IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices


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<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

48<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

storminess and the North Atlantic Oscillation: Observations<br />

and projected changes. Atmospheric<br />

Research, 101 (4), 809-834, DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.<strong>2011</strong>.04.007.<br />

Bahr, A., Nürnberg, D., Schönfeld, J. and<br />

Garbe-Schönberg, D., <strong>2011</strong>: Hydrological variability<br />

in Florida Straits during Marine Isotope<br />

Stage 5 cold events. Paleoceanography, 26 (2),<br />

PA2214, DOI 10.1029/2010PA002015.<br />

Baldanza, A., Bizzarri, R. and Hepach, H., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

New biostratigraphic data from the Early Pleistocene<br />

tyrrhenian PALEOCOAST (Western Umbria,<br />

Central Italy). Geologia Croatica, 64 (2), 133-<br />

142, DOI 10.4154/gc.<strong>2011</strong>.11.<br />

Bangs, N. L. B., Hornbach, M. J. and Berndt, C.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: The mechanics of intermittent methane<br />

venting at South Hydrate Ridge inferred from 4D<br />

seismic surveying. Earth and Planetary Science<br />

Letters, 310 (1-2), 105-112, DOI 10.1016/j.<br />

epsl.<strong>2011</strong>.06.022.<br />

Barker, A.K., Troll, V.R., Ellam, R.M., Hansteen,<br />

T.H., Harris, C., Stillman, C.J., Andersson, A.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Magmatic evolution of the Cadamosto<br />

Seamount, Cape Verde: beyond the spatial extent<br />

of EM1. Contrib Mineral Petrol, DOI 10.1007/<br />

s00410-011-0708-2<br />

Bauch, D., Gröger, M., Dmitrenko, I., Hölemann,<br />

J., Kirillov, S., Mackensen, A., Taldenkova,<br />

E. and Andersen, N., <strong>2011</strong>: Atmospheric controlled<br />

freshwater release at the Laptev Sea Continental<br />

margin. Polar Research, 30, 5858-5871,<br />

DOI 10.3402/polar.v30i0.5858.<br />

Bauch, D., Hölemann, J., Andersen, N., Dobrotina,<br />

E., Nikulina, A. and Kassens, H., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

The Arctic shelf regions as a source of freshwater<br />

and brine-enriched waters as revealed from<br />

stable oxygen isotopes. Polarforschung, 80 (3),<br />

127-140, DOI10013/epic.38389.d001 .<br />

Bauch, D., Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Andersen,<br />

N., Torres-Valdes, S., Bakker, K. and Abrahamsen,<br />

E. P., <strong>2011</strong>: Origin of freshwater and polynya wa-<br />

ter in the Arctic Ocean halocline in summer 2007.<br />

Progress in Oceanography, 91, 482-495, DOI<br />

10.1016/j.pocean.<strong>2011</strong>.07.017.<br />

Bauch, H. A., Kandiano, E., Helmke, J., Andersen,<br />

N., Rosell-Mele, A. and Erlenkeuser, H.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Climatic bisection of the last interglacial<br />

warm period in the Polar North Atlantic. Quaternary<br />

Science Reviews, 30 (15-16), 1813-1818,<br />

DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.<strong>2011</strong>.05.012.<br />

Bauch, T., Reijmer, J., McNeill, D. F. and<br />

Schäfer, P., <strong>2011</strong>: Development of a Pliocene<br />

mixed-carbonate siliciclastic reef (Limon, Costa<br />

Rica). Sedimentary Geology, 239 (1/2), 37-47,<br />

DOI 10.1016/j.sedgeo.<strong>2011</strong>.05.001.<br />

Beal, L. M., De Ruijter, W. P. M., Biastoch, A.,<br />

Zahn, R., Cronin, M., Hermes, J., Lutjeharms, J.,<br />

Quartly, G., Tozuka, T., Baker-Yeboah, S., Bornman,<br />

T., Cipollini, P., Dijkstra, H., Hall, I., Park,<br />

W., Peeters, F., Penven, P., Ridderinkhof, H. and<br />

Zinke, J., <strong>2011</strong>: On the role of the Agulhas system<br />

in ocean circulation and climate. Nature, 472<br />

(7344), 429-436, DOI 10.1038/nature09983.<br />

Bengtsson, L., Hodges, K. I., Koumoutsaris, S.,<br />

Zahn, M. and Keenlyside, N. S., <strong>2011</strong>: The<br />

changing atmospheric water cycle in Polar Regions<br />

in a warmer climate. Tellus A, 63 (5), 907-<br />

920, DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0870.<strong>2011</strong>.00534.x.<br />

Berenos, C., Schmid-Hempel, P. and Wegner,<br />

M., <strong>2011</strong>: Experimental coevolution leads to a decrease<br />

in parasite-induced host mortality. Journal<br />

of Evolutionary Biology, 24 (8), 1777-1782, DOI<br />

10.1111/j.1420-9101.<strong>2011</strong>.02306.x.<br />

Berenos, C., Wegner, M. and Schmid-Hempel,<br />

P., <strong>2011</strong>: Antagonistic coevolution with parasites<br />

maintains host genetic diversity: an experimental<br />

test. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological<br />

Sciences, 278 (1703), 218-224, DOI 10.1098/<br />

rspb.2010.1211.<br />

Bergmann, N., Fricke, B., Schmidt, M., Tams,<br />

V., Beining, K., Schwitte, H., Boettcher, A. A.,<br />

Martin, D. L., Bockelmann, A., Reusch, T. B.<br />

- <strong>IFM</strong>-<strong>GEOMAR</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<br />

H. and Rauch, G., <strong>2011</strong>: A quantitative real-time<br />

polymerase chain reaction assay for the seagrass<br />

pathogen Labyrinthula zosterae. Molecular<br />

Ecology Resources, 11 (6), 1076-1081, DOI<br />

10.1111/j.1755-0998.<strong>2011</strong>.03051.x.<br />

Bertram, C., Krätschell, A., O’Brien, K., Brückmann,<br />

W., Proelss, A. and Rehdanz, K., <strong>2011</strong>:<br />

Metalliferous sediments in the Atlantis II Deep—<br />

Assessing the geological and economic resource<br />

potential and legal constraints. Resources Policy,<br />

36 (4), 315-329, DOI 10.1016/j.resourpol.<strong>2011</strong>.09.001.<br />

Biastoch, A., Treude, T., Rüpke, L. H., Riebesell,<br />

U., Roth, C., Burwicz, E. B., Park, W.,<br />

Latif, M., Böning, C. W., Madec, G. and Wallmann,<br />

K., <strong>2011</strong>: Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures<br />

cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean<br />

acidification. Geophysical Research Letters, 38<br />

(8), L08602, DOI 10.1029/<strong>2011</strong>GL047222.<br />

Bluhm, K., Croot, P., Huhn, O., Rohardt, G. and<br />

Lochte, K., <strong>2011</strong>: Distribution of iodide and iodate<br />

in the Atlantic sector of the southern ocean<br />

during austral summer. Deep-Sea Research Part<br />

II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58 (25-26),<br />

2733-2748, DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.<strong>2011</strong>.02.002.<br />

Bockelmann, A., Wels, T. and Bakker, J. P.,<br />

<strong>2011</strong>: Seed origin determines the range expansion<br />

of the clonal grass Elymus athericus. Basic<br />

and Applied Ecology, 12 (6), 496-504.<br />

Bohlen, L., Dale, A., Sommer, S., Mosch, T.,<br />

Hensen, C., Noffke, A., Scholz, F. and Wallmann,<br />

K., <strong>2011</strong>: Benthic Nitrogen Cycling Traversing<br />

the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone.<br />

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (20),<br />

6094-6111, DOI 10.1016/j.gca.<strong>2011</strong>.08.010.<br />

Borchard, C., Borges, A., Händel, N. and Engel,<br />

A., <strong>2011</strong>: Biogeochemical response of Emiliania<br />

huxleyi (PML B92/11) to elevated CO 2 and temperature<br />

under phosphorous limitation: a chemostat<br />

study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology<br />

and Ecology, 410, 61-71,

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