IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices


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<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

56<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

communities in the stratified water column and<br />

sediment–water interface in two freshwater lakes<br />

and the Baltic Sea. Aquatic Ecology, 45 (1), 99-<br />

112, DOI 10.1007/s10452-010-9335-7.<br />

Kindler, P., Godefroid, F., Chiaradia, M., Ehlert,<br />

C., Eisenhauer, A., Frank, M., Hasler, C. A. and<br />

Samankassou, E., <strong>2011</strong>: Discovery of Miocene to<br />

early Pleistocene deposits on Mayaguana, Bahamas:<br />

Evidence for recent active tectonism on the<br />

North American margin. Geology, 39 (6), 523-<br />

526, DOI 10.1130/G3<strong>2011</strong>.1.<br />

Kisakurek, B., Eisenhauer, A., Böhm, F.,<br />

Hathorne, E. C. and Erez, J., <strong>2011</strong>: Controls on<br />

calcium isotope fractionation in cultured planktic<br />

foraminifera, Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinella<br />

siphonifera. Geochimica et Cosmochimica<br />

Acta, 75 (2), 427-443, DOI 10.1016/j.<br />

gca.2010.10.015.<br />

Klevenz, V., Bach, W., Schmidt, K., Hentscher,<br />

M., Koschinsky, A. and Petersen, S., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Geochemistry of vent fluid particles formed during<br />

initial hydrothermal fluid–seawater mixing<br />

along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry<br />

Geophysics Geosystems, 12, Q0AE05, DOI<br />

10.1029/<strong>2011</strong>GC003704.<br />

Klügel, A., Hansteen, T. H., van den Bogaard,<br />

P., Strauss, H. and Hauff, F., <strong>2011</strong>: Holocene<br />

fluid venting at an extinct Cretaceous seamount,<br />

Canary archipelago. Geology, 39, 855-858, DOI<br />

10.1130/G32006.1.<br />

Kopp, H., Weinzierl, W., Becel, A., Charvis,<br />

P., Evain, M., Flueh, E. R., Gailler, A., Galve, A.,<br />

Hirn, A., Kandilarov, A., Klaeschen, D., Laigle,<br />

M., Papenberg, C., Planert, L. and Roux, E.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Deep structure of the central Lesser Antilles<br />

Island Arc: relevance for the formation of<br />

continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science<br />

Letters, 304 (1-2), 121-134, DOI 10.1016/j.<br />

epsl.<strong>2011</strong>.01.024.<br />

Koulakov, I., Kopp, H. and Stupina, T., <strong>2011</strong>: Finding<br />

a realistic velocity distribution based on iterat-<br />

ing forward modelling and tomographic inversion.<br />

Geophysical Journal International, 186 (1), 349-<br />

358, DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.<strong>2011</strong>.05034.x.<br />

Kramer, M. and Kiko, R., <strong>2011</strong>: Brackish meltponds<br />

on Arctic sea ice - a new habitat for marine<br />

metazoans. Polar Biology, 34 (4), 603-608, DOI<br />

10.1007/s00300-010-0911-z.<br />

Kramer, M., Swadling, K. M., Meiners, K. M.,<br />

Kiko, R., Scheltz, A., Nicolaus, M. and Werner,<br />

I., <strong>2011</strong>: Antarctic sympagic meiofauna in winter:<br />

Comparing diversity, abundance and biomass<br />

between perennially and seasonally ice-covered<br />

regions. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies<br />

in Oceanography, 58 (9-10), 1062-1074, DOI<br />

10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.029.<br />

Krastel, S., Wefer, G., Hanebuth, T. J. J., Antobreh,<br />

A. A., Freudenthal, T., Preu, B., Schwenk,<br />

T., Strasser, M., Violante, R. and Winkelmann,<br />

D., <strong>2011</strong>: Sediment dynamics and geohazards off<br />

Uruguay and the de la Plata River region (northern<br />

Argentina and Uruguay). Geo-Marine Letters,<br />

31, 271-283, DOI 10.1007/s00367-011-0232-4.<br />

Krebs, U., Park, W. and Schneider, B., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Pliocene aridification of Australia caused by tectonically<br />

induced weakening of the Indonesian<br />

throughflow. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,<br />

Palaeoecology, 309 (1-2), 111-117, DOI<br />

10.1016/j.palaeo.<strong>2011</strong>.06.002.<br />

Kriest, I. and Oschlies, A., <strong>2011</strong>: Numerical<br />

effects on organic-matter sedimentation and<br />

remineralization in biogeochemical ocean models.<br />

Ocean Modelling, 39 (3-4), 275-283, DOI<br />

10.1016/j.ocemod.<strong>2011</strong>.05.001.<br />

Krug, S., Schulz, K. and Riebesell, U., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Effects of changes in carbonate chemistry speciation<br />

on Coccolithus braarudii: a discussion of coccolithophorid<br />

sensitivities. Biogeosciences (BG),<br />

8, 771-777, DOI 10.5194/bg-8-771-<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Krumpen, T., Hölemann, J. A., Willmes, S., Morales<br />

Maqueda, M. A., Busche, T., Dmitrenko, I. A.,<br />

Gerdes, R., Haas, C., Heinemann, G., Hendricks,<br />

- <strong>IFM</strong>-<strong>GEOMAR</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<br />

S., Kassens, H., Rabenstein, L. and Schröder, D.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Sea ice production and water mass modification<br />

in the eastern Laptev Sea. Journal of Geophysical<br />

Research - Oceans, 116, C05014, DOI<br />

10.1029/2010JC006545.<br />

Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Eggleton, J. D., Aldridge, J.,<br />

Bergman, M. J. N., Cochrane, S., Craeymeersch,<br />

J. A., Degraer, S., Desroy, N., Dewarumez, J. M.,<br />

Duineveld, G. C. A., Essink, K., Hillewaert, H.,<br />

Lavaleye, M. S. S., Moll, A., Nehring, S., Newell,<br />

R., Oug, E., Pohlmann, T., Rachor, E., Robertson,<br />

M., Rumohr, H., Schratzberger, M., Smith, R.,<br />

Berghe, E. V., van Dalfsen, J., van Hoey, G., Vincx,<br />

M., Willems, W. and Rees, H. L., <strong>2011</strong>: Changes<br />

in North Sea macrofauna communities and species<br />

distribution between 1986 and 2000. Estuarine,<br />

Coastal and Shelf Science, 94 (1), 1-15, DOI<br />

10.1016/j.ecss.<strong>2011</strong>.04.008.<br />

Kubicek, A., Bessho, K., Nakaoka, M., Wahl, M.<br />

and Lenz, M., <strong>2011</strong>: Inducible defence and its<br />

modulation by environmental stress in the red<br />

alga Chondrus yendoi (Yamada and Mikami,<br />

1965) from Honshu Island, Japan. Journal of Experimental<br />

Marine Biology and Ecology, 397 (2),<br />

208-213, DOI 10.1016/j.jembe.2010.11.025.<br />

Kuhnt, W., Holbourn, A. and Moullade, M., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Transient global cooling at onset of early Aptian<br />

Anoxic Event (OAE1a). Geology, 39 (4), 323-326,<br />

DOI 10.1130/G31554.1.<br />

Kutterolf, S., Freundt, A. and Burkert, C.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Eruptive history and magmatic evolution<br />

of the 1.9 ka Plinian dacitic Chiltepe Tephra from<br />

Apoyeque volcano in west-central Nicaragua.<br />

Bulletin of Volcanology, 73 (7), 811-831, DOI<br />

10.1007/s00445-011-0457-0.<br />

Lube, G., Huppert, H. E., Sparks, R. S. J. and Freundt,<br />

A., <strong>2011</strong>: Granular column collapses down<br />

rough, inclined channels. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,<br />

675, 347-368, DOI 10.1017/jfm.<strong>2011</strong>.21.<br />

Lachnit, T., Meske, D., Wahl, M., Harder, T. and<br />

Schmitz-Streit, R., <strong>2011</strong>: Epibacterial community

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