What is Wi-Fi - 公務員事務局

What is Wi-Fi - 公務員事務局 What is Wi-Fi - 公務員事務局

Human Resource Management <strong>is</strong> one ofEOs’ core responsibilities. In th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>sue, we delveinto a particularly “hot” task – recruitment. Readerswill learn about EOs’ various roles throughoutthe recruitment process. From drafting andplacing advert<strong>is</strong>ements, processing applicationsand arranging for examinations, trade tests andselection interviews to handling enquiries andcomplaints, EOs’ involvement <strong>is</strong> extensive andsignificant. In the feature column, some of ourcolleagues will share with us their experience of thevarious integrated steps in the recruitment process,and how candidates are handled in the process.Grade Management has put in place an all-roundprogramme of training and development that helpsus kick off our careers from our very first days, andlater provides upgraded courses to help us meetthe ever-increasing challenges we now face in ourwork. Under the Basic Training Programme for EO IIrecruits, new members attend a three-day residentialprogramme on team building and leadership. Andit’s not just about theories but physical cooperationand problem-solving. Let Li Chung-kan share withus h<strong>is</strong> learning experience in the residential camp atTsing Yi and the fun and fear of h<strong>is</strong> first experience ofrock-climbing at Shek O. It <strong>is</strong> important that EOs asprofessional resource and system managers, apartfrom possessing the necessary knowledge and skillsto provide a quality service, are able to project animage commensurate with our profession. Alice Chutalks about the tips she gained in the Workshop onBuilding Professional Image. Can we learn fromthe management experience in the private sector?Ir<strong>is</strong> Wong cannot agree more in her report on thev<strong>is</strong>it to the China Light and Power under the HumanResource Management Programme for EOs I andII. She also tells us about the company’s recentreforms, its HRM strategies and corporate culture.Stay “wired” away from home! Yes, th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> nowpossible thanks to the marvels of the wirelessnetworking technology called <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong>. Whetherfor your personal use or to help in implementingthe Government <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Programme (Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>) inyour workplace, you’ll learn lots from Chr<strong>is</strong> Li’sarticle “<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> – Understanding the Whys andWherefores…”. H<strong>is</strong> advice opens the doors tothe principles behind th<strong>is</strong> technology, how to setup a <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> network at home, the Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>, and,most important of all, the dos and don’ts of <strong>Wi</strong>-F<strong>is</strong>ecurity.Apart from being dedicated to their work, many ofour colleagues are keenly interested in protectingthe environment. And it’s better still if such civicmindednesscan be combined with our hobbies. Inthe article “ 我 愛 大 自 然 ”, Derek Chan and Tom Chintell us about their commitment to protecting Nature,and how they put it into action as well. Take a lookat their stories and you will get the message.Drink driving has become a serious safety andsocial <strong>is</strong>sue, with many recent fatal and seriousaccidents related to drink driving. In EO Blog,Hermes Chan draws our attention to safe, drinklessdriving – and points out how a Governmentofficial might jeopard<strong>is</strong>e h<strong>is</strong> career if convicted ofdrink driving. He also describes a defensive drivingcourse he joined to enhance driving techniquesand avoid accidents. Th<strong>is</strong> standing column alsowelcomes readers’ contributions. Do write to us, orif you so w<strong>is</strong>h, share your own blog with us.Remember, Keep In Touch <strong>is</strong> the newsletter forYOU. Your support will help make th<strong>is</strong> newslettermore readable. Please send in your contributionsand feedback.2

For all of us the story was (and <strong>is</strong>) the same. <strong>Fi</strong>rst comes the excitement oflearning that we have passed all the recruitment tests and interviews, and willget the job. Then comes the sombre reality as it sinks in that we have beenaccepted for the Civil Service, with all the responsibilities that entails. Next,as our careers advance, many of us will experience recruitment from a verydifferent aspect, becoming ourselves recruiters, perhaps in different roles or atdifferent stages of recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>es.Th<strong>is</strong> variety in recruiting-related tasks has given us a wealth of differentexperiences. But whatever our roles in the process, recruitment <strong>is</strong> inevitably aserious exerc<strong>is</strong>e given the contribution expected of those selected and the impacttheir service will have on the public, on their department or perhaps, at times,even on the Government. Leaving aside the admin<strong>is</strong>trative resources involvedand the remuneration packages incurred, there <strong>is</strong> a huge difference between aneffective and an ineffective staff member, and therefore the recruitment process<strong>is</strong> necessarily painstaking and highly selective. Every effort <strong>is</strong> made to choosethe most suitable persons, and the present open, fair and effective recruitmentprocess helps us to achieve that dedicated goal.Back to involvement in recruiting … A group of colleagues in CSB andDepartments share with us their recollections of the various integrated partsof the recruitment process, and how they handled people during the process.3

Starting the recruitment journeyWe start the journey by first confirming the specificneeds related to each vacancy, since there <strong>is</strong> quitea wide variety of means of delivering servicesto the community such as staff redeployment,re-engineering operations, streamlining ofprocedures, and pursuing other modes of servicedelivery including outsourcing, etc. We need anendorsed Guide to Appointment to sum up theappointment details such as entry requirements,duties, terms of appointment, pay scale, etc. forthe rank planned for the recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>e. Andwhile the paperwork <strong>is</strong> always there, we must neverforget that our recruitment journey <strong>is</strong> about people –in particular, the most suitable ones for the job.Attracting interested and suitable candidatesThe usual methods of attracting applicants are toadvert<strong>is</strong>e in the press and post vacancies on thewebsites of the Civil Service Bureauand the department concerned, aswell as competing for talents withour counterparts by <strong>is</strong>suing vacancycirculars inviting serving civil servantsto apply. But what value-added publicityand outreaching services can we alsouse to attract suitable candidates?Betty at a career exhibitionLet’s look at the recent EO Grade recruitmentexerc<strong>is</strong>e, and hear from Betty Lau of GGO:“In considering our targetgroups, we w<strong>is</strong>hed to coverfinal-year undergraduatesand graduates pursuingfull-time study for higher/second degree. To meet theseaims, the vacancies wereposted on the Joint InstitutionJob Information System(http://www.jij<strong>is</strong>.org.hk/jij<strong>is</strong>),a one-stop on-line careerservice for employers anduniversity students offered bythe career centres of universities in Hong Kong.For further outreaching we took part in careertalks and exhibitions held at universities. We useda face-to-face approach to directly communicatewith potential applicants to ‘market’ the Grade, andanswer any questions.”To gain the competitive edge in recruitment,think “out-of-the-box” to find imaginative ways ofinforming the target groups about your vacancies.For example, for posts requiring a professionalqualification, the vacancies can be posted onlocal and overseas journals of that professionplus circulation through associations and tradeunions of that profession. To attract talentsresiding outside Hong Kong,consideration may be given toadvert<strong>is</strong>ing in the internationaleditions of relevant magazinesand journals.4

Selecting the most suitable candidatesWhen recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>es are held in the presentemployment climate there <strong>is</strong> always a flood ofapplications, greatly adding to the complexity ofthe task of choosing the best qualified and mostappropriate candidates.CSEU colleagues giving briefing to invigilatorsOn one hand, we are happy to have attracted somany interested applicants; on the other, it <strong>is</strong> avery challenging task to compete with time andresources in the vetting process and do it in afair, just and efficient way. It calls for strategic andoperational planning, teamwork, great patience,tact and helpfulness as we start to interactwith eager, inqu<strong>is</strong>itive or even absent-mindedapplicants through different channels and ondifferent levels related to verification, enquiries oreven complaints.Given the limited number of vacancies, we muststick to the various proven means of selection.We depend on the Civil Service ExaminationsUnit (CSEU) to admin<strong>is</strong>ter, for many posts,the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE)and Joint Recruitment Examination beforeappointment, as well as the Basic Law Test (BLT)for degree or professional grades.Huge jump in applicationsReflecting on the challenges involved, PatriciaTsang of CSEU shares:“Anybody who has been involved in invigilatingour CRE and BLT knows very well the scale andcomplexity required to do the job properly. Thenumber of candidates taking CRE surged fromfewer than 12 000 in June 2006 to about 26 000in December 2006. Every year since then, thenumber has never been below 20 000, so thatusually about 100 or more examination centresmust be used.A “memorable” experience“Easily CSEU’s most ‘memorable’ experienceinvolved the December 2006 CRE, when werequired about 130 examination halls for the26 000 candidates but only 79 were available.We had no alternative but to use 235 schoolclassrooms to meet the shortfall. Just imagine howcomplicated it was for our colleagues, who werecompletely inexperienced in using classrooms asexamination centres, to map out and implement anew set of log<strong>is</strong>tical arrangements, conduct seatallocation for over 310 centres, identify possibler<strong>is</strong>ks and draw up appropriate contingencyplans, source additional invigilators and all theexamination materials required … all within sevenweeks! Naturally things were rather hectic onthe examination day. The command centre wasovercrowded with a large number of invigilatorsreporting for duty and overflowing with examinationmaterials. There were non-stop calls for help frominexperienced invigilators during the examination,plus numerous complaints from candidates usingclassrooms about the no<strong>is</strong>y environment andinsufficient toilets. It was only through pers<strong>is</strong>tence,improv<strong>is</strong>ation, team spirit and mutual support thatwe could get through.”5

Effectively handling people through peopleWhile academic qualifications must match entryrequirements, that <strong>is</strong> not an end in itself. In manysituations trade tests related to essential attributesof some jobs are also part of the selection process,specially when we are looking for certain skillsamong applicants.Paul Wong cites th<strong>is</strong> example: There <strong>is</strong>a certain rank in the Lands Departmentwhere the only academic attainmentneeded <strong>is</strong> language proficiency inEngl<strong>is</strong>h and Chinese equivalent toPrimary Six. But to qualify applicantsmust also have a certain number of years ofexperience in specific areas of surveying work.Those meeting the criteria are then invited to atrade test cum interview. The job in question <strong>is</strong> atough one as it requires the officer to carry bulkyequipment (weighing up to 10 kg) up hilly areasand set it up at designated spots. And that’s notall … on rainy days the officer would be soakingwet as he slogged through muddy conditions to theelevated site concerned. In addition to the toughphysique required for these tasks, the candidatesmust have the technical know-how to set up anduse the equipment properly.In previous times the Physical Test part requiredcandidates to walk uphill along a slanted roadfor about 1 km while carrying the equipment.However, there could be frail candidates whostruggled on until almost the last few minutes,then had to give up, ra<strong>is</strong>ing the possibility of aserious r<strong>is</strong>k to their health. So the site of thePhysical Test was changed to a building (such asa school) wherein the candidate had to carry theequipment up several flights of stairs. Th<strong>is</strong> takesplace under the surveillance of the interviewerswho can immediately respond if the candidatebegins to falter.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> further proof that we must be caringrecruiters. Also, as anti-d<strong>is</strong>crimination protectionadvances, trade tests used in the past might needto be rev<strong>is</strong>ed from time to time to ensure that whilewe look for certain skills required for the effectiveperformance of duties in a certain rank, we donot d<strong>is</strong>criminate against an applicant for h<strong>is</strong>/herd<strong>is</strong>ability, family status, sex or race.6

A combination of the above means maybe found in the recruitment for certain Civil Serviceranks. Miranda Luk <strong>is</strong> one of our newly joinedEOs II and, as the Ass<strong>is</strong>tant Secretary (CareerDevelopment) Recruitment of the ImmigrationDepartment, <strong>is</strong> responsible for ass<strong>is</strong>ting in planning,monitoring and conductingthe recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>es forImmigration Officers (IO)and Immigration Ass<strong>is</strong>tants(IA), which attracted over12 000 IO applicationsand 16 000 IA applicationsin the recent recruitmentexerc<strong>is</strong>e.Given the requirements of the D<strong>is</strong>ciplined Forces,there are normally more selection tiers suchas written examination, physical fitness test,extended interview and final interview, all withina very limited timeframe since deadlines must bemet to ensure new staff help meet extra demand.In March 2009, Miranda gained valuable experienceby serving as the secretary to the IO <strong>Fi</strong>nal InterviewBoard together with Immigration Officer Grademembers. Although experienced in recruitmentfrom her previous job in the private sector, she wassurpr<strong>is</strong>ed that little resemblance could be found.“Government recruitment and appointmentprocedures are much less flexible, plus thereare guidelines and regulations regarding variousaspects that must be complied with,” Mirandaexplained. “However, such stringent proceduresserve an important function in ensuring that publicmoney <strong>is</strong> well spent and that the selection process<strong>is</strong> fair, objective and transparent.”Although her work was tough and demanding,Miranda very much enjoyed it, specially sharingwith colleagues,“it was reallystressful to getthe work done insuch a packedtimeframe, yetlooking back theexperience hadelements of greatfun and couldhardly be foundelsewhere.”The Guidebook as your “Bible”The selection interview <strong>is</strong> the commonlyused means in most recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>es.The Guidebook on Appointments developedby CSB provides, among others, essentialprinciples and steps throughout the entireinterview to select the persons most suitable forthe job, not necessarily the best qualified and/ormost experienced candidate. We should makegood use of all these guidelines and appropriatepoints of reference, including the shortl<strong>is</strong>tingmechan<strong>is</strong>m we often use when there are a largenumber of candidates eligible for considerationfor appointment. In essence, shortl<strong>is</strong>ting criteriashould be non-d<strong>is</strong>criminatory, objective, specificand directly related to the performance of duties inthe rank concerned. Above all, the Public ServiceComm<strong>is</strong>sion (PSC) <strong>is</strong> in place to safeguard theimpartiality and integrity of the appointmentsystems in the Civil Service and for th<strong>is</strong> purposethe PSC exerc<strong>is</strong>es its adv<strong>is</strong>ory role on certainessential recruitment steps in processingapplications for appointment.7

Handling less suitable applicantsThe different means of selection help to identify themost suitable candidates and we must then followupwith necessary recruitment formalities andchecks before an appointment offer can be made.We draw up a waiting l<strong>is</strong>t to cope with changes andneeds to come. Parallel to th<strong>is</strong>, enquiries from theapplicants go on and intensify.Constant flow of enquiriesAdeline Lam, also a newly joined EO as EO(Appointments2)2 in FEHD, recalled that forone single recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>e recently thatattracted several thousand applications, 20 - 30questions arrived daily by phone, e-mail, fax ormail, all needing to be handled by her team.These enquiries were relatedto the shortl<strong>is</strong>ting criteria, thecontents and scope of theinterview, and other detailsof the recruitment process.Still more enquiries weremade at the stage of offeringappointment as candidateschecked if they had beenoffered appointments, their priorityon the waiting l<strong>is</strong>t or whether they could obtain theirinterview assessment.“Still more aston<strong>is</strong>hing, we sometimes had to actlike ‘social workers’, especially when the candidatesfelt depressed and frustrated on learning that theywere not shortl<strong>is</strong>ted for interview or not beingoffered an appointment. We would calmly explainthe situation to them and give them our sincereconsolation.” Adeline feels sat<strong>is</strong>fied with her team’sperformance, adding that an informative, friendlyand helpful attitude <strong>is</strong> always essential to win theappreciation of the enquirers.A “m<strong>is</strong>sing” applicationAdeline recalled a case of unusual enquiry relatedto postage. “One person claimed he had sent theapplication form and supporting documents andwas furious because he believed we had lost them.A few days later he called again to apolog<strong>is</strong>e,saying that the package had been returned to himbecause of insufficient postage – he had postedmore than 30 pages with just a $1.40 stamp!”Stephen WuAnthony LeeRocky TsangGilda Cheung8

一 般 職 系 處 於 二 、 三 月 期 間 舉 辦 了 三 次「 建 立 專 業 形 象 」 工 作 坊 , 由 資 深 形 象顧 問 張 瑪 莉 小 姐 主 持 , 指 導 同 事 如 何 塑 造專 業 形 象 。 雖 然 政 府 的 運 作 與 商 業 社 會 不盡 相 同 , 但 是 擁 有 良 好 優 雅 的 專 業 形 象 和卓 越 的 社 交 禮 儀 , 一 定 會 令 人 樂 意 與 你 接近 和 溝 通 , 有 助 建 立 良 好 的 人 際 關 係 。第 一 印 象 的 重 要 性從 張 瑪 莉 小 姐 的 寶 貴 經 驗 分 享 中 , 我 們 知 道 良 好的 第 一 印 象 是 十 分 重 要 的 。 從 外 在 觀 感 著 手 , 就是 配 合 工 作 需 要 , 把 自 己 裝 扮 得 恰 到 好 處 。 在行 為 方 面 , 則 要 有 良 好 的 禮 儀 。形 象 造 妝行 政 人 員 穿 衣 之 道 在 於 給 人 整 潔 和 諧 的 感 覺 ,所 以 應 該 選 擇 素 淨 、 穩 重 的 同 色 系 列 , 身 上 盡量 穿 著 不 超 過 三 種 顏 色 。 服 飾可 以 用 飾 物 襯 托 , 但 要 配 搭 得宜 , 符 合 場 合 需 要 , 切 忌 誇 張和 盲 目 追 隨 潮 流 。 一 個 專 業 的形 象 , 往 往 亦 會 因 為 疏 忽 了一 些 生 活 上 的 細 節 , 例 如 清 潔和 整 齊 , 而 遭 受 到 破 壞 。 所 以我 們 要 時 常 留 意 衣 領 和 袖 口 ,保 持 乾 淨 , 肩 上 不 可 有 頭 屑 ,指 甲 不 宜 太 長 等 。社 交 禮 儀良 好 的 禮 儀 亦 會 給 予 人 一 個 良 好 印 象 。 與 別 人初 次 見 面 , 例 如 握 手 、 交 換 名 片 等 動 作 , 都 有 需要 注 意 的 地 方 ─ 握 手 的 力 度 要 適 中 , 遞 上 名 片時 名 片 正 面 要 朝 著 對 方 , 如 對 方 是 外 籍 人 士 則 須展 示 英 文 的 一 面 。 此 外 , 一 些 我 們 每 天 都 會 做 或習 以 為 常 的 事 情 , 如 站 立 、 坐 下 、 走 路 、 進 入汽 車 車 廂 、 上 落 樓 梯 、 在 升 降 機 內 、 接 待 到 訪的 客 人 、 用 電 話 交 談 和 撰 寫 電 郵 等 , 都 有 須 注 意的 基 本 禮 儀 。 我 們 的 一 舉 一 動 , 都 會 影 響 我 們 的形 象 , 一 不 留 心 , 便 會 給 予 別 人 不 專 業 的 感 覺 。張 小 姐 認 為 我 們 不 應 把 禮 儀 看 成 機 械 化 的 動 作 ,有 需 要 時 才 用 , 學 習 禮 儀 其 實 就 是 培 養 良 好 的習 慣 , 隨 時 隨 地 自 自 然 然 去 演 繹 就 可 以 了 。張 小 姐 講 述 了 一 個 真 實 個 案 。 一 位 前 往 面 試 的朋 友 步 入 升 降 機 後 , 看 見 有 一 個 人 急 步 趕 來 ,在 升 降 機 關 門 前 , 他 沒 有 按 住 開 門 掣讓 這 人 進 入 , 萬 料 不 到 這 人 正 是 面 見他 的 機 構 主 管 。 沒 有 注 意 這 一 個 簡 單的 禮 貌 動 作 , 就 差 點 兒 令 這 位 朋 友失 去 了 一 份 工 作 !良 好 的 形 象 和 禮 儀 能 幫 助 我 們 在 別 人心 中 留 下 好 印 象 , 但 要 進 一 步 建 立 和鞏 固 關 係 , 就 EO 而 言 , 除 了 本 身 具 備的 行 政 知 識 和 經 驗 外 , 亦 須 要 注 意 與人 溝 通 的 技 巧 。 張 小 姐 指 出 了 一 些值 得 我 們 留 意 的 地 方 , 例 如 要 適 當 地運 用 身 體 語 言 , 偶 爾 點 頭 表 示 理 解 或 同 意 , 親 切誠 懇 的 眼 神 和 面 帶 笑 容 亦 是 十 分 重 要 的 。上 完 張 小 姐 寶 貴 的 一 課 , 深 明 「 形 象 」 的 重 要性 , 讓 我 們 一 同 努 力 去 建 立 和 進 一 步 提 升 EO 的專 業 形 象 吧 !朱 周 嘉 儀9

二 十 位 行 政 主 任 剛 於 三 月 完 成 了 為 期十 六 個 星 期 的 人 力 資 源 管 理 課 程 。 除 了課 堂 學 習 外 , 課 程 亦 包 括 一 些 訪 問 活 動 。公 務 員 事 務 局 一 級 行 政 主 任 王 舟 飛 參 加了 這 一 期 的 課 程 , 下 文 記 錄 了 她 到 中 華電 力 有 限 公 司 青 山 發 電 廠 進 行 交 流 訪 問時 的 所 見 所 聞 。二 零 零 九 年 二 月 十 日 , 在 香 港 理 工 大 學 企 業 經管 人 才 發 展 中 心 的 安 排 下 , 我 們 一 行 二 十 位 行政 主 任 前 往 中 華 電 力 有 限 公 司 ( 下 稱 「 中 電 」) 的青 山 發 電 廠 進 行 訪 問 。 除 了 參 觀 廠 房 外 , 我 們此 行 的 主 要 目 的 是 了 解 中 電 的 人 力 資 源 管 理 策略 和 企 業 文 化 。參 觀 廠 房中 電 創 立 於 一 九 零 一 年 , 目 前 在 香 港 經 營 三 間發 電 廠 , 包 括 青 山 發 電 廠 、 龍 鼓 灘 發 電 廠 及竹 篙 灣 燃 氣 輪 機 發 電 廠 。 同 時 , 中 電 亦 向 深 圳的 廣 東 大 亞 灣 核 電 廠 及 從 化 的 廣 州 蓄 能 水 電 廠購 電 。 我 們 這 批 行 政 主 任 都 是 第 一 次 參 觀 發 電廠 。 當 旅 遊 車 駛 近 發 電 廠 時 , 我 們 便 看 到 高 高 的煙 , 煙 上 寫 大 大 的 「 煤 」 字 ; 當 旅 遊 車 駛進 發 電 廠 的 範 圍 時 , 我 們 更 看 見 一 座 座 的 煤 山 ,及 一 輛 輛 推 煤 及 運 煤 的 車 輛 。 同 事 們 早 有 準 備 ,紛 紛 拿 出 照 相 機 拍 攝 這 難 得 一 見 的 景 象 。原 來 青 山 發 電 廠 平 日 也 歡 迎 一 些 外 間 團 體 前 往參 觀 , 在 我 們 參 觀 當 日 , 便 遇 上 一 長 者 。 為方 便 參 觀 者 了 解 中 電 的 背 景 和 一 睹 廠 房 的 真 貌 ,中 電 特 別 安 排 員 工 擔 當 講 解 員 、 設 置 展 覽 廳 及 在廠 房 上 端 興 建 參 觀 走 廊 , 在 參 觀 走 廊 的 末 端 還 有一 個 偌 大 的 顯 示 屏 幕 , 參 觀 者 能 即 時 看 到 各 個發 電 站 的 供 電 量 。 原 來 每 個 發 電 站 的 供 電 量 會隨 每 日 時 段 及 季 節 的 不 同 而 轉 變 , 而 當 某 個發 電 站 有 機件 維 修 , 不 能全 面 供 電 時 ,另 一 個 供 電 站便 會 增 加 供電 量 , 使 用戶 不 致 受 到影 響 。以 人 為 本中 電 作 為 一 間 擁 有 百 多 年 歷 史 及 超 過 四 千 名 員 工的 大 公 司 , 深 明 要 在 市 場 上 站 穩 陣 腳 , 必 須 與 時並 進 。 除 發 展 設 備 優 良 的 廠 房 、 提 供 多 元 化 供 電外 , 吸 納 、 保 留 、 培 訓 及 發 展 人 才 亦 是 提 供 優 質服 務 和 保 持 競 爭 力 的 先 決 條 件 。 我 們 此 行 很 高 興能 夠 了 解 到 中 電 近 年 來 在 人 力 資 源 管 理 方 面 的 策略 性 決 定 及 進 行 改 革 方 面 的 經 驗 。12

中 電 的 其 中 一 個 價 值 觀 為 「 以 人 為 本 」, 包 括 信賴 和 尊 重 同 事 、 講 求 團 隊 精 神 , 並 鼓 勵 員 工 之 間經 常 保 持 開 放 及 坦 誠 的 溝 通 。 中 電 亦 向 員 工 許 下承 諾 , 要 透 過 開 放 的 雙 向 溝 通 , 鼓 勵 員 工 參 與 討論 , 從 公 司 各 個 層 面 指 出 問 題 和 發 表 意 見 , 締 造一 個 互 相 尊 重 、 信 任 和 了 解 的 文 化 。推 行 改 革在 二 十 世 紀 初 期 , 隨 原 料 費 用 的 增 加 , 用 戶 對服 務 質 素 的 要 求 日 益 提 高 , 社 會 對 環 保 亦 越 來 越重 視 , 中 電 除 了 要 面 對 外 來 的 壓 力 , 同 時 也 要 處理 公 司 的 內 部 問 題 , 包 括 設 備 和 員 工 老 化 、 員 工的 技 能 未 能 配 合 工 序 及 系 統 的 轉 變 、 員 工 對 政 策及 改 變 的 抗 拒 等 。 中 電 管 理 層 意 識 到 要 配 合 時 代的 改 變 , 提 高 市 場 的 競 爭 力 , 必 須 透 過 與 員 工 溝通 , 讓 他 們 了 解 公 司 面 對 的 困 難 , 從 而 推 行 改革 , 精 簡 架 構 和 工 作 流 程 , 及 減 少 營 運 開 支 。中 電 先 聘 用 人 事 顧 問 , 分 析 公 司 文 化 , 了 解 本 身的 強 項 及 弱 項 。 顧 問 公 司 的 調 查 顯 示 , 中 電 員工 擁 有 很 強 的 使 命 感 及 致 力 維 繫 公 司 的 傳 統 ,但 對 新 事 物 的 適 應 能 力 就 較 弱 , 這 跟 中 電 擁 有百 年 歷 史 及 員 工 的 平 均 年 資 為 二 十 年 的 背 景 有莫 大 關 係 。為 改 變 公 司 的 文 化 , 提 升員 工 的 適 應 能 力 , 減 低員 工 對 改 革 的 抗 拒 , 中 電推 行 了 一 連 串 的 措 施 。首 先 , 召 集 所 有 員 工 分批 舉 行 集 思 會 , 讓 他 們對 公 司 目 前 面 對 的 內 憂及 外 患 發 表 意 見 , 然 後把 集 思 會 收 集 到 的 意 見 用 兩 幅 大 型 漫 畫 描 繪公 司 的 內 部 問 題 及 外 在 壓 力 , 並 把 那 兩 幅 漫 畫張 貼 於 公 司 不 同 的 位 置 。 接 成 立 專 責 小 組(Continuous Improvement Team), 由 具 有 潛 質的 前 線 管 理 人 員 輪 流 出 任 主 管 , 就 改 進 公 司 的人 力 資 源 、 工 序 及 廠 房 設 備 等 提 出 意 見 。 同 時亦 把 部 分 人 力 資 源 的 權 力 和 工 作 下 放 給 前 主 管人 員 , 以 改 善 工 作 流 程 。此 外 , 中 電 成 立 了 勞 資 關 係 協 商 委 員 會 , 以 加 強員 工 及 管 方 的 溝 通 。 又 於 龍 鼓 灘 發 電 廠 定 期 舉 行公 開 論 壇 「 灘 開 講 」, 收 集 員 工 的 意 見 及 解 答員 工 對 公 司 政 策 的 疑 問 。 中 電 明 白 推 行 改 革 必 須製 造 一 個 雙 贏 的 局 面 , 所 以 在 推 行 各 項 改 革 的同 時 , 不 斷 強 調 一 個 訊 息 ─「 我 們 同 坐 一 條 船 」(“We are in the same boat.”)。 中 電 的 代 表 在 與我 們 分 享 時 笑 說 :「 人 力 資 源 管 理 的 最 高 層 次就 是 既 要 老 闆 高 興 , 又 要 員 工 開 心 。」企 業 公 民 的 責 任作 為 一 間 公 營 機 構 , 中 電 認 為 有 需 要 恪 守 良 好 企 業公 民 的 責 任 , 並 視 之 為 一 種 企 業 文 化 及 策 力的 表 現 。 多 年 來 中 電 都 舉 辦 或 參 與 不 同 的 社 區 及慈 善 籌 款 活 動 。 中 電 員 工 更 組 成 一 支 龐 大 的 義 工隊 , 服 務 不 同 的 社 。 除 此 之 外 , 中 電 也 為 保 護環 境 出 一 分 力 , 如 以 煙 氣 除 硫 的 方 法 減 低 在 用 煤發 電 時 產 生 的 硫 、 循 還 再 用 煤 渣 、 減 少 發 電 組 合的 碳 排 放 強 度 和 提 升 非 碳 排 放 的 發 電 量 等 。此 行 的 尾 聲 是 與 中 電 代 表 一 起 午 膳 , 在 閒 談 中 ,我 們 感 受 到 中 電 人 員 的 好 客 之 道 及 他 們 對 公 司 的一 份 歸 屬 感 。 我 們 在 享 受 美 食 之 餘 , 亦 不 忘 多 謝他 們 給 我 們 上 了 寶 貴 的 一 課 。王 舟 飛13

<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> – Understanding theWhys and Wherefores …“<strong>Wi</strong>reless” <strong>is</strong> rapidly gaining popularity nowadays. The Government has alsolaunched the Government <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Programme (Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>) which providesfree <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> facilities for the public at various Government prem<strong>is</strong>es.Now that increasing numbers of people are enjoyingthe convenience of wireless Internet services, it’s timefor us to learn more about <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> technology,and of course its security implications.14<strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> ?<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> <strong>is</strong> a wireless networking technology util<strong>is</strong>ingradio frequency to maintain communicationchannels between computers. It <strong>is</strong> an alternativeto wired networking that relies on copper and/orfibre optic cabling between network devices.Simply speaking, <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> works in the same way asthe local radio stations that we are familiar with –the station broadcasts the signals via an antennaand we use a radio to tune into the channels andl<strong>is</strong>ten to the voice and music. For <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> to operate, agear known as Access Point <strong>is</strong> required to broadcastthe wireless signals picked up by the receivingdevices. And in order to connect to an Access Pointthat provides the link to the Internet or other types ofnetworks, the receiving devices, be they computers,mobile phones, video game consoles or personaldigital ass<strong>is</strong>tants (PDAs), must also be equippedwith a <strong>Wi</strong>reless Network Adapter.Can I Build My Own <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Network?<strong>Wi</strong>th the decreasing cost of wireless products,it <strong>is</strong> not an unmanageable expense to set up anAccess Point at home to provide Internet accessand internetworking to all devices connected tothem. For example, perhaps you have a desktopcomputer for your kids plus a notebook computerand a <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong>-enabled mobile phone for yourself,which has already been built in with a <strong>Wi</strong>relessNetwork Adapter. All you have to do <strong>is</strong> to installa <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> router with broadband modem capabilityas an Access Point and have the computers andmobile phone connected to it using the built-in oradd-on <strong>Wi</strong>reless Network Adapter. Some advancedwireless routers also have the capability of linkingup external hard d<strong>is</strong>k and printer for shared use.Once the wireless networking <strong>is</strong> up and running,you and your kids can share the resources andsurf the Internet simultaneously. Also, <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> can beenjoyed in such locations as a bathroom or garden,where wired networking <strong>is</strong> not normally available.Sounds really cool, doesn’t it?Understanding the <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> BasicsThe procedures for setting up a basic <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong>network are only a few steps more than tuninginto a TV or radio channel. Would-be converts willhave a better understanding of the interoperabilityof <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> devices after getting acquainted with thefollowing terminologies:Service Set Identifier (SSID)SSID <strong>is</strong> the network ID or name of the AccessPoint during broadcast which <strong>is</strong> used to d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hdifferent wireless LANs, similar to the channelname for a radio station. When a client device hasto connect to a <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> network, its SSID must bethe same as that of the Access Point.Infrastructure Mode and Ad-hoc ModeDevices in a <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> network can be set up tocommunicate indirectly through a central AccessPoint known as Infrastructure Mode or directlyto other devices in a peer-to-peer topologycalled Ad Hoc Mode. Users may select eithercommunication mode for the network. InfrastructureMode takes advantage of the power of an AccessPoint to cover wide areas for connection fromvarious devices while Ad Hoc Mode connectionsare limited and may consume a substantial portionof system resources of the client devices tomaintain connectivity.

Network Security and Data Encryption StandardsThe default settings of most Access Points arenormally in an open and unencrypted mode. It <strong>is</strong>therefore adv<strong>is</strong>able to turn on the network security<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Protected Access (WPA or WPA2) as wellas data encryption, viz, Temporal Key IntegrityProtocol (TKIP) or Advanced Encryption Standard(AES). Don’t be scared off by the terms. If thesesecurity protocols are available in the network, youwill be prompted to choose the option. Just treatthem as features that should be enabled on the<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> devices for connection and communication.Coverage of <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Signals and InterferenceTheoretically speaking, <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> signals can reach100 metres in outdoor area. However, obstacles inbetween the Access Point and client devices mayweaken the signals and affect the transm<strong>is</strong>sionspeed. Moreover, the <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> network may alsosuffer interference if within the coverage areathere are other wireless networks using the samefrequency or electronic devices, such as wirelesshandsets and microwave ovens, using the samefrequency band.Staying Connected On-The-Go at<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> HotspotsIn addition to home and office use, <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> technologyhas been deployed to build wireless hotspotsin town, allowing the public to gain access toInternet through their own wireless devices. Peoplewith notebook computers, PDAs and mobilephones can now use<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> at the hotspotsin airports, coffeeshops, conveniencestores, restaurants,shopping malls andphone booths.<strong>Wi</strong>th the launching ofthe Government <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> Programme (Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>),the Government <strong>is</strong> progressively installing<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> facilities at prem<strong>is</strong>es such as publiclibraries, public enquiry service centres, sportscentres, cultural and recreational centres,job centres, community halls and parks, withthe aim of transforming Hong Kong into a<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> city. The already rolled out Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>locations can be found from the Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong> Locator athttp://www.gov.hk/en/theme/wifi/location/index.htm.The Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong> <strong>is</strong> free but to ensure fair use andmaintain reasonable performance, each connectionhas timeout control and bandwidth control. Gov<strong>Wi</strong><strong>Fi</strong>offers two connection methods and it <strong>is</strong> adv<strong>is</strong>ableto use the encrypted channel (SSID : freegovwifi-e)for better protection of privacy. The unencryptedchannel (SSID : freegovwifi) may be used fortransmitting non-sensitive information or generalweb-browsing. Detailed setup guides for differentoperating systems used by the <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> devicesare available at http://www.gov.hk/en/theme/wifi/guide/index.htm. It <strong>is</strong> worthmentioning that some devices suchas mobile phones may automaticallyswitch from free <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> to othercommercial wireless network suchas GPRS / 3G depending on signalstrength. To avoid unintentionallyconnecting to chargeable GPRS /3G or <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> services, it <strong>is</strong> prudent tod<strong>is</strong>able the feature providing automaticconnection to these networks.Security Tips in Using <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong>Users should never forget the securityimplications when using public <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> networksto access the Internet.• Always protect the devices with passwordsand anti-virus software using the latest virusdefinitions.• Encrypt sensitive data on the device and keep itaway from opportun<strong>is</strong>tic thieves.• D<strong>is</strong>able resource sharing protocol to avoidunintentional sharing of files and folders withunknown parties.• Always use the encrypted connection and avoidsending sensitive or personal information over apublic hotspot without proper security controls.<strong>Wi</strong>th the above measures properly in place, userscan enjoy the convenience of <strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong> service anytime they w<strong>is</strong>h at home, at work or at hotspots.<strong>Wi</strong>-<strong>Fi</strong>? Why not!Chr<strong>is</strong> Li15

EO BlogMain Page Management Ar ticles Guest Book Foldersconvicted of a traffic offence which <strong>is</strong> non-dutyrelatedwould not be subject to further d<strong>is</strong>ciplinaryaction unless drink driving or other m<strong>is</strong>conductunbecoming of a civil servant <strong>is</strong> involved.Defensive drivingDriving on a highway with a faster speed limit, ordriving on a wet road on a rainy day, may not atfirst appear to be dangerous. However no drivershould ever forget that the unexpected can alwayshappen, and the outcome depends on the dec<strong>is</strong>ionshe/she must make in a split second.Defensive driving courses are available frommotoring schools to teach you the strategy andhabits of driving safely on the road, and moreimportantly, letting you pract<strong>is</strong>e emergencyreactions such as countering a sudden skid.Staying calm and acting coolly in such a cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>easier said than done, so a practice sessionin a controlled environment could averta nasty accident, or worse.Scary manoeuvreI have twice taken part in driving experiencecourses, and one of the exerc<strong>is</strong>es was to avertan obstacle while travelling at about 100 km/hour.<strong>Wi</strong>thout braking I had to change lanes abruptly andthen get back into the original lane. Th<strong>is</strong> was quitea scary manoeuvre since doing th<strong>is</strong> at such a highspeed could overturn the car. In fact, some modelof cars would overturn at that speed – all the morereason for you to know your car well. You wouldalso need to be equally brave to hard-brake andsteer at such a speed and let the Anti-lock BrakingSystem work for you. However, after severalpractice sessions you will have a better feel overwhat should be done to avoid an accident.Skidding into real dangerMaybe readers will form the idea that I havenot had sufficient experience of a reallife cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong> at the wheel. Not true …Three days after I undertook to write th<strong>is</strong> article Ihad a narrow escape from what could have beenquite a serious accident.That morning I was as usual driving my wife to workbut when I was rounding a bend my car began toskid and drifted from the fast lane across the doublewhite lines to the slow lane. Fortunately, a bus inthe slow lane was a d<strong>is</strong>tance behind, neverthelessI had to gain control as fast as possible – and thereweren’t many choices. <strong>What</strong> I could control wasthe steering wheel, the brake and the gas pedal.Most drivers would probably have hit the brake toslow down the car. I knew I could not do th<strong>is</strong> asthe increased pressure on the front wheels wouldimmediately cause the car to spin and likely be hitfrom behind by the bus or a light goods vehicle(LGV) behind it, or that I would crash into the roadbarrier, or both.<strong>What</strong> I did was to steer to the opposite direction(yes, the opposite direction) to let the tyres gripthe road again, and then turned back to the fastlane where I had originally been. It had to be donewithin a fraction of a second, and it was the propercounter-measure – otherw<strong>is</strong>e I might not have beenable to write th<strong>is</strong> article.You must be wondering whether I was speeding.No – the skid was caused by some grease orsomething slippery on that part of the road. Andwhen I looked into the rear mirror a couple ofseconds later, I saw the LGV had fallen into thesame trap and crashed into the road barrier!Every day for the past 15 years I have been safelydriving through the same bend. The lesson for allof us <strong>is</strong> simple – Stay alert all the time.To all you motor<strong>is</strong>ts out there I w<strong>is</strong>h you safeand happy driving – and, for the goodof yourself, your passengers andother road-users, please notone drink!17

SPEO & PEO PromoteesPromotionPromotion results of the ranks of SPEO andPEO, CEO, SEO and EOI were announcedon 16, 20 and 28 April 2009 respectively.Congratulations to 144 EOs on the promotionl<strong>is</strong>t, including –> 1 PEO to SPEO> 5 CEOs to PEO> 21 SEOs to CEO> 39 EOsI to SEO> 78 EOsII to EOIPatrick Chan (DGG), Lee Yau Kwong, Angel Choi,Mr. Andrew Wong (PSCS), Vivian Ting, Vicky Kwan &Margaret Chan (SPEO(G)) (from left to right)Helena Chan (left) & DGGCEO PromoteesCandice Ho (left) & DGGBack row, from left to right: Wong King Tong, Yung Ying Fai, Derek Lee,Ho Fook Wah, Grace Wong, David Ho, Fausta Ng, Angela Ho, Ruby Au,Lowell Cho, Cheung Suet Fan & Tong Kit ManFront row, from left to right: Loretta Yan, An<strong>is</strong>sa Li, Ann Ho,Margaret Chan (SPEO(G)), Patrick Chan (DGG), L<strong>is</strong>a Lai, Anita Lo,Jersey Yuen, Janny Wun & Elizabeth MokCharling Li (left) & DGG21

Staff Movement in GGOAdia Lam ( 林 詠 恩 ), Timmy Poon ( 潘 國 樑 ) andKaty Ip ( 葉 海 寧 ) have recently joined the Office totake up the posts of S(G)TD2, S(Ex)1 and E(Ex)respectively.We also bid farewell to Franc<strong>is</strong> Cheng ( 鄭 嘉 文 ),Catherine Wong ( 王 惠 儀 ), Tracy Lin ( 林 伏 特 ) andBonita Wong ( 王 桂 珠 ) who have left the Office in thepast few months.RetirementAdia Lam, Timmy Poon & Katy Ip (from left to right)We w<strong>is</strong>h the following colleagues many years of healthy and happy retirement –November 2008Leung Wong Le, Alice, BBS 梁 黃 勵 SPEOTo Siu-hun 杜 紹 翰 PEOChan Shui-nam 陳 垂 南 CEOLeung Suk-yi, Anita 梁 淑 儀 CEOCheng Hon-kwong, Stephen 鄭 漢 光 SEODecember 2008Chow Chor-kong, David 周 礎 剛 PEOYau Man-to, Gary 丘 文 滔 SEOJanuary 2009Chan Siu-fai, Bosco 陳 兆 輝 SEOLam Mo-yan, Maria 林 慕 恩 EOIMarch 2009Fung Law Yuk-han, Chr<strong>is</strong>tine 馮 羅 玉 嫻 CEOApril 2009Kwan Tin-chung 關 天 縱 EOIIMay 2009Toong Shui-tze, <strong>Wi</strong>lma 董 穗 子 PEOLi Yu-chau 李 宇 周 SEO22

TrainingCongratulations to 34 colleagues who successfully completeda t a i l o r - m a d e l e g a l p r o g r a m m e c o n d u c t e d b y t h e S c h o o lof Professional and Continuing Education of the University ofHong Kong. They had sat<strong>is</strong>fied the requirements of the Board ofExaminers and were awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Lawfor Human Resource Managers on 20 January 2009. Among them,4 graduated with d<strong>is</strong>tinction!Another 20 colleagues went through a 4-month HRM Programme for EOsIand II organ<strong>is</strong>ed by the Management Executive Development Centreof the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and graduated on 10 March2009. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> another tailor-made programme which aims at enhancingthe professional<strong>is</strong>m of EOsI and II in HRM, with particular emphas<strong>is</strong> onthe application of HRM theories and the best practices in the public andprivate sectors.23

Recruitment ofExecutive Officer IISince the launch of the recruitment exerc<strong>is</strong>e lastSeptember, all selection interviews were concluded inApril 2009 and we are happy to announce that the firstbatch of recruits joined the Grade on 4 May 2009.The GGO has also participated in the career exhibitionsin the University of Hong Kong and the Hong KongPolytechnic University in March 2009.Retirement ReceptionA retirement reception was held on 15 January 2009.About 100 colleagues attended the reception to bidfarewell to Alice Leung, SPEO, Alfred Fok, PEO, DavidChow, PEO and Angela Cheung, CEO.David Chow, Angela Cheung, Patrick Chan (DGG),Alice Leung, Alfred Fok & Margaret Chan (SPEO(G))(from left to right)24Edith TongPaul FongAnthony LeeEvelyn LeungChr<strong>is</strong> LiDavid SoLam FaiErich TamStella LauRocky TsangGilda CheungStephen WuPamela LoHermes ChanAlice ChuRuby LukLawrence LauEddy CheungMay WongLi Chung-kanLennon WongGeoffrey Somers(Contract Editor)Your contributions are most welcome. Please sendthem to Ruby Luk, S(G)TD5, throughTelephone : 2231 3945Mail : 4/F, North Point Government Offices,333 Java Road, Hong KongFax : 2850 4391E-mail : csbggo@csb.gov.hkTh<strong>is</strong> newsletter <strong>is</strong> also available athttp://www.egrin.gov.hk

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