ARL SMS-2000 Automated Metals Analyzer - spekom

ARL SMS-2000 Automated Metals Analyzer - spekom ARL SMS-2000 Automated Metals Analyzer - spekom


e l e m e n t a la n a l y s i sThermo ScientificARL SMS-2000Automated Metals AnalyzerThe Intelligent SolutionBetter quality analyses available fasterUltimate analytical performanceShort and constant response timesIncreased efficiency, reduced manual laborPart of Thermo Fisher Scientific

e l e m e n t a la n a l y s i sThermo Scientific<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong><strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Metals</strong> <strong>Analyzer</strong>The Intelligent SolutionBetter quality analyses available fasterUltimate analytical performanceShort and constant response timesIncreased efficiency, reduced manual laborPart of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thermo Scientific<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong><strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Metals</strong> <strong>Analyzer</strong><strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong>A third generation product at the leading edge of technologyAn opportunity to seizeOur company identified very early theimportance of automating sample analysesto improve quality control operations in themetals industry. In the mid 80’s, we werefirst in introducing a fully automatic versionof our optical emission spectrometers. Sincethen, the automated Thermo Scientific <strong>ARL</strong>3460 and <strong>ARL</strong> 4460 metals analyzers with<strong>SMS</strong> (Sample Manipulation System) haveestablished a high standard of excellence inthe most demanding applications such asthe iron and steel industry. They arerecognized today as the reference in termsof reliability, life time and performance.The latest Thermo Scientific <strong>ARL</strong><strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> version sets new performancestandards in speed, precision and capacityto meet the most sophisticated applications.Major productivity gainsWith the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong>, the samples areprepared and analyzed at a very rapid, fullysustainable and perfectly predictable ratewithout operator intervention. Operatingand analysis costs are cut significantly:• The results are available faster toimprove production turnover• More samples can be processed, sofrequently eliminating productionbottlenecks• Qualified laboratory personnel can bereleased from routine duties• Automatic instrument monitoringfunctions ensure that instrumentperformance is permanently under control• A better usage of standards reducesoperating costs even further. Theiranalysis surface is fully sparked beforetheir automatic re-preparationBetter analysis dependability andqualityAutomation with <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> reduceschemical analysis variation, eliminatesmany of the causes of measurement errorsand fully exploits the analytical performanceof modern Thermo Scientific process controlspectrometers.All samples are processed underrigorously identical and reproducibleconditions following procedures defined andset up in advance.Human variables, mistakes, subjectivefactors influencing analysis results anddown times are eliminated. Results aremore accurate and more reproducible;difficult samples can be analyzed withoutperformance compromise; less time is lostwith sample repeats.Spectrometer monitoring and controlform an integral part of the automaticsystem. The most complex analysisprocedures are applied systematicallywithout the need for any operatorintervention.A very fast payback• More dependable and less expensiveanalyses makes for a rapid return oninvestment (typically less than one year),not only for the automatic system butalso for the spectrometer itself• Smoother production flows with moreefficient quality control tools cutmanufacturing costs• The critical phases of production aremonitored more effectively, so enablingcommitments to be given for compliancewith still more stringent productspecificationsProven and recognizedtechnologyLaunched in the early <strong>2000</strong>’s, the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> is the trustworthy successor to theprevious generations of <strong>SMS</strong> systems and aserious challenge to beat for manuallyoperated instruments. Continuouslyenhanced as a result of customer’s feedbackand experience, the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> satisfiesthe full range of metals production controlrequirements, from large aluminum smeltersto the most modern steel works, includingfoundries with varied capacities and needs.They are used successfully over yearsby many well-known companies who relyentirely on our ability to supply reliableautomation solutions and to support themefficiently for many years followinginstallation.Powerful, multi-purpose andentirely customizableThe remarkable quality and speed of the<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> industrial robot combinedwith the unique <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong> automationsoftware provide an almost unlimitedoperational flexibility to cover all possibleapplications. This avoids having to redesignthe system each time and guaranteesoptimum support and evolution.Personalized configurationThis single product strategy does not limitthe choice of the configuration best suitedfor your specific application and needs.Options are available to simplifysample registration and introduction aswell as for further sample processing suchas radioactivity measurement andsample labeling.

Production samples can beregistered manually via terminals. Options areavailable to facilitate and speed upregistration such as reading data vianetwork files, bar code readers, selecting fromsample lists. On-line registration via networkby means of other computers (processcomputers, laboratory management systems)is also possible to avoid errors and save time.We offer fully automatic machines forthe preparation of metallic samples toprovide the surface quality required forreliable analysis by optical emission (ironand steel, cast iron, aluminum, copper,magnesium, zinc, etc). Many options areavailable such as magazines for sampleintroduction. High quality, reproducible andreliable sample preparation is an essentialcomponent of the automated metals analyzerwhich influences directly the analyticalperformance and the system uptime.The samplescan also be prepared outside the systemand introduced manually in the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> system for automatic analysis.The analysis results are immediatelyand automatically transmitted to addresseesaccording to their specific needs.Laboratory applicationsThe system is fully compatible withcentralized laboratories equipped with oneor more preparation and analysis lines andlinked to sampling locations via air tubesystems for sample transport.Simple and normalized interfaces easecommunication with other laboratory andprocess computers while providing all thenecessary functionality.This permits tooptimize the performance of largeautomated laboratories and reducescommissioning times to a strict minimum.In-situ analysisWhen the analysis must be closer to the process, the <strong>ARL</strong>QuantoShelter is the ideal solution.Also called the lab in a box, it is a container specially designedfor housing the automated Thermo Scientific metals analyzerwith sample preparation; it is used when no protectedpremises are available in production to install the system.The system operates very much like a process sensor or anon-stream analyzer. The sample transport times are thenreduced to a minimum as the laboratory is brought to thesamples rather than the other way around.

Thermo Scientific<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong><strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Metals</strong> <strong>Analyzer</strong>Automation tailored to your needsA simple, efficient and very fastsystem designed for easymaintenanceThe automated metals analyzer with <strong>ARL</strong><strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> is designed to minimizeresponse time and to optimize samplethroughput. Each component of the system(spectrometer – <strong>SMS</strong> system – preparationmachine) has its own intelligence and workssimultaneously and independently of theother. This distributed processing concept,with each component working at itsoptimum rate, maximizes the systemefficiency; tasks are performed in parallelrather than purely sequentially.For instance, samples are preparedwhile other samples are analyzed; theinstrument stand cleaning is performed inhidden time by the spectrometer,independently of the <strong>SMS</strong> robot.Each system component can also beused manually as a stand-alone devicewhen necessary for maintenance or forback-up purposes.The <strong>SMS</strong> system has its own “brain” inthe form of an autonomous automationsoftware running in parallel with theanalytical software. This distribution oftasks increases the modularity of thesoftware and simplifies testing, diagnosticsand maintenance; very few spectrometerextensions are required for automation.The <strong>SMS</strong> robot stands on a chassislinked to the <strong>ARL</strong> metals analyzer. The robotcontrol unit, with its digital signalsinterface, performs all hardware monitoringfunctions, which simplifies considerably theautomation. It is located under the chassiswith the <strong>SMS</strong> power supplies, electronicsand the sample sorting and filing recipients.High precision brushless AC-servomotors provide for an almost maintenancefree robot operation. Integrated absoluteencoder technology is used to achieve aposition repeatability of ± 0.02 mm. Theorigin is established once for ever when theunit is powered for the first time and thereis no need for complex, time-consumingreference traverses. The arm length is 0.5 mand the maximum speed of 2.1 m per secondprovide for a sample handling speed nomanually operated instrument can cope with.Waiting positions are also used tofurther optimize throughput when severalproduction samples have to be processed:prepared samples can be stored temporarilyto free the preparation machine for theprocessing of subsequent samples.More reliable, accurate andreproducible analysesThe global system reliability being no betterthan that of the weakest link of the line,each component of the automatic systemhas been selected based on very strictquality criteria, including the samplepreparation machine. The <strong>SMS</strong> software issubject to the most comprehensive testsever done by our company.At the heart of the system is the <strong>ARL</strong>3460 or <strong>ARL</strong> 4460 metals analyzer with itsanalytical software. The prepared samplesare transferred directly by the <strong>SMS</strong> robot tothe spectrometer stand. Their presence isautomatically detected. The sample is thenautomatically clamped onto the stand tableduring the measurements.The <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> robot automaticallyand very precisely shifts the samplebetween sparks as necessary to obtain aresult representative of the sample.Bad sparks are automatically rejected.To reduce the processing times for difficultsamples, bad burns can be detected earlyduring the pre-integration with the <strong>ARL</strong>4460 metals analyzer.The production samples areautomatically sorted and filed. Eightcontainers are available for this purpose.Production samples can also be returned tothe preparation system in large automatedapplications (for instance for centralizedsorting and filing).The cleaning of the stand table and ofthe electrode is performed in hidden timebefore or after analysis, thus ensuring aperfect cleaning and the best analysiscadence. The electrode can also be cleanedbetween sample sparks.A command panel is available tooperate the automatic stand when thespectrometer is used manually.

<strong>Automated</strong> unattendedinstrument monitoring andverification proceduresEnsuring that the automated metalsanalyzer permanently delivers quality resultsis essential to prevent scrap and rework inproduction.Control samples are regularly analyzedand processed by statistical evaluationtechniques (SPC) to detect eventualanomalies.Automatic instrument standardization istriggered by the system when necessaryand alarms are produced when manualinterventions are required to prevent thesystem going out-of-control.For certification purposes, theinstrument analytical performance can bepermanently recorded and visualized in theform of control charts (SPC-Full option)without operator intervention. The SPC-Fullsoftware is not merely limited to instrumentmonitoring; it can be applied automaticallyto production control as well for quickreview of the performance and identificationof possible process improvements.Type standards can also be used tocorrect response differences betweeninstrument calibration and the compositionof particular alloys.Conditioning samples can be measuredto remove eventual stand contaminationwhen trace elements must be measuredfollowing alloys samples or for conditioningof sample preparation grinding belts.The <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> magazine forstandards is fixed and universal. It can storeas many as 45 cylindrical and/or conicalsetting-up, control samples and typestandards of variable diameter. Higherstorage capacities are available as options.When a preparation machine isavailable, the setting-up, control samplesand type standards can be re-preparedautomatically in idle time, immediatelybefore analysis or at the request of anoperator. A specific preparation program isused to reduce standards consumption andsystem operating costs.A rotation device turns the samples byabout 45° to avoid any bias in the repreparationover time and prevent anysample inclination problems.Full traceability of quality controlactivitiesIn addition to the analytical performance,events of interest can be recorded andcommunicated to other computers. Thesefunctions are fully automatic and do notaffect system performance.Greater availability for processingproduction samplesAuthorized users can perform various taskswithout interfering with the automaticprocessing of the production samples:• Synoptic sample monitoring to displaytheir position and the status of eachsystem component• Registration of manual samplesintroduced directly in the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong>• Examination of the recorded systemactivities• Request to run a control sample or tostandardize the instrument• Pre-prepared samples can be introducedmanually into the <strong>SMS</strong> system• SPC control charts can be displayed andprinted• Analyses or the latest standardization canbe examined• User accounts allocate the systemresources and protect the system againstunauthorized changesSample surface managementThe analysis surface of every standardis managed to perform a maximumnumber of sparks before having to reprepare(saving on expensive referencesamples and making more timeavailable for the processing ofproduction samples).

Thermo Scientific<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong><strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Metals</strong> <strong>Analyzer</strong>Automation to advance quality control capabilitesSelective standardizationOnly the instrument channels ‘out of control’are then corrected. The number of samplesto analyze is reduced.Simplified and efficientmaintenanceMany on-line diagnosis tools enable systemand component tests to be performed toreduce breakdown times. Remote diagnosesare available as a standard facility. Thesystem can be checked via telephone lineunder the supervision of our specialists andthe software can be quickly updated.Simple restart procedures guide theoperator to start the system up again.To ensure optimum samplemanipulation reliability, every type ofproduction, setting-up and control sample isgripped and handled by the robot as aspecific sample.The spark positions are specific toevery sample; they can be easily and quicklychanged by the user to provide for the bestanalysis conditions.OptionsA wide range of options is available tosatisfy your individual needs:• Support of up to 5 different productionsample shapes• Labeling of production samples on theanalysis surface or on their back• A vision system to select the best sparkpositions for difficult samples and rejectthem without analysis trial when theycannot be measured• Sample collections and batchessoftware to facilitate the registrationand processing of repetitive series ofproduction samples (for instance,samples from aluminum electrolytic baths)• Security system compliant with ISOsafety norms• Remote control of the automated ThermoScientific metals analyzer• Digital signals for communication withexternal customers devices• Automatic re-preparation of sampleswhich cannot be analyzed• Sample radioactivity detection• Larger standards magazine capacity• Sample registration via terminal ornetwork• Registration from the list of productionsamples announced by other computersor using sample identification parametersrecorded on a network disk• Chronological filing of productionsamples on slide(s)An open and evolving productA flexible and extremely powerfulautomation toolTo satisfy the requirements of the mostvaried applications with a standard solution,very comprehensive functionality and totaloperational flexibility are incorporated intothe automated metals analyzer software.This permits us:• To propose, with the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong>, thefirst generic spectrometer automationsolution and concentrate on testing asingle software version for all customers• To release the most thoroughly verifiedsoftware components ever produced forspectrometer automation applicationsrequiring high reliability and uptime• To ensure the full durability of thecustomer investment and simplify aftersalessupport of a product strictlyidentical for all applications• To permit short installation andcommissioning timesWe configure and customize every <strong>SMS</strong>system according to your particular needsbefore delivery.Additionally, all the functions andoperating flexibility of the system remainaccessible after its installation. The <strong>ARL</strong><strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> can be further fine-tuned to takeadvantage of your experience in using it andto handle changing or new requirementswhich are difficult to anticipate. This greatlyreduces dependency on the supplier oncethe system is commissioned.

A strong, multi-purpose platformThe <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> system benefits directlyfrom synergy effects with other XRF and fireassay applications. It is designed,industrialized, documented, manufacturedand maintained according to ISO 9001-<strong>2000</strong>procedures. The result is unmatched featuresand performance with the most advancedautomation system available today.Updates are regularly made availableby our company, as and when newpossibilities arise. This expandabilityprotects the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> system fromobsolescence and keeps it in pace with thefast evolution of the technology.A unique automationproduct rangeThe <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> system is not merelylimited to optical emission applications. Thesame system is used for the automation ofX-ray fluorescence spectrometers (XRF) andfire assay analyzers (FAA):• <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> XRF version for the <strong>ARL</strong>9800 and <strong>ARL</strong> 9900 XRF spectrometers• <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> for the <strong>ARL</strong> Fire Assay<strong>Analyzer</strong>sThe other Thermo Scientific automationproducts include:• The <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-Omega and <strong>SMS</strong>-XY entrylevel systems for XRF spectrometerautomation• The <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-3000 for twin OES and XRFspectrometer automationTo keep you informed about our latestdevelopments, please visit perspectives for users of Thermo Scientific automated spectrometers:• One single partner and sole responsibility for metallurgical applications requiringdifferent analysis techniques (optical emission and X-ray fluorescence)• Standardization of production monitoring tools to reduce the complexity of automaticlaboratories and supervisor training needs• Automation expertise, support and services worldwide

Specifications<strong>Metals</strong> analyzers supported Models <strong>ARL</strong> 3460 and <strong>ARL</strong> 4460Sample weight Max. 900 gramsProduction samples Shape: Lollypop single and dual thickness,spemis, disks, cylindrical or conical(max. 3° cone angle)Dimension:Within ± 1 mmHeight:8 mm minimum (after preparation)Setting-up, control, conditioningsamples and type standards Shape: Disks, cylindrical or conical(max. 3° cone angle)Dimension:30-50 mm in diameterHeight:8-64 mm.Magazine for setting-up, control,conditioning samplesand type standards Capacity of 45 samples: 5 columns of 5, 7 or 9 positions eachwith respectively up to 64, 45 or 30 mmthick standardsSample preparation system For ferrous samples: MillingDual belt grindingCup wheel and belt grindingOptions:Sample introduction systemsFor non-ferrous samples: Dual milling or cutting and millingOptions:Sample introduction systemsSample preparation time andtransfer to the <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Depends on the type of sample preparation (25-75 sec)Typical Production Sample Manipulation Times:Transfer to the metals analyzer stand7 secSample shifting for another spark 5 sec (6 sec for the <strong>ARL</strong> 3460)Sample filing and robot move to the next sample 8 sec (10 sec for the <strong>ARL</strong> 3460)Sample labeling (option)Sample surface analysis by a vision system (option)Stand and electrode cleaningResponse time and cadence8 sec2 secIn hidden time (except for the cleaningbetween sparks – programmable –about 5 sec)Operates in parallel and independentlyof the robotTypical response time (<strong>ARL</strong> 4460) with two sparks of24 seconds each (including the result calculation time) 60 sec (62 sec with vision)Maximum analysis cadence per hour(<strong>ARL</strong> 4460 without sample preparation)60 production samples without markingand vision51 production samples with markingand visionIn addition to these offices, ThermoFisher Scientific maintains a networkof representative organizationsthroughout the world.Africa+43 1 333 5034 127 • analyze.emea@thermo.comAustralia+61 2 8844 9500 • 1 333 50340 • 2 482 30 30 • 800 530 8447 • 10 5850 3588 • 70 23 62 60 • 1 333 5034 127 • analyze.emea@thermo.comFrance+33 1 60 92 48 00 • 6103 408 1014 • 22 6742 9434 • 02 950 591 • 45 453 9100 • America+1 608 276 5659 • East+43 1 333 5034 127 • analyze.emea@thermo.comNetherlands+31 76 587 98 88 • Africa+27 11 570 1840 • 914 845 965 • / Norway / Finland+46 8 556 468 00 • 21 694 71 11 • 1442 233555 • 800 532 4752 • space requirements includingthe <strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> (in mm) Length 2800without security system Width 840 (1170 with optional extensiontable)Max. height1350-1600 (with vertical robot arm)<strong>ARL</strong> <strong>SMS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong>:WeightSuppliesPowerOperating conditions200 kg0,2 m 3 air per hour at 6-10 bar230 VAC ± 10 %, 50/60 Hz ± 2 %, earth < 1 Ohm, 1.5 – 2.5 KVALaboratory (except for the sample preparation machine)Thermo Electron SA, Ecublens,Switzerland is ISO certified.©2007 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.Windows is a registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation. All other trademarks are the property ofThermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change.Not all products are available in all countries. Pleaseconsult your local sales representative for details.BR41145_E 12/07C

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