brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case


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also Appendix G. The leaders of Hizballah, a creature of <strong>Iran</strong>, make certain that theircadres lie, cover up, obfuscate – whatever is necessary – to keep <strong>Iran</strong>‘s involvementsecret. Baer, The Devil We Know, p. 75. 25The development of the cult of the suicide bomber as a religious rite of passagehas enabled <strong>Iran</strong> and its proxies to strike devastating and precise military blows againstpowerful enemies without great risk or expense to themselves. Martyrdom was a pillar ofthe Khomeini‘s Islamic revolution, but the unconventional tactic of the suicide bomber –the ultimate smart bomb – as perfected by Imad Mughniyah and Hizballah, has turnedmartyrdom into a virtual state religion and a nationalistic sacrifice for <strong>Iran</strong> itself. Baer,The Devil We Know, pp. 2, 13, 38, 72, 212-13, 218-26.Importantly, the common American conception of <strong>Iran</strong> as an irrational anddogmatic Islamo-fascist state, which <strong>Iran</strong> largely was in the 1980s, is no longer accurate.Id., pp. 71, 77, 197. Rather, the leadership of <strong>Iran</strong> is coldly rational, calculating,pragmatic, 26 and strategic. Id., pp. 26, 125, 197, 249; Ex. 3, Byman Affid. 41-43.Thus, <strong>Iran</strong>‘s ―clerical regime . . . has shown a willingness to ally with groups it considersenemies for short-term advantage.‖ Ex. 3, Byman Affid. 42. ―<strong>Iran</strong>‘s leaders are quitecapable of supporting a given group one day, then arming its opponents the next as <strong>Iran</strong>‘stactical goals shift.‖ Ex. 2, Timmerman 2nd Affid. 4. ―[I]f there [is] one watermark25 Maintaining <strong>Iran</strong>‘s plausible deniability for the acts of its terrorist proxies is critical for <strong>Iran</strong> to avoidretaliation by more potent military powers, particularly the U.S. and Israel. A conventional militaryconflict would likely be devastating to <strong>Iran</strong>. Ex. 6, Lopez-Tefft Affid. 58; Ex. 3, Byman Affid. 40,44; Ex. 7, Bergman Affid. 41; Baer, The Devil We Know, pp. 64-67. This is important not only as amatter of self-preservation but also for a religious reason: as the ―Ommol-ghora,‖ meaning ―the heartof the Islamic world,‖ <strong>Iran</strong> is to be preserved at all costs. Ex. S-2, Testimony of Witness X, February23, 2008, pp. 20-22.26 Shi‘a Islam maintains a unique aspect known as ―ijtihad,‖ or the exercise of independent judgment,which allows for non-literal interpretations of the Koran and has permitted Shi‘a Islam to adapt to the21 st century. Id., p. 196.41

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