IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices


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<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

136<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

Systematic Bacteriology<br />

ICCM Instituto Canario de Cencias Marinas,<br />

Las Palmas, Spain<br />

ICES International Council for the<br />

Exploration of the Seas<br />

ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-<br />

ordination Association<br />

IEO Instituto Español de Oceanografía<br />

IfM Institut für Meereskunde, Hamburg<br />

IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour<br />

l’Exploitation de la Mer, Brest, France<br />

IFT Leibniz-Institut für<br />

Tropospherenforschung<br />

IGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere<br />

Programme<br />

IGOOS IOC-WMO-UNEP Committee for GOOS<br />

IHLS International Herring Larvae Survey<br />

(ICES)<br />

IMAU Institut für Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Research Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

IMO International Maritime Organization<br />

INQUA-Morss International Union for Quaternary<br />

Research-Morss<br />

INTAS International Association for the<br />

promotion of cooperation with<br />

scientists from the independent states<br />

of the former Soviet UnionIOC<br />

Intergovernmental Oceanographic<br />

Commission<br />

IODP Integrated Ocean Drilling Program<br />

IOW Institut für Osteeforschung,<br />

Warnemünde<br />

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate<br />

Change<br />

IPIMAR Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e<br />

do Mar, Lisboa<br />

IPRC International Pacific Research<br />

Institute, Honolulu, USA<br />

IRCCM International Research Consortium for<br />

Continental Margins<br />

IRONAGES Iron Resources and Oceanic Nutrients-<br />

Advancement of Global Environment<br />

Simulations<br />

ISCCP International Satellite Cloud<br />

Climatology Project<br />

ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone<br />

IUB International University Bremen<br />

IUGG International Union of Geodesy and<br />

Geophysics<br />

KALMAR Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean<br />

Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems<br />

KAUST King Abdullah University of Science<br />

and Technology<br />

KCM Kiel Climate Model<br />

KDM Konsortium Deutsche<br />

Meeresforschung<br />

KNMI Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch<br />

Instituut, de Bilt, The Netherlands<br />

KOFST Korean Federation of Science and<br />

Technolgoy Societies<br />

LATFRI Latvian Fisheries Research Institute<br />

LIP Large Igneous Provinces<br />

LOICZ Land Ocean Interactions in the<br />

Coastal Zone (IGBP component)<br />

LSW Labrador Sea Water<br />

MACOM Maternal effects on Atlantic cod<br />

recuitment and implications for<br />

management strategies (EU Project)<br />

MAR Mid Atlantic Ridge<br />

MAR-ECO Project Patterns and Processes of the<br />

Ecosystem of the Northern Mid-<br />

Atlantic<br />

MARBEF Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem<br />

Functioning EU Network of Excellence<br />

MARE Marine Artificial Recirculated<br />

Ecosystem<br />

MATER Mediterranean Targeted Project-Mass<br />

Transfer and Ecosystem Response<br />

MCEV Multidecadal and Centennial ENSO<br />

Variability<br />

MOC Meridional Overturning Circulation<br />

MODOO Modular Deep Ocean Observatory<br />

MOVE Meridional Overturning Variability<br />

Experiment<br />

MPIfM Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie<br />

MRI Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik,<br />

Iceland<br />

MSG-IR Meteosat Second Generation-Infrared<br />

NAC North Atlantic Current<br />

NADW North Atlantic Deep Water<br />

NAFO Northwest Atlantic Fisheries<br />

Organization<br />

- <strong>IFM</strong>-<strong>GEOMAR</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> -<br />

NAO North Atlantic Oscillation<br />

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization<br />

NBUC North Brazil Undercurrent<br />

NCAR National Center for Atmospheric<br />

Research, Boulder, USA<br />

NCEP National Center for Environmental<br />

Prediction (NOAA)<br />

NEMO Nucleus for European Modelling of the<br />

Ocean<br />

NERC National Environmental Research<br />

Council<br />

NEUC/SEUC North Equatorial Undercurrent / South<br />

Equatorial Undercurrent<br />

NIOZ Nederlandse Instituut voor Onderzoek<br />

der Zee, The Netherlands<br />

NIWA National Institute of Water and<br />

Atmospheric Research (NZ)<br />

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration<br />

NOAA-AOML National Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration – Atlantic<br />

Oceanographic and Meteorological<br />

Laboratory, Miami, USA<br />

NOC National Oceanography Centre,<br />

Southampton, UK<br />

NOCES Northern Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon<br />

Exchange Study<br />

NOW Nederlandse Organisatie voor<br />

Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek<br />

NSERC National Science and Engineering<br />

Research Council (CDN)<br />

NSF National Science Foundation, USA<br />

OBH Ocean Bottom Hydrophones<br />

OBIS Ocean Biogeographic Information<br />

System<br />

OBS Ocean-Bottom-Seismometers<br />

OBU Ocean-Bottom-Unit<br />

OCTOPUS Ocean Tomography Operational<br />

Package and Utilization Support<br />

OMAE Offshore Mechanics and Arctic<br />

Engineering<br />

OMEX Ocean Margin Exchange<br />

OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue<br />

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak<br />

Ridge, USA<br />

OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the

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