VBH Magazin 1/2012

VBH Magazin 1/2012 VBH Magazin 1/2012


IN FOKUS1. PrizeThe front door is a universe"Front doors comprise a universe,because they combine numerous elementsand functions and are highlycomplex. So doors are always a challengefor architects and we took greatinterest in participating in the competition",explained Petra ElfriedeGumbrecht concerning their motivation.From their office employing sixprofessionals, Bau3 deals mainlywith public buildings and renovationprojects. The focus was therefore onthe idea of a multifunctional door thatis used for all types of buildings.His company has been working inthe field for over 80 years and threegenerations and has since 2009 beenspecialising in the area of housedoors. "It was therefore important toprovide a design that on the one handexhausts all the possibilities and onthe other, optimises the manufacturingand assembly aspects."Together with Richard Burger fromTrendTüren they accordingly establishedall the necessary factors withwhich a door in the future must comply."In terms of stability, lighting, communications,thermal insulation andaccessibility, doors are currently stillfar from achieving what is technicallypossible and even what is sometimesalso required," said Richard Burger.The design by Bau3 and TrendTürentherefore integrates all the essentialdetails of the doorway into the surroundingframe, such as control panel,mailbox and lighting. The framework isflexible in both new and old buildingsand can be used with a removabledoor panel, similar to a mobile phoneskin that conforms to the design preferencesof the residents.08VBH Magazin 01/2012

Photo at the top: Mark Röser, director of category management of VBH awards the winner'scertificate to Elfriede Gumbrecht and Richard Burger, who (photo middle and bottom) take theopportunity to explain the door entrance (photo below right). The centre left photo shows themoment of revelation.One aspect that featured strongly inthe design was the lighting, which atthe same time provides illuminationand creates an atmosphere; but on theother hand though light warning signalscan indicate dangerous situationswhen an emergency call should bemade, as well as assisting accessibility.Here not only wider, higher standarddimensions and a low thresholdwere realised but the entire communicationat the door is accessed by adisplay panel that is positioned on theone hand according to the body size ofthe user, while on the other hand, permitsreciprocation of messages fromthe postman, the residents or visitors. Inthe letterbox, the team proposed a solutionthat corresponds to 100 percent ofthe energy performance of the door paneland yet is easily accessible from theinterior area.The jury praised the design and thus thecompleteness of the addressing of relevantissues concerning the entrance:"The design offers individuality andvariability through a high concentrationof resources. Likewise, the solutionsoffered can be easily implemented andstandardised, both in new buildings andold buildings."Magazin 01/2012 VBH09

Photo at the top: Mark Röser, director of category management of <strong>VBH</strong> awards the winner'scertificate to Elfriede Gumbrecht and Richard Burger, who (photo middle and bottom) take theopportunity to explain the door entrance (photo below right). The centre left photo shows themoment of revelation.One aspect that featured strongly inthe design was the lighting, which atthe same time provides illuminationand creates an atmosphere; but on theother hand though light warning signalscan indicate dangerous situationswhen an emergency call should bemade, as well as assisting accessibility.Here not only wider, higher standarddimensions and a low thresholdwere realised but the entire communicationat the door is accessed by adisplay panel that is positioned on theone hand according to the body size ofthe user, while on the other hand, permitsreciprocation of messages fromthe postman, the residents or visitors. Inthe letterbox, the team proposed a solutionthat corresponds to 100 percent ofthe energy performance of the door paneland yet is easily accessible from theinterior area.The jury praised the design and thus thecompleteness of the addressing of relevantissues concerning the entrance:"The design offers individuality andvariability through a high concentrationof resources. Likewise, the solutionsoffered can be easily implemented andstandardised, both in new buildings andold buildings."<strong>Magazin</strong> 01/<strong>2012</strong> <strong>VBH</strong>09

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