July/August 2007 - Port Canaveral

July/August 2007 - Port Canaveral

July/August 2007 - Port Canaveral


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A Legacyof AppreciationM.M. “Buck” Buchanan was the kind of man who is remembered —by people who met him once and those who worked with him for decades.In the many years he worked to promote<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>, first as a Commissionerand then as an Ambassador, he left asignificant mark on the <strong>Port</strong> and theentire Space Coast of Florida. He passedaway on <strong>July</strong> 15, at the age of 83.Mr. Buchanan was born in Hope,Arkansas, served as a naval aviatorin World War II and came to BrevardCounty in 1946. A founding presidentof MacMillan-Buchanan InsuranceAgency, Inc., he had energy to sparefor a wide array of social, civic andcharitable endeavors. <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>was fortunate enough to become afocus of his attention in 1980, whenhe first ran for an elected position onthe <strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> Authority Boardof Commissioners....He played a great part inwhere it (the <strong>Port</strong>) is today andthe residents of Brevard owehim a debt of gratitude...RALPH KENNEDYCommissioner<strong>Canaveral</strong> <strong>Port</strong> AuthorityDuring his 16 years on the Board, heserved as chairman, vice-chairman andsecretary/treasurer and played a significantrole in developing <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong> asa major cruise port. In 1982, he was oneof the three commissioners who voted torisk the then-limited tax-supported <strong>Port</strong>M.M.“Buck” Buchananrevenues on a conversion of 20,000square feet of the North warehouse intoCruise Terminal #1 for a one-day “cruiseto nowhere” operation.In 1986, the <strong>Port</strong>’s operating incomewas exceeding its expenses and theCommission began a debate on ceasingthe levying of taxes. The controversywas hot and centered on the <strong>Port</strong>’sability to maintain self-sufficiency. Buck’soptimism and unswerving belief in the<strong>Port</strong>’s bright future prevailed, and thelast 21 years have proven him right.But it may not be his work in Boardmeetings that is best remembered; it washis indefatigable promotion of the <strong>Port</strong>wherever he went that left, perhaps, themost vivid memories. According to MacMcLouth, former <strong>Port</strong> Commissioner and<strong>Port</strong> Authority Executive Director, Buckhad the habit “of placing a <strong>Port</strong> logopin on the lapels of men and blousesof females wherever he met them. Youalways could tell if Buck had been thereby the pins on the waitresses and taxidrivers.” …And everyone else around.Mr. Buchanan leaves behind himso many positive memories:“Buck was an outstanding individual.You couldn’t find anyone morededicated to being a <strong>Port</strong> Commissionerand he always had a kind word foreveryone. He was my mentor. He tookme under his wing on trips and at tradeshows and taught me how to approachpeople. He was friendly, outgoing andalways worked at resolving any issueswithout upsetting anyone.” Raymond P.Sharkey, <strong>Port</strong> Commissioner.“Buck always had a smile on his faceand a very deep appreciation for our<strong>Port</strong> and what it could do. He played agreat part in where it is today and theresidents of Brevard owe him a debtof gratitude. And he was a good guyto work with.” Ralph J. Kennedy, <strong>Port</strong>Commissioner who appointed Buchananas a <strong>Port</strong> Ambassador.“I quietly slipped Buck a whole bag oftri-color pins with our new logo at acommunity gathering. Judging fromhis smile, you would have thought Ihad given him a bag of gold. He loved<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Canaveral</strong>, pure and simple.” StanPayne, <strong>Port</strong> Authority Chief ExecutiveOfficer.4 <strong>July</strong>/<strong>August</strong> <strong>2007</strong> PORT CANAVERAL

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