider the following:The same applies <strong>to</strong> <strong>blog</strong>ging. You want <strong>to</strong> attainthe highest form of knowledge in the niche/<strong>to</strong>picof your choice. So pick the one that appeals <strong>to</strong>you - the one you are passionate about and mostinterested in - aim <strong>to</strong> reach success, happiness,comfort, security, and recognition. By picking yourniche of interest and having your own point ofview you will be able <strong>to</strong> position and differentiateyour <strong>blog</strong> from the competition.“The meaning of life is in attaining thehighest form of knowledge, which isthe idea of the good.”AncientGreek philosophers7

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