irwin - Galerija Gregor Podnar.

irwin - Galerija Gregor Podnar.

irwin - Galerija Gregor Podnar.


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IRWIN<br />


Lindenstr. 35 | 10969 Berlin | Germany | tel. +49 30 259 346 51 | fax +49 30 259 346 52 | berlin@gregorpodnar.com | www.gregorpodnar.com<br />


Introduction<br />

IRWIN works in a complex and subtle way with connections between art and ideology. Their work brings<br />

together art historical references, such as Romanticism, Modernism or the Suprematism of Malevich, with<br />

symbols taken from religion or totalitarian political systems, for example from the Nazi era or from Soviet<br />

social realism. IRWIN has over time built a complex system of cross-references between their works and the<br />

works of other artists.<br />

The starting point for IRWIN is that different symbols have different meanings depending on place and time.<br />

In order to examine and discover the meaning and the function of a symbol IRWIN starts work according to a<br />

method or process they have developed themselves, the retro principle. This method means that in order to<br />

understand the meaning and function of a symbol one needs to investigate its origin. A reconstruction of the<br />

meaning of the symbol implies that the meaning of the symbol is changed retrospectively through the fact<br />

that IRWIN juxtaposes and appropriates the symbols into new contexts. Thereby the symbols are given new<br />

connotations. In many works IRWIN manifests the visual and ideological similarities between seemingly<br />

different totalitarian systems, the history of art and of religion. Their work often embraces a warm humor and<br />

in many of their works there are often marked ambiguities.<br />

IRWIN together with NSK (the artist collective Neue Slowenische Kunst, founded in 1984, where the music<br />

group Laibach is a member) can also be said to work with the question of the importance of culture when it<br />

comes to the reconstruction of a nation. In this work IRWIN takes as their starting point the Slovenian culture<br />

and the Slovenian nation. A nation that has to take into account the fact that it is situated, geographically as<br />

well as culturally, between East and West, between Central Europe and the Slavic heritage. Collectively the<br />

works of IRWIN deals with the European history of ideas and its ideological foundations, a political and<br />

cultural heritage that has shaped Europe in the past and will shape Europe in the future.<br />

Martin Schibli, on the occasion of the IRWIN-exhibition «What is art» at Kalmar Konstmuseum, Sweden, 2009<br />


Red Districts<br />

Blood, coal, oil on canvas, wood, marble, aluminium, gold, iron, glass, 350 x 420 x 40 cm, 1987<br />

Collaborators: Janez Knez, Tugo Susnik<br />

(second of two variants)<br />


Laibach State<br />

Wood, serigraphy on canvas covered with wax, silver leaves on wood, acrylic, tar; (Inside: aluminum cross,<br />

oil color, poster, mirror). Approx. 110 x 80 x 20 cm, 1987 (Dušan Mandič)<br />


Nova Acropola<br />

Wood, fur, serigraphy on wax paper, oil, plaster, 86 x 86 x 5,5 cm, 1988 (Roman Uranjek)<br />


IRWIN Icons<br />

Exhibition view at Venice Biennal 2003, 1993 -2003<br />


Cup of coffee I (Replica)<br />

Mixed media, 72 x 62 cm, 2003 (Andrej Savski)<br />

Vade Retro<br />

Mixed media, 93 x 69 cm, 1988 (Roman Uranjek)<br />


Bride (marvée)<br />

Mixed media, 86 x 60 x 16 cm, 2004 (Dušan Mandič)<br />

Malevich between two wars<br />

Mixed media, 77 x 51 cm, 1984-2001 (Dušan Mandič)<br />


Deer (Icon)<br />

Mixed media, 110 x 80 cm, 2003 (Miran Mohar)<br />

Wheel of the Wheels<br />

Wheel, chair, 140 x 55 x 55 cm, ed. of 4, 2000<br />

(Borut Vogelnik)<br />


Black Square on Red Square<br />

DVD, 3 min 15, Based on the action by Irwin and Michael Benson (footage of the Moscow TV and Kinteticon<br />

Pictures), edited by Igor Zupe, ed. of 3, 1992-1997<br />

On June 6, 1992 between 2 pm and 3 pm, the group Irwin and Michael Benson performed an artistic action<br />

Black Square on Red Square in collaboration with N. Abalakova (Tot-Art), D. Ariupin, M. Breznik, S. Bugayev<br />

(Africa), Charles, E. Cufer, B. Edelman, F. Fleck, J. Harten, J. Kollerova, V. Kesic, I. Koulik, E. and V.<br />

Kurlandzev, G. Kurierova, I. Smirnova, K. Tschouvaschew, K. Turchina and D. Zivadinov.<br />

The 30-minute action consisted of the spreading out of a 22 m x 22 m square made of black fabric in the<br />

central part of Red Square in Moscow.<br />


Transcentrala New York, Moscow, Ljubljana<br />

Cross (NY), Panorama (Ljubljana), Black Square on Red Square (Moscow)<br />

3 photographs, each 120 x 112 cm (framed), ed. of 4, 1992-1997<br />

Cross (1991), Black Square on Red Square (1992) and NSK Panorama (1997) are photographic documents<br />

of three actions by the artistsʼ collective Irwin, realized in New York, Moscow and Upper Carniola, and<br />

gathered together under the title Transcentrala. Three Suprematist symbols (cross, square and circle) were<br />

temporally installed in three sites with ideological implications. Following their method of “retro-principle”, the<br />

group re-contextualizes and deconstructs various motifs, symbols and signs from the field of art and politics.<br />


Exhibition view: Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, 2002<br />


Corpse of Art<br />

Mixed media installation (acrylic resin on wood, clothes, wax, flowers), variable dimension , first of two<br />

versions, 2003-2004<br />

The installation Corpse of Art copies the circumstances of the laying out of Malevichʼs corpse in his Leningrad<br />

flat in May 1935: displaying it in the Suprematist coffin designed by his student, Nikolai Suetin, according to<br />

Malevichʼs own concept. IRWIN shows the Black Square alone above the coffin – and leaves out the two<br />

realistic images from Malevichʼs work, which flanked the Suprematist icon in the original arrangement. In this<br />

way, IRWIN simultaneously radicalises and undermines Malevichʼs totalitarian claim to mould not only his<br />

whole life but also his own death. As a symbol of the failure of his utopias of Suprematism, IRWIN erects a<br />

memorial to them at the same time and makes Malevichʼs displayed corpse into the medium of his universal<br />

ideas beyond his own death.<br />

(Extract from exhibitionʼs texts of Medium Religion, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, 2008)<br />


Was ist Kunst (Frank Stella)<br />

C-print, plexiglas, aluminum, 161 x 231 cm, ed. of 3, 2002<br />

Photo: Klaus Vyhnalek<br />

«We donʼt consider ourselves as political artists, but rather we focus on how art itself is always political in<br />

certain contexts. We work on icons and stick on just a few «motifs» (subjects). In our paintings we are not<br />

interested in endorsing the idea of the supposed modernistic artistʼs freedom of choice in the subject. Real<br />

freedom for us lies in the idea of restriction.»<br />

IRWIN, festival THE INFLUENCERS, Barcelona, 2006<br />


Was ist Kunst (Tiflis)<br />

Ilfochrome, 109 x 146 cm, ed. of 3, 170 x 222 cm, ed. of 5, 2007<br />

Photo: Bojan Radovič<br />

In collaboration with Georgian Army<br />

Co-produced by TRAM foundation for One Stop project in the frame of Art Caucasus 2007<br />


Installation view at Cornerhouse, Manchester, 2004<br />

Like to Like<br />

100 x 118 x 6 cm (small size), ed. of 5, 2003-2004<br />

Photo: Tomaž <strong>Gregor</strong>ič<br />


Like to Like / the constellation of candles in the field corresponding to the constellation of the stars in<br />

the sky<br />

Photo reconstruction of the group OHO – action: The constellation of candles in the field corresponding to the<br />

constellation of the stars in the sky 1970 (Milenko Matanović), ed. of 5, 2004<br />


Like to Like/ Mount Triglav<br />

Photographic reconstruction of the group OHO – action: Mount Triglav from 1970 (Milenko Matanović, David<br />

Nez, Drago Dellabernardina), ed. of 5, 2004<br />


Like to Like / Wheat and Rope<br />

Photo reconstruction of the group OHO – action<br />

Wheat and Rope from 1969, ed.of 5, 2003 (Milenko<br />

Matanović)<br />

Irwinʼs project called Like to Like (2003-2004) consists of six large-scale color photographs presenting actions<br />

and projects in landscape. For anyone familiar with Slovene art after 1945, the images are easily<br />

recognizable as projects of the group OHO.<br />

Like to Like / water-air<br />

Photo reconstruction of the group OHO – action<br />

Family of fire, air and water: water-air from 1969, ed.<br />

of 5, 2004 (Marko Pogačnik)<br />

OHO was the most important Slovene neo-avant-garde group of the 60s and early 70s. The word itself is a<br />

combination of oko (eye) and uho (ear) and is, at the same time, an expression of astonishment. Roughly,<br />

OHOʼs activity could be divided into three main periods. In the first period (1969 – 1968), it functioned as a<br />

multi- and inter-media movement (objects, drawings, film, books, actions, visual poetry, music, etc.) with a<br />

broad range of members and collaborators. In the second period, OHO (1969 – 1970) was organized as an<br />

art group, and its activities included contemporary and avant-garde art forms, from arte povera and process<br />

art to land art, performance, body art, and conceptual art. In the last period (1970 – 1971), OHO was<br />

transformed into a community and developed a specific type of conceptual art which aimed at establishing a<br />

spiritual communication and ties between the members of the group and between the group and the world. In<br />

1971, OHO – on the threshold of international success – decided to abandon art as a separate field and try<br />

to find a synthesis of art and life by establishing a community in the village of Šempas.<br />

Irwin re-staged six of OHO projects (originally carried out between 1968 and 1970) that all belong to the most<br />

representative and best known OHO works. They appropriated OHOʼs projects not by using the original<br />

photographs, but by re-staging original actions and by reproducing them on large-scale, perfectly executed<br />

color photographs. This difference is strikingly accentuated by the use of the spectacular possibilities of<br />

contemporary photography. The OHO artist (just as a number of other artists from that period) were never too<br />

interested in producing lasting art objects. Their actions were ephemeral and often carried out without<br />

audience. IRWIN transformed the compositions of the images (originally unimportant and accidental) into<br />

recognizable art icons.<br />


Like to Like / Night, bow, burning arrows<br />

Photo reconstruction of the group OHO – action Night,<br />

bow,burning arrows from 1970, ed. of 5, 2004 (Andraž<br />

Šalamun)<br />

What they present, therefore, are not just OHO actions, but OHO as a phenomenon that already belongs to<br />

the history of art and culture. OHO became such a phenomenon also through the process that placed the<br />

documentary images on the position of works of art. This operation can be understood as a symptom of a<br />

more fundamental operation, i.e. of codification and categorization of OHO. But they also point at the<br />

relativity and instability of their meaning. With the change of the context, the same image, symbol, or form<br />

can obtain very different connotations...<br />

Dealing with OHO, Irwin also deal with themselves and their own practices and ideas. Some of these projects<br />

deal with the idea of the collective artistic production, even a collective artistic body. Even those OHO<br />

projects that could be described as works of process art use the model of “family” to describe relations based<br />

on differences, sometimes oppositions or even conflicts, that result in a flexible, dynamic unity.<br />

In his story “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote”, Borges described a late 19th century French writer whose<br />

central work consists of rewriting parts of Cervantesʼ novel. “He did not want to compose another Quixote –<br />

which is easy – but the Quixote itself,” writes Borges. “Needless to say, he never contemplated a mechanical<br />

transcription of the original; he did not propose to copy it. His admirable intention was to produce a few<br />

pages which would coincide – word for word and line for line – with those of Miguel de Cervantes.” When<br />

Irwin re-stage OHO projects, these get a whole new set of references. The wheat field, for example, becomes<br />

a reference to the Irwinʼs recurring motif of the sower. The actions dealing with the collective identity become<br />

references to Irwinʼs collective artistic practice. Re-staging of OHOʼs Triglav project refers to numerous<br />

Irwinʼs works that deal with images of mountains, and particularly to their interest in the ideological content of<br />

the image of mount Triglav that is Slovene national symbol. As Borges says: “Menard (perhaps without<br />

wanting to) has enriched, by means of a new technique, the halting and rudimentary art of reading: this new<br />

technique is that of the deliberate anachronism and the erroneous attribution.<br />

Extract from Like to Like by Igor Zabel, Ljubljana, September 2004<br />

Like to Like / OHO<br />

Photo reconstruction of the group OHO – action<br />

from 1970, ed. of 5, 2004<br />


Namepickers<br />

C-Print, 109 x 97 cm, ed. of 5, 1998 (In cooperation with: Marina Abramovic)<br />

Photo: Bojan Brecelj<br />

In a straightforward and simple way – and with an elegant allusion to prostitution – Namepickers points out<br />

that the essence of the artwork is determined by the authorʼs name. Namely, rating of the artistʼs name<br />

affects the market value of the work, and, retroactively, also his identity, which is perceptively – ironically –<br />

completely identical in any case. Thus IRWIN is facing the perfidious logic of a market also capable of<br />

capitalizing the speculative values of the author, even when these prove to be practically indefinable.<br />


IRWIN Live<br />

Installation/performance at CCA, Warsaw, 1998 (Guest artist: Zbigniew Libera)<br />

IRWINʼs paintings are hanged on the ceiling, the members of the group are suspended underneath and<br />

discuss about their works.<br />


Golden Smile<br />

C-print, 130 x 80 cm, ed. of 5, 2003<br />

Photo: Tomaž <strong>Gregor</strong>ič<br />


DA+DA<br />

Video, duration 3ʼ51ʼ, 2010<br />

Bischop M. Zlatanov reciting poems written for H. Ball, Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich 20.4.2010<br />


Dreams and Conflicts<br />

ca 170 x 260 cm, ed. of 3, 2003<br />

Photo: Igor Andjelič<br />

In order to create the photograph Dreams and Conflicts, the group Irwin stayed overnight at the Venice train<br />

station during the 50th Venice Biennial (2003). Their goal was to repeat a situation they had first experienced<br />

in 1986 when the group unofficially exhibited parallel to the 42nd Biennial (1986) and had been sleeping at<br />

the train station.<br />


The NSK State in Time<br />

(NSK Embassy Moscow, May 10- 12, 1992)<br />

The NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst or New Slovenian Art) collective has a multiform history. In the early<br />

1980s the fine art group Irwin, together with the music group Laibach, a theatre group Sester.<br />

»The NSK State in Time« was established in the only way possible, as a virtual entity that had no real<br />

territory (as it was said that it was precisely because of territorial concerns that we were witnessing the<br />

Balkan war) but only the insignias of a real State – passports, flag, etc., – which were elaborated as<br />

artefacts. From time to time, however, the »NSK State in Time« was displayed in real space. In the 1990s the<br />

NSK State in Timeʼs Embassies and Consulates were inaugurated in private apartments and houses, hotel<br />

rooms, and similar places to question the politics of space within/outside the Balkans/Europe and the Art<br />

Institution. The group Irwin established the NSK Embassy in Moscow in a private apartment (address:<br />

Leninsky Prospect 12, apt. 24) in May and June 1992. The facade of this residential dwelling was<br />

embellished with the artistically articulated insignia of a state embassy. Spaces that had always been<br />

considered as being outside the matrix of art and culture or at the margins of the system were suddenly<br />

transposed into the centre of the art system. NSK Consulates were opened in Florence, Italy (1993), at the<br />

Hotel Ambasciatori, and in Umag, Croatia (1994), in the kitchen of Marino Cettina, the Dante Gallery ownerʼs<br />

private apartment.<br />

The virtual NSK State tackles ambiguous procedures of codification and the system rules and principles that<br />

serve to define historical coincidence and artificiality. This parallelism between art and the state poses radical<br />

questions about the procedures and instructions that are at the base of the formation of the art system and<br />

which are crucial for its reproduction. »The NSK State in Time« displayed an incredible discontinuity and<br />

provoked an intensive public questioning in time and within time. In an attempt to emphasize the synthetic<br />

dialectical moment developed in »The NSK State in Time«, I asked myself in the mid-1990s how we could<br />

label this spiritual element of corporeality (the State in Time) and this corporeal element of spirituality<br />

(embassies and consulates in concrete private spaces). I proposed that we define them as spectres.<br />


NSK Citizens from Nigeria NSK-Logo<br />

2007<br />

Filmed in London from May 5-7, 2007 by film maker and visual anthropologist Esben Hansen<br />

(collaborator: Julie Boticello, anthropologist)<br />

Duration: approximate 80 minutes (non-edited material) ens Sarajevo 2007<br />

I stated, re-elaborating Jacques Derridaʼs The Spectres of Marx, that »The NSK State in Time« is the spectre<br />

of the state; NSK Embassies are spectres of embassies. »The NSK State in Time« was a transposition, as<br />

much as it was also a spectralization of the evacuation of specific historical, social and political spaces of<br />

former Eastern Europe, of its present non-existing condition. Or it is possible to say that precisely because<br />

NSK comes from a territory that is today described as “ex” or “former”, hence firmly grounded in time, NSKʼs<br />

projects imply the re-constitution of its historical, art and cultural space through time. This is why NSKʼs<br />

projects are so intricately involved in re-reading history, in the temporalization and spatialization of culture,<br />

art and the social. With two symbols or indicators – the NSK cross originated within the artistic legacy of<br />

Kasimir Malevich and the Nazi swastika – the virtual NSK State creates terrifying constructions and<br />

narratives deeply rooted in politics.<br />

Irwin reused the cross from Malevichʼs paintings, but emptied it of any spiritual meaning. It is possible to<br />

explain this trajectory as being similar to what Heartfield did with the process of montage. There is something<br />

paradoxical about this virtual state model and its possible (kitschy, That they are like an army is emphasized<br />

by their uniform style of sober suits and ties. Behind their uniform they hide their role of maximizing the<br />

efficiency of the capitalist machine. Through their mode of dress and in the way they function, they are a<br />

normalized anomaly within the capitalist system in Japan. The effect of such juxtapositions is the<br />

derealisation and the de-psychologisation of the reality of the Institution of Contemporary Art. This is politics<br />

beyond simple dichotomies reusing the concept of the de-realisation [and depsychologisation] of art<br />

(although we should be aware that the abstract positioning of art in contemporary capitalism insists on the<br />

psychological moment and on the psychology of the individual artist). Juxtapositions like this result in a<br />

diffracted picture of reality between art and army.<br />

Irwin does not ask us to merely choose between two or more options within a set of coordinates (art vs. army,<br />

etc.), but to change the set of coordinates itself. What we have to deal with here is the traumatic real, the re-<br />

articulation and re-questioning of the position of the army in contemporary societies and art within the art<br />

institution.<br />

Irwin: NSK Guards by Marina Gržinić; Published in Camera Austria, Graz , no. 96/2006.<br />


NSK Garda<br />

10 Iris Prints in Plexiglas boxes, from 1998 until 2007<br />

100 x 140 cm; ed. of 3 + AP<br />

50 x 70 cm; ed. of 5 + AP<br />

NSK Garda is a project by group Irwin that started in 1998 in Tirana, Albania (NSK Guard Tirana) and was<br />

later followed by identical realizations in Prague, Zagreb, Rome, Cetinje, Graz, Kyoto, Pristhina, Biskek and<br />

Sarajevo.<br />

All of the projects were organized through the cooperation between local art institutions and army<br />

headquarters. The basic action is very simple: 4 soldiers are guarding the NSK flag, they have crosses on<br />

the armbands and theyʼre standing there for one or two hours. The location is important; it has to be a public<br />

place, square, etc. and is usually linked to the place where we exhibit.<br />

Formally we see this project as some sort of tableau vivant of the real army wearing our and Malevich cross -<br />

art society and army society are social structures that are usually on the opposite ends of the social<br />

spectrum and very rarely mixed. As an art state NSK is in fact in some sort of parasitic relation with other,<br />

normal states and in this project this is made visible.<br />


NSK Garda Tirana<br />

In collaboration with Albanian Army<br />

National Gallery, 21. 12. 1998<br />

Ed. of 6<br />

NSK Garda Graz<br />

In collaboration with Austrian Army<br />

Forum Stadtpark, 6. 10. 2001<br />

Iris print, 140 x 100 cm<br />

Photo: Wolfgang Croce<br />

Ed. of 6<br />

NSK Garda Zagreb<br />

In collaboration with Croatian Army<br />

Museum of Contemporary Art, 10. 12.2000<br />

Photo: Igor Andjelič<br />

Ed. of 6<br />

NSK Garda Tbilisi<br />

In collaboration with Georgian Army<br />

TRAM (Transform Art Module) Foundation,<br />

13. 10. 2007. Photo: Bojan Radovič<br />

Ed. of 6<br />

NSK Garda Prague<br />

In collaboration with Czech Army<br />

MXM Gallery, 15. 9. 2000<br />

Photo: Igor Andjelič<br />

Ed. of 6<br />

NSK Garda Biskek<br />

In collaboration with Kyrgyz Army<br />

Kurama Art Gallery, 25. 4. 2004<br />

Photo: Erkin Boljurov<br />

Ed. of 6<br />


Retroavantgarde<br />

Mixed media (collage, acrylic on paper), 120 x 200 cm, 1st version, 1996<br />

The Retro-avantgarde project<br />

All «isms» in art were coming from the west, while for us every «ism» was a product of fiction and we<br />

managed to create our own: retro-avangarde. Somehow in the East the art system was lacking some of the<br />

elements it had in the western society. So it was not a matter of opposing to something or reclaiming our own<br />

space, but to build reality. Our condition was to construct our own condition.<br />

IRWIN, festival THE INFLUENCERS, Barcelona, 2006<br />


East Art Map<br />

The aim of East Art Map is to show the art of the whole space of Eastern Europe, to take artists out of their<br />

national frameworks and to present them in a unified scheme. IRWIN would like to display the practical<br />

fundamental relations between Eastern European artists there where they have not been documented, to<br />

draw a sort of a clear and user-friendly map of the art of Eastern Europe rather than to get some theoretical<br />

true thereof. History is not given. It has to be constructed.<br />

The group worked over East Art Map project (www.eastartmap.org) from 1999 to 2005. The project is a sort<br />

of a guidebook through the contemporary art of Eastern Europe and its relations with Western arts, social<br />

and political history. Initially, Irwin invited a group of 24 eminent art critics, curators and artists from the<br />

different ex-socialist Central, Eastern and South-Eastern countries to perform and to show 250 crucial art<br />

projects and artworks from their respective countries. Upon the results thereof, in 2006, it published the<br />

project book. The next step, technically as well as conceptually, was to transfer the EAM onto Internet and to<br />

open it up for contributions by its users, the general public and specialists being invited to participate in<br />

discussion, which may, for sure, change the topography of the map.<br />


Monochromes<br />

With the exhibition Monochromes, the group only appears to be moving away from visible references to<br />

artistic and political ideologies; in fact, the referencing of “pure,” abstract art is, above all, a commentary on<br />

the history of modernism with all its disjunctures and conflictual potential, as well as, of course, a way of<br />

receiving modernist principles, and Irwinʼs own recent history, in the present time.<br />

From the perspective of art history, monochromatic painting has appeared in a variety of different contexts in<br />

modernism. The common element was the treatment of images as the objects of an understanding in which<br />

painting was most often viewed as research into optical and psychophysical phenomena. Monochromism<br />

appears in the first decade of the twentieth century in the works of Kazimir Malevich and Aleksandr<br />

Rodchenko as the negation of the aesthetic understanding of painting; later, it appears, in less radical but no<br />

less spiritualized forms, in the work of Yves Klein, not to mention the broader tradition of abstract painting<br />

from Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers, and Ad Reinhardt to Frank Stella and Barnett Newman and other European<br />

and American abstractionists.<br />

Press release of the exhibition Monochromes, 2008 at <strong>Galerija</strong> <strong>Gregor</strong> <strong>Podnar</strong>, Berlin<br />


Dada magazine 4-5, (1918)<br />

Paper, siver leafs, cloth, bitumen, plaster, 40 x 31 x 6 cm, 2010<br />


Multiple Hugo Ball (4/4)<br />

Mixed media, ed. of 5 + AP, 79 x 59 x 6 cm, 2010<br />


Yellow Monochrome<br />

Lego bricks, wood, fabric, 91 x 71 x 6 cm, 2007 (Miran Mohar)<br />


Green Monochrome- Sower<br />

Oil on canvas, 77,5 x 87 cm, 2007 (Andrej Savski)<br />


From Light to Darkness<br />

Wood, silver leaves, epoxy, 85 x 59 x 9 cm, 2007 (Dušan Mandič)<br />


Monochrome – green<br />

Painting on wood, plaster, Plexiglas box (covered with a<br />

lenticular screen), 91 x 72 cm, 2008 (Andrej Savski)<br />

Irwin-Monochrome. Icon Deer III<br />

Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm, 2008 (Roman Uranjek)<br />

Monochrome – Yellow<br />

Oil on panel, 40 x 29,5 x 5,5 cm, 2007 (Borut Vogelnik)<br />


Irwin – Copper Monochrome<br />

Print, copper, 150 x 100 cm, 2008 (Roman Uranjek)<br />

Irwin-Monochrome. Icon Cross<br />

Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 100 cm, 2008 (Roman Uranjek)<br />

Grey Monochrome (3D)<br />

Lenticular screen, silver leaves, cloth, 89 x 69 x 6 cm, 2007<br />


Irwin Monochrome – I.K.Blue<br />

Pigment, aluminum, 76 x 51 x 5,5 cm, 2008 (Roman Uranjek)<br />

Monochrome<br />

Bischop Metodij Zlatanov of Macedonian<br />

orthodox church, holding an Irwin<br />

Monochrome: Pure red color (dedicated<br />

to A.Rodschenko, 1921)<br />

Iris print, wood, canvas, 109 x 79 cm, 2008<br />

(Dušan Mandič)<br />

Watercolour on Iris print, 72 x 93 cm, 2007 (Borut Voglenik)<br />


IRWIN<br />

Founded in 1983<br />

Dušan Mandič, Ljubljana 1954<br />

Miran Mohar, Novo Mesto 1958<br />

Andrej Savski, Ljubljana 1961<br />

Roman Uranjek, Trbovlje 1961<br />

Borut Vogelnik, Kranj 1959<br />

Irwin is also a cofounder of NSK in 1984<br />

Selected solo exhibitions<br />

2012<br />

NSK Passport Office, MoMA, New York, USA<br />

Was ist Kunst Hugo Ball, Elaine Levy Project, Bruxelles, Belgium<br />

2011<br />

Was ist Kunst Hugo Ball, <strong>Galerija</strong> <strong>Gregor</strong> <strong>Podnar</strong>, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

NSK Passport Holders, Acik Ekran New Media Center, Instanbul, Turkey<br />

NSK Folk Art, SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

East Art Map, Atelje Dado, Cetinje, Montenegro<br />

2010<br />

First NSK Citizens Congress, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany<br />

State in Time, Dolenjski museum, Novo Mesto, Slovenia<br />

Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, Switzerland<br />

The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel<br />

NSK Passport Holders, Center for contemporary art, Lagos<br />

2009<br />

NSK Passport Holders, Moderna <strong>Galerija</strong>/T5. Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

NSK Passport Holders, Tri Postal, Lille, France<br />

Was ist Kunst, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Kalmar, Sweden<br />

State in Time, Kunsthalle Krems, Austria<br />

Paintings and Photographies, Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna, Austria<br />

2008<br />

Monochromes, <strong>Galerija</strong> <strong>Gregor</strong> <strong>Podnar</strong>, Berlin, Germany<br />

Black Square on the Red Square, The Crouch - Art Basement Project if the Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia,<br />

Bulgaria<br />

State in Time, Aarhus Kunstbygning, Aarhus, Denmark<br />

East Art Map, Pinchuk Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine<br />

2007<br />

History Re-constructed, Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal<br />

2006<br />

East Art Map, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

Like to Like, Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna, Austria<br />

Selected Works, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest, Hungary<br />

Akank sanat Gallery, Instanbul, Turkey<br />

2005<br />


East Art Map, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany<br />

Like to Like, Gheto, Split, Croatia<br />

Neil Rector NSK Collection, (together with NSK) Frye Art Museum, Seattle, USA<br />

Like to Like, Art Centre Lazareti, Dubrovnik, Croatia<br />

2004<br />

Hysteria and two of her female friends, <strong>Galerija</strong> Škuc, Ljubljana<br />

Like to Like, Artspace, Sydney, Australia<br />

Like to Like, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, Australia<br />

East Art Map, Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland<br />

Like to Like, Cornerhouse, Manchester, UK<br />

2003<br />

Retroprincip, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen; Museum of Modern Art,<br />

Belgrade, Serbian<br />

Galerie Inge Baecker,Cologne, Germany<br />

2002<br />

Rekapitulacija, Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, Germany<br />

Sound Icons, Galeria Bonomo, Rome, Italy<br />

2001<br />

Self-portraits and Projects, Retroavantgarde, Galeria Bonomo, Bari, Italy<br />

2000<br />

Irwin Live, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Privatization of Time, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia<br />

Interiors of the Planit, Ursula Noordung, Retroavantgarde, Galerie Rabouan Moussion, Paris, France<br />

1998<br />

Three Projects, ICA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland<br />

Transnacionala Vienna, Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna, Austria<br />

1997<br />

Interior of the Planit, Tramway, Glasgow, UK<br />

Transnacionala Barcelona, Sala Montcada de la Fundacio La Caixa, Barcelona, Spain<br />

1996<br />

Transnacionala (conceptualized journey from East to the West Coast), project "Conversation at the Castle",<br />

Atlanta, USA<br />

Interior of the Planit, Ludwig Museum Budapest, Budapest, Hungary<br />

1995<br />

The Interiors of the Planit, Anonimus Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Project Proposal for the NSK Embassy in Beijing, Galerie Bleich-Rossi, Graz, Austria<br />

1994<br />

Project Proposal for the NSK Embassy in Beijing, Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne, Germany<br />

NSK Konzulat Umag, <strong>Galerija</strong> Dante, Umag, Slovenia<br />

1993<br />

Irwin-NSK Embassy Moscow Interior, Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle, USA<br />

Transcentrala, Old Poverplant, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

1992<br />

La Geografia del Tempo, Galleria Carini, Florence, Italy<br />

NSK Embassy – Moscow, Apt Art and Ridzina Gallery, Moscow, Russia<br />

1991<br />


Kapital, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts - National Gallery, Pittsburgh; New Langton Arts, San Francisco, The Institute<br />

for Contemporary Arts, Clocktower Gallery, New York; District of Columbia Arts Centre, Washington D.C.USA<br />

1990<br />

Kapital, <strong>Galerija</strong> Equrna, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Selected group exhibitions<br />

2012<br />

One Sixt of the Earth. Ecologies of image, MUSAC, Castilla y Leon, Spain<br />

The Present and Presence, Musuem of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

2011<br />

Night of Museums and Galleries, Plovdiv, Bulgaria<br />

The Global Contemporary. The Art Worlds after 1989. ZKM, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe Germany<br />

Dada Moscow, Artplay Design Center, Moscow, Russia<br />

Ensayos de geopoetica, Mercosur Biennal, Porto Alegre, Brasil<br />

Impossible Community, The State Museum of Contemporary Art of the Russian Academy of Arts, Russia<br />

A Slodown at the Museum, Extra City, Kunsthalle Antwerpen, Germany<br />

The international. MACBA, Museum of contemporary Art, Barcelona, Spain<br />

European Triennial of Small Sculpture. <strong>Galerija</strong> Murska Sobota, Slovenia<br />

Il corpo metafora di unʼesperienza. CIAC, Centro Italiano Arte Contemporanea, Foligno, Italy<br />

2010<br />

Things evoke feelings, CSW Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland<br />

Taipei Biennial 2010, Taiwan<br />

Wealth of Nations, Spike Island, Bristol, United Kingdom<br />

The Promises of the Past. A discontinuous history of art in Eastern Europe, Pompidou Centre, Paris<br />

Heimtat Donovina, Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Austria<br />

Quartet–Four Biennials Reflected in Prints, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana. Curated by<br />

René Block, Berlin, Germany<br />

2009<br />

La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Italy<br />

3rd Moscow Biennial for Contemporary Art at Red October Chocolate Factory, Moscow, Russia<br />

Modernologies, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain, traveling to Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland<br />

A pair of Left Shoes, Bochum Musem, Germay. Travel to: Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb, Croatia<br />

Utopics, 11e Exposition Suisse de Sculpture, Biel, Switzerland<br />

RE:akt! Reconstruction, Re-enactment, Re-reporting MNAC, Bucharest. Travel to:<br />

SKUC gallery, Ljubljana, and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka<br />

Europe XXL, Tripostal, Lille, France<br />

2008<br />

1st Brussels Biennial for contemporary art, Brussels, Belgium<br />

Taipei Biennial, The Taipei Art Museum, Taiwan<br />

Medium Religion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

Here is Every, Four Decades of Contemporary Art, MoMA, New York, USA<br />

Signs of Change; Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now, Exit Art, New York, USA<br />

The Renaming Machine, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Kontakt… Works from the Art Collection of Erste Bank Group, Institute of Contemporary Art – Dunaujvaros,<br />

Hungary<br />

Genau+Anders – Mathematik in der Kunst von Dürer bis Sol LeWitt, MUMOK, Vienna, Austria<br />

Less is less and more is more, that´all, CAPC Musée d´Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France<br />

The Art World, Unit 40, London, UK<br />

2007<br />

Erste Bank Collection, MoCAB Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrad, Serbian<br />

Not-quite/Not-right, <strong>Galerija</strong> Herman Pečarič, Piran, Slovenia<br />


Grow Your Own, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France<br />

Das Schwarze Quadrat. Hommage an Malewitsch, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany<br />

Not-quite/Not-right, Foto galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Not-quite/Not-right, Pilonova galerija, Ajdovščina, Slovenia<br />

Locally Localized Gravity, ICA Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA<br />

One Stop, Tram, Tbilisi, Georgia<br />

2006<br />

Eye on Europe, MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, New York (cat.), USA<br />

Kontakt … works from the Collection of Erste Bank Group, MUMOK, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig,<br />

Vienna (cat.), Austria<br />

Normalisation, Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö, Sweden<br />

The Sun on the Wall, Arsenals, (Trajectory series, LCCA), Riga, Latvia<br />

Essence of Life Art, The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia<br />

Interrupted Histories, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

On Difference 2, Stuttgart Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany<br />

Political Realities, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany<br />

2005<br />

Collective Creativity, Fridricianum, Kassel, Germany<br />

7th Sharjah biennial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates<br />

Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

Politike Slikarstva, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

2004<br />

Berlin – Moscow / Mocsow – Berlin, Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia<br />

Venture, <strong>Galerija</strong> <strong>Gregor</strong> <strong>Podnar</strong>, Kranj, Slovenia<br />

EV+A Biennial, Limerick, Ireland<br />

…and Others, Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Art / Kurama Art Gallery, Bishkek, Kyrgystan<br />

The Post_Communist Condition, Kunst-Werke, Berlin, Germany<br />

The beauty of failure / The failure of beauty, Joan Miró Foundation, Barcelona, Spain<br />

Lodz Biennial, Warshaw, Poland<br />

Il Buon Governo dellArte, Modern and Contemporary Art City Museum, Bergamo, Italy<br />

2003<br />

Individual Systems, Biennial of Venice, Venice, Italy<br />

2002<br />

Museotopia, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany<br />

(Un)painted, Essel Museum, Vienna, Austria<br />

State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

2001<br />

U3, Vulgata, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Artisti Asuonati, Flash Art Museum, Trevi, Italy<br />

Europa 2000, Palazzo della triennale, Milano, Italy<br />

Le Tribu delarte, Galeria Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, Italy<br />

Oko in njegova resnica, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Vulgata, Neuer Berliner Kunsverein, Berlin, Germany<br />

Jahresgaben 2001, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany<br />

2000+ Arteast Collection, Kongresscentrum, Innsbruck, Austria<br />

Diesseits und Jenseits des Traums, Sigmund Freud Museum, Wien, Austria<br />

2000<br />

Das Fünfte Element/Geld oder Kunst, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

Osmica v horizontali, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Lautre moitie de lEurope, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France<br />

1999<br />


After the Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

Stop the Violence, Art Academy in collaboration with MAK, Vienna, Austria<br />

1997<br />

Istanbul Biennial, Instanbul, Turkey<br />

This Art is Recycled, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Alpenblicke, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria<br />

U3, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

1996<br />

Manifesta, Boyman Museum, Rotterdam, Netherlands<br />

Interpol, Institute for Contemporary Art and Architecture, Farbfabrik, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

Discord: Sabotage of Realities, Hamburg Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany<br />

1995<br />

The Collection of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary<br />

1993<br />

Padiglione NSK, Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy<br />

Art in the Measure of the World, Kunsthalle Kiel, Kiel, Germany<br />

1992<br />

Molteplici Culture, Convento di S.Egidio, Rome, Italy<br />

First Hand Art, Regina Gallery, Moscow, Russia<br />

Identität: Differenz, Neue Galerie, Graz, Austria<br />

1991<br />

Slovenske Atene, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

Vanderlieder, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands<br />

1990<br />

Fra-Yu-Kult,Monastery Široki Brijeg, Lištica; 369 Gallery, Edinburgh, UK<br />

Team Spirit, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, New York, USA<br />


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