brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case


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The historic 1993 meeting in Khartoum led to an ongoing series ofcommunications, training arrangements, and operations among <strong>Iran</strong> and Hizballah and alQaeda. Osama bin Laden sent more terrorist operatives, including Saef al Adel (whowould become number 3 in al Qaeda and its top ―military‖ commander), to Hizballahtraining camps operated by Mughniyah and the IRGC in Lebanon and <strong>Iran</strong>. Among othertactics, these operatives learned how to bomb large buildings. Ex. 6, Lopez-Tefft Affid.151-52; Ex. 2, Timmerman 2nd Affid. 56-59. Another al Qaeda group traveled tothe Bekaa Valley in Lebanon to receive training in explosives from Hizballah, as well astraining in intelligence and security. 9/11 REPORT, p. 61; see also Ex. 6, Lopez-TefftAffid. 151. <strong>Iran</strong>‘s Charge d‟Affaires in Khartoum, Sudan, Majid Kamal, an IRGCcommander, coordinated the training expeditions; Kamal had performed the samefunction in Beirut, Lebanon, in the early 1980s during the formation of Hizballah. Ex. 6,Lopez-Tefft Affid. 152. 50 (Appendix I discusses evidence of financial connectionsbetween Osama bin Laden‘s al Shamal Bank and <strong>Iran</strong> during the mid-1990s. Appendix Jdiscusses evidence of the operation of terrorist training camps by <strong>Iran</strong> and Hizballah.Witnesses X, Y, and Z all provide additional evidence regarding these terrorist trainingcamps.)The terrorist alliance 51 among <strong>Iran</strong>, Hizballah, and al Qaeda created in 1991-199650 At the same time, the Muslim cause in Kosovo and Bosnia in the 1990s gave <strong>Iran</strong> and al Qaeda anopportunity to work together in jihad. See Ex. 6, Lopez-Tefft Affid. 153-57; Ex. 7, Bergman Affid.65. Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri both visited the training camps in Albania and Bosniabetween 1994 and 1996. Ex. 6, Lopez-Tefft Affid. 156. Money from al Qaeda arrived throughMuslim charities, while the <strong>Iran</strong>ians channeled money via their embassies in Sarajevo and Vienna; the<strong>Iran</strong>ians sent arms shipments through an airfield at Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. Thousands ofHizballah and mujahedin fighters arrived to fight for the Bosnian Muslims; they were trained by theIRGC, and even today, many mujahedin connected to extremist Islamic organizations across the world,and to <strong>Iran</strong>, remain in Bosnia. Ex. 7, Bergman Affid. 65-66; Ex. 6, Lopez-Tefft Affid. 155-57.51 An ―informal agreement to cooperate,‖ id., an ―alliance of convenience,‖ Ex. 7, Bergman Affid. 54;Ex. 3, Byman Affid. 39, 41-43; a ―quiet cooperation,‖ or a ―tactical cooperation,‖ Ex. 3, Byman58

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