
how-to-start-a-blog how-to-start-a-blog


Types of contentAs a blogger, you don’t have to be limited to standard blog posts to share your expertise. Here are various contenttypes you can use to supplement your blog content.PodcastsIf you like to speak or interview others,then podcast content should be on your list.It can allow you to gain new readers fromthose who love podcasts, and you can transcribeor summarize your podcasts in blogposts.InfographicsFor those with designing talent, infographicscan be a great way to get more exposurefor your ideas. With precision design andbacked-up facts, you can get your contentfeatured on sites like Mashable and othersthat regularly post infographics.EbooksEbooks are also great freebies for buildingyour email list or, alternatively, somethingyou can sell on your website and AmazonKindle. You can create them from scratch,or repackage several blog posts that covera specific theme.VideosIf you want to gain new visitors from You-Tube, or simply feel that it’s easier to recorda video than write a blog post, then videocontent should be on your list. All you needis an HD camera (if you want to be on video),a microphone, and/or a good screencapture program like Screenflow if you wantto record tutorials from your computer. Youcan also create videos from webinars, Google+hangouts, and other platforms.PresentationsEnjoy creating PowerPoint presentationsor Prezis? Then create slideshow contentthat you can use on sites like Slideshare orto supplement your blog content.Whitepapers & Case StudiesIf you prefer to write in-depth, researchedcontent, then consider whitepapers andcase studies. These can be summarized ona blog post and then offered as a free downloadto build your email list or in exchangefor social shares.The best part about these types of content is that you don’t haveto create unique content if you want to explore different formats. Forexample, you can take a blog post tutorial and record it as a video.You can take a podcast transcription and turn it into a blog post. Youcan take several blog posts and combine them into an ebook. Thepossibilities are endless.37

Best blogging practicesTo become a successful blogger in any niche, you will want to followthese best practices.Set your blogging goalsYou’ll never know if you are getting the most out of blogging if youhaven’t set goals for your blogging. Is your goal to make money? Is itto get a new job? Is it to simply find people to connect with about aspecific topic? Define your blogging goals, and periodically ask yourselfif your blog is helping you meet these goals. If not, ask yourselfhow you can improve your blog in order to meet those goals.Aim to become an expertNo matter what your blogging goals are, if you aim to be an expertin your niche, the fulfillment of your goals is sure to follow. Peoplewho are known as experts in their niche tend to receive more recognitionand income for their content. They also tend to have largeraudiences and the option to turn their readers into customers by offeringrelated products and services.Engage with your audienceThe best way to stay in tune with your readers it to engage withthem. Some ways to do this include replying to comments, respondingto queries from your contact form, joining in conversations withreaders on social networks, and visiting your readers’ blogs to seewhat they are interested in and join discussions. As you do this, youwill build stronger relationships with your readers and learn moreabout what they want, something that can help inspire your futurecontent.Be consistent and realisticCreating a consistent schedule of posting on your blog helps yourreaders know when they can expect to hear from you again, whetherit’s daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. The key to maintainingyour consistency is to be realistic. Individual bloggers will find it difficultto create high quality content on a daily basis. Start with weekly,or bi-weekly, and work your way up to daily if that is your ultimategoal. Just don’t sacrifice quantity for quality.Aim to become an expertNo matter what your blogging goals are, if you aim to be an expertin your niche, the fulfillment of your goals is sure to follow. Peoplewho are known as experts in their niche tend to receive more rec-38

Types of contentAs a <strong>blog</strong>ger, you don’t have <strong>to</strong> be limited <strong>to</strong> standard <strong>blog</strong> posts <strong>to</strong> share your expertise. Here are various contenttypes you can use <strong>to</strong> supplement your <strong>blog</strong> content.PodcastsIf you like <strong>to</strong> speak or interview others,then podcast content should be on your list.It can allow you <strong>to</strong> gain new readers fromthose who love podcasts, and you can transcribeor summarize your podcasts in <strong>blog</strong>posts.InfographicsFor those with designing talent, infographicscan be a great way <strong>to</strong> get more exposurefor your ideas. With precision design andbacked-up facts, you can get your contentfeatured on sites like Mashable and othersthat regularly post infographics.EbooksEbooks are also great freebies for buildingyour email list or, alternatively, somethingyou can sell on your website and AmazonKindle. You can create them from scratch,or repackage several <strong>blog</strong> posts that covera specific theme.VideosIf you want <strong>to</strong> gain new visi<strong>to</strong>rs from You-Tube, or simply feel that it’s easier <strong>to</strong> recorda video than write a <strong>blog</strong> post, then videocontent should be on your list. All you needis an HD camera (if you want <strong>to</strong> be on video),a microphone, and/or a good screencapture program like Screenflow if you want<strong>to</strong> record tu<strong>to</strong>rials from your computer. Youcan also create videos from webinars, Google+hangouts, and other platforms.PresentationsEnjoy creating PowerPoint presentationsor Prezis? Then create slides<strong>how</strong> contentthat you can use on sites like Slideshare or<strong>to</strong> supplement your <strong>blog</strong> content.Whitepapers & Case StudiesIf you prefer <strong>to</strong> write in-depth, researchedcontent, then consider whitepapers andcase studies. These can be summarized ona <strong>blog</strong> post and then offered as a free download<strong>to</strong> build your email list or in exchangefor social shares.The best part about these types of content is that you don’t have<strong>to</strong> create unique content if you want <strong>to</strong> explore different formats. Forexample, you can take a <strong>blog</strong> post tu<strong>to</strong>rial and record it as a video.You can take a podcast transcription and turn it in<strong>to</strong> a <strong>blog</strong> post. Youcan take several <strong>blog</strong> posts and combine them in<strong>to</strong> an ebook. Thepossibilities are endless.37

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