MI.DA - The new generation of Danieli Minimills; Facts ... - IIM

MI.DA - The new generation of Danieli Minimills; Facts ... - IIM MI.DA - The new generation of Danieli Minimills; Facts ... - IIM

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K Factor 1: MI.DA. ® BusinesslandEconomically-sized to coverregional market demand400 - 700miles

K Factor 2: MI.DA. ® Super compact production unitTraditional MiniMill: 21,210 m 2MI.DA.® MiniMill: 14,265 m 249% more building spacerequired by a conventionalmill vs. MIDA mill

K Factor 2: <strong>MI</strong>.<strong>DA</strong>. ® Super compact production unitTraditional MiniMill: 21,210 m 2<strong>MI</strong>.<strong>DA</strong>.® MiniMill: 14,265 m 249% more building spacerequired by a conventionalmill vs. <strong>MI</strong><strong>DA</strong> mill

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