brief - Iran 911 Case

brief - Iran 911 Case brief - Iran 911 Case
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APPENDICESPLAINTIFFS’ FIRST MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONFOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT AGAINST SOVEREIGN DEFENDANTSthe Islamic Republic of Iran, 90 F.Supp.2d 107 (D.D.C. 2000), andCicippio v. The Islamic Republic of Iran, 18 F.Supp. 2d 62 (D.D.C.1998).221. Since the time Iran was designated by the Department of State as astate sponsor of terrorism, a large body of evidence has been collectedand analyzed which shows conclusively that Iran views terrorism as aninstrument of state policy, like diplomacy or military power - a tool tobe used to further political objectives. The evidence shows that Iran has,over the years, directly carried out assassinations, bombings and otherterrorist acts against its enemies. It has also provided direct and indirectsupport to international terrorist groups in the form of money, training,sanctuary, documentation, intelligence, weapons and other types ofassistance, including to defendant Al Qaeda.222. To carry out its policy of terrorism and support for terrorist groups,Iran has created and used government organizations includingintelligence ministries, the military, special groups and various types ofcovert entities which are part of the government and are directlyanswerable to, and receive instructions from, the regime in power.223. As described above, Iran acted through its officials, officers,agents, employees, agencies and instrumentalities in providing materialsupport and resources to defendants Al Qaeda, Bin Laden and otherdefendants. The support provided by Iran to Bin Laden and Al Qaedaassisted in and contributed to the preparation and execution of the plansthat culminated in the Terrorist Hijacked Flights and the extrajudicialkilling of the Decedents.224. The following defendants, collectively referred to as the ―IranianInstrumentalities,‖ were among the officials, officers, agents,employees, agencies and instrumentalities through which Iran caused,supported and contributed to the terrorist acts that resulted in the deathof the Decedents: (the list of Instrumentalities includes Hezbollah, AlQaeda, and Osama Bin Laden).252. In the second half of November 1997, Ayatollah Ali Khameneiconvened a meeting with General Rahim Safavi and Ahmad Vahidi, theformer commander of al-Quds Forces, to discuss the establishment of anew elite terrorist force to carry out spectacular, but deniable, terroriststrikes against the United States and the West.viii

APPENDICESPLAINTIFFS’ FIRST MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONFOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT AGAINST SOVEREIGN DEFENDANTS253. Al Qaeda telephone bills of international calls between 1996 and1998 were analyzed by United States investigators, showing that nearly10% of the outgoing calls from Afghanistan went to Iran.254. According to the State Department‘s Patterns of Global Terrorism2000, Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2000.It provided increasing support to numerous terrorist groups, includingthe Lebanese Hezbollah, HAMAS, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ),which seek to undermine the Middle East peace negotiations through theuse of terrorism.255. The State Department‘s Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 alsostated that Iran‘s ―Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Ministry ofIntelligence and Security (MOIS) continued to be involved in theplanning and execution of terrorist acts and continued to support avariety of groups that use terrorism to pursue their goals.‖256. In January 2001, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri and other Al Qaedaleaders met with Iranian intelligence officials at a mountain guesthousenear the town of Varamin, just south of Tehran. The Iranian delegationwas headed by Hojjat-ol eslam Ali Akbar Nateq-Nouri and includedImad Fayez Mugniyeh, a Labanese operative and leader of Hezzbollahwho is credited with numerous terrorist attacks on Americans. Thepurpose of the meeting was to plan and coordinate Iranian support for anupcoming Al Qaeda operation against the United States.257. On May 4, 2001, a second planning meeting between Al Qaeda andIranian intelligence officials was held in Iran. Attendees at this planningmeeting included Khamenei, Rafsanjani, and Bin Laden‘s son, Saad BinLaden. Iranian intelligence memos written in the weeks following themeeting advise Iranian operatives to be prepared for U.S. retaliation foran attack planned for September 2001.APPENDIX EThe Islamic Republic of Iran’s Early Terrorist ConnectionsEven before taking power in 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a Shiite Muslim, hadix

APPENDICESPLAINTIFFS’ FIRST MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONFOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT AGAINST SOVEREIGN DEFENDANTS253. Al Qaeda telephone bills of international calls between 1996 and1998 were analyzed by United States investigators, showing that nearly10% of the outgoing calls from Afghanistan went to <strong>Iran</strong>.254. According to the State Department‘s Patterns of Global Terrorism2000, <strong>Iran</strong> remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2000.It provided increasing support to numerous terrorist groups, includingthe Lebanese Hezbollah, HAMAS, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ),which seek to undermine the Middle East peace negotiations through theuse of terrorism.255. The State Department‘s Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 alsostated that <strong>Iran</strong>‘s ―Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Ministry ofIntelligence and Security (MOIS) continued to be involved in theplanning and execution of terrorist acts and continued to support avariety of groups that use terrorism to pursue their goals.‖256. In January 2001, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri and other Al Qaedaleaders met with <strong>Iran</strong>ian intelligence officials at a mountain guesthousenear the town of Varamin, just south of Tehran. The <strong>Iran</strong>ian delegationwas headed by Hojjat-ol eslam Ali Akbar Nateq-Nouri and includedImad Fayez Mugniyeh, a Labanese operative and leader of Hezzbollahwho is credited with numerous terrorist attacks on Americans. Thepurpose of the meeting was to plan and coordinate <strong>Iran</strong>ian support for anupcoming Al Qaeda operation against the United States.257. On May 4, 2001, a second planning meeting between Al Qaeda and<strong>Iran</strong>ian intelligence officials was held in <strong>Iran</strong>. Attendees at this planningmeeting included Khamenei, Rafsanjani, and Bin Laden‘s son, Saad BinLaden. <strong>Iran</strong>ian intelligence memos written in the weeks following themeeting advise <strong>Iran</strong>ian operatives to be prepared for U.S. retaliation foran attack planned for September 2001.APPENDIX EThe Islamic Republic of <strong>Iran</strong>’s Early Terrorist ConnectionsEven before taking power in 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a Shiite Muslim, hadix

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