Biophile Issue 20 — R25 - Biophile Magazine

Biophile Issue 20 — R25 - Biophile Magazine Biophile Issue 20 — R25 - Biophile Magazine
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issue <strong>20</strong> Feb / Mar <strong>20</strong>08<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>is published every two months,in February, April, June, August,October and December. Deadlinesfor advertising and articlesubmissions are the 15th day of themonth preceding publication.Mission StatementOur mission is to impartknowledge with truth and integrityfor the highest good of all. <strong>Biophile</strong>is not affiliated to any religious,political or philosophical ideologyor organisation. Our ethos is oneof co-operation and sharing. Wetherefore actively encourageyou to reproduce and share theinformation in this magazine, butplease contact us first to confirmthe availability of the materialyou’d like to use.DisclaimerNo guarantee is madeconcerning the validity of theinformation in this publication andno responsibility will be acceptedfor any errors or omissions,or comments made by ourcontributors.The TeamEditor: Anthea Coral 709 Des du Plooy,Shahied Ishmail, Debbie Enslin,Lawrence KapyepyeContact usTel: (021) 709 0390Fax: (021) 709 0392Postal: Box 39277Capricorn Square 7948Email: us magazine has been freedby copyleft. Unless otherwisenoted, you are free to redistributethe content of this magazine ifyou clearly credit the author andsource.ISSN: 1813-1395Printed with lead-free inkson recycled paperMinimum 10% of profitsdonated to charity14 Animal Lives MatterNon-human animals have many of the same feelings we do. They experience contagiousjoy and the deepest of grief, they get hurt and suffer...16 The Global Benefits of Not Eating MeatFor the sake of people, animals and the planet,meat must now become an urgent political issue.18 An Erotic EcologyTantra teaches practices that helps us to return to the natural: the realization that sexualenergy is life force that flows through all things.<strong>20</strong> Global Warming and Chemical GenocideThe intentional distortion of science is tantamount to murder. Eventually millions coulddie because of inaction by the world community whose leadership stands in Washington?24 The Spiritual SpeciesSeeking purpose for the human race.26 The Upward Spiral of EvolutionMost of the ills of humanity and the Earthoriginated with those providing the solution,and we are never offered a third choice..38 Raw Food LifeGet juiced up for <strong>20</strong>08!40 African Bliss: A Farm in the Kouga44 The Horse Leads the WayHow a horse can transform leaders in the corporateworld.48 Is Modern Medicine Founded onError?Most of the cells in your body are not your own, norare they even human.50 Disempowering the UnbornFor a healthy woman, going to an obstetrician is likeusing a steamroller to make a pizza, or getting RobertMugabe to run a playgroup.55 Biobirth56 No! to Chocolate. Yes! to GarlicHolistic pet nutrition.57 The Year of DissolutionThis is the year for the dissolution of the infrastructure.The most important infrastructures to dissolve areyours and mine - our egoic infrastructures.58 <strong>20</strong>12: Entry into Earth’s Golden AgeOur calendars cannot accurately convey when majortransitional changes will be completed, because lineartime is disappearing.02 Inbox06 Editorial08 The Biofiles10 Get Active!30 Jena’s Hand in it All31 Green Directory34 Subscription & Back <strong>Issue</strong>s36 Urban Sprout37 Carrot Cruncher42 Soil for Life46 Books to Change Your Life64 Cosmic Directions1

inbox our readers writePlease send your letters them toPO Box 39277 Capricorn Square 7948or fax them to 021 709 0392The Star Letter wins a year’s subscriptionShining lightinto darkcorners!Really enjoy your magazine and all theinformative articles. Thank you for shininglight into the dark corners!!I live in Hermanus and volunteer at ouranimal welfare kennels, some fundraising,an adoption drive and getting volunteerstogether to walk and play with the dogs.Like all animal shelters we struggle withcosts. So what a surprise to be approachedby a new small company called PureWater, who want to present us with a fatcheck and an ongoing monthly donation.The company is based in Cape Town, andowned and run by such caring people,who are concerned for the environment,and also animal lovers.Their approach is to take their bottledwater (which comes from the family farmin Hex River valley and is the purest springin South Africa), into the communities atcut rate prices, delivering door to door,and giving 10c of every bottle sold to variouscharities, of which we are one.Having just re-read the Aug/Sep issueagain on The Sacred Act of Living Sustainably,in which it talks about how thebottled water in plastics is such a terriblepollution problem, I was so chuffed tohear that this company have bio-degradableplastic bottles which once opened,degrade in 3 months. (Therefore theyshould not be re-used).I met the Cape Town director, BrianBradnick, who is a young family man,concerned for the environment and wantingto give back to communities in manyways. I was impressed by their company’scaring and integrity, and of course theirsharing of profits to charities, as they saythe water is from the earth and one shouldnot charge for it – you charge for the processof bottling it etc.I thought you might like to contact thisman and get their details and do a storyon them –He is Brian Badnick on 083 262 2182,,. TheCape Town number is 021- 386 0446.Their website MillerSTARLETTERNatureSpirits andElemental BeingsSince the very first <strong>Biophile</strong> I am 100%"with you" - in admiration, sympathy,empathy, prayers and hope ...! I am veryhappy that you have taken the initiativeto speak out what is most importantfor all life on our planet. I hope that theconsciousness you spread is growing andgrowing.In Germany my parents - (as landscapearchitects and after WW2 they evenbecame vegetarians) - have been environmentalfore runners. With their concern inmind they travelled and lived in the UnitedStates, in SA and Europe, and in publictalks brought attention to endangeredlandscapes - and what could be done. Onesuch action I remember:My father with the right plantation andmassive earth movements created a beautiful,green and lasting new (!) landscapeby transforming the ugly desert-like damagesome "Ruhrgebiet" coal mines had left.Why do I mention this ?Would it not be an idea for <strong>Biophile</strong> tospeak to "real" South African landscapearchitects (and here I do not mean gardenerswho do also necessary "landscaping"for home gardens) and encourage youngpeople to study this specific subject?This would sometimes also include -if cleverly planned and managed- ourshameful waste management.I am so relieved that this "awarenessawakening" has now spread to SouthAfrica - at last - and you, Anthea and yourgreat team are "playing" one of the largestpart in it !The message has to become so strongthat the government can not but follow -HAVE to!! - with earnest whole hearted andfully understood actions.!In No. 16 of your magazine the "star letter"says: "... Where can we get more advicefor average people ?.."Mikal is right, I have also to be carefulsometimes not to become depressed byreading all these alarming stories. The articleI send you herewith (nature spirits...)could perhaps be helpful for the mentalstate for many of us - just by knowing thatwe can communicate with nature and startto help in a humble but effective way...It is about the great importance to becomeaware that men and women are notthe only earth-inhabitants who are desperateabout the ignorance how we treat theplanet.It is about the impartial part nature andelemental spirits play in all nature kingdoms- air, water, fire, sand, stone, trees,animals etc. - and why it is necessary toknow about their work. They are desperatethat mankind in general have forgottenthey exist ... and that it is they (them?) Whoare doing the actual growing and nurturingwork, and even better if we help them.They have very strong words about floods,drought, radioactivity, cloning, gene modification,and also trees-planted-for-"use"(for money) :monoculture, the shockedanimals in mass stables and so on, ... manysubjects we read in <strong>Biophile</strong>.You can change the article as you feel,you may either only read it, or take whatyou think is right and enough, print it allor parts, or change my not so perfect language- as long as you think it is the rightsubject for <strong>Biophile</strong>.You know about Findhorn - so pleaseread this very short condensed extract(from a few new books) which I had onceprepared for a talk. (... Therefore it is not100% right as an article I guess) At presentthe first open workshop — on trees — istaking place in Germany, the first of itskind with humans and elementals.Wisegard von Oertzen2 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

INBOXconsciousnessOne of the most brilliant insights Dr. Steiner gave the world, "modern science" can understand why this is so. By taking drugs,is the origin and basis of consciousness of the humanwe kill more brain cells than what normally would be the case,being, to which modern science has not jet woken up to, neither and get in return a larger consciousness or spiritual insight.acknowledges. Here we come to perhaps the most fascinatingWhy people would do this all the more, lies in our misappropriationof reality, i.e. a curios mix of Darwinism and materialism,example of the law of the balance of opposites.This law, mentioned above, holds good for all of creationthat fails to satisfy the maxim that " man cannot live by breadincluding even the most intimate function of the human psyche; alone"...thinking...If we would ask WHY kids take drugs. Are MY kids takingThe balance of opposition will have that to be conscious... to be drugs? We’ll be closer to finding a real solution.alive and aware... something in us must literally die. Now what is In the poorer nations in Africa, or people living close to nature,it that dies in us without us feeling pain, perhaps not always, and drugs don't feature at all and is considered the task of medicinethe answer is: our brain cells, not to be regenerated. So consciousnessdoes not rest upon a bodily function or some chemical reac-Is it not a very curios fact that modern western capitalisticmen, or Shamans.tion in the brain. As a matter of fact we don't think with our brains countries could find it necessary to ban natural drugs, plants, thatat all! Real thinking i.e. Not repeating other peoples thoughts, is a was here long before we arrived on the scene! The audacity offunction of our soul and the brain is simply a receiver or a many that can only be beaten by removing evidence of the use of thesepronged plug, by which the soul transmits thoughts to our bodies. substances, we find mentioned in the Scriptures. Careful studyProof of this fact can be found with some people that has had near of old copies of the Bible will reveal the truth of this!! Just go anddeath experiences, i.e. there was no dimming of awareness or read the letters of Paul in an old translation of the Bible to findthinking although they were clearly outside their bodies.confirmation of this fact...Confirmation of this can also be found from a very controversialsubject in what is nowadays an increasing phenomenon; the above, how Christ was given gall and vinegar on the cross. GallNational Geographic mag. Feb. 1985 ? Printed an article on theproliferation and use of hallucinogenic drugs.was the ancient word for Rosh or opium: Papawer Somniferum.Science tells us that these "drugs" are neuro toxins, i.e. theyThis essay is not an attempt to justify drug-taking but to hopefullystart a new appreciation of these plants and their purpose fordestroy brain cells, and this is true, because brainscans of longtime users show huge cavities in the brain... but why these people being here i.e. we must give it, a purpose, or else it will give us ashow no apparent loss of abilities, modern medicine is at a loss to purpose!explain.However, someone that has moved beyond the restraints of EuanniesEVERYTHINGIS POSSIBLE IFYOU BELIEVEThere are no real barriers to your success.You must simply overcome any doubtsyou have about your ability.Your self image prescribes the limits foryour accomplishments.It prescribes the area of what is possiblefor you.Don't be afraid of living.Believe that life is worth living and youwill create that fact around you.If you see yourself as prosperous, you willbe.If you see yourself as broke, that isexactly what you will be.You will never succeed until you believeyou can succeed.You can be who you want to be.A South African JourneyI like traditions. They are rooted in history. As I young boy I becameaddicted to history. I still am.That's why I am sending you my best "traditional" wishes at thebeginning of <strong>20</strong>08.I am filled with gratitude because of the many new friends I made all overthe world and especially in South Africa.I want to have lots of laughs in <strong>20</strong>08.That's why I want to start this new year with a story I found on Alsatian went to a telegram office, took out a blank form and wrote:Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. The clerk examinedthe paper and politely told the dog: There are only nine words here.You could send another Woof for the same price. But, the dog replied, thatwould make no sense at all.Let's put some sense into <strong>20</strong>08.A very happy new year to you from Bruno<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>3

Project GreenI recently came across your magazine forthe first time whilst on holiday in Mozambique.We stayed at the Dolphin Encounterscamp in Ponto Do Ouro, and yourmagazine was on all the communal tables.I've never read a magazine like it —your articles are so relevant and cuttingedge, without any bias whatsoever, that Icouldn't believe the magazine was SouthAfrican.I'm studying towards an LLB at UCTwith the aim of specialising in EnvironmentalLaw and I've recently become veryinterested in Global Warming, SustainableDevelopment and Healthy Living in generaland your magazine encompasses all ofthem and more. My girlfriend and I wereso impressed that we decided we're goingto subscribe as soon as possible!Well done on an excellent product! Itreally is the only magazine people shouldbe reading!Cameron DuncanThere is no “quick fix”Thanks for a super magazine. I was ill for 5years years with fibromyalgia and chronicfatigue syndrome. Fortunately I believe innatural healing and also had the meansto take supplements and see many alternativetherapists. A good medical aid alsohelps!Over the last 4 years, I recorded everything,read numerous books and startedwriting my own book.It is already on the american website,but I am looking into printing it here.I cover everything in my book fromreflexology to veggie juicing, from colonicirrigation to indian head massage to removingmercury fillings.This book is not only about these thingsthough, but about me growing spirituallyand emotionally and becoming a personwho has gone on a huge journey of selfdiscovery --- I know what it's like to feelfatigued, foggy headed, to feel anxious anddepressed - to have so many aches andpains that you don't really care if tomorrowdoes not come.No - there is no quick and easy fix - butthere are many things you can do to improveyour health and even to get completelybetter. But - you have to be tougheven when you are feeling sick - and youhave to be willing to learn about love, lifeand your response to it!If anyone would like to contact memy email is write to: B Bester 8 Greenside CarltonRoad Fish Hoek 7975.Barbara BesterINBOXBig PharmaIt must be understood that the pharmaceuticalindustry is not a health industrybut an investment business.Dr Rath, says: The pharmaceuticalbusiness is a global fraud operation - itpromises health to the people of the worldbut in reality, its multi-billion dollar drugbusiness is based on the continuation andthe expansion of diseases. Mankind has tocome to grips with the fact that diseasesare the marketplace of the drug investmentindustry. During the past century the financialinterests behind the pharmaceuticalindustry have developed this organizedfraud into the biggest and most profitableinvestment industry on earth. Today twoour of three drugs manufactured and soldin the world come from two countries,only the United States and Great Britain.The US-based Rockefeller financial groupsand the UK based JP Morgan group arethe primary beneficiaries of this pharmaceuticalinvestment business with disease.Millions of people in almost <strong>20</strong>0 countriesof the world pay the ultimate price for thisorganized business with diseases that existmerely because some people make moneyfrom them.Entire national economies are ruinedby billions of dollars in tribute payments tothis fraudulent investment business.Particularly devastating has been theinfluence of the pharmaceutical investmentgroups. By abusing the World TradeOrganization these interest groups forcedthe acceptance of the unscrupulousprinciple of patents even upon the poorestnations of the world At the same time byabusing the World Health Organization thesame drug companies have been tryingto outlaw effective natural health alternativesunder the cover of the United NationsCodex Alimentarius Commission. Literallyhundreds of millions of people have diedbecause the United Nations has betrayedits mandate from the people of the world.For example, the economic adviser of theUN Secretary General Kofi Annan is theeconomist Jeffrey Sachs, one of the mostoutspoken advocates of corporate globalization.Sachs attended the African UnionSummit and tours the developing worldwith Annan, recommending increasedfinancial help from the governments of therich nations - but under the conditions,(get this), that this money flows back toprivate companies in these rich countries,through, for example, the purchase of patentedpharmaceutical drugs worth billionsof dollars. In other words the Sachs/Annanteam advocates a multi-billion subsidyfrom the tax payer to the private coffers ofthe pharmaceutical drug cartel. And on itsway this money and the drugs dispensedcause even more diseases and create evenmore markets.It was no coincidence that PresidentMbeki mentioned in the closing speech ofthe African Union Summit in Addis Ababa,that the greatest threat to Africa becominga truly independent continent is the dangerof military intervention from countriesoutside Africa. This danger is very real andwill increase with every step South Africaand the developing world takes towardstrue economic independence. But thepeople of the world have no alternative.We must undertake this journey. And theAlliance of Nations, or United States ofAfrica, (we don’t hear anything more aboutthat? ) I wonder why? Unquote.The Dr Rath Foundation has filed acomplaint against the corporate and politicalstakeholders of the pharmaceuticalinvestment business with disease at the InternationalCriminal Court in The Hague.Unbeknownst to the people of theworld, these pharmaceutical interestgroups meet every year at the so-called CodexAlimentarius meeting in order to movethese unscrupulous plans forward. Forthe seventh year in a row, we have beeninstrumental in preventing the plans of thedrug cartel to ban natural health therapiesworldwide through international law.Every AU summit delegate in AddisAbaba read on the day (open letter putour by Dr Rath) the strategic need for anAlliance of Nations - covering the interestsof the developing world far beyond Africa.And it was no coincidence that the greatmajority of African nations realized thatonly one nation could be the appropriatevenue for this Parliament because it hadbecome a beacon of hope on this plantfor its liberation from apartheid and forits path of democracy. That country wasSouth Africa. The people of South Africaand their government had laid the groundsfor the nations of Africa. The presentationof the historic necessity for a global Allianceof Nations helped to bring about thisunanimous decision.When I was living with my parents inBroken Hill in Northern Rhodesia my dadwhilst reading the paper always said thatthe United Nations were a useless bunchof toothless nothings. And so it is. A fewyears ago there was a big publication inthe press against Dr Rath. I see this as thelast struggles of a dying United Nations.As other researchers say “the people needto awaken, or George Orwell’s 1984 fasciststate will be upon us. Drugs and all.Anonymous4 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Lotus BirthEndless gratitude for your magazine…and as it seems to be blossoming intomedium for sharing vital information; Iwould like to share our unusual birthingstory with future dads and mums.I was always confident that my bodycould give birth naturally. So with thegreat support of my dear husband, family,friends and the strong help of my littlegirl being born, we gave birth on our farmwithout any professional help, simplyguided by the ancient knowledge that allwomen carry inside.All went so intensely and magically…after 6 hours of unforgettable timelessnessshe came to the light with no tears, in aloving space surrounded by her parents,grandparents and friends.I suppose the most remarkable thingabout her birth was that her "renaissance"came three days later. Unlike most babies,Sheya remained unscathed after she cameout of the womb with her primal mother,the placenta. Basically, we didn't cut herumbilical cord, but left it to dry until itnaturally fell off. This way of doing is callthe Lotus birth, named after Clair LotusDay, who first introduced the idea intowestern society.First we placed the placenta in a colanderover a bowl to be able to drain theexcess fluid. Then we covered it with salt tospeed up the drying and to keep it germfree.Several times a day, after rinsing andre-salting we would sprinkle it with freshfrangipani flowers and lavender buds… Wewould also put a drop of honey around thenavel where the umbilical cord was still attached,again, for drying and hygiene.We did this for two days and threenights. In the morning after the third nightour baby was released… she said a gentlegoodbye to her primal mother and a warmgreeting to the earth where she just incarnated.Here she also received her name.INBOXWe found this tender and non-invasiveway deeply rewarding and respectful ofthe new soul. Primarily you don't inflictunnecessary violence upon the new born.Secondly, this is a way to insure thatthe exchange between the baby and theplacenta comes to a natural end. The newborn stays almost unmoved for the timeit takes for the cord to release, mainly dueto the impracticality of being attached tothe placenta. This way the baby has plentyof time to recover from the tremendousexperience of birth instead of being carriedfrom hand to hand.It's also a good way for the mother toremain in close proximity for bonding andfor the baby to experience a gentle transitionfrom the womb into the outside world.One other thing… We must rememberthat the placenta is a sacred organthat merits reverence and care. Differentcultures have different way of honoring it.Some women eat it (it's highly nutritiousand the only "meat" that comes from lifeinstead of death…); some return it to theearth and plant a tree on the very fertileground it gives…In hospitals, the precious organ is seenpretty differently… As the proprieties of theblood coming from the placenta and cordare extremely rich and used in many medicaland cosmetic preparations, you canimagine that there is an important marketfor it where, as usual, benefits don't alwaysgo to the ones in need, but the ones withthe money…If you give birth in hospital it is yourright to ask for it, as it is an important partof you. You don't have to eat it, but I canpromise you that the tree you'll plant overit will bear lovely fruits that your child willone day be very grateful for… from Hertree. It is also a nice opportunity to makea little ceremony around the event andgather the important people for the baby.Our society these days is quite deprivedof rituals and ceremony that honour lifeitself. There cannot be a better opportunitythan the miraculousevent of the birth ofa child to renew ourhumble gratitude tothe Cosmos…The Lotus birthis still advocated byvery few midwives,as it is still relativelyunknown. Moreinformation is readilyavailable on internet( www.freestone.organd are good placesto start looking).Alex,Khula DhammaEcovillageThe HumanMechanismI dwell within a concrete jungle.Where trees once grew brown andgreenLife was wholesome and full of fruit.I stare,the pale grey masssoulless and unforgiving.My ambitions I placeon the jungle of stone.The tribal suits instruct me to climb,floor by floor, the idol tower.Withering year by year asroboticallyI move on instruction,intuition and the individual buriedunder stacks of paper.Time ticks by and I climbfloor by floorthe tower of flawed dreams,a cog within the machine.I reach the suitsat the top of the towerand they hand memy small square box..."It's yours with a window view".I sit and stare through thetransparent achievement,a badge on my suit,And I see him young,full of ambition,staring into a concrete jungle.The suits beckonand I rise slowly,mechanically,without ambition.I am a suit.My purpose the continuationof the tower.The young man enters theboardroomand the suits contemplate thequality of the DAVID TORR (17 years)<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>5

Very few carsSolar kitchenMaking musicI went for a short visit to Auroville,India this December as there is talkin the air about starting a ‘sister’publication to <strong>Biophile</strong> in India. Mydear friends Stacey and Martin havethis idea, and with a little dedicatedaction great ideas often materialize,so we are visualizing it and if it ismeant to be, it will happen in perfectdivine time!Auroville was inspired by the evolutionaryvision of Sri Aurobindo andfounded by Mirra Alfassa, known as“The Mother”. It has been planned asan international experimental township,and I just loved every minute ofmy time there, even though it was afleeting 8 days. I stayed with Martinand Stacey in the community, (withinthe greater Auroville community)called Verete. We ate sensationalauvedic organic food cooked by theAmah’s and a couple of times went tothe solar kitchen for lunch. It is one ofthe biggest solar kitchens in the worldand caters for 1000 - <strong>20</strong>00 people aday, and the food is all vegetarianand delicious!I had a humble, beautifully cleanlittle room called ‘Faith’, and myshowers were from a bucket with waterfrom a solar geyser…..what morecould anyone want? We laughed,sang, played music and zootedaround on electric bikes!I met some great people, dedicatedto “The Dream”, which you can readbelow. It is a place that aspires totrue brotherhood, and while it is notperfect yet, the blueprint is there andpeople are doing their best to live inbrotherly/sisterly love, consciouslyand creatively.THE DREAM“There should be somewhere uponearth a place that no nation couldclaim as its sole property, a placewhere all human beings of goodwill,sincere in their aspiration, could livefreely as citizens of the world, obeyingone single authority, that of thesupreme Truth;a place of peace, concord, harmony,where all the fighting instinctsof man would be used exclusively toconquer the causes of his sufferingand misery, to surmount his weaknessand ignorance, to triumph over6<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> 17 <strong>20</strong>

editorialhis limitations and incapacities;a place where the needs of thespirit and the care for progress wouldget precedence over the satisfactionof desires and passions, the seekingfor pleasures and material enjoyments.In this place, children would beable to grow and develop integrallywithout losing contact with theirsoul. Education would be given, notwith a view to passing examinationsand getting certificates and posts,but for enriching the existing facultiesand bringing forth new ones.In this place titles and positionswould be supplanted by opportunitiesto serve and organize.The needs of the body will be providedfor equally in the case of eachand everyone. In the general organisationintellectual, moral and spiritualsuperiority will find expression notin the enhancement of the pleasuresand powers of life but in the increaseof duties and responsibilities.Artistic beauty in all forms, painting,sculpture, music, literature, willbe available equally to all, the opportunityto share in the joys theybring being limited solely by eachone’s capacities and not by social orfinancial position.For in this ideal place moneywould be no more the sovereign lord.Individual merit will have a greaterimportance than the value due tomaterial wealth and social position.Work would not be there as themeans of gaining one’s livelihood, itwould be the means whereby to expressoneself, develop one’s capacitiesand possibilities, while doing at thesame time service to the whole group,which on its side would provide foreach one’s subsistence and for thefield of his work.In brief, it would be a place wherethe relations among human beings,usually based almost exclusively uponcompetition and strife, would bereplaced by relations of emulation fordoing better, for collaboration, relationsof real brotherhood”.--The MotherOn the bikeThe BathroomOn an electric bikeWe at <strong>Biophile</strong> wish all our readersa peaceful and blessed <strong>20</strong>08.Anthea<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>7

ARTICLE TITLE GOES HEREthe biofiles news from around our worldThere is always agood sideEverything depends on the wayyou look at things.View every problem you encounteras an opportunity.There is always a good side toevery situation.The optimist sees an opportunityin every misfortune.The pessimist sees misfortune inevery opportunity.The optimist sees the doughnut.The pessimist sees the hole.You can develop success fromevery failure.Discouragement and failure aretwo stepping stones to your success.No other elements can do so muchfor you if you’re willing to studythemand make them work for you.When it is dark enough, you cansee the stars... [Daily Guru]Scientists want to makecows fart like kangaroosto cool the planetAustralian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachsto cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhousegases blamed for global warming. Thanks to specialbacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo flatulence containsno methane and scientists want to transfer that bacteria tocattle and sheep who emit large quantities of the harmfulgas.While the usual image of greenhouse gas pollution is a billowingsmokestack pushing out carbon dioxide, livestockpassing wind contribute a surprisingly high percentage oftotal emissions in some countries.“Fourteen per cent of emissions from all sources in Australiais from enteric methane from cattle and sheep,” saidAthol Klieve, a senior research scientist with the QueenslandGovernment.But it will take researchers at least three years to isolatethe bacteria, before they can even start to develop a way oftransferring it to animals such as cattle and sheep. [Inhabitat]Air car available this yearA French company has developed a pollutionfreecar which runs on compressed air. India’sTata Motors has the car under production and itmay be on sale in Europe and India by the endof the year.The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT orCity Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an aircompressor at specially equipped gas stationsand can go <strong>20</strong>0 km on a R15 fill-up. The topspeed will be almost 115 km/h and the cost ofthe vehicle as low as R50,000.The car features a fibreglass body and a revolutionaryelectrical system and is completelycomputer-controlled. It is powered by the expansionof compressed air, using no combustionat all, and the exhaust is entirely clean and coolenough for use in the internal air conditioningsystem.Tata Motors is known for its interest in innovationand has been selling compressed gasbuses since <strong>20</strong>00. It is currently working onproducing the world’s cheapest car, which willbe almost 100% plastic and will sell in India forabout R17,000. [BBC News]Las Vegas to buildworld’s first verticalfarmLas Vegas is to begin developmentof the World’s first vertical farm.The $<strong>20</strong>0 million dollar project isdesigned to be a functional andprofitable working farm growingenough food to feed 72,000 peoplefor a year and provide anothertourist attraction to the city thatdoes everything in a larger thanlife way.We currently use about 80% ofthe world’s available farm land and60% of the earth’s population livesnear or in an urban environmentso the logical choice for farming isto go up. Las Vegas is seen as theperfect location for this projectby Nevada State officials whowould like to demonstrate theirsustainability and environmentalawareness instead of projecting animage of waste and excess.Although the project initial costis high at $<strong>20</strong>0 million, with annualrevenue of $25 million from produceand another $15 million fromtourists the 30 story vertical farmwould be about as profitable as acasino with operating expensesonly being about $6 million a year.There would be about 100different crops grown rangingfrom strawberries to lettuce evenminiature banana trees could begrown from each floors speciallycontrolled environment. The productswould go straight to the casinosand hotel properties and be avery visible and desirable additionto the overall Las Vegas experience.[Treehugger]8<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Solar trees to lightEurope’s streetsThe streets of Europe could soon be lit by solar energy due to thefact that a solar tree prototype recently passed a key test phase.The solar trees went on display for four weeks in October ona busy street — the Ringstrasse — in Vienna, Austria. They wereable to provide enough light during the night-time even when thesun did not show for as much as four days in a row.“The solar cells on the tree were able to store enough electricityin spite of receiving no direct solar light for days at a time becauseof the clouds. They showed that solar trees really are a practicalform of street lighting,” says Christina Werner from CulturalProject Management, Vienna. She said that the City of Vienna wasnow in the process of deciding whether to install more solar trees.“We hope that not only the city of Vienna but other cities willsee the merits of using renewable energy for street lighting to cutemissions,” Christina Werner said. “Someday soon solar treescould well be the main form of street lighting in Europe.”Putting solar powered LED light systems on trees would cutdown on the carbon emissions and also slash the bills of localauthorities, she said. Street lighting consumed 10 percent of allthe electricity used in Europe in <strong>20</strong>06 or 2,000 billion KWh, andresulted in carbon emissions of 2,900 million ton.The use of more energy-efficient lighting in the Austrian city ofGraz, with a population of almost 300,000 saved the city 524,000KWh of electricity and R700,000 in <strong>20</strong>05. []Chocolate-powered biodieselChocolate is a guilty pleasure for some, butcould soon prove highly nutritious — for yourcar!Thanks to a process created by British companyEcotec, it is now possible to take wastechocolate from confectionery companies andturn it into biodiesel. And to prove that it works,two British adventurers just completed a trek ona chocolate powered truck that went all the wayfrom Europe to Timbuktu!Andy Pag and John Grimshaw were the driversof the chocolate powered Ford Iveco Cargolorry. They traveled a distance of 4,500 miles foralmost an entire month in a trip that took themthrough France, Spain, Morocco, Mauritaniaand all the way to Timbuktu and doing so whilefacing the unforgiving Saharan Desert. The tripwas not just for fame and glory, as they tookwith them a small processing unit with themthat converts waste oil products into fuel, whichthey will donate to an African charity. For thoseof you wondering whether you can eat or evensmell the chocolate, the answer unfortunatelyis no. As to how much equivalent chocolatewas used to make it all the way to Africa? about80,000 chocolate bars.“If we use biodiesel to get to Timbuktu with astandard engine, there’s no reason why peoplein the UK can’t use it for their commute orschool run,” said Andy Pag. []US’s largest solarelectricplant goesonlineThe US Air Force announced inJanuary that the largest solarelectricsystem in North America,a 14-megawatt installation atNellis Air Force Base in Nevada,is up and running. The project isexpected to generate more than 30million kilowatt-hours of electricityannually, supplying approximately25 percent of the electricity usedat the base.That’s far more electricity thanis being churned out by the largestcorporate installation so far, a1.6-megawatt photovoltaic projectthat Google installed in <strong>20</strong>07.[GreenTech Media]Honesty opens thedoor to successSuccessful people have cultivatedthe habit of never denyingto themselves their true feelingsand attitudes.They have no need for pretenses.Once you accept yourself completelyyou don’t have tomaintain a phony front, or feelinsecure if people don’ttune in to you and what you’redoing.Visualize what you really want,not what someone else wants foryou.Don’t forfeit three-fourth’s of yourselfto be like other people.First say to yourself what youwould be and then do what youhave to do. [Daily Guru]<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>9

get active! what you can doEnvironmentalJustice NetworkForumEstablished to servicethe common interestsof participating SouthAfrican non-governmentaland community-basedorganizations on mattersconcerning environmentaljustice and sustainabledevelopment.Tel: +27 (0)11 403 8978Fax: +27 (0)11 339 3859Web: AfricaA membershipdrivenorganization ofenvironmental and socialjustice activists, founded tomobilize civil society aroundenvironmental issues inrelation to people.Web: African NGOpublicising, monitoringand researching issues ofbiological diversity,geneticengineering and sustainablelivelihoods.Tel: +27 0(21) 447 5939Email: - Coalition AgainstNuclear Energy SouthAfricaA group of organisations,NGOs, EnvironmentalGroups, Communities andCitizens from all over SouthAfrica who are opposed toNuclear Energy as a powersource.Web: suppliers ofrecycling gadgets, worms andworm farms.Web: thedangers andthreats of GMOsin South AfricaResearch in the field of Genetic Engineering (GE)has now reached a level where its applicationsare having enormous effects on a global scale.SAFeAGE is committed to ensuring that consumersare made aware of the dangers and threatsof GMO’s. We are further lobbying Governmentto adopt the precautionary principle at the veryleast, and at best, seek alternate, more sustainablemethods of food production and farming.We would further like to impose a moratorium onall new imports and releases of GMO’s until suchtime as sufficient, independent testing of the effectsof GMOs in food and farming are proven safe.As an NGO representing the South African public,we are seriously concerned about the lack of bothpublic involvement, and risk assessment in theface of high levels of corporate secrecy and nondisclosure.Most of all we are concerned about thetotal lack of any kind of traceability and accountabilityon the part of the manufacturers of theseproducts.What can you do?JOIN SAFEAGE!Take a minute of your time to join the thousandsof people making a difference - put your name onour database.You won’t get more than 3 emails per month.Go to top of page and ‘Join Mailing List’.* Raise your concerns in letters to editors of newspapers,community, church and club publications,magazines and on talkback radio shows.* Ask your local food retailers, cafes, restaurantsfor GE-Free choices. (Click here to see what theysay about GMOs);* Buy organic food (no chemicals or GE allowed)or grow your own.* Let your friends, family, neighbours, club membersknow about this.* Contact SAFeAGE for a talk and Q/A session foryour group.SAFeAGESA Freeze Alliance on Genetic EngineeringTel. +27 (0)21 447 8445Email: www.safeage.orgTAKE ACTION WITHEARTHLIFE AFRICAWho Is Earthlife Africa?Earthlife Africa (ELA) is a membership drivenorganization of environmental and social justiceactivists, founded to mobilize civil societyaround environmental issues in relation topeople.What does Earthlife Africa do?Earthlife Africa’s main activities are campaignrelated. This includes lobbying andadvocacy, building campaigns at communitylevel through sharing information and skills,engaging with environmental impact assessments,engaging the media, and researchingand producing information materials.We work to promote ecologically sound alternatives,like renewable energy and efficiency,organic farming and adopting the ‘Zero Waste’approach to industrial pollution and wastemanagement.Where is Earthlife Africa?ELA Johannesburg (Jhb) branch was establishedin August 1988 as the first branch of theorganization. Since then, ELA has expandedto include branches in Cape Town, eThekwini(formerly Durban) and Tshwane (formerly Pretoria),as well as one in Windhoek, Namibia.How can you get involved withEarthlife Africa Cape Town?Earthlife Africa Cape Town is involved ina wide range of environmental justice issuesincluding;-anti-nuclear campaigning-ethical consumerism-sustainable transportation campaigning-anti-GM campaigning-pro-renewable energy campaigning-climate change activism-zero waste approachEarthlife Africa Cape Town has a place foranybody with an environmental consciencewho has enthusiasm that they want to share.There are many activities to get involved inincluding;-activism-journalism-design-financial/marketing-ITFOR MORE INFO, OR TO JOIN EARTHLIFEAFRICA CAPE TOWN, PLEASE call: 021 447 4912 orEmail: <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Anti-Fur CampaignThe first shot across the bows in the AnimalActivist Network’s campaign to ensurethat fur does not get sold in South Africais the anti-fur protest outside ConstantiaShopping Mall in Cape Town on the 26thJanuary at 11 am.It started out as a campaign against aspecific shop, but as we are again all aware,more and more shops are now showcasingand selling furs around the country.The original shop we were complainingabout, Caroline Ohlson Boutiques,according to our sources, seem to haveREMOVED the offending items from theirstore (have not yet had an official confirmationfrom them personally, so this isonly according to our sources); however,the protest must and will go ahead as partof the much larger campaign.The campaign, spearheaded by Beautywithout Cruelty, will now look to contactingall the malls in South Africa andrequesting that, as part of their leases toretailers, they include a clause banning thesale of fur from any store in their mall.Further to that, we will do our utmost totry and get as many pledges from people,from celebrities, other boutiques anddesigners promising to never use fur intheir collections and will put them up onthe BWC website as well as the Sentiencewebsite as examples of the correct way todo business, namely ethically.In keeping with this campaign, weurge you to get those fingers keying asthe best basis from which we can operateis reliance on ALL of you to write to themedia and to any store that is selling thisabomination.Another store that has come under thespotlight recently is Callaghan in Cavendishin Cape Town. However, this storyhas a happy ending.Here is a brilliant letter sent by SharonDuggan and urge you to use this as anexample of how to address the issue:Until my eyes were opened, I too thoughtthere was nothing wrong about the furindustry. The fur is so beautiful and feelsso good against ones skin. A magnificentfur collar or coat makes you feel beautiful,pampered and glamorous.But this is far from the kind of life thesebeautiful animals lead. I justified it bytelling myself that the animals were killedfor food – and that it was quite acceptableto do so. It took me a long time to admit tomyself that it was wrong – but once thatthreshold is crossed there is no going back.Once you have acquainted yourself withthe horrors of the fur industry, no compassionateperson could possibly be preparedto participate in such cruelty ever again.Perhaps you are just like me, and havenever taken the time to think about this dilemma,but now that you know how manyof us here in South Africa and the worldover are committed to getting the messageacross, perhaps you too will become anambassador for these beautiful animals,whose very skin is peeled off their backs sothat we can look beautiful!And so unnecessary, especially in a hotcountry like South Africa.I’m appealing to you, as a woman, awife, a mother, somebody’s daughter, sister,cousin and friend – please acquaint yourselfwith the horrors that are perpetratedin the fur industry and take a public standto reject any clothing that is made of fur.Put up signs in your windows to that effect– and become a market leader in compassion!Please feel free to contact me if youwould like to discuss anything or requirefurther information in this regard. You willfind that we are not just hardened activists,but compassionate people who loveanimals and want to eradicate cruelty fromour lives in all its forms. We are driven tospeak for those that have no voice! Pleasejoin us in this crusade.SharonAn outstanding letter, Sharon, and oneto emulate and one, which I am pleased tonote, had the outcome we wished for andwhich was just received from Sharon:I have just had a phone call from ShirleyTamaris of Callaghan’s, thanking me for myletter, and promising that she will NEVERbuy fur again. She says it was a ‘guilty’ slipshe made, and regrets it sorely. She is goingto respond in writing and I will forward itto everybody.Please – let’s all mail her and thankher for her decision. She mentioned all the‘ugly’ letters she received – which all havetheir place – but let’s show her how gratefulwe are and applaud her decision.She has even been involved with animalrights people, Christine Berry in particular,and says Christine would have been horrifiedwith the fur in her shop.SharonPlease keep those letters polite, educational,fair and firm when you first write.From the Animal Activist NetworkNewsletter. For more information, pleasecontact Lejane:083 65 111 <strong>20</strong> or<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>11

Who’s that Girl?In 1994 a Siberian elder told the entrepreneur VladimirMegre a fascinating story about the "ringing cedars" -trees respected from Biblical times for their curativepowers and the capacity to re-connect human beings withthe Divine. The elder told him where such a ringing cedarwas growing in the Siberian backwoods. Vladimir Megreset out on an expedition to find the tree. But his encounterwith the elder's granddaughter Anastasia transformed himso deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans and,penniless, went to Moscow to write a book about thespiritual insights she shared with him. What happened nextthrilled and inspired millions!With no advertisement other than word of mouth theRinging Cedars Series has become an internationalbestseller. Having sold over 10 million copies in Russianalone and translated into <strong>20</strong> languages, it has madeVladimir Megre into one of Russia's most widely readauthors.The books, which read like a fascinating novel, have anauthenticity of a documentary account and present spiritualinsights of incredible depth, are believed to be a mostsignificant masterpiece of Russian literature and one of themost important revelations in the history of humanity.These highly unusual books provide extraordinary insightsinto dozens of subjects - from natural child rearing to theproduction of high-energy, healing foods, from themeaning of human life to the amazing potential that awaitsevery one of us, from ancient megalithic science to the vitalimportance of breast-feeding, and from sacred sexuality tothe hidden history of world religions.Megre presents Anastasia's deep understanding ofMankind's innate spiritual connection to Nature andprovides practical solutions to the problems currentlyfacing humanity. He reveals her brilliant vision for thefuture of this planet, one full of hope and possibility.Her words of wisdom inspire and uplift in a way that has animmediate and profound impact on the reader.Now a series of 9 volumes, these books have alreadycreated a silent revolution across Russia and Europe.Books 1 – 8 Now Available in South Africa!Web: e-mail phone 021-439 3986 / 082 55 33 77 5These books are for you if you are INTO:Life Love Ancient HistoryEducation Nature TruthGardening Parenthood FreedomOrganics Conspiracy Practical solutionsHealth Creation Finding meaningSpirituality Science Our futureDivine NutritionYOU NEED TO READ THESE BOOKS!What readers worldwide are saying“Thank you for these wonderful books! To read them has been an amazingexperience… my life has changed…” Virginie , FranceBook 6 is so powerful. It brings me so much joy to see something I have alwaysknown in "my bones" so beautifully articulated.” Maria“What a blast... I digested the 5 in a week. I have not been as engrossed in a seriesof books since I discovered Lobsang Rampa in the 1970's. I will be recommendingthese books to everyone I know” George, Australia“Book 1 was extraordinary… a sense of deep well-being came over me! Anastasia’scomment that illness is a conversation with God just blew me away. I have had achronic illness for 21 years now and that is exactly what it has been for me. Justcan’t stop reading this remarkable material!” Robert, Pasadena California"It is difficult finding the words to express how much [reading Anastasia] means tome and how powerfully I am impacted by it. It's as if my mind and heart have beenprepared to read this book for years! I've found a treasure for which I have beensearching desperately for years! I will be ordering the entire series soon and sharingthem with everyone I know!" ... and soon after from the same reader..."I've beenimmersed in the books. Since we last spoke, I have read book 2 AND 3! I am in aweof what I have read. I have been DEEPLY impacted and touched thus far, and I can'twait to read book 4 through 8!" Brian, Los Angeles USA"Anastasia is among - no - is the most profound work I have ever read… this issomething special. No other book has actually changed me. I am even more excitednow in expectation of acquiring Books 2 thru 4 I'm quietly confident that this isindeed the life-changing experience I have been waiting for. Cheers" Ben,Australia"I cannot even begin to describe the depth of the effect Anastasia has had on me and Ihave only read Book 1. For the first time in my life I feel affirmed on a very deeplevel and feel free to be me." Mary, New Zealand"At last! Truth that has not been distorted by dogma or someone's ego! I mightexplode from emotion if I read any more! I had a hard time getting myself to juststand still." Ana, Portugal"After reading this series I have recommended that my daughters give away all theirother reading materials." John, Melbourne, Australia"I first laid my eyes on the Anastasia books and felt the energy at once, bought them,and was completely breath taken. I had to stop reading just to cry for a while I wasso touched with the beauty and simplicity of Anastasia's spirit... I have read 100's ofbooks through the years on spiritual advancement, but there is nothing so direct andclear as this." Jan, Norway"Have just read with utter delight and joy Book 1 and would like to buy the [other]books that are translated into English." Araura, UK"I so love Anastasia and everything about her. I have read or I should say devouredthe first four books and my life has changed. I am waiting for book five with excitedanticipation." CT, Sydney"It is the first thing written in a book that has made so much sense to me. All that shesays makes sense and you just know that you are reading TRUTH. The book isawesome and I could not put it down! " D, Canada"Basically, these books make all the books that I've read to date look like a completewaste of paper! .... I think that going through life without this knowledge is a waste oftime, and not passing it on to children is a crime. I can say with confidence thatnothing like these books exists in the world today." Rafal, Australia“We should all read this book, no matter nationality, ethnicity, gender or age. Thisgives us something to discuss that we cannot receive from modern media. Thisallows us to expand upon ideas to create a community our children can thrive in.”Doug, Portland, OR (electrical engineer)

The greatest read of your life!!Something so beautiful you will never look back. Book 8 now available.“I was so excited I couldn’t stop jumping up and down and had goose bumps all over...”WHAT IF something got you SO EXCITED...You started dancing around the room and you couldn’t sit still if your lifedepended on it?What if you COULDN’T SLEEP – perhaps for days?What if I told you about a series of books ...• That few people in the West have ever heard of?• That have sold over 11 million copies with no advertising except word ofmouth? (That’s ELEVEN MILLION !!!)• That from day one have created a frenzy of excitement among peoplefrom all walks of life?• That are the most stolen books in some overseas bookshops?• That after reading, thousands of people have quit their jobs?• That have inspired top scientists & military officers to write poetry andpaint?• That within minutes of starting, countless readers have ordered 3, 5 even12 copies to send to friends & loved ones?Sounds amazing?... IT’S ALL ABSOLUTELY TRUE!Can YOU think of ANY books, in the entire history of humanity, thathave had such a response? Well these have! And we have never heard ofthem ... until NOW.You can FEEL yourself changing as you read...If I told you your understanding of your life and your relationship withNature is about to change forever, if I told you these books contain themissing links we have all been looking for, if I told you that in manycountries the Ringing CedarsSeries is now considered themost significant book seriesever written and contains themost important revelations inthe history of humanity, wouldyou want to read them?ANTHEA TORR (EDITOR BIOPHILE):If you only read one book in your life, read Anastasia!'Electrifying messages will totally INSPIRE you ...My name is Jan Wessels. I was sitting in my cubicle at one of those mindnumbingcorporate set-ups, looking around on the internet for anythingthat could help me get through the afternoon, when I came across a reviewof a book that immediately got me sitting up. The reviewer was describinga Russian book called Anastasia by Vladimir Megre and the excitement ofthe description was tangible. There was an excerpt from this book on thewebsite and I started reading through it. From that moment my lifechanged drastically and permanently.The BEST news EVER…After finally getting hold of a copy of Anastasia from the publisher I wentto sit on the beach by myself and read it from cover to cover. Sometimesin the middle of a page, I had to laugh out loud with a feeling of sheer joyrunning through me.The best way I can try to describe this to you, is: “Imagine what youwould feel like if you heard the BEST news you could possibly hear, butcould never have imagined, about Life, God, Man, Nature, the Earth andthe Universe!” This is the feeling that the deep truth and beauty inAnastasia’s words sprouts inside you. I got up with a feeling of warmthand joy all over. I quit my job immediately and vowed to distribute thesebooks as far and wide as possible in Africa! All we want now is forEVERYONE to read these books. Something really wonderful happenswhen you do.Your brain starts working at a NEW level…I was so excited I couldn’t stop jumping up and down and had goosebumps all over – my whole understanding had suddenly tied together, as ifall the loose ends have found each other! All my beliefs and instinctswere confirmed and reinforced in me. I have NEVER had such a deepfeeling of knowing and awe inside me before!And the EXCITEMENT keeps growing…The past few months have been amazing. People from all over SouthernAfrica have been phoning in and writing to us - just wanting to share whatthese books have meant to them: The controls have fallen away from theirlives; they’re suddenly without fear; they’re planting their first gardens;they’re writing, painting and singing for the first time in years! Many arereading the books to their kids (who are loving it!) or giving copies awayto friends and family. Book clubs describe how they found for the firsttime something important and wonderful to discuss. There really issomething happening here!REAL Change…Millions of people across the globe have read these books and amazingthings are starting to happen. Throughout all of Europe, the US, Canada,Australia and the UK, thousands of people are changing their way of lifeand living more spiritual lives closer to Nature – deeply connected to eachother, rooted in God and touching the Earth with all their love.You’ll DISCOVER life is moreprecious than you knew...I realised on a very deep level that I CANNOT spend another moment of my life doingmeaningless work in an insane system! Life isbeautiful and full of gifts and our capabilitiesand capacity to love are endless…You have NEVER read anything like this...Readers (and editors!) alike assure us that they have never read anythinglike these books. They contain the most astounding messages you willever read, from an amazingly beautiful woman, found more than 10 yearsago, living alone in a forest in Siberia. She is considered to be a survivingmember of an ancient culture, whose powers and knowledge FAREXCEED anything known today. Since her discovery in 1995, the spiritualinsights she has shared in these books have spread like a raging wildfireacross Europe, selling over 11 million copies.These books have been translated into more than <strong>20</strong> languages, but onlyrecently into English. Eight volumes have been translated so far and theyget progressively more mind-blowing!EVERYONE must read these books…Don’t make any important plans until you have read Anastasia. Thisreally is potent, critical new information. Get reading!SPECIAL OFFER:Buy a set of 8 for only R1<strong>20</strong>0. Postage not includedEmail: Call 021 439 3986 / 082 55 33 77 5 Mon-Fri, 8.30am-5pm.Or Visit to order on-line<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>13

Animal LivesMatterSo let’s stop eating them!by Professor Marc BekoffNon-human animals have many of thesame feelings we do. They experiencecontagious joy and the deepest of grief,they get hurt and suffer, and they take careof one another. They have a point of viewon what happens to them, their families,and their friends. Nonetheless, in innumerablesituations their lives are wantonlyand brutally taken in deference to humaninterests.The activity that claims the lives of farmore individuals than all other venuescombined is eating them, and it’s herewhere each of us can make an effortlessand graceful difference. Some hard-todigestfacts: If it takes you five minutes toread this article, more than 250,000 animalswill have been slaughtered for foodin the United States alone; that’s about 27billion a year.Countless others (1 million pigs in<strong>20</strong>06), called “downers,” will have died ontheir horrific journey to slaughterhouses.After their shameful trip to the slaughterhouse,it takes less than 30 minutes toturn a cow into a steak, during which timethese sentient beings continue to sufferinterminably, and they also see, hear, andsmell other cows on their way to becominga burger. One slaughterhouse workernotes of food animals, “They die piece bypiece.”In her wonderful essay Am I Blue? AliceWalker wrote:“As we talked of freedom andjustice one day for all, we satdown to steaks. I am eatingmisery, I thought, as I took thefirst bite. And spit it out.”We not only eat millions of mammalsbut also billions of birds, fish and invertebrates.We know fish feel pain and recentresearch at Queen’s University in Belfast,Ireland, shows that lobsters also feel pain.The response of fish and lobsters to painfulstimuli resembles that of humans. In anutshell, fish don’t like being hooked andlobsters really don’t like being droppedinto hot water.There are innumerable things we cando to make the world a better and morepeaceful and compassionate home for allbeings. We can protest the abuse of animalsin education, research, circuses, zoos,and rodeos, and we can stop wearing andeating them. We can stop killing animals14 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

PLEASE SUPPORT ANIMAL VOICEAnimal Voice is the official mouthpiece of Compassion In World Farming (South Africa).CIWA (South Africa) headed by Louise van der Merwe, is also busy bringing out a Kind Food Guide:“... It has taken us 17 years to get to the point where a Kind Food Guide is possible and werequest you please to consider telling your colleagues, friends and contacts about it. Believe itor not, when we started off as Humanity for Hens way back in 1989 there wasn’t a single freerange egg available in any supermarket anywhere in South Africa. These days we take freerange eggs for granted. Besides the eggs, we have made progress for other farm animals too...”Please support the work of CIWF (SA):Compassion in World Farming (South Africa)P O Box 825, Somerset West, 7129, South AfricaTel/fax: 021 852 8160Email: avoice@yebo. co. za Website: www. animal-voice. orgAffiliated to The Humane Education TrustRegistered NPO (No. 039 611 NPO)Registered Charitable Trust (No. IT 450/<strong>20</strong>01)campaigningfor farm animalswhose land we stole and learn to coexistwith them. After all, this land is their landtoo. We can alert kids to the fact that theirturkey was once a bird, their bacon andsausage was once a pig, and that theirhamburger was once a cow.It’s amazing how few children know thisand when they discover that they’re eatingBabe even without knowing how the animalsuffered, they’re often incredulous.Kids know animals aren’t “things.”Naming animals also is a good way todecrease the distance we construct an thealienation that follows when we think ofanimals as things or numbers, rather thanas individual beings.Recently I heard about a crayfish whowent home with a student after a class inwhich kids observed the behavior of thesefascinating crustaceans (who, like lobsters,feel pain). The woman who told me thestory wasn’t sure what to do her newtenant but after the crayfish was namedBubbles it was impossible to think of doingit any harm, including eating it. Wename our companion animals, so why notname other animals with whom we havecontact?We’re immersed in an “animalmoment” and globally there’s anincreasing amount of interest andactivism by people who want tomake a difference, by peoplewho have had enough ofthe unthinkable cruelty towhich we subject billionsof animals a year. Animalnations are made upof individuals who aretreated as second-classcitizens whose lives areroutinely taken as long asthey serve human ends.We slaughter, silenceand squelch sentience with little morethan a fleeting thought and with reprehensibleindignity. While we may not be ableto define dignity, we all know when welose it, and so do the animals.It’s really easy to make a positive andnoble difference in the lives of animals,and we can all begin right now. You don’thave to go out and protestor found amovement. You can just stop eating otheranimals and make an immediate differencewith your next snack or meal.No need to go “cold turkey “on meat;do it slowly and steadily so it’s a progressiveand lasting change. It’s really thateasy. And, this really isn’t radical activism,is it? Even if you don’t give a hoot aboutthe ethics of eating animals, since factoryfarms are notorious for causing irreversiblelocal and wider environmentaldamage, we can make a huge positivedifference by cutting back oncarnivory. If you’re an environmentalistit’s impossible to justify eatingfactory-farmed meat. The facts don’t lie.So, it’s pretty straightforward. We mustrespect and love other animals as our fellowbeings on this planet that we all wantto share in peace. We must stop abusinganimals now, not when it’s convenient. Wemust increase the size of our compassionatefootprint.No more lame excuses. When we harmanimals, we harm and demean ourselves.And, it’s a win-win situation for all becausecompassion begets compassion; compassionfor animal beings spills over tocompassion for human beings.And, wouldn’t the world be a betterplace with more compassion and far lesseasily avoidable cruelty?<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>15

The Global Benefitsof Not Eating Meatby Compassion in World FarmingFor the sake of people, animals and the planet,meat must now become an urgent political issue.In the second half of the <strong>20</strong>th Century,worldwide meat production increasedroughlyfivefold; per capita consumptionmore than doubled. Even though theindustrialisationof farming has allowed vastnumbers of animals to be reared inrelativelysmall areas, those kept in factoryfarms cannot forage for their own foodorlive on scraps or waste products — as wastraditionally largely the case.Consequently, massive areas of landare given over to growing crops to feedthem.Livestock production has becomethe world’s largest user of agricultural land.The farm animal population has expandeddramatically to meet demand.Today, the growing human population-already in excess of 6 billion — shares theplanet and its resources at any one timewith nearly 1 billion pigs, 1.3billion cows,1.8 billion sheep and goats and 15.4 billionchickens. As the intensive poultry industry(in particular) spreads to and within manyareas of the world, there are already twiceas many chickens as there are humans onearth to eat them.Consumption of dairy produce, eggsand seafood have also increased rapidly.Before the 1990s, the vast majority ofanimal products were consumed in richcountries, yet in the last decademany indeveloping nations have also adoptedwhat was once known asthe Western diet. Eventhough per capita consumptionof beef, porkand chicken remainsat only a third of thequantities eaten in theindustrial world, ithasdoubled in poorercountries in littlemore than a decade.All indicationsare that this trendwill continue apaceforthe foreseeablefuture,encouraged bygovernments and large-scale internationalagricultural interests.Current policies are unsustainableThe scale of this expansion is unsustainableand will reduce the future prospectsof healthily feeding an expandinghumanpopulation. The main problems can besummarised as follows:In the developed world, inappropriatediet is increasingly accepted as acause of ill-health and morbidity.Meat,meat products and dairy foods make upthe greatest percentage of saturated fatintake and there isnow general consensusamong nutritionists that this contributessignificantly to several diseases whichhave reached epidemic proportions. All informedopinion stresses the desirability ofreduced consumption ofanimal productsand increased intake of fibre-rich carbohydrates,fresh fruit and vegetables in ordertominimise risk of heart disease, matureonset diabetes, obesity and (possibly)some cancers.Rather than adding to ourcapacity to feed the world’shuman population, puttinganimal products at the centreof food policy diminishes thepossibility of doing so.Just as growth in the human populationinevitably puts a strain on the earth’sresources, (leading many experts to citecontrol of numbers as crucial to the fightagainsthuman hunger), so a spiralling farmanimal population is also threateningstability.Apart from thosewho feed predominantlyon pasture where it is difficult togrow crops, and others who feed on scrapsandwaste products as part of rotationalmixed farming, farm animals utiliseconsiderably more food calories thantheyproduce in the form of meat. Meat is themost resource costly form of food becauselivestock waste most of the energy andprotein value of their feed in digestionand bodily maintenance. More food canbeobtained by using land to grow crops fordirect human consumption.Farm animals also compete with peoplefor other precious resources, notably water.Lack of water is now recognised as thegreatest single threat to yields from arablefarms, making it vital to develop foodproductionsystems which minimise water reliance.Each calorie of meat takes far morewater to produce than a calorie of grain, soone of the simplest ways to increase theratio of food produced to water consumedis toreduce dependence upon meat.The unsustainably large livestock populationis having a devastating environmentalimpact. Often overlooked as a contributorto global warming, livestock herdsaccount for 10 per cent of all greenhousegases, including approximately 25 per centof emissions of methane — considered tobe among the most potent.A further major problem is created bythe sheer volume of waste produced by thefarm animal population — estimated atthirteen billion tonnes every year. Even incountries where relatively strict anti-pollutionmeasures are imposed, this causeshigh levels of ammonia and nitrate pollutionof land, water and air. The excessiveuse of chemical fertilisers and pesticides togrow crops for animal feed creates furtherenvironmental damage.Other ecological problems are specificto individual areas. Among the most spectacularhave been rainforest destructionin Central and South America caused bythe felling of forests in order to rear cattlefor the hamburger trade or to grow soyafor animal feed, and desertification fromovergrazing in parts of Africa.The massive increase in meat productionwould not have been possible withoutthe development of industrialised methodsof farming, allowing far more animalsto be fattened than would have beenpossible via traditional systems. Produc-16 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

tion methods have ignored the rights andneeds of animals by depriving them of theopportunity to fulfil natural behaviour patterns.Exercise, fresh air and social interactionhave all been considered unnecessary.Selective breeding for unnaturally rapidgrowth has created numerous endemichealth problems, particularly from legdeformities and heart weakness.Since 1997, the EU has recognised farmanimals as sentient beings, capable of sufferingand feeling pain. It should, therefore,be incumbent upon policy makersto outlaw methods of production which,by their verynature, severely compromisebasic welfare standards. This can onlybe achieved by reducing the number ofanimals bred, reared and slaughtered —and consequently by reducing the amountof meat produced andconsumed.0.2 Thepredicted future for global food productionWhetheron grounds of human health,sustainable use of resources, environmentalprotection or animal welfare, itisimperative that the human populationdecreases its dependence upon animalproducts.Yet according to predictions by leadingagencies, there is little sign that thewarning is being heeded. According to aNovember <strong>20</strong>01 report bythe World Bank,Livestock Development — Implicationsfor Rural Poverty, the Environment, andGlobal Food Security:‘total global meat demandis expected to grow from <strong>20</strong>9 milliontons in 1997 to 327 million tons in <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>(56%).Over the same period global milkconsumption is expected to increase fromabout 422 million tons to 648 milliontons(54%).’This is approximately the same massiverate of increase as we have seen in the last40 years, forecast to occurwithin only twofurther decades. It is anticipated that mostof this increase will come from animalsbred in intensive farms, the majority ofthem in the developing world. Accordingto the World Bank report:‘per capita meatconsumption in the developing world willincrease from 25 kilograms to 35 kilograms,compared to an increase from 75kilograms to 84 kilograms in the industrialworld.’If this prediction proves accurate, some80 per cent of the total worldwide increaseby <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> will occur indeveloping nations,by which time they will be responsible for65 per cent of global output. The WorldBank alsosuggests that 95 per cent ofincreased milk production will come fromdeveloping nations, leaving them withsome 57 per cent of worldwide consumption.While the authors of Livestock Developmentacknowledge that this projectedexpansion ‘could severely affectglobalfood security, the natural resource base,and rural equity’ they dismiss the logicalresponse — to curb demandfor meat andmilk — as ‘not a viable option’. (‘Globalfood security’ is defined by them as ‘theindividual’s accessto enough food to maintaina healthy and active life’.)A planet-saving alternativeHistorically there seems to have been adirect correlation between rising affluenceand increased consumption ofanimalproduce. This suggests that it will prove extremelydifficult to discourage developingnations from emulatingthe food productionand consumption patterns followedin the industrial world since the end ofthe Second World War. Yet rather thanaccepting that the current trend towards ahigh-meat diet is inescapable, this reportsuggests that an alternative approach isessential.Unless we begin to rely less uponanimal products in the human diet wewill place a catastrophic strain upon theearth’s resources, with potentially disastrousconsequences for human healthand hunger, the natural environment andanimal needs.This report summarises the case forreduced dependence upon livestock tofeed the human population andsuggestsways in which change can be achieved. Itis aimed primarily at both decision makersand individuals in the developed world.While developing countries must alsoreview, as a matter of urgency, the implicationsof their increased reliance upon meatand dairy foods, it would be presumptuousto attempt to impose food policy uponthem — particularly when the vast majorityof animal products are still consumedwithin the industrial world. The hope is,nonetheless, that those with influence inthe developing world may accept the logicof the case presented here. Meanwhile,one of the most powerful ways in whichthe North can encourage the South not tofollow the predicted massive dependenceupon meat eating is to set an exampleworthy of imitation. Moving towards amore plant-based diet in the developed<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>17

THE GLOBAL BENEFITS OF NOT EATING MEATworld — however belatedly — is probablyalsothe best way of promoting sustainablefood policy in developing nations.How can change be achieved?There are two principal ways in whichchange in food policy can be achieved:Firstly, through the power of individualsto inspire progress by the actions theytake as consumers and/or as active citizensand campaigners.Secondly, by the decisions of policymakers. In some parts of the industrialworld, many individuals have radicallyaltered their eating habits over the lasttwo decades. In the UK, some consumershave reduced their consumption of meat(particularly red meat) or made a decisiononly to eat organic or free-range produce.The vegetarian population has grownsignificantly and now stands at roughly 5per cent of the population. The numberof vegans has also risen sharply from approximately70,000 in 1985 to an estimated250,000. Part of the purpose of this reportis to encourage more people to supportthese initiatives.Thus far, however, politicians have barelyrecognised levels of meat consumptionas an issue worthy of serious debate, letalone introduced the type of programmesthat might bring about progress.A primary function of this report is togain acceptance of the need for radicalreform at the political level, suggestingmeasures that willpromote food policiesthat are healthier, more humane and sustainable.For the sake of people, animalsand the planet, meat must now becomean urgent political issue. As an initial step,we recommend that governments in thedeveloped world pursue a target of 15 percent reduction in meat consumption bythe year <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.Rather than an extreme measure, thisshould be viewed as a moderate responseto the latest findings on healthy and sustainablefood production methods frommany respectedorganisations — notablythe World Health Organisation (WHO) andthe Food and AgricultureOrganisation ofthe United Nations (FAO).Defining agricultural sustainabilitySustainability has become a key conceptfor environmentalists and humanrights activists. What does it mean for foodproduction? Dr Jules Pretty of the Universityof Essex gives the following definition:‘Itis farming that makes the best use of nature’sgoods and services while not damagingthe environment.Sustainable farmingdoes this by integrating natural processes,such as nutrient cycling, nitrogen fixation,soil regeneration and natural pest control,within food production processes. It alsominimises the use of nonrenewableinputsthat damage the environment or harm thehealth of farmers and consumers.’In pursuit of this goal, many proponentsenvisage an agricultural systemwhere intensive production is abandonedin favour of traditional methods in whichrelatively small numbers of animals arereared extensively. Animal produce isseen as a relative luxury to supplement alargely plant-based diet. Decent standardsof animal welfare attempt to ensure thatlivestock enjoy a relatively natural life andas quick and painless a death as possible.Their wastes are returned to the soil, playingan essential role in maintaining soilfertility and environmental biodiversityaspart of mixed organic rotational systems,or by grazing on marginal pasture lands.Although the tendency worldwide isaway from sustainable agriculture towardsindustrial production dominated bypowerfulconglomerates, many small-scalefarmers across the globe still produce foodin this traditional way. For example, intensivepoultry farming is the fastest growingform of intensive farming throughout theworld, yet still some 80 per cent of farmersin Asia and Africa raise small flocks ofchickens who survive by scavenging.What makes current levels of meatconsumption a particular danger to foodsecurity is both the number of animalsreared and the fact that they are grain andsoya-fed (i.e. land is devoted primarily tofeeding them rather than people directly).It is these trends that must be reversed ifsustainable levels of production are to beachieved.I was dancing on an ancient silver rock.All around me, lovers were finding eachother, coyly, boldly, laughingly. A forcecoiled up through my body from thatdancing rock, and it was unmistakablysexual. This was one of those momentsthat set me wondering about the mysteriesof the erotic.Today, I am a practicing Tantrika.When I discovered Tantra, my wholebeing went: Yes! So that is what it was.Tantra teaches practices that helps usto return to the natural: the realizationthat sexual energy is life force that flowsthrough all things, and that, if refined,leads us to an experience of unconditionallove. An erotic ecology is one in whichall things, all beings, are in a constantlove play with each other.Why do we not live in this play of loveon the planet all the time? Advait Tantrasays that it is because we get controlledby unconscious desires and fears – patternsof polarity, of resistance and needthat start forming from very early on inour lives, and that we are mostly hardlyaware of. They leave imprints on our bodiesand affect everything: from our love-making to our choices in the boardroom– often in surprisingly similar ways.As a Tantrika, my task is twofold:a) To help make conscious the unconsciouspatterns in our body – mind– emotional systems. Plato said that Erosleads to Logos – if you follow a person’serotic energy, you soon find out whatthe knowledge is they are hiding fromthemselves.b) To bring people to the power of thepresent moment. The ancient Taoistsbelieved that sexual energy is potent lifeforce – the only regenerable energy inthe human being, and a source of longevity.Tantra works with prana (breathenergy ), activation of organs and energyflows and meditation to open us to thefullness that the moment holds.The great <strong>20</strong>th century mystic Oshosaid: Sex is the seed. Love is the flower.Compassion is the fragrance. What a perfectmetaphor the seed is for an ecologybursting with potential. An undoubtablysexual metaphor it is, too.What do we do to our children whenwe deny them a conscious explorationof their sexuality? Adolescents who havelearnt to suppress all signs of sexualimpulse become suppressed adults. Suppressionbuilds anger and frustrationthat, if not released, can become someof the most dangerous anti-ecologicalforces on the planet. When the seed isdenied, love cannot flower.This I have discovered well and properlyin my work as a Social Ecologist. Ihave a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and18 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

have been monitoring and evaluatingthe social impact of developments formany years. When developments get big,the anger-forces become intense. In myown assessments on big developments,I have had to spend as much time inpersonal processing of the desires andfears that the projects awoke in me as onproject research. This has provided excellentopportunity for me to work throughmy own anger about the neediness andgreediness of project participants, andas I had less volatile anger left, I becamemore able to be present with what is.Once in a meeting with a group of environmentalists,I was listening carefullyto the discourse and the tone that wasprevalent. I told the environmentaliststhat, if I ignored the specific content ofwhat they were saying, I might as wellhave been in a meeting with developers.The language was the same language ofwar and opposition, and all effort wasfocused on who had the biggest guns.This is not to say that there is no placefor strong action in the world. But strongaction that is clear – without beingbacked by a lifetime of unlived, repressedanger and frustration – is so much morepowerful and efficient.Tantra is a force of totality. It encouragesus to be fully present in our lives,not to deny anything that we are experiencing.If we can be 100% present in ouranger, own it responsibly, sit in the fire ofthe emotions, if we can be 100% presentwith the touch of a lover – and all that itevokes, all the tender and volatile memoriesand emotions – then our lives start tointegrate and become simple.My teacher, Rahasya, often talks aboutPavlov’s dogs. As human beings, we haveas many if not more layers of associationas those dogs. For a man, the approachof a woman – even the thought of herapproach – can send his whole psychophysicalsystem into the anticipation/exhilaration/terror response that comesfrom his first secret experiences of masturbation.And deeper than that, theymay evoke memories of first touch – orlack of touch – by mother. For a woman,the approach of a man may be loadedwith memories of father, first experiencesof invasion or inappropriate sexualcontact with boys or men, and a range ofbody memories from previous experiences.For most humans, sexual meetingis loaded with the genetic imperatives ofthe species: the excitement of the hunt,of seducing and being seduced, of findingthe mate with highest genetic potential.As we become conscious of these basicsurvival impulses in our bodies, theystart to integrate and resolve. Then wemove to the next ecological development:Finding a mate that meets the requirementof the tribe, of with whom we feelsome sense of belonging. When we areno more bound by “what the people willthink” about our partners and our ratingas sexual partners in the culture, wemove up the ecological ladder to wherewe choose out of pure fondness, “becauseI like”. Beyond our personal likes residesthe realm of the heart. When our sexualimpulses are infused with unconditionallove, a different kind of orgasm becomespossible – an orgasm of life, an eroticecology. A planet on which all things– rocks and trees and people – dancetogether in a seamless flow of love. Andyes, the Taoists are right: There is longevitythere – love unconditional becomeslife rejuvenated.Dr. Shakti Malan is a teacher andmember of the School of AdvaitTantra Yoga ( Tantra is the ancient artof awakening through sexualawareness. She does consultationsand runs workshops for menand women ( is also a social sustainabilityspecialist who has worked in theenvironmental field for many yearsas a social impact assessment andmonitoring consultant ( Shaktihas a Ph.D in Social Anthropologyand lives in Franschhoek.An Erotic EcologyTantra and Ecological Wisdomby Dr Shakti Malan<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong> 19

Global Warming& Chemical Genocideby Mark Sircus Ac., OMDThe intentional distortion of science is tantamount to murder.Eventually millions could die because of inaction by theworld community whose leadership stands in Washington.<strong>20</strong> <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

More than 60 influential scientists,including <strong>20</strong> Nobel laureates, haveissued a statement asserting that the Bushadministration had systematically distortedscientific fact in the service of policygoals on the environment, health, and onbiomedical research.The United States government standsaccused of repeatedly censoring andsuppressing reports by its own scientistsand disbanding government panels thatprovide unwanted advice according tothe New York Times. Their statement wasaccompanied by a report published bythe Union of Concerned Scientists, listingcases where the administration has manipulatedscience on environmental andother issues.Bush and his associates stand accusedof lying about basic scientific issues thathave a bearing on the health and wellbeing of the entire human race becausethey have to do with global warming anddramatic climate changes.It does not take much effort to find motivesand patterns for suppressing inconvenientfacts that might force Mr. Bush’sfriends in the oil, gas and coal industriesto spend more on pollution control or forconsumers to spend and consume less onfossil fuels, thus cutting deeply into profitsof many major corporations.When it comes to this particular subjectBush stands almost alone in public rejection,but he is a powerful world leader.Thus certain major institutions like theWorld Bank and the Pentagon have gonebehind his back and commissioned studiesthat are warning us that our world is inserious peril, and the biggest threat to ourfuture is not terrorism, but our own dependenceon fossil fuels.A growing number of scientists, policymakers, and technical specialists bothinside and outside the government allegethat the Bush administration has suppressedor distorted the scientific analysesof federal agencies trying to sidetrack seriousefforts to reduce the overuse of fossilfuels.Dr. Kurt Gottfried, an emeritus professorof physics at Cornell University said tothe Times that the administration has “engagedin practices that are in conflict withspirit of science and the scientific method.”The most serious charge in the reporthas to do with global warming. The scientificconsensus says the world is warmingrapidly with the United Nations reportingthat 150,000 people are already dying eachyear from increasing temperatures, yetaudaciously President Bush stands up inpublic and says the weather is just fine.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>21

GLOBAL WARMING & CHEMICAL GENOCIDEThe intentional distortion of sciencearound this particular area of internationalconcern could be tantamount to murderfor thousands, and eventually millionscould die because of inaction by the worldcommunity whose leadership stands inWashington.These charges are substantiated by thePentagon, which has just released (leaked)a report contradicting everything the chiefexecutive of the United States has ever saidabout global warming.Global warming may be bad newsfor future generations,but let’s face it,most of us spend as little time worryingabout it as we did about al Qaeda before9/11.Like the terrorists, though, theseemingly remote climate risk may hithome sooner and harder than we everimagined.David Stipp- Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>The Times and these eminent scientistsindicate that Bush is placing a heavyrisk on the nation’s long-term prosperity,health and military prowess yet we have toadmit that he is not the only one in denial.According to a massive United Nationsenvironmental study released in May<strong>20</strong>02, the planet is poised on a precipice,and time is running out for making toughpolitical and economic choices that canpull it back from disaster. Bush is leading amassive attempt to downplay the obviousand has single-handedly held off rationaldiscussion and decisions that, hypothetically,could save millions if eventually notbillions of lives. In this regard, do not besurprised that in a decade or two Bushmight ultimately stand accused of beingthe greatest mass murderer of all time bypassingthe collective works of Hitler, Mao,Stalin and Pol Pot.On February 9th Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>,then The London Observer, CommonDreams, Mother Jones and Greenpeace allpublished the essence of a secret reportfrom the Pentagon saying that globalwarming, “should be elevated beyond ascientific debate to a US national securityconcern.” It declares, “Future wars willbe fought over the issue of survival ratherthan religion, ideology or national honor.”The report warned that major Europeancities will be sunk beneath rising seas asBritain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climateby <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts,famine and widespread rioting will eruptacross the world. The devastating Pentagonreport predicts that abrupt climatechange could bring the planet to the edgeof anarchy as countries go to war to securedwindling food, water and energy supplies.“Disruption and conflict will be endemicfeatures of life,” concludes the Pentagonand “Once again, warfare would definehuman life.”Ultimately, the report forecasts a decreasein the planet’s human carryingcapacity, leading to sharp reductions inthe world’s population due to starvation,disease, and war.GreenpeaceThe very next fifty years of humanhistory is absolutely crucial. In 1993 wealready were put on alert by, “WorldScientists’ Warning to Humanity,” signedby some 1700 leading scientists, includingover half of all living Nobel Laureatesin science, stated, “A great change in ourstewardship of the earth and the life onit is required if vast human misery is tobe avoided and our global home on thisplanet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.”Most people have not listened to thiswarning, never having even heard of it becausethe press had not reported on thesekinds of things in a way that the public canlisten to; and in these ten years since morepeople have bought bigger cars then everbefore.The Bush administration — infamously,ludicrously — remains a holdouton climate change. Blithely ignoringthe near-universal scientific consensusthat global warming is real, dangerous,and largely the product of humanactivity, the White House proceeds as ifit didn’t even exist.Mother Jones <strong>Magazine</strong>22 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

GLOBAL WARMING & CHEMICAL GENOCIDEThough it is not pleasant to look at whatis happening in the world, we must ask, isour resistance to looking deeply at eventsand their primordial causes increasingthe force and the need for nature to crashdown on us? The melting of the polar icecapsis perhaps the single most devastatingevent impacting on world health andclimate conditions, diminishing now at afaster rate than any scientist has expected,at almost 1 percent per year. “The rate of9% per decade rate of melt is happeningthree times faster than originally thought,and could continue even faster than that,”says Josefino Comiso, senior scientist atNASA’s Goddard Space Center. Implicationsfor global climate patterns arecatastrophic as arctic snow and ice are integralin controlling Earth’s temperaturesby insulating the atmosphere from landand ocean heat. Tom Agnew, a researchmeteorologist at the Meteorology Serviceof Canada, says the warming trend is dueto greenhouse-gas emissions from burningfossil fuels. It is unclear whether reversingthe trend is possible. “The whole system isvery slow to start,” he says, “and also veryslow to stop.” Norwegian researchers closeto the problem are confirming scientist’sworst fears indicating that this process isaccelerating and others are speculatingthat we are experiencing solar cycles thatare increasing temperatures slightly, butnot enough to account for the intensity ofthe changes.The Pentagon Report creates what theysee as very possible near turn scenariossaying, “By <strong>20</strong>05 the climatic impact ofthe shift is felt more intensely in certainregions around the world. More severestorms and typhoons bring about higherstorm surges and floods in low-lyingislands such as Tarawa and Tuvalu (nearNew Zealand). In <strong>20</strong>07, a particularlysevere storm causes the ocean to breakthrough levees in the Netherlands makinga few key coastal cities such as The Hagueunlivable. Failures of the delta islandlevees in the Sacramento River region inthe Central Valley of California creates aninland sea and disrupts the aqueduct systemtransporting water from northern tosouthern California because salt water canno longer be kept out of the area duringthe dry season... As glacial ice melts, sealevels rise and as wintertime sea extent decreases,ocean waves increase in intensity,damaging coastal cities.Additionally millions of people areput at risk of flooding around the globe(roughly 4 times <strong>20</strong>03 levels), and fisheriesare disrupted as water temperaturechanges cause fish to migrate to newlocations and habitats, increasing tensionsover fishing rights.”The Bush administration is hardly thefirst administration to shamelessly distortscientific findings for political reasons butthe stakes are higher now then ever. RichardNixon was brought down by the singleact of Watergate. The watershed for GeorgeW. Bush could conceivably come from thesingle act of censoring reports on climatechange. The question could be asked;can the world survive such a leader? Onemight also ask how we can blame governmentsfor global warming while more andmore people are buying petrol-guzzlingcars?It is far too easy, even for those with themost honourable goals, to address only superficialsymptoms and not the root causesthat lie much deeper? It seems evident thatwhat needs to be changed is the whole<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>23

GLOBAL WARMING & CHEMICALGENOCIDEsystem. But we need to be aware that thereare those who will want to take advantageof the current climate of crisis, working forprofit, while making it even worse for theworld’s population.This commentary is offered so the publiccan become aware of the alarm bellsour foremost scientists are ringing. Whatis evident is that the whole human raceappears to be on a collision course witha dark destiny, one that might have beenavoided with some common sense. We arefacing many mega qustions simultaneouslyand they all seem to becoming to a flashpoint simultaneously in the near future. Ina pioneering study released last week forexample, according to The New York Times,“the Union of Concerned Scientists askedtwo independent labs to examine samplesof traditional corn, soybean and canolaseeds. The labs found contamination inhalf the corn, half the soybean and morethan 80 percent of the canola varieties.The study draws no conclusions aboutwhen the mingling took place. It couldhave happened during field tests, aftermodified crops were widely planted orduring shipping and storage. But thegenetic purity of at least some traditionalseed varieties has been compromised.”This is a huge and serious problem for thechildren of the future.Have we let our governments andcorporations gang up on us innocents? Arewe really innocent or are we just ignorant,lazy, docile, and gullable? I do not thinkit matters, names, accusations, whatever.The question is what are we going to doabout it? In many areas of medicine andscience we have let incredibly dark forcestake control and we are already seeingour children pay in terms of their generalhealth.Freud’s death wish seems to havebecome the passion of humanity. Thequestion today might just be, can wetranscend our humanity? Can we evolveinto something slightly better, slightlymore intelligent, and slightly more coherent?One thing is clear, when it comes tomedicine and science we have trusted thewrong people.Government agencies, corporations,scientists and medical people have cometogether to gang rape humanity. We couldeasily call it chemical genocide or chemicalrape. The richest people on the planethave not made all their money throughlove this is for certain. Just remember thistomorrow when you brush your teeth,know that our favourite people have putpoison in your toothpaste. Ask a chemistabout fluoride not your dentist and youwill see not the tip of the iceberg but themainframe of a crime against humanitythat shames and humiliates all sense ofhuman intelligence.Wham! How many people wouldhesitate swotting an unassumingfly, dining on the kitchen table? Yet,no sane person would carelessly take ahuman life.The general understanding is that ahuman life is more valuable than that ofa fly (although I’m sure the fly will disagree).From the Biological perspective,this is not true. In fact, many people feelthat the human species is simple a burdenon the face of the earth. All speciesserve a purpose in the fragile ecosystem.Even the fly serves a purpose, even amaggot serves a purpose, but wheredo the humans fit in? We carry out thesame bodily functions that other speciesdo i.e. eating, sleeping, mating defendingetc. and ultimately just like the poorfly, we will have to leave this world.Yet still we attribute more value tohuman life.Is it because we can, because oursuperior intelligence promotes us to thetop of the chain? This still seems verysuperficial, and ultimately meaningless,from the bigger picture, one human lifeseems very insignificant ( ashes to ashesdust to dust).This leads us anxiously into otheravenues of human existence – “My lifecannot be worth that of a fly. Whatabout the unique ambitions and desiresthat make every human being an individual?”We manipulate material natureto express ourselves in order to feelvalue and purpose in life.The pursuit for purpose is mostprominent in the human species, andit pervades absolutely every aspect ofour lives. When we don’t feel purposedepression creeps in, and life just doesnot feel worth living. It is as if we weredesigned especially for this function. Noother species questions life’s meaningas we do. You don’t find a pride of lionsdiscussing whether they should becomevegetarian. No they simply live accordingto their nature. Each and every relationshipreflects our need for individualpurposeful existence.Ask anyone to tell you about them-The SpiritualSpeciesSeeking purpose for the human raceby Mayapur Chandra Dasa24 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

selves, and they will relate themselveswith their hopes, dreams, fears, desires,occupation etc. When the human tendencytowards purpose is misguided ormisinterpreted, it tends towards selfishmaterialistic, dominating behaviour. Itdepends on who we identify ourselveswith, the body or the real self, the soul.Of course, the materialistic pursuitknows no bounds, and society is destroyingour very source of sustenance,chasing after shadows. It’s a bittersweet pill to swallow, but we will notfind satisfaction in a temporary materialsituation- everything around us isscreaming it out.As soon as society at large figures outthat our real value lies in transcendence,the human specieswill rightfully takeits place (a veryimportant place)as the spiritualguardians of thisplanet. Whenwe stop ourendless hopesfor materialperfection,we willfindutilizing “matter” in the service of spirit.Now, keeping these points in mind, wecan start to question what a truly advancedcivilization actually is. Advancementmakes sense when there is a goalto reach, otherwise we may be runningin circles perpetually, while in actuality,we are simply exploring another of thecountless avenues of materialistic life(same pudding- different topping).We need to enter a era of consciousliving, meaning to actually live out ourspiritual reality, beyond the armchair.We need not fear security, nor dissatisfaction,for the richest man is not hewho has the most, but he who needs theleast. If we want, society can change (itis changing all the time) to somethingthat will aid our spiritual needs. Weneed to re-assess our values, and seewhat do we actually need in order to livein harmony. The task may seem huge,looking at all the injustice and exploitationin the world, but it simply startswith working on our intentions, andbecoming well informed. We all need tobe heroes in our own lives-remember,in times of war, even the street sweeperwill take up arms- we are fighting a waragainst our very selves, and we need tobe strong in standing up for what reallymatters. The growing trend towardseco-villages is definitely a step in theright direction, although many peopledo not see the depth of the lifestylechange. The goal of these villages isto re-establish the spiritual values insociety. Every social system, has anunderlying paradigm supporting it, andcommunity principals of love, trust,honesty, interdependence, compassion,camaraderie, humility, respect, selflessnessetc. are what actually makes thevillage work. The current capitalisticsystem simply does not nurture thesequalities in mankind, although someare desperately trying to hold on tothem. In a world where money talks,there is not much room for cultivatingthe inner world.We have reached the crossroads.Mother Nature is forcing us to standstill, and re-think where we are heading.It is clear that we cannot continue theway we are living. Science is coming upwith so many alternative “green” energysources, but is it actually going to solveour problem? As Albert Einstein said“You cannot solve a problem with thesame consciousness that started it”.The essential instruction for humanlife is clear in all spiritual teachings-Simple living High thinking-. If we failto live by our spiritual nature, all attemptsto solve the problems of life willultimately fall short. Let us unfold ourtrue potential, and connect every aspectof our lives to our spiritual inIf we fail to live by ourspiritual nature,all attempts to solve theproblems of lifewill ultimately fall short.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>25

We have been herded like cattlethrough the spin doctors and corporatemedia which has hijacked the “public”airwaves often never contemplating oreven given the possibility of a third choice.Fear, manufactured lack, keeping peoplein survival with their nose to the grindstoneis the program most have boughtinto.Problem/ Solution thinking is howpeople are controlled. Create a problem,become the solution, make sure they don’trealize you created the problem. Alsomake sure the people are not aware ofother choices is the game of today.If you track down most of the ills ofhumanity and the Earth you will find theproblem originated in most cases withthose providing the solution and profitinggreatly at the expense of humanity and theEarth. The solution in most cases does notsolve anything it perpetuates the problemof which many are continuously cashing in.Profit at the expense of humanity and theEarth, “Greed”, capitalism without conscienceis the main problem along with anextreme lack of critical thinking, commonsense and integrity.Here are some examples:Problem: Peak oil, oil shortages etc.Standard Answer: control the worldsoil, invade other sovereign countriesspending billions and costing thousandsup to a million plus lives ours and theirsalong with unimaginable suffering of innocentcivilians.The Upward Spiralof EvolutionMost of the ills of humanity and the Earthoriginated with those providing the solution,at the expense of humanity and the Earthby James GillilandSolution 3: utilize alternative energieswhere ever possible. Manufacture thealready existing suppressed technologieswhich incorporate the splitting of water ondemand, magnetic motors, and the evenmore suppressed zero point devices anti,and counter gravity. Yes they do exist andhave been back engineered yet are suppressedby those who wish to keep humanityenslaved through dependency. Moreoil is available, there has never been lackof oil. That is not the problem the problemis oil dependency, manufactured lack andsuppression of technologies that wouldend the dependency.Problem: nuclear Waste, agingpower plants, ticking nuclear timebombs.Standard Answer: build more plants,upgrade existing plants and spend billionson clean up giving the contracts to the verypeople that created the mess.Solution 3: shut down all Nuclear facilities- they are unsafe, leaking and continueto create waste we cannot render harmless.Exchange the drives with zero pointtechnology engines, “they do exist”, whichwill turn the generators without fuel, pollutionand end the production of deadlyhazardous nuclear waste. The monies thatgo to the future storage and clean up ofthis deadly waste can go to the refitting ofthe plants. Make home units available ona smaller scale eventually allowing eachhousehold to be sovereign and off the gridno longer susceptible to mass power outagesdue to storms, Earth changes, solarflares or other interruptions of the grid.Problem: WarStandard Answer: use force to eliminateany obstacle that interferes withdemocracy or overseas corporate businesswhich might affect business at home. Fundand instill dictators, presidents and leadersloyal to the USSolution 3: eliminate all contributionsfrom war industry to candidates runningfor office. Take the profit motive out ofwar. Make ethical business arrangementswith other countries and make it illegal touse the military to enforce or guard theseendeavors. Honour the rights of sovereigncountries to govern themselves withoutinterference.Return to the Department of Defense, notOffense and secure our own borders aswell as utilizing the troops in the cleanup, support and rebuilding efforts due tonatural disasters which are steadily onthe increase. Utilize funds to shore upand rebuild; and our own infrastructureto provide jobs that are constructive notdestructive.The military already has the technologyto run their vehicles on water due to recentdevelopments so oil in not a major factorin moving supplies and assistance to thosein need. There should also be major independentinvestigations into war profiteeringand the step by step deceptions whichlead us into war followed by prosecution.This would eliminate the generation ofmore terrorism and show in good faith as amajority we are not an aggressive warringcountry.Establish a Department of Peace whichwill take precedence to find solutionskeeping the Department of Defense informedonce all else fails then the DefenseDepartment takes over in matters thatthreaten our own shores only. If one tenthof the money went into a Department ofPeace, solutions other than war in mostcases could be found. Assistance ratherthan force makes better allies yet any assistancemust be given with oversight tomake sure it goes were it was intended.Problem: ReligionStandard Answer: be faithful to yourimage and doctrine, dismiss all others anddo as your church tells you.Solution 3: we all came from one source,we will all return to that same source. Wehave given that source many names andcreated doctrines to describe this source.We are all family, one people though26<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

diverse and now is the time to honor andunite in the similarities rather thandivide and focus on the differences.History undeniably has proventhat religions and governments havefailed to bring unity and peace tohumanity and the Earth. They haveinstead been the dividers whichin many cases have lead to warsand planetary suffering. Forcingone culture onother children ofGod in all their diversity, to acceptanother’s images, doctrines andbeliefs is in error. It has nothing to dowith love andloveis the law that supersedesall other laws.Now is the time for the people to standup and agree to the Universal Principlesand Understandings necessary for ahealthy society and environment whichare the universal threads that bind allhumanity together.Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love,Individual Freedom and Prosperity for allhonoring the Omnipresent Creator in allCreation are basic premise of all advancedcivilizations.These universal principles were taughtby every master, prophet and sage in everyculture and the religious leaders shouldfollow and teach these principles byexample. Any belief that divides, separates,and demonizes another is not of God. Anyreligion that supports over-population beyondthe ability of the land and resourcesto provide is responsible for the poverty,famine, and disease that follows.Problem 5. EnvironmentStandard Answer: provide majorcontracts to clean up air, land and water,restore the destruction to habitat, tax thepeople.Solution 3: go to the source, those thatare polluting the air, land, water anddestroying habitat. Stop making the messrather than continuously cleaning up theProblem: WarStandard Answer: use force toeliminate any obstacle that interfereswith democracy or overseas corporatebusiness which might affect businessat home. Fund and instill dictators,presidents and leaders loyal to the US<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>27

mess. Penalize forcreating the messandenforce the solutions. Bring forward technologiesto make manufacturing safe forthe environment utilizing biodegradablematerials when ever possible.Simplify, recycle and restore. Sustainableharvesting of forests, select cuttingmaintaining the forest and habitat, usingother materials when possible such ashemp.Recycling formulated into lumber,use of glass, concrete etc. to build lastingEarth friendly homes.Problem 5. The EconomyStandard Answer: generate moreprofits at any expense without soul or conscienceregardless of how it affects humanityand the Earth. Utilize resources of thirdworld countries both human and naturalto fill our needs, support our lifestyles atthe lowest possible price to sell at the highestpossible price.Solution 3: the big three corporationsrunning the country and the world are TheWar Industry, Oil, and Pharmaceutical. Ifwe want peace we need a peace industry.If we want clean fueless Earth friendlyenergy to provide for our energy and transportationneeds, we need these industriesto come forward without hindrance orsuppression. If we want the cures for diseasewe need create an industry that promotesthe cures again without hindranceor suppression.War and disease profiteering mustcome to an end to be replaced by peaceand cure profiteering. The dependenceon foreign oil and domestic oil as well,must give way to new technologies thatare clean, efficient, sustainable and Earthfriendly. A whole new basis for livingneeds to be adapted that is in harmonywith nature and fair to all concerned.Rather than planned obsolescence buildthings that last which will further conserveenergies and resources. This will not killthe economy - it will free the people to livein an abundant world, giving them moretime for further education, recreation andother creative endeavors.Problem: The GovernmentStandard Answer: turn everything overto the government, give more power to thetop of the pyramid and create more positionsof power, more agencies, oversightagencies, etc. increasingly burdening thepeople through taxes upon taxes. Theproblem with this is that absolute powercorrupts absolutely. The more the power isremoved from the individual the more it isabused and eventually used against them.The character of those who seek powerTHE UPWARD SPIRAL OF EVOLUTIONover others is already in question. The lackof transparency in government is what allowsthe corruption to occur and escalate.The greater the secrecy the greater the corruption.Presently our leadership is chosenby the power they have obtained throughmaterial acquisition often at the expenseof humanity and the Earth or those whowill do the bidding of the big corporations.These mega, often soulless, corporationscontrol the media, are the driving forcebehind both parties created to give us theillusion we have a choice and install whothey feel will best serve their interests, notthe peoples interest.Solution 3: advanced civilizationschoose their leadership according to theirspiritual advancement and track record ofservice to humanity. The people,not thecorporations or special interests choosetheir leadership. The media needs to findits integrity, report the news in a fair andhonest manner without the influence ofcorporate sponsorship, giving equal airtime to all those seeking public office.Full disclosure in all matters, completetransparency is the only solution to endingthe corruption. The Constitution and Billof Rights must be reinstated as first andforemost law superseding all other lawsand regulations.The power needs to return to localgovernment in control of the local people.A smaller controllable beast by the peopleis much more acceptable than a largeruncontrollable beast controlled by thecorporations.Problem: Exopolitics andOff-World VistiorsStandard Answer: shoot first ask questionslater, dissect the occupants, steal thetechnology for the war industry. Makeagreements with low level ETs and tradetechnology for the rights to abduct andexperiment on humanity.Solution 3: in the interest of National Securityit would be wiser not to attack a craftor a race thousands, millions if not billionsof years ahead of us in evolution andtechnology. It would also be wise to makealliances with the benevolent, spirituallyand technologically advanced beings thathave our highest and best good in mind.The disclosure projects have made it veryclear to any reasonable mind there hasbeen ongoing activity in our skies of offworld visitors.A recent Times/CNN poll states that86% of the people believe UFOs existand there is a government cover-up. Themajority of the people know and are readyto hear the truth. The cover-up is over, acomplete failure .. and to continue it onlydiscredits those involved and removes allfaith in government. It has also been madeclear that we have been back engineeringour own craft with cooperation with lowlevel ETS and have our own space navy.These technologies which have peacefulapplications have been kept from thepeople, they have been used in what couldonly be termed criminal activity againstthe people especially those looking intothe matter of ETs and exotic technologies.Somewhere along the way the oath todefend the constitution and the peoplefell by the wayside, everything becamesecretive, orders are coming from dark unknownsources and the people no longerhave any oversight of rogue military factionswhich goes against the Constitution.Hopefully having learned this lesson,we can establish an alliance with thebenevolent, spiritually and technologicallyadvanced off world visitors and move forwardin a quantum leap in evolution andthe restoration of Eden living in harmonywith each other and nature. The choice toalign with the benevolent off worlders wasgiven at the same time the low level contactswere made. Think of where we wouldbe now if we made a different choice. Theoption is still there.Problem 8 KARMA, what goesaround comes around is auniversal law. Individually andcollectively we will be heldaccountable. It is destiny.Standard Answer: economics is moreimportant than karma or action/reaction,we will always be clever enough and powerfulenough to outwit karma. The goldenrule is he who owns the gold makes therules and controls destiny.Solution 3: no escape from karma, action/reaction;there are higher forces andnature from both of which one cannothide. Where ever you go, there you are anduniversal law will be with you. The action/reaction principle will be accelerated, norock shall be left unturned and all will beshouted from the roof tops. We are movinginto a time of total transparency.“A fool and his mischief is like fresh milk,it takes a little time to sour but as surely asthe cart follows the horse that pulls it, itwill catch up.” Buddha.“As you sow, so shall you reap.” Jesus.Never forget there are no holy wars, forwho are you killing other than the otherchildren of God?What is noble about that?28 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Article title goes hereProblem: ReligionStandard Answer: be faithful to yourimage and doctrine, dismiss all othersand do as your church tells you.Solution 3:Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedomand Prosperity for all honoring the Omnipresent Creator in allCreation are basic premise of all advanced civilizations.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>29

Jena’sHand in it Allby jena Griffithswww.handanalysisonline.comYour heart line reveals your emotional type.Why is it important to know your type?Because each type has different emotionalneeds and a different relationshipstyle. The key to being a happy healthy you, isto live your type. The key to building successfulrelationships (of any nature) is knowing youremotional style and needs.The more you are in touch with your ownemotional needs the easier it is to make sure youget loved the way you need to be loved. One ofthe most common mistakes we make is expectingothers to love us the same way we love them.In reality, we all need to be loved in differentways and it helps to know what works for usand what doesn’t and then communicate this.Another reason to know your type has to do withnatural attraction.What keeps the energy flowing between twopeople?Is it that Like attracts like? or Opposites attract?Actually..... it’s both!Like-minded thinking is what keeps the trainfrom derailing. But opposite temperament iswhat propels the train forward.To keep a relationship on track it helps tohave:Shared values, Shared beliefs about what planetwe’re on and how it works.Shared dreams or goalsShared ideas about child rearingMutual respect ...Without this common ground it’s virtually impossibleto make a relationship work, irrespective ofhow big the spark was in the beginning.But when it comes to temperament, there’s adifferent force that binds us. Here opposites reallydo attract. There is a strong yin-yang push-pullforce propelling, attracting, bonding us and keepingthe energy dynamic and flowing.Ever see couples sitting in a restaurant withvirtually nothing to say to each other? It’s as ifthere is no dynamic, the energy just doesn’t flow.This could be because they’re just too similar, ortotally incompatible.The danger here is that one person may tryto adjust him or herself to fit the other person’sneeds. As I mentioned before, to be a happyhealthy you, you need to live your type.Are you living your type?What heart line type are you? There are 4 basictypes.Earth heart line types (Hermits) need freedomand hate clinginess They show their affectionsthrough actions rather than words. Their relationshipstyle is ‘not now, I’m busy.’Water types (Big hearts) need connection. Theyare sensitive and caring Their relationship styleis nurturing. They are sometimes too giving andflexible and seek to be contained.Water and Earth types compliment each otherperfectly.Fire types (Pasionates) are vivacious and liketo be the centre of attention. They need passionand hate boredom. Relationship style: let me tellyou what I want. They are challenged to focus andmay over display inappropriately.Air types are romantic idealists. They arethoughtful, considerate, and rational and hateconflict. Their relationship style is analysis paralysis;to think about feelings rather than expressthem in the moment. Fire and air types complimenteach other perfectly.To figure out your type, go you’ve figured out what type you are, here’sa simple exercise to help you get more in touchwith whether your needs are being met:Write down 8 needs you have right now. Thendraw a cup alongside each need and indicate howfull this cup is at the moment.Get your partner to do the same and share yourcup drawings with each other.Now write 8 things you really like about yourpartner and share these too.Appreciation is often the thing we need most.It costs nothing to give, but it enriches both sidesonce given.Jena Griffiths is an IIHAcertified hand analyst and lifepurpose support coach. Shealso has BA, Bsc and Bsc(hons)degrees and post graduatediplomas in psychology andeducation.Jena grew up in South Africaand was SA triathlon champin 1989 and South Africa’s topcyclist in the late 80’s and early90’s. She pioneered women’scycling in South Africa. 10 yearsago she left SA to ‘go sailing’and has sailed around the world,one third of it with a childonboard.Jena lives in Switzerlandwhere she does private consultationsin hand analysis and LifePurpose Support counsellingin Sternenberg and downtownWinterthur (Canton Zürich).She also consults worldwide bytelephone or by skype.30 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

the Green Directoryproducts and services for the ethical consumerv ndi’sHolistic Pet Nutrition“The Healthy Natural Alternative”65 Regent Road, Sea PointTel: 021 439 1784Vondi’s is real food - natural,wholesome and preservative free.The cooking process and ingredients,including freshly picked herbs,makes our product unique.’'Trust Us, We Really Care’’Available from 15 f r i c a n B l i s stel : ( 0 4 2 ) 2 7 3 2 6 6 6rconterio@hotmail.com100%NATURALSOAPFOR STOCKISTS NEAR YOU, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>31

SUSTAINABLEARCHITECTUREDesign and Consultatione-mail requirements and contactdetails to for a free quotationDOWSING FOR WATERIf you need to locate water for aborehole in Gauteng, Limpopo,Mpumalanga or North West ProvinceEileen 011 615 7684 or 082 893 6840XHOSA LESSONSInspiring, entertaining courses,workshops, CDs, and facilitatedimmersion opportunities, perfectfor language learners and groups.UBuntu Bridge. Craig RIDGEConference/Workshop Facilities,Accommodation, river frontage on theCrocodile, Hiking Trails.Quiet and non-commercial.Location: 19 Kms from Fourways.Rock Labyrinth: Bookings Only.Doug 083 315 1996 / 083 227 7969GREEN DIRECTORYDo you wish to leave the rat race, to lead amore meaningful, creative and healthy lifestyle?Do you wish to grow food that you “know” isnatural? To live closer to nature, get back to yourbasics, become aware of your natural cycles andrhythms? Reconnect with Gaia!80 sq/m Cottage to rent on AumFarm, a 130 acre gamefarm in the Waterberg, Limpopo. We are a budding ecocommunityand are striving for a minimum footprintexistence. There are guidelines for those wishing to rentlong-term and become part of the community.Rent is R1250-00pm, water and solar power is provided.(Stove, fridge and geyser will require additional expenditure for gas.)Contact AumFarm at forfurther details and information.ANCIENT WAYSNew Age Shop. Nature Based Religions.Alternative Healing, Books, Crystals,Stones, Essential Oils, Magical andShamanic Items.Email: 044 382 2477 Cell: 082 552 7187ethicalwebsite hostingFrom <strong>R25</strong> per Bamboo Towelling Nappies, Breathable Waterproofs,Flushable & Biodegradable Nappy Liners, Re-usable Nursing Pads,Swim Nappies, Training Pants, Natural Barrier Balm,Non-Allergenic & Organic Goat’s Milk Soap,Soothing Baby Linen SprayTel/Fax: 021 782 9117Equine FacilitatedExperiential Learning"Horses are highly effective in helping people reintegratemind and body, increase awareness of unconsciousbehavior patterns, and develop the self-confidence, stressmanagement, and assertiveness skills that lead to increasedsuccess in relationships, career, school, and parenting.”Linda Kohanov, Tao of EquusClinics, Workshops and Private Sessionsfor everyone: children and adults.No horse experience required.Therapy professionals welcomefor collaboration.Vanessa MalviciniEpona Approved InstructorAppaloosa Horse FarmNoordhoek, Western Cape, South Africa+27 21<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

GREEN DIRECTORYDISTRIBUTED BYAcorn InternationalSince 1996, a true self-sustainingeco-friendly rural Pondoexperience. We set the example forour neighbours. Become part of oureco-projects with the communitiesand schools in the heartof the Wild 082 8714964SOLAR COOKER“Every home should have one! I usemine every sunny day...” Anthea TorrSunstove <strong>20</strong>00 is a simple, new design, user-friendly,lightweight and rugged. Holds several pots.USES ONLY THE SUN’S ENERGY!Available directly from <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> forR360.00 including VAT, excluding postage.Includes a free pot!Phone 021 709 0391 or email more information and to order<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong> 33

Save Money,Save a Tree!with our newdigital subscriptionSubscribe to <strong>Biophile</strong>subscribe now and save <strong>20</strong>%off the cover priceBACK ISSUESALSO AVAILABLE AT R15. 00 each (including postage)You now have the option ofsubscribing to an digital (PDF)version of <strong>Biophile</strong>. If you have aconnection to the internet, you’llbe able to download your copydirectly from our website, or if yourconnection is too slow, you can optfor the CD subscription, in whichcase a CD containing the PDF filewill be posted to you. The PDFversion of the magazine will allowyou to search, extract articles andprint out any pages you wish, and isviewable with either Acrobat Readeror Foxit Reader, both of which arefree software.onlineFor more information, and tosubscribe, see this page on rates:South Africa Neighbouring Countries6 issues: R1<strong>20</strong>. 00 R180. 00 (surface) R<strong>20</strong>0. 00 (airmail)12 issues: R240. 00 R360. 00 (surface) R400. 00 (airmail)Please post this subscription form,together with a cheque made payable to BIOPHILE:PO Box 39277, Capricorn Square 7948Or pay the amount directly into our bank accountAccount Name: <strong>Biophile</strong> cc Bank: Standard Bank ConstantiaBranch Code: 02530917 Account Number: 271 596 791and fax the form below,together with proof of payment to 021 709 0392NAME:POSTAL ADDRESS:TELEPHONE:EMAIL:I would like to subscribe for issues, starting with issue numberPlease add the following Back <strong>Issue</strong>s to my order:Back <strong>Issue</strong>s numbers:This is a gift subscription. Please send it to:NAME:POSTAL ADDRESS:34 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Wild Olive Guest Farmoffers four-day and week-end organicgardening courses. Accommodation iscomfortable, on either Wild Olive GuestFarm or neighbouring farms. A boat ferriesparticipants to the farm for the practicalgardening sessions. The meals are preparedusing the finest organic ingredients in thecountry kitchen, and are served ‘al fresco’with magnificent views of the Goukou River.Some of the ins and outs of organic gardeninginclude:- choosing the right location for your garden– laying it out- feeding the soil – various soil preparationtechniques- climactic conditions needed for certaincrops- the importance of crop rotation- use of herbs as companion plants- water-wise gardening techniques.- stress-free gardeningThe sessions will be held mainly in theabundant garden that produces a varietyof fruit, veggies and herbs with happychickens in movable domes and thousandsof hard working, zero-maintenance earthworms.You’ll be shown different designsand solutions that can suit your land/plot(with or without chickens). Come andexperience first hand how you can create aproductive organic permaculture garden.The course is facilitated by Michele Schubert,who has helped and inspired people togrow food organically for the past 8 years.She has been on a fact finding mission toCuba to study their green revolution. In the80’ties worked on organic farms in Denmark– learning by doing.ProgrammeDAY ONEMorning: Garden lay-out – what to growwhere, how to design a garden so that themaximum gain can be had from the minimumup-keepBuilding garden soil – using compost,mulches and bed design - soils can be createdany whereDifferent compost-making methodsDAY TWOCrop rotation / companion plantingBed preparationPreparing seed trays, direct seed sowing,transplanting seedlingsWatering – IrrigationChicken-keeping (optional)DAY THREEPlanting shrubs and treesContainer gardeningHarvesting – when to harvest what / how toprepare and store producePreparing and cooking your produce so thatyou retain the nutrients optimallyDAY FOURDaily garden up-keep – protecting (pestmanagement/shade/warmth), watering,mulching, weeding, keeping garden recordsLiquid-fertilizers – how to make and applyvarious fertilizer-teasNatural pest controlTips for making gardening easierMany of these topics do overlap and will bedealt with as we encounter them during thecourse.LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU,LEARNING & GARDENING TOGETHERGARDENING COURSES DATESFour-Day 4th – 7th FebruaryWeek-end 16-17th FebruaryWeek-end 15th – 16th MarchFour-Day 21st – 24th AprilFour- Day 12th – 15th MayFour- Day 23rd – 26th JuneTo quote Barbara Kingsolver on gardening“It gets a body outside for some part ofeveryday to work the heart, lungs, andmuscles you wouldn’t believe existed,providing a healthy balance to desk jobsthat might otherwise render us chairpotatoes. Instead of needing to drive to thegym, we walk up the hill to do pitchfork freeweights, weed-pull yoga, and Hoe Master.No excuses. The weeds could win.”From Animal, Vegetable Miracle” published byFaber & Faber <strong>20</strong>07.Please contact Hazel at Wild Olive Farm, Stilbaai on 0287542719 for more informationCamphill Community HermanusWe are a life and resource-sharing community living withabout 100 children and adults with intellectual disabilities inthe beautiful Hemel en Aarde Valley near Hermanus. Our 125hafarm (dairy herd, dairy, herb-garden and processing, vegetablegarden) is run according to Holistic Farm Management and appliesbio-dynamic methods. Our vegetable garden provides• organic vegetable for our community (<strong>20</strong>0 people altogether)• Meaningful work to a group of intellectually disabled adults• vegetables for our well-known stall at the Fernkloof FarmersMarketFor May <strong>20</strong>08 we are looking for an experienced organic gardener,who is motivated• to grow organic vegetables (training in bio-dynamic methodsis possible)• to work alongside a group of intellectually disabled adultsand a small group of staff and volunteers• to run our vegetable garden economically successful• to live long-term in a life and resource-sharing communityInterested? Curious? Motivated?For more info please contact Jos and Maria, our present gardeners– camphillgarden@gmail.comFor general info please contact MAGAZINEINDEPENDENTDISTRIBUTORSREQUIREDinOutlying & Rural AreasSell to your friends and family!For more information, please emailinbox@biophile. co. za<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>35

Greening the Webwithurban sprout is a blog-stylegreen website that is fanatical aboutthe environment, sustainability andbuying organic. With daily greennews and opinion, a directorythat lists organic and eco-friendlyproducts, and a focus on greenissues: organic food, globalwarming, sustainable lifestyles andenvironmental justice — we’re a sitefor ethical consumers.a non-profit news and documentarynetwork focused on providing independentand uncompromising journalism– no government funding, no corporatefunding, no advertising and no stringsattached. This is what ‘freedom of thepress’ should be about - unbiased newsand, as one of the comments on the sitesays: time for the ‘little people’ to stand upand demand nothing less. Great concept,but how does a news network fund itself?The Real News depends on donations fromthe public. Their goal is to compete for adaily audience in the millions and they’regetting there with the help of their readers’donations. We’re inspired.AlterNetwww.alternet.orgAnother independent media website,also funded by donations, AlterNet aimsto inspire citizen action and advocacy onthe environment, human rights and civilliberties, social justice, media and healthcare issues. Their award-winning newsis in direct opposition to the dominantright-wing media in America and caters fora large and growing progressive audiencewith diverse beliefs and opinions. AlterNetencourages discussion and activism andchallenges people to rethink stale assumptions– more than 15 000 of their readershave registered to make comments internet is a veritable wealth ofinformation (and disinformation) and onevery often has to question what to believeand what to dismiss outright. Enrichingour knowledge is underscored by theawareness that a lot of what we read onthe ‘net is influenced by someone’s hidden(or not so subtle) agendas; prejudiced byadvertising, corporates and governments.By the same token, though, it is the freedomof the internet that makes ‘real’ newspossible.Enter the Real News network – green blogsRelax with are the name of the gamefor Capetonian Dax. Whether it’s movies,books, concerts or restaurants, he has theinteresting stuff covered. His blog posts arealso peppered with insightful commentaryon nuclear power, gm food, consumerismand globalisation - to name just a few ofthe issues he tackles. He is also no fan ofthe Hummer which makes him one of thegood guys.SA Climate Crisissaclimatecrisis.wordpress.comSA Climate Crisis is run by AndreBothma who, by his own admission, is nocarbon emissions saint, but believes thatworld citizens have a duty to look afterthe planet we call home. His mission is tospread ideas and solutions to fight climatechange, and topics include environmentalactivism, genetic modification, ignitingpositive change, carbon neutral transportand corporate environmental accountability.Well worth checking out.36 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Confessionsof aConvertedCarrot Cruncherby Patricia Glyn‘Vegan (n): one of a sect ofvegetarians using no animalproduce at all.’“Must I wear a pair of those quiteghastly luminous Crocs for 10 yearsbefore I can leave rehab?”That’s how Chambers Dictionary describesme and my ilk. The definition isn’tprecise enough for my liking, but more onthat later. What gets my goat (sorry, getsmy aubergine) is the ‘sect’ word. It soundsso …. Jonestown, you know?So Moonies. Kinda like, Patty Hearstjoins the Bader Meinhof gang and PattyGlyn signs up with the vegans. Hell, Iwasn’t even a Girl Guide for Petal’s sake.Now I’m part of some cult? I’m outraged.Then an email arrives which doesanything but allay my fears that I might becaught up in some kind of manic movement.The letter comes from a ‘proper’ vegan– a graduate and an elder in the tribe:“I’m not quite sure how long you havebeen a vegetarian,” she writes in responseto my October <strong>20</strong>07 column, “but I feel distressedwhen I read that you refer to yourselfas a vegan, after only being a vegan foreight weeks. …Don’t flatter yourself.”She tells me further that she’s been avegetarian for 17 years and a vegan forten. She doesn’t eat honey, does not wearleather or go horse riding. Next she plansto stop eating bread, due to the fact thatit contains yeast – a living organism. Shebeats herself up for eating the odd squareof milk chocolate but is working on thisabominable weakness.In short, a vegan’s struggle credentialsare slow and painful to obtain and I haveno right to carry a carrot-cruncher membershipcard before many years of selfflagellationwith a cat-o’-limp-celery.Which brings me to the nub of the matter:the question of definition. What is avegan and when can one claim the title?In the absence of a universally acceptedstandard as to what this effigy of virtue is,personal ethics tend to prevail – and that’salways very tricky turf.Some of my vegan chums, for instance,would be most upset to learn that yesterday’sbreakfast of toast and honey hadresulted in them being expelled fromthe fraternity. I have twice eaten a mealcontaining cheese rather than offenddinner party hosts who don’t understandmy ‘rules’. What should happen when I falloff the wagon like that? And have I goneback to square one in the count-down tomy vegan graduation? Slipped down thelongest cobra in the Snakes and Laddersgame of Ethical Eating?I mean, is a Christian a Christian after‘seeing the light’ or only after a life-timeof unimpeachable conduct? Are goodintentions enough? Is a philosophicalstandpoint sufficient to warrant the label‘vegan’? Or ‘Buddhist’? Or ‘Democrat’? I’min the process of wearing out my leathershoes and belts because I feel that ananimal suffered and died to supply them,the deed is long done and they shouldn’tbe tossed into the bin just because I’vechanged my views on the matter. Is thatkind of pragmatism wrong?Who makes the rules on how to dispensewith one’s old ways of life? You? Me?She of the email? A yogi in India? A vegancouncil? Must I wear a pair of those quiteghastly luminous Crocs for 10 years beforeI can leave rehab?And that brings us to another questionof definition. Who’s to say what’s ‘extreme’?It’s a word thrown at me constantlythese days by those trying to describe myworldview – along with ‘eccentric’ andeven ‘attention seeking’. I reject theselabels with contempt, but here’s the thing– they’re exactly what came to mind whenI read the email I have just quoted. Is thatbecause the writer pricked my conscience– as I do those of my meat-eating friends?Is this person on a completely differentpath to mine, or merely further down thesame road? Will I too become more andmore ‘extreme’?Maybe the time will come when I’m sosensitized that I’ll feel as if I’m dining in amortuary when I eat kidney beans or artichokehearts, or in an abattoir when I consumechick peas or soya mince. As it is, I’mbeginning to doubt my ability to consumepotatoes. It’s their eyes, you know!<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>37

ARTICLE TITLE GOES HEREraw food lifeGet Juiced Up for <strong>20</strong>08!by Beryn DanielThe most common New Year’sResolutions are to:1. Lose Weight2. Start dieting3. Go to the gymWell, let me tell you the gyms sell the mostmemberships in January and the treadmillsare overflowing for the first month ofthe year, but the managers aren’t worriedor ordering in more equipment to caterfor the extra demand. They know that bymid-Feb the floors will be half empty againand back to just the regulars, plus theyhave the added bonus that you’ve bought amembership for the entire year, but aren’tlikely to go more that once or twice in themonth.And as for diets, well we all know theyhardly last 2 – 3 weeks before the stress ofgoing back to work or getting the childrenready for the new school year drives youback to your normal bad eating habits thatyou were so determined to crack this year.I mean who ever makes it to ValentinesDay without ‘cheating’ over a big box ofchocolates?BUT, do not fear – we can still get itright!All I takes is a small shift in perception anda move away from instant gratification inexchange for a view and taste of the biggerpicture, a picture full of abundant health,joy, clarity and energy.As a raw food chef Ican assure you thatyour taste budswon’t go unsatisfiedeither –not only is thisbigger picturefun and inspiringbut it isdelicious too.So, if you’ve decidedyou’re upfor the challengeof cleanlinessfirst it’s time tode-clutter yourstate of the art machine– your body.Why should you cleanse?No matter what’s going on right now, theroad to glowing health begins with cleansingand detoxification. It would not be anunderstatement to say that your digestivesystem is the cornerstone of your overallhealth.The food that we eat does not just randomlyaffect us, it becomes us. We simplycannot get away from that over-used cliché– you are what you eat.Blocked pipesPicture for a moment your kitchen sinkand its drain pipes. Your sink is designedto carry away mostly water and some smallfood scraps through the pipes. However, ifyou put too much of the wrong stuff downthere – like oil or stringy food remnantsor worse still, imagine pouring a bagof white flour down the drainand then trying to flush itthrough with water(or fizzy drinks) –you’re goingto end upwith asoggymess - and a blocked up pipe. The blockagesusually occur in the loops and folds ofthe pipes.Now if you ‘cut and paste’ this analogyonto your digestive system it lookssomething like this: Your body is designedto transport food which has a high watercontent swiftly through your pipes (yourdigestive system). If you put too much ofthe wrong stuff in the top end – bad oilsand deep fried foods, stodgy breads, pastasor mucus-forming milk products the inevitabilityis – a blocked system.How much toxic waste are youcarrying?It is not uncommon for people to be carryingaround 5 -10kgs of old fecal matterinside their colons. Up to 30 kgs has beenreported! When the digestive system iscontinually put under strain by bad foodchoices the colon begins and continuesto get blocked up and retainthis waste in the folds of the colon.What’s more is that once the colonis backed up, the body is continuallyre-absorbing poisonous toxinsback into the blood. The result ismore ill health and lethargy.Whatto do?GeneralmaintenanceYour body is infinitelyintelligent. It is alwaysstriving for optimumhealth and is always regeneratingitself. If you simplyADD IN the foods that you weredesigned to eat – your body getson does the rest of the work for you,because it knows what to do.38 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

The foods that we are talking about hereare:NUTRIENT DENSEALKALISINGMINERAL RICHandENZYME PACKEDIn short they are RAW PLANT FOODS.If you want to live more - eat more living,green plant foods. It’s as simple as that.The easiest and quickest way to get backon track is to start juicing.Juicing is like a full vitamin, mineral, enzymesupplement for the body.The goodness is easily absorbed into thebody and utilised for cleaning house.A ChallengeJUST ADD IT IN - FIRSTThe best way to adopt a healthy lifestyle isto JUST ADD IT IN.So, don’t go drastically changing yourcurrent diet just yet. All you need to do isadd in the following green vegetable juice- FIRST.So, before you have your bacon and eggsfor breakfast JUST ADD IN a green vegetablejuice -FIRST.Before you have your hamburger for lunch,JUST ADD IN another green vegetablejuice or dark green leafy salad - FIRST.Before you have your macaroni cheese orspaghetti bolognaise for dinner, JUST ADDIN another green vegetable juice or darkgreen leafy salad - FIRST.Why this works?Hunger is your body’s search for minerals.So if you have the green vegetable juicefirst you will be amazed to find that yourhunger is satisfied – because your bodyhas found what it needs – minerals. If youhave a hamburger instead, you’ll mostlikely find that you’re still hungry. Yourbody is still giving you hunger signalsbecause it hasn’t found enough mineralsin the food you’ve just eaten.So what you’ll find is slowly but surelyyou’ll eat less of the bacon, eggs, burgersand pasta and you’ll begin to opt for smallerand lighter meals. It may seem hard tobelieve at first – but try it. Give yourself 30days. You’ll be amazed!Juice feastingStep 1: Start with a mild baseApples combine well with vegetable juices,making them sweeter and more palatable.Apples, cucumber and celery are all greatsources of antioxidants. Cucumber is alsoa good source of potassiumand celery, an excellentsource of sodium.1. Easy-drinking green1 apple1-2 carrots½ a cucumber2 celery sticksCarrots are naturallysweet and help to formthe sweet base. Let thecarrots and apple formapproximately 1/3 ofyour overall juice mixture.Apples and carrots aregreat antioxidants, anticanceragents and are goodfor the heart.Once you’ve gotten used to thesemild base juices, make them morenutritionally rich by adding some darkgreen leavesStep 2 ...begin to add strongerleaves2. Getting stronger1 apple1 whole cucumber2 carrotshandful of red or green lettuce leaveshandful of spinachStep 3: THE SECRET INGREDIENT3. Secrets revealed1 apple1 whole cucumber1 pack of celery½ a bag of spinach½ a lemon½ a limeAdding a wedge of lemon or lime or bothto your juice makes it very refreshing andhides the taste of the stronger leaves. Asalways, organic is best – as it has moreminerals and trace minerals.Some juicers are better than others.You’ll want to look for a masticating juicerthat can juice your green leaves, wheatgrass,sprouts effectively and is super easyto clean. If you need more info please feelfree to get in touch. Tel: 021 7864068POWER LUNCH SALAD1 Cup Spinach1 Cup Rocket1/2 Cup Watercress1/2 Grated Carrot1/4 diced Cucumber1/4 Cup Brocolli1 large Avocadohandful of baby tomatoes (or sundriedtomatoes)generous helping of olivesOlive oilLemon juiceHimalayan Rock saltWhy it’s a Power Lunch?The rich green salad leaves are high inSilica and therefore really good for hair,skin and nails. Brocolli is a good for ironand magnesium and helpful for highblood pressure and constipation. We’ve allheard carrots are good for your eyes, theyare also good for helping to reduce inflammationof the mucous membranes in theintestines and respiratory tract. Olives andolive oil - good proteins and good fats andavos....hmmmm... delicious, and Himalayanrock salt for more minerals.So JUST ADD IT IN – lots of green juicesand salads and feel the radiance of rawfood for yourself.If you’d like to learn more about raw foodsbook yourself on to one of Beryn and Peter’sRaw food Preparation classes for the fullexperience. Classes are run over 2 full days,usually weekends and are being run inCape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, EastLondon and the Garden Route.For more info please call Beryn or Peteron 021 7864068 or visit and check out the ‘events’ page.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>39

African Bliss:A Farm in the Kougaby Dino ConterioSo, spring caught us by surprise inthis beautiful environment, notonly with blazing hot weather,but also blossoms on our almondtrees, birds and bees in the airand the pink heather on the hillsides fadingto make way for new floral wonders.We’d been having so much fun doing aswe pleased on a day to day basis, i.e. makingsoap for our future orders for Novemberand December as we wanted to haveend of September came and we decidedwe wanted to order another 45 fruit trees,another 10 apricot, 15 almond, 10 peach,and 10 olive trees. We were also advised bythe farmers in the area that it was too lateto plant fruit trees but we decided to takeour chances!(I’m finding it exceedingly difficult toconcentrate on writing this as the family isarguing about the scissors which is missing,that nobody used and nobody saw, butof sticks, open rooted and tied together,which could be picked up with one hand!(the olive trees were in bags).They also contained instructions to beplanted immediately, so off we zoomedback home to go and dig 45 holes, 1m deepand 60cm wide, with bounceback at thebottom and kraal manure mixed in.Talk about thrown in the deep-end ofdigging, especially in a family of 4 femalesand 1 male! Well in two days the trees wereplenty of stock before we got down to someserious marketing. Also fixing fences (anendless job on a farm), sourcing organicseeds for our vegi garden (the only seedswe could find were from our friends atBerg-en-Dal eco-village near Ladismith),looking for Comfrey plants, earthwormsfor a worm farm and some more fruit treesfor our orchard.We already had 4 almond trees, 6apricot trees and 1 apple tree which hadsurvived three years of neglect prior to ourarrival and were looking non the worsefor wear. Last but not least, we also wenton some beautiful outrides on horsebackto explore the area. So by this stage, thesomebody wants, thank goodness it seemsto have been resolved with no blood loss!).We ordered the trees from a Cape Townbased nursery which delivered them to thenearby town of Louterwater.The day we got the news that the treeshad arrived, we cleared out the back ofthe bakkie to make space for our load of45 trees which were waist height and weassumed would be in black planter bags.We rounded up our three girls to comewith us to help and set off in great spiritson a glorious sunny morning, anticipatingour little orchard of bagged trees awaitingour arrival. Half an hour later we arrive atLouterwater, only to be handed a bundleall in, and in spite of blisters and sorebacks, our new orchard meant being justa little bit closer to being self-sufficient…yay!Now I just wish lightening would strikeour Escom power box and force us out ofour comfort zone and into a new challenge(my wife looks nervously at her washingmachine!)We are surviving (mostly!) withoutPick ‘n Pay and after looking at pictures oforganic vegetable gardens in books andmagazines for the last 2 years, we can nowlook with pride at our own raised vegibedsfull of food!Till next time, the Conterio family.40 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>41

soilforlifewe scoop an award, andwe’re so proud!by Pat FeatherstoneOn 6th November <strong>20</strong>07, Soil forLife joined a record number ofentrants (all environmentallyaware organisations, groups andindividuals) at the Mount Nelson Hotelfor the prestigious Cape Times / VodacomEnvironmental Awards. These awards werefirst established in 1976 in associationwith the Cape Institute of Architects asthe Cape Centenary Awards. The criteriaon which the nominees were judged werethat they were operating in the WesternCape, and that they had made a significantand sustainable contribution to environmentalchallenges in the province.There were four award categories,namely for the Urban Environment, theNatural Environment, EnvironmentalEducation and for a Youth Environmentalist,all aimed at raising public awarenessto environmental issues. Because of theoutstanding contributions that nominatedentrants had made to a variety of environmentalchallenges, two special awardswere also presented - the Editor’s awardand a Lifetime Achiever’s award. Soil forLife staff were present in full force andwere totally overjoyed when the organisationwas announced as the winner of theUrban Environment category.The other finalists were FootprintsEnvironmental Centre, Cape Flats Nature,The ‘Beyond Expectations’ EnvironmentalProject, Zeekoevlei Environmental EducationProgramme, and many others. TheBonteheuwel Environmental Forum withtheir “No messing around in Bonteheuwel”project won the Editors Award, and BettyDwight won the Lifetime Achiever’s Awardfor her work over many years on behalf ofRondebosch Common. Caleb and Swanepoel,Grade 5 and 6 learners from PrinceTop row: Albertine Ngqame, Benita Loff, Belinda Kennedy, Pat Featherstone, Mildred Nyembezi,Roy SilverBottom row: Edith Mwezo, Fabian Harms, Sandy Lewis, Leslie Cox.Not present: Bulelani Fiko, Pumzile Njadu, Livingstone Muswere, Ben ZideAlbert won a merit prize for their “ThinkGlobal – Act Local” project.Soil for Life is committed to helpingcommunities to help themselves by growingtheir own safe, fresh, nutritious foodusing low-cost, soil-building, water-conserving,rubbish-disposing environmentfriendlymethods that produce ‘quantityand quality’ in small spaces. Soil for Life’ssmall team visits communities in andaround Cape Town (and travels muchfurther afield when called upon to do so)and shows people how to bury their rubbishto enrich their plots of ground, how tofashion effective gardening aids from bitsand pieces lying around, safe commonsenseways to control pests and disease– and, in a short space of time, to put fresh,pesticide-free vegetables on the table allyear round.Exercise, open air, good food andreduction of stress all help in the fightagainst AIDS and poverty-related diseases.The food garden as a classroom stimulatesoriginal thinking and creativity. For novicegardeners it’s a new chance in life andmany can’t get enough of it. Yet we stillhave a lot of work ahead of us.The festive season has come and gone;the supermarket shelves were crammedwith food, and so, very often, were ourdustbins. Yet, nearly half of our ruralpeople and twenty-six per cent of urbandwellers did not have enough to eat. Sometime ago, projections were that by <strong>20</strong>08,sixty-six percent of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa would be undernourished.It’s now <strong>20</strong>08. What will happen this year?The challenge that we face in the comingyear is not to produce more food. Theworld produces enough food. We need todeal with the real issue, which is for thefood to be produced by the people whoneed it most, for the people who need itmost. This is the mission that Soil for Lifehas embraced - to impact on the lives ofthe urban and rural poor and hungry; tomake it possible for all people at all timesto have physical and economic access tosufficient, safe, nutritious food to enablethem to lead healthy, active lives.Soil for Life is entering its sixth yearin business and, in this short time,has managed to cover a great dealof turf, in more ways than one.Not only have there been many productivevegetable gardens set up in Cape Town,but the team has travelled far and wide inthe Western Cape, and has even venturedinto the Northern and Eastern Cape, toshow people how easy it is to grow theirown food.We have established partnerships witha number of organisations including theEarthchild Project and Mamelani and theCity of Cape Town and have been workingclosely with the Provincial Departmentof Social Development to set up clustersof food gardening projects. Our projectfor <strong>20</strong>08 is to set up the first of a series ofFood Gardening Enterprises, based on themodel set up at our organisational base.If we can do it, and turn over a substan-42 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

tial amount of money through sales of vegetables,herbs, seed, seedlings, membershipsand training courses, then surely itcan be replicated in the areas where theseservices are sorely needed. That is ourmission for the future; to empower peoplein the most powerful way possible and toreduce the vulnerability of communities tofood shortages.Regular workshops at the Soil for LifeResource Centre based at the ConstantiaWaldorf School are popular with peoplefrom all walks of life who want to changethe way they live their lives, reduce the sizeof their footprint on the planet, and whoseek a deeper connection with themselvesand the divine. The following extract, fromone of many letters from workshop participants,reflects the connections that peoplehave made with Nature:‘My little urban veggie patch is doing sowonderfully! I’m picking marrows and yellowpatti pan squash every day! My tomatoand green pepper plants are laden, the redcabbages are heading and my gooseberriesare flowering. It has been so, so exciting!My 2 hens are laying enormous eggswith bright yellow yolks every day and theshells are crushed and sprinkled aroundthe base of my plants to help prevent snailproblems.And my dear, fluffy bunnies are compostingall our veggie and garden scrapsinto rich manure that is added to thecompost heap to rot down. The hens doa wonderful job of turning the compostheap and de-bugging it as they scratchthrough it each day. All this 100% organicand in the suburbs of Johannesburg!Who would have ever thought itpossible?’I also believe that through the vegetablepatch, a whole new life is possible for eachand every one of us. In a recent workshopwe discussed the features that one wouldconsider including in a kitchen garden.One of them was, of course, a pond. Theobvious reasons for including such afeature are so that one creates a space forwater-loving plants such as water cressand water blommetjies, but also to attractpredators – frogs, dragon flies – to controlthe pest population in your veggie patch.There is, however, a more subtle reason forincluding a pond in your garden:The Looking Glass Spring‘Why do you call the source of water in yourgarden “The Looking Glass Spring”?’ thewoman asked the gardener.‘So that when you drink from it you look atyourselves in the mirror of its depths,’ thegardener replied.‘And why do you want us to look at ourreflection in the water?’Don’t Waste... Orange Mesh BagsFruit and vegetables are packed in these bags before being sent to themarket. If you buy fresh produce in bulk, you’ll be familiar with them.Most end up in the dustbin. What a waste when they can be used in somany different ways in your home and garden.· Cut the bags open and stitch them together with old baling twine (wehave lots of it to give away) and a darning needle, into a large shade net– about 3 metres long and 2 metres wide, just the right size for coveringyour door-size beds. Apart fromprotecting newly planted seedlingsfrom the heat of the sun, itacts as a wind break, reduces theforce of heavy rain and hail, keepsaway marauding snails, birds, andbutterflies that are looking forleaves on which to lay their eggs.You know what happens afterthat.· Make a fertiliser bag, pack itwith compost, manure, comfreyleaves, nettles or other weeds,leave it to soak for 24 hours or longerand take your plants to “tea”.The contents of the ‘tea bag’ are addedto the compost heap, the liquid tea is dilutedand used to water the roots or theleaves of the plant. This is a great way tokeep your plants healthy, and composttea actually helps with controlling pestsand disease.· Loosely pack fresh summer herbsinto an orange mesh bag and tie themup to dry in an airy place. The herbswill be ready in 2-3 days.Crush them into a clean drycontainer and store in a cool,dark, dry place.· Keep a bag in the showerand give yourself a goodscrub everyday to remove allthose dead skin cells. You’llfeel like a million dollars.· Try using a bag to scourthe remains of your breakfastporridge out of the pot.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>Soil for Liferuns monthly workshops inCape Town on all aspects oforganic gardening.Check their details of theseworkshops.Book early to avoiddisappointment!43

SOIL FOR LIFE‘So that you can see the truth,’ was the man’ssimple answer.‘I don’t understand what you’re trying to tellme, gardener.’The gardener let a smile slip from his lips.‘By calling it “the Looking Glass Spring” I’mencouraging you to search for your gazeupon the surface of the depths, and whenyou find your eyes in the water, framed bythe clouds in the sky, you’ll find yourselvesone step from seeing the truth of yourexistence.’‘Well, I’ve looked at myself in the springmany times but I’ve seen nothing of whatyou say,’ the woman told him, confused.‘’Take a good look at yourself. A good look,’answered the gardener tenderly.The Gardener - GrianYes, you may just find yourself, and yourpurpose in life.At the time of writing, we’re having aweekend workshop with yet another groupof the most amazing and inspired people.They have worked for two days in temperaturesway over 30°C but their excitementand enthusiasm is overwhelming as theyreconnect with the earth and a lot of theirown inner wisdom.A message about people andgardeningIt’s a miracle. A little seed planted,sprouts, grows. In due time it’s a flower orsomething good to eat, or both.It’s a miracle. A bunch of ordinarypeople. No geniuses. A little guidance,some natural energy, and some carefulattention. One person alone couldn’t doit. But together we can. We, a mixed bag ofpersonalities, hang-ups and hopes. We. Amiracle.Some people don’t believe in miracles.They say there is no hope for this world.The evil people have all the power. Butgreen miracles are growing all aroundthem. Rainbow miracles surround them.Surround their lies and make their liessound silly.Sun and rain. Ancient miracles moreextraordinary than anything else in theworld. Life, life, life, pushing up. Put manureon, it grows all the better. Get wormsto help.And in distant future times childrenwill read in their history books how in the[21st] Century many thought the worldwould be destroyed by war or hate ormisdirected science. But everyone in theworld started gardening again. They relearnedsome old lessons:· How much fun it is to garden· How home-grown things taste better· How wonderful it is to share· How satisfying it is to work hand inhand with miracles ~ Peter SeegerThe Horseleads the WayHow a horse can transform leaders in the corporate worldMillions of views worldwide watch“The Apprentice” with DonaldTrump. It replaced survivor asthe most popular TV program in <strong>20</strong>06.Talk about a dog eats dog world – blaming,shaming, moaning and belittling from thecandidates up and from the leaders down.What happened to spirit in the workplace?What happened to taking ownership forwhat we create? How does one “walk onestalk” on a spiritual level and still interact inthe corporate world?OLD STYLES OF LEADERSHIPMuch of this antiquated training and especiallystyles of leadership is based on theuse of force, power, and coercion. Trainingis largely based on punishment for ‘wrong’behaviour hence influencing the trainee toavoid the pain by offering the required behaviour.This achieved its results and still isa large foundation for much of educationand leadership in many if not most corporatecompanies today. “Do as I tell you sothat you don’t get punished” is the maxim.Whilst lip service is often given to mutualrespect and encouragement, compulsionand power games still underlie much ofleadership and management styles. Someof this simply has to do with the enjoymentof power, but much of it is due to a lack ofthe requisite understanding and skills, andalso confidence, for leading and managingwith sensitivity and respect and allowingthe follower to fully step into their ownpowerWHAT HAPPENED TO POSITIVELEADERSHIPAnd yet there is a well known model forpositive leadership. Robert Greenleaf’sservant leadership approach is now deeplyrespected by companies committed toworkplace transformation. His inspirationcame to focus when reading Nobel Prizeliterature winner, Herman Hesse’s awardwinning novel; “Journey to the East”In this novel Leo is a servant to anexpedition consisting of a group of personson a spiritual quest. They have heard aboutand are searching for a new high order.Leo seems to be all and everywhere at theright time; covertly guiding, encouraging,resolving disputes, facilitating whilst all thetime serving at the overt basic level of hisby Margie Donderole. When his influence becomes resentedhe disappears and the consequence is thatultimately the expedition falls apart inconfusion. One member of the expeditionrecognizes the unseen and unappreciatedrole Leo played and sets out to findhim. In his search he needs to describethe qualities of the man he is seeking andin so doing comes to recognize them, oneby one. He is finally directed to a very highspiritual order and arriving there discoversthat Leo is the head of that order - a personof the greatest esteem and honour.The obvious religious metaphor of thestory notwithstanding, this story movedRobert Greenleaf to develop the new leadershipstyle based on the role of Leo. Hisbook “The Power of Servant Leadership”describes this with great eloquence.There a few enlightened and proactivecorporate companies who have used thismodel successfully to shifted into the 21stcentury but this kind of transformation inother areas is also taking place –even in thehorse world!ENTER THE HORSE!Recently a few magicians in the horsetrainingworld have come along who havedemonstrated a revolutionary approach tohorse training. These “horse whisperers”use the Natural horsemanship approach,focuses on reward for desired behaviourand the appropriate response is rewardedwhile inappropriate response is ignoredor redirected. In so doing a true and deeprespect for the horse is demonstrated.This requires dealing with the horse in itsown terms – learning to talk its language –inviting a sharing of the two worlds – thatof the horse and that of humankind. Nothis is not some democratic exercise wherethe horse is allowed to do as it pleases –no training would take place. But in thetrainer respecting the horse’s way andapproaching with sensitivity and in a stylethat can be appreciated by the horse fargreater achievements are reached thanhave ever been done with the conventionalmethod of training. There is a demonstrabledisplay of mutual appreciation.HORSES AND THERAPYAs seen on the recent TV series onSABC 3 “Healing with Animals” the use of44<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

horses is gaining popularity in many differentareas, psychotherapy, physiotherapyand leadership.Why the horses and not other animals?Horses are large, powerful and gracefulcreatures that are naturally intimidatingand yet awe inspiring to many people.This creates a natural opportunity forallowing one the opportunity of learningconfidence despites ones fears which canthen be transposed into other intimidatingand challenging situations in life.LEADERSHIP IN THE HORSEHERDThe horse is a unique animal when itcomes to leadership. In nature, horsesrespond to leadership – they are herdanimals and prey animals. They rely onthe herd leader to keep them safe as wellas provide leadership that can be trusted.The qualities of the leader of the herd - theherd stallion and alpha mare - are reflectedin the rest of the horse herd. Horses respondto effective leadership. Horses testthe herd leaders for clear communication,trust, respect, assertiveness and alignedintention.And so to for the domesticated horse.When the human trainer becomes thestallion or alpha mare for the domesticatedhorse, the horse feels safe and follows withkeenness to try new and what would otherwisebe fearful things. The horse offers hisintelligence and wants to learn, he wantsto follow the trainer. This leads to greatachievements – riding of horses withoutany bridles or bits, horses that jump freelyover large jumps with out any coercion, lyingdown when asked or willingly walkingor running behind the horse trainer withno lead rein attached.The horse then reflects the trainer’sleadership qualities and his inner worldof attitude and skills. The horse becomesthe mirror of and for the trainer. If theyare not lead by the trainer appropriatelythe horse will lack respect, direction, pushboundries or simply leave to do what hewants to do.LESSONS FROM THE HORSE FORTHE CORPORATE WORLDThe horse’s need for leadership caneasily be transposed into the corporateenvironment. Horses allow us to seeleadership principles in a new light. Thehorse becomes a metaphor for how we areleading in our life and in our work. Theyprovide us with honest and clear feedbackabout our current strengths and weaknessesin areas of leadership.. They easilyclose the gap between where we say weare doing and what we are actually doing.They show us where we have incongruenciesbetween our intention and our action.They gently encourage us intonew insights and newways of interacting and leading with othersand ourselves.Horses naturally train humans in theleadership principles of confidence, authenticity,intention, congruency, courage,and focus.EQUITRANS – A NEW EXPERIENCESo what happens when you put aKinesiologist, an NLP Practitioner and ahorse- trainer together? You get EquiTrans– a management-training programme that,like the new horse whisperers is able to introduceinto the business world, a radicallytransformed management paradigm.Through engagement with the horseEquitrans alters the exercise of leadershipfrom one based on the exercise of powerover the subordinate to one of service ofthe follower in which the deepest potentialitiesof the individual is carefully elicited,nurtured and deployed using the horse asthe teacher. Secondly Equitrans it seeks toengaged the participant in the deeper opportunitiesoffered through awareness ofspirituality in the workplace.Horses provide a living laboratorywhere leaders can receive instant feedbackin an irrefutable non-judgementalway about their leadership capabilities.Horses provide real engagement makinglearning memorable. Horses provide aprofound experience when the leader isable to lead this powerful and gracefulcreature without restraints of any kind.This learning is then translated into theirspecific workplace environment by theEquitrans team so that participants canimmediately transpose the learning intotheir corporate worldThe workplace then can be seen as ademonstration of the inner world of theleaders and managers. This means that thecondition of the team is the condition ofthe leader. If it is full of dissension or firedup with congruity and confidence in itstask – this points to the leadership qualitiesof the team leader.EquiTrans is an initiativeaimed at introducing thiskind of leadership intothe workplace at aThe Equitrans teamClaudius Van Wyk is a Neuro-linguisticPractitioner facilitator and an inspirationaland motivational speaker.He has transformed many people’s livesthrough facilitating the “Firewalk Experience”.As well as facilitating corporate strategicrepositioning and transformation,Claudius’ great capacity to transform ideasand facts into coherent simple experiencehelps the learner to facilitate integrativethinking. As an authority on Holism, he isa knowledgeable, experienced and intellectuallyengaging speaker with an unusualcapacity to remember and reproduce factsand stories.Jenku Dietrichsen is an accomplishedhorse trainer. With his passionate enthusiasmand openness to try anything new,he has an unusual capacity to intuit thehorses’ inner experience to facilitate problemsolving in the horse-training environment.He has been a pioneer in ClickerTraining and Natural horsemanship withhorses in Southern Africa and Zimbabwesharing his innovative training ideas topromote co-operation between horse andrider. He introduced the clicker concept toSwitzerland in <strong>20</strong>05.Margie Donde is a skilled SpecialisedKinesiology practitioner and instructor.Margie has spent the past 15 years followingher passion in the holistic health fieldwith a particular interest in helping othersto come to self-awareness and self-understandingthrough changing unresourcefulmental and behavioural patterns. Margieis also an accredited riding instructor,and a successful dressage competitor.Her longstanding love for horses has ledher to seek ways of creating co-operationand understanding with the horse. Sheis also pioneering the use of kinesiologytechniques and exploring natural feedingmethods for horses in South Africa.real and deeply integrated level. Throughone day, two day or four day fun programmesEquitrans provides a revolutionaryapproach to developing leadership.To contact Equitrans phone them on 011468 1855/082 496 6214 or<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>45

Booksto changeyour lifeRinging Cedars SeriesWhat?! You haven’t read the Ringing CedarsSeries yet? What are you waiting for?Forget Tolle. Forget The Secret and theChicken Soup! Read Anastasia.Given the opportunity to have a 3-daydiscussion with a girl from an ancientcivilisation that has survived, without ourknowledge of them, deep in the Siberiantaiga for millennia - would you let it pass?Here’s your chance to gain tremendousinsight on everything that matters in Creation(which turns out to be everything)and develop an understanding of themeaning of your life and the incredible importanceof who you are; the true historyof humanity; what’s currently happeningin the world (and here you are in for somewicked surprises!) - and most importantly,the amazingly beautiful possibilities of thefuture of our beloved planet Earth!Will these books change your life? Aresounding YES!!!Your eyes will be unclosed and thesplendid beauty of Creation will flow intoyour being as if forthe first time, yetthere is a warm andpleasant feeling ofremembering to it all…Things it seems wehave forgotten manythousands of yearsago are revealed in themost majestic feelingswhen Anastasia’swords move throughyour soul. You will findthat there is an enormousamount of ancientand sacred knowing stored in those veryfeelings. This is like some powerful magic,like some kind of art consisting of imagerywhich this young forest-dwelling girl hasperfected.This remembering and all thisknowledge are inside every one of us,and when we open our hearts to themagic, the light floods in brightly andleaves us with a new sense of childlikewonder and awareness.These books were only recentlytranslated into English from theoriginal Russian and are so far from ourdaily “reality” that they are easily dismissedas fantasy. But it’s us who havebeen living in a fantasy world, obscuredby a system that has tried and managedto hide from us the most importantthings in life.The eighth (and second to last) bookin the series has just arrived in SouthAfrica. It is called The New Civilisationand here Anastasia paints with heartwarmingimagery a beautiful andirresistible picture of the future. Witheach volume these books only get moreexciting and inspiring.Read it and weep. And laugh with joy.And come alive like never before.Once you have taken in the beauty ofthis Siberian woman’s words, it is trulyhard to keep yourself from exploding withjoy… Get reading!For more information and order details, seeadvertorial on pages 12 and 13.JUST RELEASED: BOOK 8 IN THE SERIESTHE NEW CIVILIZATION46 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Stories for Fire Dogs –Opening our hearts to the EarthHow do we deal with an environmentalcrisis so dire that it threatens all life onEarth?In Stories for Fire Dogs, Sally Andrewengages emotionally, philosophically andpractically with global warming.Her creative essays are alive with firedogs (guardians and watchdogs of theearth), singing dogs and sleeping dragons…‘Sally Andrew has a way with words.A way that touches the heart with poignancybut also with hope.Each of her stories for fire dogs isgrounded in experience, given wings byimagination – energised by anger, blessedby love.In these pieces, you taste your individualfear and find your communal courageto run at the enemy and defend what isprecious.’Ally Ashwell, fire dog, Enviro Eds‘Captivating reading for all who careabout people and our planet: a fabulousbook.’Dr Jim Taylor, fire dog, Director of EnvironmentalEducation,Wildlife and Environment Society ofSouth Africa‘I loved these stories. Although theywere about difficult issues, they made mefeel peaceful; like it’s all going to be alright.’Maya Aberman, fire dog, Earthlife Africa‘Sally Andrew writes beautiful compellingstories, which I believe should reachas wide an audience as possible.’Hettie Gets, fire dog,Manager Conservation Education ProgrammeWWF-SAAbout the author…Sally Andrew has been involved sincethe 1980s in activism, adult education andwriting for community organisations. Shehas a Masters in Adult Education (UCT)and a certificate in Environmental Education(Rhodes). This is her first book ofcreative non-fiction.She is currently writing a novel. Shelives in the seaside suburb of Muizenberg,Cape Town with her man, cat and chameleons.BOOK DETAILSTITLE: Stories for Fire DogsAUTHOR: Sally AndrewILLUSTRATOR: Meg JordiPUBLISHER: Hot PressISBN: 97806<strong>20</strong>386319PRICE: R 1<strong>20</strong>.00Add R<strong>20</strong>.00 for packaging and insuredpostage within South AfricaAdd R65.00 for UK and USA Overseasairmail postage (0) 21 789 0155 OTHER QUERIESThe Teeth of the LionThe Teeth of the Lion tells the story of thecommon dandelion, that remarkably widespreadplant that is known, for better orworse, by just about everybody. Througha series of short essays, written in accessiblelanguage and a thoroughly engagingstyle, Anita Sanchez takes the reader on ajourney through the natural history of thedandelion and its long association withhumans.Joan Jobson’s illustrations add importantdetails and subtle accents thatenhance this journey. Well adaptedecologically to spread into and thrivewithin disturbed sites -- such as the lawns,playgrounds, roadsides, and parking lotsin which they are most often encounteredtoday, and viewed as weeds -- dandelionsalso have had a lengthy, welcomed associationwith humans as medicine, food,and objects of ritual, magic, and folklore.The Teeth of the Lion will be a sourceof enjoyable, fascinating, memorableinformation of interest to all users. It willprovide naturalists, wildflower enthusiasts,gardeners, interpreters, teachers,landscapers, and homeowners a better understandingof one of the most common,well-known, and perhaps underappreciatedplants to be found anywhere.The Resurrected Dead,Now Immortal, LiveAmong Us: A Manual forImmortalityThis is a very thought-provoking book. Theauthor introduces many subjects withoutgetting bogged down in any of them, ratherlike crossing a mountain range by touchingthe peaks. And yet she succeeds in showingthe connections among this multitudeof themes.She apparently refuses to offer stereotypedor prepackaged concepts. I foundher discussion of what she terms “SacredFire” to be the most illuminating. One hasthe sense of trying to name the unnamable.Jheshierra explains these metaphysicalterms by concrete arguments andreferences to history, spiritual texts, andeveryday events.This book is certainly joining the favoriteson my bookshelf. SC Mitchell<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>47

Most of the cellsin your body arenot your own,nor are they evenhuman.Modern medicine is firmly founded on the “Germ Theoryof Disease,” promulgated by Louis Pasteur in the 1860s.Pasteur’s 140-year-old theory is still the medical paradigm upon whichWestern medicine fights disease as we enter the 21st century.HUMAN-BACTERIA HYBRIDS:Behold yourself, for a moment, as an organism. A trillion cells stucktogether, arrayed into tissues and organs and harnessed by your DNAto the elemental goals of survival and propagation. But is that all? Anelectron microscope would reveal that you are teeming with other lifeforms.Any part of your body that comes into contact with the outsideworld - your skin, mouth, nose and digestive tract - is home to bacteria,fungi and protozoa. Most of the cells in your body are not yourown, nor are they even human. They are bacterial. From the invisiblestrands of fungi waiting to sprout between our toes, to the onekilogram of bacterial matter in our guts, we are best viewed aswalking “superorganisms” - highly complex conglomerationsof human cells, bacteria, fungi and viruses.Despite what is still taught in medical schools, blood, also,is not sterile. Anyone who has used a high-resolutiondarkfield microscope for live blood analysis, can verify thatthe blood is a veritable aquarium. The ultra-high magnificationof new microscopes also confirms discoveries by19th/<strong>20</strong>th century researchers, of continuously changinglife-forms in human blood.PLEOMORPHISM(pleo - many, morph - form)In a long lost chapter of history in science, a violentcontroversy took place in France between illustrious LouisPasteur and Antoine Bechamp, a noted professor of physics, toxicology,medical chemistry and biochemistry, and the most importantmicrobiologist of the 19th and early <strong>20</strong>th century.According to this astute observer, the basis of life is not the cell, but aliving “seed” that he called a microzyma,Bechamp( 1816/1908) claimed that all animal and plant cells containedthese tiny granules, a common ancestor, which do not perish atthe death of the organism, and are integral agents in disease-causingprocesses and decomposition. Microzymas can evolve with changes inthe nutritional environment to become viruses or bacteria, harmless orharmful. Microzymas themselves are not the primary cause of disease,but disease-causing capability is determined by its environment or terrain.Although apparently specific viruses and bacteria can be reproducedas similar organisms, this is only true if specific bio-terrain conditionsexist. Under other conditions evolution to other microorganisms cantake place.It is generally accepted that if we can establish the presence of avirus or microorganism with a disease, then that microorganism orvirus must be the cause of the disease. But, correlation does not meancausation.Bechamp’s last work, The Third Element of the Blood, is probably his48 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Is Modern MedicineFounded on Error?by Dr Elizna Hanekommost famous. In this book he refers to hisongoing confrontation with Pasteur. Hisproblems with Pasteur were once againthe theme in Ethel Douglas Hume’s book,Pasteur Exposed (1923). In it she reveals indetail Pasteur’s plagiarisms and his distortionsof Bechamp’s concepts. This was latersupported by R. B. Pearson in his book,Pasteur: Plagiarist, Impostor. (1924)Microzymas have been rediscoveredmany times since. Enderlein’s endobiont,Reich’s bions as well as Naessens’s somatidsare all examples of the rediscovery ofBechamp’s forgotten concepts.They are indestructable and are foundin hot rock deep within the earth, in theAntarctic regions, in radioactive water innuclear reactors and in petrochemicals. ToDr David Jubb they are the unknown factorbetween the inanimate and the animate,or perhaps the transitional point wherelight becomes matter.In the 1950s Gaston Naessens discoveredan ultramicroscopic, subcellular,living and reproducing form, which hechristened a somatid( tiny body) - andwhich he believes predates DNA and carrieson genetic activity.Naessens also observed that the particlehad a pleomorphic( form-changing) l6stage life-cycle. In the normal state the somatidwill continue to cycle only throughthe first three stages of change, crucial tothe existence of a healthy organism. Whenthe immune system is weakened, or disrupted,the somatids go through the other13 stages. Incredibly, Naessens has beenable to link the development of specificforms in the 16-stage life-cycle of thesomatid to various degenerative diseases(cancer, multiple sclerosis and AIDS) Thishas enabled Naessens to “prediagnose”conditions in advance, months before theywould appear clinically.MONOMORPHISM:Pasteur (1822/1878) claimed that allmicrobes, regardless of their type andspecies, are unchangeable; that each typewould produce only one specific disease;that bacteria and fungi would never arisefrom spontaneous generation; and thatblood and tissues are sterile in healthyconditions. Diseases, he claimed, havetheir origin from bacteria that attack thebody from outside.Although Pasteur is quoted to havesaid on his deathbed: “Bernard (ClaudBernard, physiologist - 1813/18780) wascorrect. The microbe is nothing, the milieuis everything” - it was too late.The Germ Theory was quickly adoptedby the medical powers of the day. This newtheory about germs invading from outsidethe body, empowered the medical andpharmaceutical industry as guardians ofhuman and animal health. People becamedependent on the fledgling medical/drugindustry for information and protectionfrom disease. Thus Modern Medicine wasborn.SYMBIOSIS and DYSBIOSIS:To understand better the naturalrelationship between germs and virusesand other forms of life, we must examinethe fundamental principles that govern allforms of life on earth. The first principleis that of symbiosis or coexistence, whichstates that all forms of life are in one way oranother dependent on each other, togetherforming what is known as the “web of life.”The upsetting of this rather fine balance,even just a little, may result in drasticchanges of life forms struggling to survive.In an amazing discovery scientists havelearned that bacteria can communicatewith each other. When enough microbesgather to form a “quorum”, they release ahormone (pheromone) which allows themto “talk” to one another, plan strategiesand even make some genetic changes toallow survival.As the environment that surroundsthe cells become over-acidified, toxic andpolluted, our “constant tenants” loosetheir symbiotic and life-giving properties,become independent and change forminto viruses, bacteria and eventually fungalforms - each stage progressively morehostile to surrounding tissue cells - as theyprepare to break the host down.Nature is parsimonious. All ecosystemshave mechanisms - often central to theirarchitecture - for scavenging and recyclingdead organisms.The weak or sickly in the wild are nottolerated to handicap the group, and oneway or another are soon eliminated. C’estla vie. So when a person allows their innerecosystem to become severely degraded,they should realise that what follows is nota perversity of fate or an unlucky encounterwith germs, but merely another step ina natural sequence of events.Whether our “constant tenants” behaveas dangerous “bits of alien life,” or likeinconspicuous, essential regulatoryparticles, is entirely up to us. Just imagine,the harmonious hum of microbe andhost - the ancient symbyotic symphony oflife - disrupted by a stealthy decline in thevitality of the internal milieu!CONCLUSION:Modern Medicine has no answers forthe chronic lifestyle diseases. Screamingheadlines regularly announce the serialoutbreaks of yet another deadly newinfection, such as Legionnaire’s disease,Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers,antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis and“flesh-eating” staphylococcus; bacteria arebecoming antibiotic-resistant; cancer killsover <strong>20</strong>,000 people a day. (Global CancerFacts and Figures <strong>20</strong>07)Remedies based on the concept ofchronic degenerative disease as an imbalancebetween symbiontic partners, havebeen available, and well researched, inEurope and the Scandinavian countries forthe last 80 years. Together with optimumnutrition, these remedies are remarkablyeffective.As Robert Ingersoll said: “In Naturethere are neither rewards nor punishments. There are consequences.”BIBLIOGRAPHYHow you Rot and Rust Steve<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>49

Disempoweringthe Unbornby Norman SkillenTwo years ago my eldestdaughter gave birth to a babyboy (her third child). It was aclassic home birth. She wokeup just after 2am. in a pool ofwater — the waters had brokenwhile she was asleep. She gotup, made a cup of tea for herselfand her sister, breathed througha few contractions, calledthe midwife, and then, about3.15am, said, “I think I’ll go andhave this baby now.”By 3.55 she was holding the baby in herarms. Apart from the fact that it took lessthan two hours, there’s nothing remarkablein all this, you might be thinking; butmy daughter is no wide-hipped Venustypecreature - indeed, she could be said tobe rather on the petite side of womanhood- and the baby she gave birth to in thiswonderfully straightforward way weighedin at four and a half (4.5) kilos!That’s well above average. She didn’ttear, she had no complications; in fact, thewhole thing was an object lesson in thefact that the female organism is perfectlydesigned to perform the task of givingbirth, and will do so harmoniously, if giventhe chance.But if my daughter had been registeredwith a gynaecologist or obstetrician inCape Town, she would probably not havebeen given the chance to give birth in theway she did. Regular scans would haveregistered the large size of the baby, andshe would have been told, with due, fearinducingsolemnity, that in view of thelarge size of her baby, she would probablynot be able to give birth vaginally and thatshe had better start preparing herself for acaesarean section (CS).“Your baby is rather large” seems to beone of the main reasons given by gynaecologistsfor the need to cut a womanopen. It’s not the only one, but it seems tobe the main one, even though the womanis not unlikely to find herself, after theoperation, holding a baby of around threekilos - i.e. below average.It would seem that it is not baby size,but the size of the number of women thisis happening to that is unacceptably large.For instance, in March last year one ofthe major private hospitals in Cape Townhad an 89.8% caesarean rate (I cannot bemore specific about these figures for fearof jeopardising the job of the person whorevealed them - why should this be, onewonders?)Now, this hospital does not specialise inhigh risk cases, but even allowing for specialcircumstances obtaining in this country,there is no possibility of there beingmedical reasons for all these caesareans.We’re talking here about a hospitalwhere “first world” conditions apply. Inmost “first world” countries one wouldexpect a very much lower rate. Holland,Denmark, Sweden all have CS rates of10% or lower, and the lowest maternal andinfant mortality rates in the world.The 89.8% rate of this Cape Town hospitalis, of course, way above our nationalaverage, but such figures from our “firstworld” hospitals inflate our figures tosuch an extent that we currently have thehighest caesarean rate in the world (evenhigher than Brazil where there are privatehospitals with 100% CS rate).The interesting thing is that in ourpublic hospitals, where “first world” conditionsseldom apply, the CS rate is verymuch lower (19.6%)1; it is in our “firstworld” that the rate soars, whereas in thefirst world generally the rate is closer towhat should be medically expected, i.e. a7-10% rate2.This means that in some of our majorhospitals up to 80% of the caesareansections performed are most probablyunnecessary.Why is this happening?Apart from our sharing with urban Brazil,USA and Canada the simple fact thathigh CS rates are directly correlated withthe presence of obstetricians in deliveryrooms, there are, I believe, two main factorsinvolved. One is that there is in thiscountry no generally agreed code of medicalpractice surrounding the birth process.This means that doctors are free to set upwhatever regimens they like, whether theyconform to generally recognised standardsor not.For example, doctors in Cape Town arelikely to set much stricter time limits oncertain key stages of labour, and thus willstart making worried faces sooner thantheir counterparts in other countries. Theworried face of your obstetrician inducesfear, fear produces adrenaline, adrenalineinhibits the birth process, an inhibitedbirth process is on track for……. need I saymore?The other factor is that in this countrythere is no law against caesareans ofconvenience. In other words, a womancan decide to have a caesarean for entirelynon-medical reasons. It is considered oneof the viable birth options in this country(if you have the money), and has recentlybecome very fashionable. The pressure, aswould be expected, comes mainly fromAmerica, whereas in Britain, for instance, itis illegal for a doctor to perform a caesareanfor non-medical reasons.These two factors mutually re-enforceeach other. On the one hand, doctors arefree to “manage” pregnancy and birth sothat they culminate in a caesarean section.(There is also something of a financialincentive in this, for although they are paidjust about the same for a caesarean as for areal birth, the former takes about an hour,while the latter could take all day - and allnight.)On the other hand, they are only toohappy to oblige women who voluntarilyseek the scalpel, thinking that it will preventtheir vagina from losing its tone. (It is50 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

worth pointing out here that research hasfound that by the age of 65 even nuns, whopresumably have never had a sex life, letalone a baby, have pelvic floors in exactlythe same condition as women who haveexperienced childbirth, whether vaginallyor by CS!3)But what’s the big deal, you mightbe wondering?If British law prohibits caesareans forconvenience, that is surely only becausethey are much more expensive than naturalbirth, so it’s just an economy measure.Also, if women in our 5-star hospitals canafford the luxury of avoiding the mess andpain of birth, why shouldn’t they? Well,these might be valid arguments if we weretalking about some marketable commodity,but we’re not. We’re talkingabout the coming into this worldof living human beings.As is very often the case,Shakespeare has the relevantwords here. They come late onin “the Scottish Play”. Macbethhas been told that he can only bedefeated by one “not of womanborn”. It is only when he comesface to face with Nemesis inthe person of Macduff thathe hears the answer to theriddle: “Macduff was fromhis mother’s womb untimelyripp’d.” In other words, he wasa caesarean baby, and thus “not ofwoman born”. This defines the essenceof the problem, and to get atwhat this implies we have to look atthe situation from the baby’s pointof view.By the time it is approachingthe end of its term in the womb,the baby has long made itself athome. It reposes in a cushionedworld of partial weightlessness,removed from the harsh realitiesof air and external light. It is anintegrated system of expectations,an omni-potentialuniverse, poised on the brinkof their multiple realisation. Itexists in a sleep-world that isalive with the tension of asyet-untriedpossibilities.No one knows the momentwhen it is going to cross from thepotential to the actual - exceptthe baby itself. It is an embryologicalfact - although it is notunderstood how it happens- that the baby initiates the birthprocess. The baby determinesits own birth moment. Neithermother nor father nor doctorknows it - only the baby. It is, afterall, the baby’s birth.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>51

DISEMPOWERING THE UNBORNFor a healthy woman, going to an obstetrician islike using a steamroller to make a pizza,or getting Robert Mugabe to run a playgroup.A caesarean operation, especially acaesarean of convenience, sweepsinto this situation like a preemptivestrike.The military metaphor is entirely appropriate.For the baby it must be likegoing to sleep in a peaceful village with allits familiarly comforting sounds, only tobe wrenched from slumber by an invadingarmy. (This is almost literally true - inthis country it takes about eleven peopleto do a caesarean). The mother, due to theanaesthetic, feels nothing - but the baby isnot so lucky. It does not have the “comfort”of being fully drugged (although it may beto some extent). One minute it is reposingat peace, the next the wall of its world iscut, then torn, open, and it finds itself being“untimely ripp’d” from the womb. Theonly cold comfort is that in the followingdays it will be slightly doped by substancesin its mother’s milk - usually pethidine,given to her to still the pain following theoperation. Only some time later will itcome alive to the fact that something drastichas happened. The baby will have somedim, visceral, whole-organism awarenessof the fact that it has been “robbed of itsbirthday”.Now, a full-term baby is a legal person,and in its last days in the womb this legalperson is, as a whole, the living expectationof the fact that he or she is the one tobegin the birth process and thus decide4the moment of birth. Surely an act whichtakes this decision out of this legal person’shands must be seen as a violationof its personhood and consequently of itshuman rights. An unnecessary caesarean,performed early, or, as Shakespeare says,untimely, is just such a violation.While there can sometimes be goodmedical reasons for a planned caesarean,to decide to have one for no medical reasonis effectively to license a high-poweredprofessional medical technologist todisempower your baby. To persuade awoman to have an unnecessary caesareanoperation is to perform a similar act of disempowerment.Both these actions show acallous disrespect for the personhood ofthe baby.There are disquieting statistics aboutthe consequences, for baby and mother, ofthis disrespect, but before I come to thosethere is a general point to be made. Thereis a conflict of attitude that plays a largerole in this state of affairs. It is between theanalytical intellect and what I would calla more holistic-intuitive approach. Thetraining of doctors is based squarely onanalytical intellect, but the problem is thatbirth as a process cannot be encompassedas a whole by this mode of approach. Inbasic terms the eyes of analytical intellectare likely to see in the birth process only aphysical object (the baby), which is insideanother physical object (the mother) andneeds to be got out somehow. Obviouslyif one sees these as the basic facts of thesituation then it is fair to assume that themethod used is not going to make anydifference to the “objects” involved. It onlyneeds to be technically practical. Clearly,this requirement is fulfilled much morereadily by cutting a hole in the outer objectand lifting out the inner one, than by tryingto coax it through a narrow tube with abend in it (the birth canal).Cutting and lifting replaces true birth(in which the baby is permitted to gothrough the birth canal) with a mechanicaloperation, and thus represents theultimate mechanisation of birth. It is veryconvenient. You can time the momentthe baby is to be lifted from the wombalmost to the minute. This fits into hospitalroutines very well. Of course, real birth,being an entirely individualised process,cannot be quantified in this way. Now, I’msure gynecologists and obstetricians donot regard babies as mere physical objects,but they certainly behave as if they did.How else is one to account for an 89.8%caesarean rate?What of the holistic-intuitiveapproach?This is the mode in which midwivesare likely to be proficient. It will seek toempathise with the baby as a person ona momentous journey from one state ofbeing into another. It will have a feel forthe fact that birth is a delicately attuned,integrated, organic process, any one phaseor part of which will be intimately boundup with all the others. As such it must betrusted, responsively read, worked with,co-operated with. It is only such a styleof consciousness that can even begin tosense the nature of the baby’s state of beingin the womb before the birth processbegins; but however difficult this is tograsp, the midwife must identify herselfwith it, otherwise she will not be able toread the process properly. The baby’s stateof being in the womb is not accessible toanalytical intellect, and obstetricians, bylifting babies untimely out of this state ofbeing, show either that they are so “intellectual”as to have no feeling for it, or thatthey are suppressing the feeling.There is also the possibility, ofcourse, that they genuinely believethey are easing the lot of women,while at the same time smoothing thebaby’s path into this world. Does thisstand up? What are the consequencesof their disempowering babies byby-passing the birth process?Statistics from recent research haveincreasingly convincingly shown thatthere is approximately three times higherrisk of both infant and maternal mortality,and markedly higher morbidity followingCaesarian section performed withoutadequate medical justification, and theseare compounded in subsequent pregnancies.As well as increased risk to CS babiesof asthma later in life, research now showsthey have a higher risk of allergies generallyand are significantly more likely tosuffer gastric disturbances and diarrhoeain the immediate post-natal period. Thislist could be considerably extended.5The interesting thing is that when thelabour process has begun spontaneously,particularly in the case of a planned CS,the incidence of the above complicationsis reduced. Thus experiencing at least partof the natural birth process, even if it endsin CS, would seem to be beneficial. Thecrawling phase in childhood is regarded ashighly significant, since missing it appearsto be linked to subsequent dyslexia.By the same token, deciding the momentof birth and making your way down52 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

the birth canal could - I would say should- be seen as a developmental step of equalmagnitude. What then could be the effectof depriving a child of this experience?There are many good medical reasons forhaving to skip this step, both in a plannedand unplanned way. In the case of a goodreason, could it perhaps be that, althoughtheir experience has been that of being“untimely ripp’d” from the womb, a personlater in life will have some dim consciousnessthat it was necessary and for the best?Whereas if the reasons were not good -simply for the convenience of mother ordoctor or both - the person will have somedeep, latent knowledge that their “birth”was somehow “wrong”? And might thisdim knowledge have some serious consequencesfor their general wellbeing?6What is the significance for a person’sadult emotional integrity of the struggledown the birth canal? Obstetricians mightdo well to ponder this question. Midwivesare likely to have an intuitive understandingof this, though they may not be able toput it into words.The ridiculous thing is that this wholeunbalanced situation need not be happening.In spite of their having some suspectbirth practices, it doesn’t happen, forinstance, in Holland. There women haveenough confidence in their ability to givebirth naturally, and enough clarity aboutwhich professional is appropriate forwhich task, to know that if you’re pregnantyou don’t register with a gynecologist orobstetrician, you go to a midwife. Obstetricsis the study of abnormal childbirth- and that is what obstetricians are practisedat. They do so few “normal” birthsthat they are not as skilled or experiencedin that field. For a healthy woman, goingto an obstetrician is like using a steamrollerto make a pizza, or getting RobertMugabe to run a playgroup. If a codeof practice existed that recommended,or even prescribed, that obstetriciansshould refer women with uncomplicatedpregnancies (which more than 80% are)to midwives, then we would be movingin the right direction. Then womenwould be with caregivers with the kind ofholistic-intuitive expertise they need, andtheir babies would be honoured instead<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>53

DISEMPOWERING THE UNBORNof disempowered. The midwives wouldno longer find themselves reduced to therole of attendants at caesarean operations,feeling as disempowered as the baby, andwatching their time-honoured knowledgegoing down the drain.Obstetricians would be freed for moreemergencies and would be available forthose areas where they are really needed.However, since the current situation, forlack of a code of practice, is governed bymarket forces, the obstetricians of theprivate sector are not likely to enter theseother areas.As a result, it’s disempowerment allround: the babies are disempowered, themothers are disempowered and the midwivesare disempowered, and ultimatelythe doctors are disempowering themselves.Instead of fulfilling the imperativesof the noble profession they joined, theyare regularly acting in bad faith towardsthe women who come to them for help,but most of all towards the babies. It is notreally all that difficult to grasp the essenceof what is at stake here.My daughter put it very well the otherday. Speaking about performing CS to fit ahospital schedule rather than when reallynecessary, she said, “If you’re happilysleeping in there and somebody opensthe door and rips you out, you’re going tobe upset, whereas if you’re struggling toget out and can’t, and somebody opensthe door, then you’ll be very pleased”. Ifobstetricians would listen to this voice offemale common sense, they might wellend up having a much more authentic andsatisfying life - and the disempowermentof the unborn would cease.1 This is the SA Dept of Health, W. Cape figurefor <strong>20</strong>05. In the private sector there has been anincrease of 68% in the CS rate since 1995. Recent(<strong>20</strong>05/6) official medical aid figures are as follows:Board of Health Care Funders SA - 64%CS, Council of Medical Aid Schemes 81.84% CS,Largest Medical Aid Scheme in SA - 69.72% CS.2 WHO recommended level, established at a recentconference attended by 62 participants fromover <strong>20</strong> countries. Marsten Wagner (“ChoosingCesarian Section”, The Lancet, vol 356, 1677-80,<strong>20</strong>00) states: “There is no evidence that a rate ofcesarian section over 7% saves lives”.3 Information on this can be found at site organised by Dr. Carol Sakala, a highlyrenowned expert on birth matters in the UnitedStates.4 I am not suggesting for a moment that this is aconscious decision, but on the other hand, whois to say what form of diffuse, ambient consciousnessmight be involved here? And if it weresimply a question of the release of a hormone,how come it has not been identified?5 Precise information can be had from the site ofDr. Carol Sakala quoted above.6 See Michel Odent: Primal Health research site It containsScandinavian studies on the links between,among other things, CS and schizophrenia.54 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

Biobirthby Marianne Littlejohn,Birthrite MidwiferyAs an independant midwife practitioner Isupport the biologically destined methodof giving birth, natural vaginal birth. This is notto day that we don’t ask for medical help when amother needs it. Caesarian sections are amazinglife-saving operations. But when a mother is ableand chooses to birth her baby normally I fullysupport her.Why is natural birth important?• it is feasible for 85% of women — if not more —to give birth naturally. The process nature intendedis a normal one for both the mother and the baby.• mothers who choose to birth naturally arewomen taking responsibility for their lives andthis often leads to thinking about the environmentinto which one is bring a new baby.• mothers who are truly supported to give birthnaturally, are encouraged and aspire to leadhealthy balanced lives as they prepare for the birthof a beautiful human being.• during labour, hormones such as endorphinsand oxytocin are released to optimise the experiencefor the mother and get her ready to bond withher baby once it is born.• her body heals quickly after birth and a healthymother is often able to stand and walk within anhour after birth.• the mother is fully awake and conscious when nodrugs are used and therefore is empowered to makechoices during the process such as where and howshe will give birth and who will be present.• she is able to hold and handle her baby the minuteit is born and this gives her confidence as shelearns to mother her baby.• the baby born naturally learns to navigate athreshold experience i.e. being born, and is alsoinfused by the release of natural hormones, whichfacilitate his adaptation to life, such as breathing,respiration and temperature regulation.• undrugged babies are alert at birth and respondto the mother within a few minutes of birth, bycalming and gazing into her eyes. This is a wonderfulrecognition for the mother of a task wellaccomplished!• breastfeeding gets off to a good start when ababy is born naturally without drugs or intervention.This is empowering for both mother andbaby.Sadly, the rate of truly natural birth in SouthAfrica is appallingly low. Women are disempoweredto find their strength and take the lead incampaigning for birthing choices.The list of independant midwives in SouthAfrica is frighteningly low. The support of obstetriciansfor midwives is similarly low and womenare encouraged to opt for caesarian sections inprivate hospitals and do so often because they areunaware of the alternatives.On the other side of the coin, women areherded into public health facilities where a woman’sprivacy is not honoured and her fear is notappeased. The sounds of other women screamingduring labour and birth add to the fear, turning theexperience into a terrifying one. Midwives on dutyresort to routine drug administrationfor pain reliefin order to ease their work load and try to quellwomen’s pain. This is hardly a picture of empoweringwomen.Women need to be individually nurturedwhen they give birth, by one-on-one care, andan independant private midwife offers a holisticmidwifery model of care to the women she helps.Preparation for birth is crucial and a good healthydiet, exercise, emotional support and a sensibleunderstanding of what labout and birth entailsare essential ingredients for a natural birth. Thecorrelation between drugs given during labour anddrug dependancy later in life is well documentedby research but mostly ignored by average birthattendants.Some people may say that being able to choosea caesarian section is empowering and for a selectfew women it may be. I’m not talking either aboutthe woman or baby for whom a caesarian sectionbecomes necessary and urgent. Choosing anelective caesarian section for no other reason thanto avoid the natural birth process seems to me tobe a form of avoiding a normal life process andseparating ourselves for what is potentially one ofthe most powerful events of our livesthat of givingbirth to humankind.Natural birth is about knowing how labourworks, about sharing the deepest most intimatemoments with a significant other, about waterand its healing immersive powers, about claimingour right to experience life at its most rich andrewarding.And in the quest for what is biologically soundbehaviour we should be teaching our girls andboys about their bodies, their connection to motherearth and father sun and the power they have tocreate a new life that is qualitatively and quantitativelybiofriendly.Marianne can be contacted on 082 498 7622 or byemailing<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>55

HOLISTIC PET NUTRITIONNO! to chocolateYES! to garlicby Paul Jacobson, 083 326 9931In the previous edition of <strong>Biophile</strong>, my article“Holistic Pet Nutrition”, highlightedthe nutritional and medicinal propertiesof herbs for our companion animals.We could not praise enough the healingand nutritional values that these herbscontain and their extensive mineral wealth.Unfortunately, a few weeks later, aleading Cape Town newspaper publisheda biased, untruthful and unfair articlepertaining to the dangers of onions andgarlic in pet food: “ Pet owners warned of‘toxic’ foostuffs”. They claimed “chocolate,onions and garlic may kill dogs” and “vetshave warned that, instead of savingtheir animals, they could in fact bekilling them”All was based on thetestimonial of a single dogowner who prepareda home-cooked mealusing a recipe fromthe esteemedauthor and petfood nutritionist,Margaret Roberts.The vet claimed thather dog contracted“Heinz-body Anaemia”(the thinning of the blood)because she included a compositionof onion and garlic in the meal.However, the Pathologist was unableto confirm this as a matter of certainty andsays that” this type of anaemia is difficultto pick up because the blood looks normal”.She based her assumption on previous scientificlaboratory testing using garlic andonions. But most importantly, she failedto mention that the possibility of this typeof anaemia is dose or quantity related. Shedoes mention, though, that several otherfoods can cause Heinz-body anaemia aswell - turnips, kale, rape, or anything richin vitamin K” . She, confirmed for me otherpossible ingredients, as well: paracetamol,zinc, local anaesthetic, phenythdrazineWe have gained access to the exactsame source of reference that the pathologistused and which was presented to usby a leading Scientist at the Department ofAgricultural Sciences (University of Stellenbosch).I wish to present the findings so thatwe can all learn from this incident and towhich I believe was nothing more than anopportunistic attempt, by the vet, to steerpet owners away from preparing nutritioushome-cooked meals and return to thefeeding of commercial processed food.So, the question still stands. Is garlicand onion dangerous for your pets? NO!The most important finding was that itwas dose or quantity dependent, “typicallyinvolving onion doses exceeding 0.5% ofthe subject animals body weight”. Thismeans that a <strong>20</strong>kg dog would have to consumea minimum of 100gr of onion or garlic(two whole onions or quarter containerof garlic) “just to start the Heinz-bodyprocess. This grotesque overdose wouldprobably have to be repeated several timeson a frequent basis to cause permanentharm”. “And since red blood cells areregenerated quickly from the bonemarrow, this overdose wouldprobably have to be repeatedseveral times on a frequentbasis to cause permanentharm.”Also noted wasthe fact that onionsand other garlicrelatives weredifferent toyour normaldose of garlic.They also categoricallystate that “smalldoses of garlic, areprobably going to beof great benefit to theoverall health of yourpet.”GARLIC is a miracle herband has a powerful naturaldisinfectant which helps todestroy harmful bacteria in theanimals system and helps detoxify thebody.It also tones the lymphatic cells andhelps purify the bloodstream and intestines.It prevents viruses from multiplyingand creates hostile conditions thatrepel most parasites and strengthens theimmune system.In summary, most reasonable petowners will include only reasonable quantitiesof garlic. We have not researched thenutritional values of onion, perse, and maynot even recommend the use of onion inpet food, but garlic stands alone and it isa must for every pet. The only exceptionsare pets that have an existing Heinz-bodyanaemia ailment and for puppies underthe age of 6 weeks (they should be sucklingat that age anyway). Common sense isall that is needed when preparing homecookedmeals and the understanding thatwhat is healthy for your children is healthyfor your animals.56 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

The Year ofDissolutionby Mark Landau, councilofpeace.netThis is the year for the dissolution of the infrastructure.The most important infrastructures to dissolveare yours and mine-our egoic infrastructures. Letyourself become aware of yours, to see it and feelit as you never have. It’s fascinating, repulsive,brilliant and ridiculous, and no longer necessary.It will arise to be seen in all kinds of ways. And,believe it or not, it’s not personal.Ultimately, it has nothing whatsoever to do withyou and who you truly are. Let it go. It can dissolveand will.This will probably out-picture into the worldscenario and is already doing that. We will see alot of coming apart, though the major dissolutionof the world infrastructure might be delayed. Thatdoesn’t matter. That will take care of itself. Ourwork is to allow ourselves to see and feel our ownegoic infrastructures and to let them dissolve, bitby bit, till we can fully and simpl y be in the hereand now without all the smoke and mirrors doingtheir delusional dance of denial and distortion-inother words, we will learn to stand in the present,in truth, clear-eyed and open-hearted. Be here, befree.In the world there are the inner and outerinfrastructures-the old paradigm archetypes, beliefsand power lines held on the inner planes, andthe economic, institutional, governmental/militarystructures on the outer planes. It will help enormously,for us to come to peace with the world’sinner and outer infrastructures as well.There are still very few people who want to knowthe truth of things. Not everyone has to, but themore of us who will, the better. It is truly staggeringhow much suffering, destruction and death hasbeen brought about by a few greedy, little men. But,this has been inevitable in this age.In this masculine age of power, control andmanipulation, it is inevitable that a few menwould rise to the top of the manipulative heap andmanipulate the world into murderous contortionsfor their “personal gain.” And it is inevitable thatpeople and situations would conspire to aid andabet this. But this age is coming to an end. And theinfrastructures holding it in place will dissolve andcollapse.I have mentioned this twice already, but I feelit is important enough to mention it a third time. Ihave now watched the Zeitgeist movie three times.I ordered the DVD for seven dollars, including shipping.And I will watch it again. It depicts the world’sinfrastructures more clearly than anything else Ihave seen. And for those of us too prone to outrage,it elicits that quite beautifully. Outrage is one of theego’s favorite tricks. Not everyone might have towatch it as many times as me, but I recommend itone more time.You can watch it in streaming mode at www.zeitgeistmovie.comor you can order the DVD there.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>57

<strong>20</strong>12Entry into Earth’s Golden Ageby MatthewOur calendars cannot accurately convey when major transitional changeswill be completed, because linear time is disappearing.Those who have interpreted the year<strong>20</strong>12 as the beginning of the end ofdarkness—never mind the totel endof the world!—have misinterpreted its significance.Most simply stated, <strong>20</strong>12 heraldsEarth’s entry into the Golden Age, andbetween now and then is a time of transitionfrom life as you have known it into lifetotally in harmony with all of Nature.Everything in the universe is energyvibrating at one frequency or another, andwhen Earth was in prime health, in timesyou know but don’t remember, all of herlife forms were vibrating harmoniously.When she was near death more than sixdecades back, there was no harmonywhatsoever, no balance of Nature—therewas hardly sufficient light to sustain anykind of life, including Earth’s own. What ishappening now, with the help of stabilizingforces, is the transformation of yourworld—Earth’s rejuvenation and return tobalance—reaching completion in <strong>20</strong>12.But that year no longer has the “timeabsoluteness” it once held in prophecies,and your calendar cannot accurately conveywhen the major transitional changeswill be completed because linear time isdisappearing. What you perceive as timepassing faster and faster is the effect ofthe higher energy planes in which youare living now, where everything is acceleratingas Earth makes her way intothe continuum—or, more accurately, asyour consciousness grasps the actualityof timelessness, the reality of eternity andinfinity. The faster, or more intensely, thelight infuses Earth, the more swiftly your“time” passes as she moves still higher intofourth density vibrations. So, just as in thismoment your calendar week is passing inless than half the time of a calendar week adozen or so years ago, <strong>20</strong>12 will be comingincreasingly more rapidly than your currentcalendar can indicate.Now then, why does that year have historicsignificance universally? It involvescelestial orbiting cycles and their influenceson your planet as well as life designsmade in total clarity by highly evolved beingswho planned Higher Universal-MANwith attributes of spirituality and intelligencethat far exceed that in today’s Earthpopulation. Opportunities to return tohigher densities have been offered in priorcycles and missed, and this time when theenergetic alignment is again optimal, advancedcivilizations are assisting so Earth’sdesire to rise to her former vibratory levelis assured. What happens on Earth affectsthe universe, so it is of utmost significanceto those advanced civilizations that thedark ages on your home planet be reconciledwithin the light and you knowledgeablytake your rightful place among youruniversal family.Along the way there willbe many profound changes,changes you can’t evenimagine, that will transformlife as you have known it intolife in total harmony with all ofNature worldwide and thuslyflow out into the universe.Very little of the wondrous world onyour horizon will be rooted in your systemsto date—that is precisely WHY youare creating your new world! The goddessvibrations that already are showing effectswill continue to bless you as individualsand as a civilization. The negativity thatis the root of fear, greed, dishonor andviolence will be gone in the Golden Age,and the vibrations of Earth’s entirety willbe LOVE. Love, which is the same energyas LIGHT but simply expressed differently,is the pure essence of Creator, the ultimatepower in the cosmos. This energy is thecomposition of souls and the key to openinghearts and illumining minds, and it isflowing more abundantly on Earth thanever before. As the darkness continues tofade, love will replace conflict and tyrannywith peace and cooperation; love willeliminate the superficial superiority of onegroup over another; love will enlightenthose who regard others as possessionsor dispensable and uplift those who havebeen subjected to living in those conditions.In short, LOVE is the power that istransforming your world.Although no major strongholds of thedarkness will cease abruptly, the transitionwill be like lightning in comparison to thelong ages that violence, inequities, abusesand deceit prevailed. If you could see inparallel motion the pace of the past manycenturies, when only intermittent flickersof light broke through the dominant darkness,and the pace of the past few decades58 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

of growing light intensity, you would marvelat the swiftness of the changes.The progressive changes have requiredand will continue to require the help ofextraterrestrials. Almost all of them are unknownto you except as we speak of themand in some cases, their own messagessent forth, yet some of the strongest, mostexperienced light warriors in this universeare right there among you, working behindthe scenes to guide the essential changesso that as many as possible of Earth’s residentswill accompany her into the higherplanes.This is how beloved and significantuniversally your planet is and how belovedand important YOU are! In keeping withuniversal law, it is your heartfelt desire forEarth’s well being that is your invitation,your request to those civilizations for theirhelp, but your bewilderment about how toheal the pervasive damage humankind haswrought also is part of their divine authorizationto assist. You are in charge, however,because it is your homeland and youchose to be there specifically to participatein this process. That’s why millions havebeen inspired to become actively involvedor to monetarily support efforts to endviolence and environmental destruction.The first reforms are in governments.Many of the populace who are unaware ofthe ongoing transformation see governingpolicies leading to the brink of planetarydisaster, and even among lightworkersthere are concerns about what will happenin this critical world arena. Not onlyis it difficult for you to imagine systemsdramatically different from what youare accustomed to, but in reforms ofthe magnitude required, it is realistic toanticipate confusion and foment. Pleaseknow that trustworthy souls with spiritualintegrity and expertise in the various fieldsof governing. are ready to take the helmand bring order as rapidly as possible ascorrupt, tyrannical government leadersare unseated. A great deal of “shuffling” inthe United States government will lead toending its engagement in war and internaland international strife, and the unseatingof other self-serving heads of state will endcivil wars, genocide and longstanding conflict.Many wise and able leaders in previousEarth lifetimes chose to return to theplanet to complete their groundwork forthis unique time at hand, and others aremembers of your “space family”—manyare your ancestors—who volunteered toassist during this transitional period. In noway are they there to “take over,” but ratherthey came in response to your thoughts,feelings and actions for peace, fairnessand stability in your world. The transformationat hand is your desire and soullevel vision—if this were not so, it couldnot happen. Looking even farther ahead,during the past decade or two some soulshave come in with the advanced spiritualclarity and ancient wisdom that will naturallyput them in leadership roles.Because money is the basisnot only for commerce, buteven more so for concentratingpower, the need for economicreforms worldwide is ascrucial as changes in nationalleadership.The economy as reported is more myththan actuality. Only a comparative handfulof people know how tenuous and corruptthe global economy is or that internationaltrade and the stock markets are manipu-The cetaceans’ spiritual mission, toembody in huge bulk and inhabityour oceans where they absorband anchor the light beamed to theplanet from distant civilizations,soon will have been fulfilled.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>59

lated by the Illuminati, a group of darklyinclinedpeople who have passed theirtight global reins from generation to generation.They have amassed vast fortunesthrough that control as well as by chargingusurious bank loan rates and accruingmammoth amounts from their illegaldrugs industry, and they use that moneyto buy governments; bankrupt countriesand exploit their natural resources; keepbillions of souls at barely subsistence level;and fund both sides in wars that they precipitateand perpetuate because from warsthey derive handsome profits.This cannot continue and it won’t.The unconscionably inequitable allocationof money in your world will end.Although I cannot give you finite details ofthe changeover process, I can give you anoverview and assure you that the honest,knowledgeable people who will managethe process will keep disruption at a minimumas they fairly distribute the world’swealth.The Illuminati’s illegally and immorallygarnered fortunes will be put into circulationand their exploitation of naturalresources worldwide will end. Since thatpower base is what enabled them to setgovernment and banking policies and ownmultinational corporations, those corruptcontrols also will end. The huge debts ofthe poorest nations were incurred by their<strong>20</strong>12: EARTH’S GOLDEN AGEstate of desperation, often caused by Illuminatiactions and influence; but the loanswent to the despots ruling the countriesand did not benefit the citizens, so thosedebts will be annulled and assistancegiven directly to the people. Many nationalborders have been set by the victors in warwho wanted the natural resources, andthat created “have-nots” who formerlywere “haves.” When the LOVE in soulsends all conflicts, borders no longer will because for dispute because all peoples willbe “haves.”The coffers of the United States, whichis erroneously considered the most fiscallysound nation in the world, have beenempty for some time. The national debt, inlarge part due to the skullduggery of theIlluminati-owned Federal Reserve Systemand its IRS collection agency, will becomemanageable when that System is dissolved.The various currencies, especially dollars,have no foundation—daily transactionsinvolving billions of dollars and othercurrencies are merely information passedfrom one computer to another and they farexceed the money to back them. The “new”foundation for currencies will be a returnto an old one, where precious metals wasa set standard for exchange, and “oldfashioned” bartering once again will be anexcellent way for nations and communitiesto conduct some business.The basis for much of yourcurrent economy will changeconsiderably and employmentwill change accordingly, butyour greater spiritual clarityand usage of brain capacityin the higher frequencies willenable a joyful transition intofields that support cooperationamong nations and harmonywith Nature.The wanton destruction of yourenvironment through oil and gas extraction,mining, logging and their resultantpollution will cease and all types of toxinsin the atmosphere, soil and water will beeliminated. Forests will be restored to thelevels required for the balance of Nature,and the need is great as well to preserveand expand habitats where animals havebeen reduced to countable numbers, justas the oceans must be returned to healthso marine life can flourish instead ofdisappear. There are plans to achieve thosegoals as well as keep pristine land areasfree of concrete incursions and implementalternative power sources.Technologies known but suppressed60 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

and the more advanced technologiesthat will be introduced by your universalbrothers and sisters will clear the pollutionand provide renewable energy, newmodes of transportation, new types ofbuilding materials, and greatly enhancedfood production methods. Your hearts willbe gladdened at the amazing speed withwhich these changes will happen!Natural building products that willcome into wide usage along with plantsthat will be introduced include clay, strongreeds, straw, tropical canes and surfacestones, and all will be used in consciousagreement with humankind. While thereare countless levels between the lowestand the highest universal intelligence,which you may think of as omniscience,no thing is excluded from the mass consciousness.To be more personal—indeed,to be more correct—substitute “soul” for“thing” and you can see the interrelationshipof the totality of this universe. Thehigher the vibrations of any environment,the higher the levels of comprehensionof all life within it, thus just as you areexpanding in consciousness, so are all theelements of Nature in your world growingin their varying levels of awareness.The fast-growing food crops, flowers,cotton and other fiber-producing plants,plants with medicinal aspects, canes andgrasses, and all kinds of trees will agree<strong>20</strong>12: EARTH’S GOLDEN AGEto grow as long as needed to meet yourrequirements and then transmute theirenergy into your usage of them.Although much less lumber will be usedthan currently, the sacred relationshipbetween trees and humankind includestheir willingness to be used for decorativeparts of building interiors and furniturein the short term, perhaps as long as thenext half century. Acknowledgement ofall these natural sources’ importance andconsciousness and gratitude for their willingnessto give their lives for your use willbecome inherent in all peoples.Too, you will come to know and treasurethe Devic kingdom that is so closelyallied with the beauty and thriving of allthat you consider Nature.The allocation of food and other basiclife essentials available in the richer countrieswill be shared on an equitable basiswith the poorer countries until a globalproduction order is achieved. Diets willchange from meat and seafood to plantsas people learn to respect and honor allanimal life. The herds of food animalswill decrease through the cessation ofbreeding and natural transition, and asplants become diet staples, any that wereharmfully genetically engineered will shedthose properties.Animals in the wild will instinctivelyknow not to overpopulate and those thatare carnivorous will turn to the plantkingdom for sustenance. The albinos beingborn in several animal species haveboth spiritual and transitional significance.You associate white with peace, and theserarities that are appearing are symbolic ofthe coming changes in animal nature thatwill end the predator-prey food chain andrestore the peaceable relationship thatonce existed among all species, includinghumankind.The instances of unlikely cross-speciesfriendships and even nurturing of theyoung from one species by mothers ofanother are more indications of Earth’sreturn to her original paradise self. Still, anextremely important factor in this is theinspiration in many souls to be advocatesfor the animal kingdom and alleviate theirmanmade plight.The cetaceans’ spiritualmission, to embody in hugebulk and inhabit your oceanswhere they absorb and anchorthe light beamed to the planetfrom distant civilizations, soonwill have been fulfilled.These whale and dolphin souls, whichspecies-wide are the most highly evolvedGeodesic domes will be popular aswill fanciful building designs thatreflect the light-heartedness that solong has been denied the majority ofEarth’s peoples.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>61

spiritually and intellectually on yourplanet, will soar to their original light stationswhen they leave physically, but theywill continue to grace your planet withtheir love energy.What are commonly known as “globalwarming” and “El Nino” are part of Earth’snatural processes to return to her originalmoderate climate everywhere. While sheis achieving this, glaciers will melt, the vastdeserts will become arable, rain forestswill flourish, and variations in temperatureswill markedly decrease—ultimately,everyplace in your world will be comfortablyhabitable. Peoples now living in thecoldest or the hottest climes will adapt, butit is unavoidable that the few animal speciesin the polar regions will disappear andsome that live on the fringes will surviveby migrating; the affected species instinctivelywill know not to reproduce or whento move.Contrary to current count and certainlypopulation projections, your numbers aredecreasing and the birth rate will continueto drop but not precipitously. The balanceof Nature no longer will require pestilence,so no disease-causing or transmittingfactors will be present, and the commonuse of toxic chemicals and prescriptiondrugs will cease. Medical treatments willdrastically change until there no longeris any need for therapies because bodies,which will have a greatly longer lifetime,will become free of all forms of dis-ease.New educational systems and resourcematerials will reflect factual universal andplanetary history, and true spirituality willreplace religions in accordance with thetruths that will be revealed.Those are some of the most significantchanges underway and ahead, and all willhave trickle-down effects that will permeateand uplift every facet of life on Earth.The Golden Age—the “second edition” ofthe Garden of Eden—will radiate the love,harmony, serenity and beauty of spirit thatyou, in your remembered awareness of beinggod and goddess selves, ARE.Now I shall tell you some of the more“down-to-Earth” features that you can anticipatein that beauteous world. City lifewill be much more fulfilling for the spiritthan it is today due to the demolishing ofsubstandard buildings and restoration ofonce fine buildings that fell into decay; theaddition of many small parks and colorfulplaygrounds, vegetable and flower gardens,and neighborhood libraries, concerts, museums,and galleries with locally producedart forms; entertainment and recreationalcenters for all ages and interests; and animals,even those you now consider wild,roaming freely.Also, new transportation modes anda much fairer distribution of wealth willenable city dwellers to frequent the countryside,where a booming business will<strong>20</strong>12: EARTH’S GOLDEN AGEbe “bed-and-breakfast” inns to accommodatethe growing desire for those oases ofrespite from routine activity, and to travelto distant places as well. Still, millions nowliving in cities may prefer to move to thesolitude and restorative energy of familiarrural, forested areas. And, like a new waveof pioneers, some of you will be motivatedto relocate to currently uninhabitableplaces when those start flourishing andbeckon the adventuresome, while othersouls will choose to live in houseboats onthe calm, restful seas.Architecture will be limited only byimagination and choices, but no buildingwill be ugly or inadequate for its purpose.Geodesic domes will be popular as willfanciful building designs that reflect thelight-heartedness that so long has been deniedthe majority of Earth’s peoples. Currentand new technologies will produceconstruction materials similar in strengthand appearance to today’s concrete, steel,rigid and flexible plastics, and those alongwith natural products and quality simulationsof fine woods will be widely used. Sowill glass, which will be altered from itspresent composition, because you willdesire to live closer with Nature even whenyou are indoors.By unified intent, no litter or eyesoreof any kind will exist anywhere. Whereveryou live or travel, you will not want thevista marred by the utility poles that noware necessary blights on landscapes. Thepoles will be removed and where conduitsare required, they will be underground;and other energy sources will be direct,without any need for connecting wires. Althoughtelepathy will become a commonform of communication, voice-to-voicecommunion across the miles will be asimportant as now, but the harmful aspectsof the wireless methods you are using willbe gone. Expanses of concrete graduallywill be removed too, as new transportationmodes will change the need for currentfuels and highways.All unjust laws and policies will bestruck down and education worldwidewill accurately reflect the universal truths.The writing, printing and distribution oftextbooks will be done expeditiously inconjunction with computerized lessons,and the souls who are innately prepared toteach will step up to this mission they hadchosen.These and other marvelous lifestyledifferences awaiting you are indeed gargantuanchanges from life in this moment,yet the greatest transformation you willexperience is in humankind, where loveand higher consciousness are REcreating“miracles.” Like souls on Earth andin Nirvana once again going back andforth between these physical and spiritworlds, travel that was commonplace untilthird density limitations closed minds tothis possibility. Wars and other violence,injustices, deception and corruption willcontinue until that energy set in motion isplayed out. Although the dark forces, thevast force field of negative thought forms,has left this part of the galaxy, tentacles ofthat energetic influence remain and aremaking last ditch efforts to control themost vulnerable souls as well as attackthose with the brightest light. Further, thehigher frequencies now on the planet aremagnifying all human characteristics, andthose that are darkly-inclined are showingthat intensification through increasinghostility, greed, violence and apathytoward those who are suffering and indesperate need. So, while not all of thedark skirmishes are past, we urge you to beencouraged by each that arises—it meansthat the vanquishing of the darkness is thatmuch nearer. Rejoice in knowing that itsmomentum is close to the point of exhaustionbecause all of you who are living yourlight are helping to speed it to conclusion.Controlling the flow of money is thelast mundane tool the dark ones have andthey will keep it within their grasp as longas they can. The “rotten tap root,” so to say,has been loosened and the tendrils arebreaking, but until all have been eliminated,economic difficulties will affect manylives. Remember, you have the power tocreate your own abundance through thelaw of attraction, and sharing your resourcesis the best way to bring even moreabundance into your life.Prior to peace and harmony prevailingthroughout Earth, many, many souls willleave due to the same causes as now—disease,starvation, injuries in wars and othertypes of violence, geophysical events—sothe population will continue to decreasefrom those means. As sorrowful as thesedeaths may seem, the adversity that thesouls experience beyond their pre-birthagreements gives them leaps forward insoul growth. They will greet their returnto Nirvana knowing that if they chooseanother Earth lifetime, it will be in thesplendor and glory of a revitalized worldand the abiding love among its inhabitants.Geophysical events will continue asEarth’s natural and necessary cleansingprocess. The blatant disregard for humanand animal life for millennia past—andstill happening on a lamentable scale—caused a massive amount of negativityto accumulate. Although this has beengreatly reduced via geophysical events, itsremnants, plus what is being generatedanew, must be released. It matters notwhether this is by natural or manmadeoccurrences—the ridding of that negativityis what is important.The effects of these events, which willlessen in frequency and severity as Earthkeeps ascending, are being diminished tothe greatest extent possible by members62 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

<strong>20</strong>12: EARTH’S GOLDEN AGEof your universal family. Their technologycannot prevent all deaths and damage, butit is limiting the death toll and propertydestruction by leveling out over a widearea the energy releases via earthquakesand volcanic eruptions and is steering thestrongest storms to less populated areas.The record high and low temperatures,droughts and flooding that are part ofEarth’s transition to her original moderateclimate globally will present hardships fora while longer. Gradually some sea levelcoastlines will become submerged; thisneed not present anxiety as there will beprotective and compensatory measuresfor any inhabitants of those areas. We areaware of the speculation that Atlantis andLemuria may rise, but this will not happen.Those large land masses served theircivilizations during that era on Earth, buttheir return is not needed; however, somesouls living then have come back to assistin the ongoing consciousness-raising andspiritual renewal within today’s populace.That religions are teaching the “wordof God” will be shown in the fullness ofthe deception that spawned that falsehood,and among the challenges you willencounter are the many individuals whowill not believe the truths that will be revealed.Some will do battle, convinced thatit is their divine right and duty to defeatthe Anti-Christ or the infidels throughbloodshed. You will witness the shock,confusion, anger, disillusionment, andyes, very likely fear—the deceivers whomade a vengeful God have been masterfulfor eons—of people whose minds are nottotally closed to the revelations. Provide acompassionate safe haven for their questioningand rely on your intuition for thebest responses—they will be there whenyou need them. However, it is not yourresponsibility to convince them that thefoundation of their beliefs—maybe eventheir very life purpose—is a lie. Rejoice,just as we shall, when your efforts succeed,but please do not feel despondent whenthey don’t. The resistant souls, like allothers in the universe, will continue theirevolutionary pathways wherever theirneeds shall best be served, and the eternaland infinite love of Source will under girdtheir way.In summary we say to you, our belovedEarth family, know with your entire beingthat the world of love, peace and harmonyyou have been co-creating is closeat hand. Remembering that you chose tobe exactly where you are right now so youcould participate in this unprecedentedtime in the universe will let your hearts belight-filled and your journey a triumphantadventure. Myriad light beings are withyou every instant, enfolding you with thelove and protection of the Christed lightas you usher in Earth’s long awaited “<strong>20</strong>12”Golden Age.Geophysical events willcontinue as Earth’s naturaland necessary cleansingprocess.<strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>63

Mars is now moving in a direct motionbut just as Mars was getting readyto pick up speed to move forward, Mercurywas already slowing down. Mercurywill be in retrograde motion in Aquarius,from Monday 28th January to Tuesday19th February. This means that just as therestrictions are moving away and freeingyou up for action, you could be trippedup if you are not paying attention. Youwould be wise to check all arrangements,contracts, agreements written and verbalbut particularly documents that are legaland binding and require your signature.This does not mean don’t sign but ratherread carefully before your do, and ensurethat you fully understand the content.This is a time to take extra caution with allelectronic equipment, especially computersand ensure that you have backup.Double check arrangements, travel plans,be conscious of keys and time, and last butnot least ensure that your sense of humoris in place, then just get on with living withthe trickster of the Heavens. Aquarians especially,but also Leo, Taurus and Scorpioand anyone with personal planets in thesesigns are among those who are most likelyto be affected.WRITTEN IN THE STARSIn issue 17 we talked about the August/September <strong>20</strong>07 eclipses, ……”we couldexpect earth-related activity which couldinclude drought, flood” and “the demiseof a person in power”. We also mentionedcertain astrological signs that would bemost affected. The chart of Pakistan hasthe Pisces, Virgo connection referred to, aswell as easily recognizable connectionsbetween the chart of the country and thepersonal chart of Benazir Bhuto.If we add the planetary movements inDecember and look at the two charts, theassassination of Ms Bhuto was an accidentwaiting to happen. Ms Bhuto’s personalplanets were caught up with the warriorplanets Pluto and Mars, among manyother aspects indicating that her fate waswritten in the stars. Closer to home, Mr.Jackie Selebi’s birthday fell around thetime of the eclipse and if he had a personalastrologer, he would have been advised along time ago, that should he step outsidethe parameters of the law, he would haveto be accountable. December also saw hispersonal chart being affected.ECLIPSE FEBRUARY <strong>20</strong>08What makes February’s retrogradeMercury particularly interesting is that, togetherwith Neptune, it is in a line-up withthe eclipsed Sun and Moon, in Aquarius,on the 7th February. This eclipse is 10CosmicDirectionsBernadette Medderof Cosmic DirectionsConsultant and Teachersince 1993021 794 4150 Tricksterat PlayNorth of the Saros series and has a strongemphasis on communication. Accordingto the works of Raphael this position oftenbrings about earthquakes and food shortages.The path of this eclipse, and thereforethe areas most likely to be affected, is overAntarctica, parts of Australia and NewZealand.What we need to learn from thiseclipse is the Aquarian lesson, the powerdynamic of the group, being preparedto move forward, be open to change, beopen to “new age” ideas, concepts andmethods. Contrary to the popular live-inthe-momentapproach, look forward intothe future. Anticipate the problems andwork on the solutions before the crisesoccurs. This is the sign that represents theability to have a humanitarian approach.Eclipses shake things up a bit and themessage with this one is to stand togetheras part of the whole for we are weakenedif we try to stand alone. If you are feelingoverwhelmed by difficulties, work throughthem one at a time and remember a problemshared is a problem halved.Eclipses always go in pairs so twoweeks later there is a total lunar eclipse on21 February with the full moon in Virgo.Once again we have Raphael referring to acalamity, demise of important person, aswell as problems with sea coasts and rivers.Neptune is part of these eclipses and waterand chaos are very much part of his theme.Aquarius is the natural ruler of electricityand it is no wonder we are having theseproblems. Neptune’s close proximity describesthe cover-ups and lack of transparencyas to exactly what is happening. Thismeans we may never know the truth of themagnitude of the problem. The personalmessage here is when facing chaos or feelingover-whelmed, be absolutely honestwith yourself regarding what you are dealingwith, get a structure in place as soonas possible, negotiate and compromisewhen facing situations that appear to bedeadlocked.The new moon on the evening of the7th March in Pisces has a conjunction withUranus, the planet associated with change,excitement, and on a good day, variationson the theme of these words. On a badday there is an association with upheaval,disruption and bolts out of the blue, certainlythere is never a dull moment whenUranus is around. Once again electricityand electronics, including computers andviruses are involved. At this time it helps tobe flexible and ready for changeable conditions.There can be some confusion withcommunication, misunderstandings andlack of clarity with ideas, so be alert andask for further detail or clarity. There is awarm connection with this New Moon andthe Sun, with Jupiter, the planet associatedwith benevolence, abundance and expansion.The best way to deal with this periodis to take a lesson from the Buddhists andmaintain a loving, kind and compassionateheart.We need to take into account that Marsand Pluto, the warrior planets, are movingapart but they are still active and in oppositionto each other. There is a build-upof tension in the period between the NewMoon and the Full Moon on the eveningof 21 March, culminating in the formationof a planetary grand cross in the sky. TheFour sensitive points in the sky involvethe last contact between the oppositionof Mars and Pluto, as well as the AriesSun and Full Moon in Libra. This is alsothe time of the autumn equinox in thesouthern hemisphere, which just happensto fall on Good Friday, and in South Africa,Human Rights Day. If we give nothing butscant regard to the meaning of any of thesedays we have to appreciate that this cannotbe an arbitrary coincidence that themeanings of all these occasions, which fallon the same day, just happen to correlatewith this particular sky picture.There is insufficient time and space togo into depth, but to be brief, the messageof Easter is one of renewal or resurrection,or in planetary language transformationor transcendence. The cluster of planets inPisces and Jupiter’s involvement suggeststhe human rights aspect, which does notnecessarily require sacrifice or martyrdom,but rather an appreciation, without judgment,of all humans and their rights. Patienceand tolerance is needed and angerneeds to be directed constructively.64 <strong>Biophile</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>20</strong>

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