
how-to-start-a-blog how-to-start-a-blog


Google+More than a social media platform, Google is using Google+ as ahubspot for identifying online movers and shakers. The internet gianthas moved business listings from Google Places to Google+ and isrewarding those who tie their personal Google+ profile to their otheronline activities (via author attribution and publisher markup) withspecial recognition in search results. This may be the one social mediaplatform you should definitely not ignore. Mark Traphagen staystuned in to all things concerning Google+, so be sure to Follow Markto stay updated.YouTubeNow owned by Google, the videos you launch on YouTube can getindexed on the world’s largest search engine quickly. Don’t forget toapply search engine optimization (SEO) strategies on your YouTubechannel and launches - most especially by optimizing your titles andvideo descriptions with a target keyword phrase. ProBlogger nails thebasics in this excellent article.It is not wise to host your videos on your own blog due to the sizeof video files will lag you down way too much. YouTube is an excellenthelp in this regard. You can host videos there for free, gain the SEOadvantage, and then embed them on your own blog. Check out thisUdemy Blog article about using YouTube for business for more information.Other Social NetworkstThere are other social media possibilities, and new ones appearregularly. For most of us, though, one of the already-popular channelswill serve our needs well and deliver maximum promotional benefit.Of course, your business is unique, and you should make use ofthe social media avenues that best fit your own niche and style. Ifthere is a lesser-known channel where your audience tends to gather,you should be there with them. Whatever you do, don’t overextendyourself. Everything you do online is a reflection of your capabilities.Context is Important“Content is the king but context is the god” * - Gary VaynerchuckThe context is the circumstances that form and surround an eventor idea so it can be fully understood. When it comes to blog content,context is the way you’re publishing, distributing, and promoting yourcontent. If you’re trying to connect with your audience in the wrongcontext, it doesn’t matter how good your content is. Your content willnot be read, shared, or discussed.47

ConclusionBeyond the tips listed, you can come up with other creative ways to promote your blog. Your best bet isto start small and make adjustments to your promotion strategies along the way. Always remember to focuson key fundamentals:1 2 3Maintaining a clean andproperly functioning blog.Creating focusedand helpful content.Engaging in conversationand build your authority.Chapter 6How to Make Money fromYour BlogSummary: In this chapter you will learn how to prepare your blogfor monetization and monetization strategies for blogs with small(new blogs), medium, and large audiences.If one of the driving factors for starting a blog was to make moneyonline, then this is the chapter you have been waiting for. Now thatyou’ve learned how to setup your blog, create great content, and promoteyour blog, you are ready to start with monetization.For those who work regular full-time jobs, it is a great way to generatea side income. For those who plan to dedicate themselves tothe monetization strategies, it is possible to use it as regular income.Monetization misconceptionsFirst, let’s clear up a few misconceptions about blog monetizationthat you may have heard.48

Google+More than a social media platform, Google is using Google+ as ahubspot for identifying online movers and shakers. The internet gianthas moved business listings from Google Places <strong>to</strong> Google+ and isrewarding those who tie their personal Google+ profile <strong>to</strong> their otheronline activities (via author attribution and publisher markup) withspecial recognition in search results. This may be the one social mediaplatform you should definitely not ignore. Mark Traphagen staystuned in <strong>to</strong> all things concerning Google+, so be sure <strong>to</strong> Follow Mark<strong>to</strong> stay updated.YouTubeNow owned by Google, the videos you launch on YouTube can getindexed on the world’s largest search engine quickly. Don’t forget <strong>to</strong>apply search engine optimization (SEO) strategies on your YouTubechannel and launches - most especially by optimizing your titles andvideo descriptions with a target keyword phrase. ProBlogger nails thebasics in this excellent article.It is not wise <strong>to</strong> host your videos on your own <strong>blog</strong> due <strong>to</strong> the sizeof video files will lag you down way <strong>to</strong>o much. YouTube is an excellenthelp in this regard. You can host videos there for free, gain the SEOadvantage, and then embed them on your own <strong>blog</strong>. Check out thisUdemy Blog article about using YouTube for business for more information.Other Social NetworkstThere are other social media possibilities, and new ones appearregularly. For most of us, though, one of the already-popular channelswill serve our needs well and deliver maximum promotional benefit.Of course, your business is unique, and you should make use ofthe social media avenues that best fit your own niche and style. Ifthere is a lesser-known channel where your audience tends <strong>to</strong> gather,you should be there with them. Whatever you do, don’t overextendyourself. Everything you do online is a reflection of your capabilities.Context is Important“Content is the king but context is the god” * - Gary VaynerchuckThe context is the circumstances that form and surround an even<strong>to</strong>r idea so it can be fully unders<strong>to</strong>od. When it comes <strong>to</strong> <strong>blog</strong> content,context is the way you’re publishing, distributing, and promoting yourcontent. If you’re trying <strong>to</strong> connect with your audience in the wrongcontext, it doesn’t matter <strong>how</strong> good your content is. Your content willnot be read, shared, or discussed.47

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