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!" <strong>CHJV</strong>-<strong>500</strong>-C / ! " / ! " #<strong>LRT</strong> !"<strong>LRW</strong>/<strong>LRC</strong> ! ! !"

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! " # $ % & ! / !"# !" != = = = = !" !"#$% !"#$ 138 !" 23 D : 200120EVAPCO (China Headquarters) Suite D, 23rd/F. Majesty Building, 138 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai China P.C. : 200120 Tel : 8621 5877 3980 Fax : 8621 5877 2928 Email: evapco@online.sh.cn!"#$%&'()*+,-Shanghai Hezhong-Evapco Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. !"#$%& 855 201901 86 21-5680-5298 86 21-5680-6642EVAPCO INC.(World Headquarters)5151 Allendale laneTaneytown, Maryland 21787, USAEVAPCO MIDWEST, INC.York RoadGreenup Illinois 62428,USAPhone (217)923-3431Fax (217)923-3300EVAPCO WEST, INC.1900 Almond AvenueMadera, California 93637,USAPhone (209) 673-2207Fax (209) 673-2378RVS CORPORATION1520 Crosswind DriveBryan, Texas 77808,USAPhone (409) 778-0095Fax (409) 778-0030 !"#$%&'()*+,-Beijing Hezhong-Evapco Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. !"#$%&' 101407 86 10-6166-7238 86 10-6166-7395EVAPCO EUROPE, S.R.L.Via Ciro Menotti 101-20017 Passirana di Rho(MI),ItalyPhone (39)(02)939 9041Fax (39)(02)935-00840EVAPCO EUROPE, S.R.L.Via Dosso 21-23020 Piateda (Sondrio), ItalyPhone(39)(03)4237-0175Fax (39)(03)4237-0575EVAPCO EUROPEFalcon House-Unit BCaswell RoadBrackmills Industrial EstateNorthampton, NN4 7DLEngland, United KingdomPhone (44) 1-604-766188Fax (44) 1-604-766151EVAPCO EUROPE NVOverhaemlaan 33 3700 Tongeren BelgiumPhone 32-12-395029Fax 32-12-238527EVAPCO (S.A.) PTY LTD.18 Quality and C/R Barlow RoadsISANDOJohannesburg, Republic of South Africa,Phone (27) 11-392-6630Fax (27) 11-392-6615AIR EVAPCO (LTD.)3 El Mamalik StreetRoxy, HeliopolisCairo, EgyptPhone (20) 2-2907483Fax (20) 2-2578882AQUA-COOL TOWERS PTY. LTD.34-42 Melbourne StreetP.O. Box 436Riverstone, New South Wales 2765AustraliaPhone 61-9627-3322Fax 61-9627-1715

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