VBH Magazin 1/2012

VBH Magazin 1/2012 VBH Magazin 1/2012


SIMPLY EVERYTHINGVBH paves the way to newtechnologiesIn search for innovation, the experts inwindow and door hardware from VBHregularly look beyond their own industryhorizons to expand their view. Forin the combination of new technologies,for example from the telecommunicationsand automotive industries,there often emerge new product solutionsfor window and door manufacturers.Several new products werefirst introduced to the internationalaudience at the fensterbau/frontal: agreenteQ window catch with built-inalarm and air-conditioning function,the greenteQ Jet-Fast fast chipboardscrew with patented thread geometryand greenteQ mortise locks.greenteQ window catch alarm with climate control functionand cell phone technology"With our new VDS-certified greenteQwindow catch alarm with climate controlfunction, electronics technologieswere employed that have already beenproven in millions of mobile phones.The combination allows the placementof important functions in a very smallspace and an aesthetic form factor– and all at a reasonable price, "saysMarkus Roeser, Category Manager atVBH. The new greenteQ window catchintegrates the entire alarm and air conditioningtechnology in the rosette –including commercial ½ AA battery, 3-Dmotion sensor and climate sensor. Inthe event of a glass breakage or shatteringof the window a clear warningsignal (110 to 115 dB) is emitted. A lightring signals a high humidity level with aconcomitant need for ventilation. Otherbenefits include easy installation andease of use in the function and batteryreplacement. All existing windowscan be upgraded easily and quickly byreplacing the handles. By closing thewindow (handle in six-o-clock-setting)the alarm is automatically activatedand a confirmation tone generated. Onopening, the feature is disabled automatically.The small footprint of mobiletechnology also allows for an almostuniform appearance with handles fromthe existing greenteQ window handlerange. Expected from August, the newgreenteQ window handle is availablein a stainless steel version from VBH.Other shapes and designs to follow.The rapid screw: greenteQJet-FastWith the greenteQ Jet-Fast chipboardscrew, VBH presents a solution tomake window and door manufacturers,craftsmen and technicians' daily workmuch easier. greenteQ Jet-Fast is fast,stable and suitable for universal use inwood and wood composite materialsand plastics. The secret is the patentedthread design that allows for faster andeasier countersinking of the screw. Theeasy penetration of the materials andthe removal of chips securely deliversvarious concave threaded inserts. Adual countersunk head with milling ribsprovides a clean penetration and evenin peripheral areas thanks to a countersinkslit the screw can fix in combinationwith a serrated shatterproof blade.The fast screw is one of the highlights inthe extended range of greenteQ rangeof fixings and is now available in differentsizes and lengths of 16-120 mm, asPZD Phillips or i-Star (TX) with full orpartial thread.14VBH Magazin 01/2012

SIMPLY EVERYTHINGgreenteQ mortise locksand multi-point locksIn the field of door fittings mortise lockswith a five-year guarantee extend thefunction of the greenteQ range. Threeversions are available immediatelyfrom stock: choose a standard modelfor metal frame doors (RR), a variantwith a roller latch for swing doors (RF)or the FS configuration for fire doorscertified with the CE- EN 1634-2 firecertificate. The high quality and durabilityare characterised by high sawprotection, by means of two hardenedand loose mounted steel pins in thebar, as well as the closed design of thelock box screwed massively on the 3mm thick plate. All three mortise locksoffer a single throw-out of 20 mm; themortise lock offers simple operationand simultaneously a high level of protection.The locks are characterised bya reversible latch allowing right or lefthand use; the working height of thelock box is 15 mm. Matching greenteQstrike plates are also offered for manyprofile systems (including Aluplast,Gealan, Kömmerling, Rehau, Schüco,Veka). The greenteQ Mortise lockscomply with the terms, dimensions,specifications, testing and marking ofmortise locks with latch and / or boltof DIN 18251-2 and are suitable forthe commercial and residential constructionand for use in public buildings(certified to EN 12209:2003 inthe user category class 3). They aredesigned for profile cylinder and certifiedaccording to DIN 18252.In the area of multi-point locks,according to brand manager NatalieSchell suitable products will soon follow:"Internationally, we are alreadyattracting great interest in our mortiselocks; however, in Germany the proportionof multi-point locks is muchhigher. Therefore, we are expandingour product line in a few weeks in thisarea. "Detailed information, productdata sheets, installation instructionsand test certificates for the entiregreenteQ range are available on thewww.greenteQ.info site.Magazin 01/2012 VBH15

SIMPLY EVERYTHINGgreenteQ mortise locksand multi-point locksIn the field of door fittings mortise lockswith a five-year guarantee extend thefunction of the greenteQ range. Threeversions are available immediatelyfrom stock: choose a standard modelfor metal frame doors (RR), a variantwith a roller latch for swing doors (RF)or the FS configuration for fire doorscertified with the CE- EN 1634-2 firecertificate. The high quality and durabilityare characterised by high sawprotection, by means of two hardenedand loose mounted steel pins in thebar, as well as the closed design of thelock box screwed massively on the 3mm thick plate. All three mortise locksoffer a single throw-out of 20 mm; themortise lock offers simple operationand simultaneously a high level of protection.The locks are characterised bya reversible latch allowing right or lefthand use; the working height of thelock box is 15 mm. Matching greenteQstrike plates are also offered for manyprofile systems (including Aluplast,Gealan, Kömmerling, Rehau, Schüco,Veka). The greenteQ Mortise lockscomply with the terms, dimensions,specifications, testing and marking ofmortise locks with latch and / or boltof DIN 18251-2 and are suitable forthe commercial and residential constructionand for use in public buildings(certified to EN 12209:2003 inthe user category class 3). They aredesigned for profile cylinder and certifiedaccording to DIN 18252.In the area of multi-point locks,according to brand manager NatalieSchell suitable products will soon follow:"Internationally, we are alreadyattracting great interest in our mortiselocks; however, in Germany the proportionof multi-point locks is muchhigher. Therefore, we are expandingour product line in a few weeks in thisarea. "Detailed information, productdata sheets, installation instructionsand test certificates for the entiregreenteQ range are available on thewww.greenteQ.info site.<strong>Magazin</strong> 01/<strong>2012</strong> <strong>VBH</strong>15

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