IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices

IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report 2011 Appendices


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Research Division 3: Marine Ecology<br />

<strong>Appendices</strong><br />

Advanced Course in Biological Oceanography, V; 3 SWS Sommer, U., Imhoff, J.F., Riebesell, U., LaRoche, J.,<br />

Reusch, Th.B.H., Weinberger, F., Piepenburg, D., Garthe, S.,<br />

Siebert, U., Wahl, M., Eizaguirre, Ch., Treude, T., Wegner,<br />

M., Winder, M.<br />

Advanced Course in Biological Oceanography, Practical Part A1, P; 5 SWS Reusch, Th.B.H., Melzner, F., Weinberger, F., Eizaguirre, Ch.,<br />

Roth, O.<br />

Advanced Course in Biological Oceanography, Practical Part A2, P Wahl, M., Weinberger, F.<br />

Advanced Course in Biological Oceanography, Practical Part B1, P; 5 SWS Sommer, U., Winder, M., Javidpour, J.<br />

Advanced Course in Biological Oceanography, Practical Part C, P; 5 SWS Süling, J., Imhoff, J.F., LaRoche, J.<br />

Bestimmungskurs an Meeres- Fauna und Flora (Ergänzungsveranstaltung), P; 4 SWS Wahl, M., Rumohr, H., Schütt, R.<br />

Einführung in die Meeresbiologie, EX; 2 SWS Sommer, U., Imhoff, J.F., Wahl, M., Riebesell, U., Reusch,<br />

Th.B.H.<br />

Current Topics in Marine Ecology I, S; 2 SWS Sommer, U., Wahl, M.<br />

Current Topics in Marine Ecology I, V; 3 SWS; Sommer, U., Wahl, M.<br />

Sea Bird Ecology MNF-bioc-264 Special Course, P; 4 SWS Garthe, S.<br />

Seminar der Marinen und Molekularen Mikrobiologie, S; 2 SWS Imhoff, J.F.<br />

Seminar Evolutionsökologie Mariner Fische, S; 1 SWS Reusch, Th.B.H., Eizaguirre, Ch., Wegner, M.<br />

Research Division 4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor<br />

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen in der Marinen Geodynamik, S; 2 SWS Behrmann, J.H., Kopp, H.<br />

Digitale Bearbeitung geophysikalischer Daten: Seismische Interpretation, V/UE; 2 SWS Krastel-Gudegast, S.<br />

Finite element modeling of convection in porous media, V/UE; 3 SWS Rüpke, L.<br />

Geophysikalische Feld- oder Seemessungen (Feldmessungen) P; 6 SWS Berndt, Ch., Krastel-Gudegast, S., Thorwart, M.<br />

Magmatische Prozesse und Plattentektonik, V; 2 SWS Hoernle, K.<br />

Marine Geophysik, V/UE; 4 SWS Berndt, Ch., Grevemeyer, I.<br />

Physische Vulkanologie, V/UE; 2 SWS Freundt, A., Kutterolf, S.<br />

- <strong>IFM</strong>-<strong>GEOMAR</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - 133<br />


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