brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case


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officials provided direct and material support to al Qaeda for their involvement in the9/11 terrorist attacks.In addition, two of the experts, Clare Lopez and Dr. Bruce Tefft, intensivelyscrutinized the fact testimony of the four <strong>Iran</strong>ian defectors (including former presidentBanisadr). Some of the expert affidavits contain particular factual information known bythe affiants (Timmerman, Bruguière, Snell, Kephart, Bergman, and Adamson). Whilenone of the affiants can reveal classified information, none of them attests to anyinformation or expert opinion which is in conflict with what he or she knows to be truebased on classified information.Plaintiffs also cite the published works of noted Middle East terrorism expertRobert Baer, a former career case officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)from 1976 to 1997.The Experts. The first three experts listed below are former 9/11 Commissionstaff members, Dietrich Snell, Daniel Byman, and Janice Kephart, who provide affidavitsaddressing significant factual information known to them as a result of their work on the9/11 Commission staff. These three 9/11 Commission staffers‘ affidavits detail, interalia, critical information which puts in context the conclusions set forth on pages 240-241of the 9/11 REPORT and which demonstrate <strong>Iran</strong>‘s and Hizballah‘s material and directsupport of al Qaeda in regard to the 9/11 attacks.a. Dietrich L. Snell was a Senior Counsel on the Commission and the teamleader in charge of the staff group that investigated the 9/11 conspiracy itself. A highlyexperienced state and federal prosecutor, Mr. Snell was involved in the investigation andprosecution of high-profile terrorism cases, including, among others, Ramzi Yousef and22

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