talanx group annual report 2011 en

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The Talanx Group Strategy Enterprise<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />

Research and<br />

developm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Markets and<br />

g<strong>en</strong>eral conditions<br />

Total remuneration received by active members of the Board of Managem<strong>en</strong>t pursuant to DRS 17 (am<strong>en</strong>ded 2010)<br />

Name<br />

Non-performance-based<br />

remuneration<br />

Short-term<br />

Performance-based<br />

remuneration 1)<br />

Mediumterm<br />

Longterm<br />

Bonus bank Share awards<br />


Fixed remuneration<br />

Non-cash<br />

comp<strong>en</strong>sation/fringe<br />

b<strong>en</strong>efits<br />

Variable<br />

remuneration<br />

payable<br />

(60%)<br />

thereof<br />

remuneration<br />

from seats<br />

with Group<br />

bodies 2)<br />

Amount<br />

allocated to<br />

bonus bank 3)<br />

(20%)<br />

Value of<br />

share awards<br />

granted 4)<br />

(20%)<br />

Business<br />

developm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Exp<strong>en</strong>se for<br />

share-based<br />

remuneration<br />

5) Total 6)<br />

Assets and<br />

financial position<br />

Estimated<br />

number<br />

of Talanx<br />

share<br />

awards 7)<br />

Estimated<br />

number of<br />

Hannover<br />

Re share<br />

awards 8)<br />

In EUR thousand<br />

Herbert K. Haas 714 21 708 468 236 236 40 1,915 7.05 –<br />

Dr. Christian Hinsch 504 14 430 14 143 143 24 1,234 4.27 –<br />

Torst<strong>en</strong> Leue 9) 560 113 415 11 138 138 25 1,364 4.12 –<br />

Dr. Thomas Noth 500 17 196 65 65 16 843 1.94 –<br />

Dr. Immo Querner 544 9 436 204 145 145 25 1,279 4.33 –<br />

Dr. Heinz-Peter Roß 9) 560 165 415 83 138 138 34 1,416 4.12 –<br />

Ulrich Wallin 10), 11) 520 33 824 275 572 232 2,224 1.25 6,072<br />

Total <strong>2011</strong> 12) 3,902 372 3,088 780 1,140 1,437 396 9,939 27.08 6,072<br />

Total 2010 13) 2,717 358 3,702 575 – 258 246 7,035 – –<br />

1) As at the <strong>2011</strong> balance sheet date no Board resolution was available regarding the amount of performance-based remuneration for <strong>2011</strong>. The amounts are recognised on the<br />

basis of estimates and the provisions constituted accordingly<br />

2) Remuneration from supervisory board seats at affiliated companies netted with the variable remuneration payable for <strong>2011</strong><br />

3) The nominal amount is stated; full or partial paym<strong>en</strong>t is made in 2015, dep<strong>en</strong>ding on the developm<strong>en</strong>t until such time of the balance in the bonus bank<br />

4) The nominal amount of the share awards to be granted is stated; the equival<strong>en</strong>t amount of the share awards will be paid out in 2016 at the relevant value prevailing at this<br />

time. In the case of Mr. Wallin including stock appreciation rights of Hannover Re awarded in the year under review in an amount of altogether EUR 297 (258) thousand<br />

(cf. footnote 11)<br />

5) The exp<strong>en</strong>se for share awards is recognised pro rata in the year under review dep<strong>en</strong>ding upon the duration of the respective contract of employm<strong>en</strong>t. In the case of Mr. Wallin<br />

including the exp<strong>en</strong>se for stock appreciation rights of Hannover Re exercised in the year under review in an amount of EUR 139 (22) thousand as well as the <strong>2011</strong> allocation<br />

to the provision for existing stock appreciation rights in an amount of EUR 29 (224) thousand<br />

6) Total of I, II, III, V, VI<br />

7) In order to calculate the number of Talanx share awards refer<strong>en</strong>ce was made to the book value of the shareholders’ equity per share, as calculated from the consolidated<br />

financial statem<strong>en</strong>t for the year under review drawn up in accordance with international accounting standards as defined by § 315a German Commercial Code (HGB)<br />

8) In order to calculate the number of Hannover Re share awards refer<strong>en</strong>ce was made to the Xetra closing price of the Hannover Re share on 31 December <strong>2011</strong>. The number of<br />

Hannover Re share awards to be actually awarded is established from the arithmetic mean of the Xetra closing prices of the Hannover Re share in a period from five trading<br />

days before to five trading days after the meeting of the Supervisory Board that approves the consolidated financial statem<strong>en</strong>t in March 2012<br />

9) The non-cash comp<strong>en</strong>sation and fringe b<strong>en</strong>efits of Mr. Leue and Dr. Roß include the non-performance-based additional paym<strong>en</strong>ts granted with the fixed remuneration for<br />

the month of December<br />

10) For the <strong>2011</strong> financial year Mr. Wallin receives Talanx share awards worth EUR 42 thousand (1.25 share awards) and Hannover Re share awards worth EUR 233 thousand<br />

(6,072 share awards)<br />

11) For the 2010 financial year Mr. Wallin was granted 57,500 stock appreciation rights of Hannover Re worth altogether EUR 297 thousand in the year under review. These<br />

were recognised at their fair value (according to the Black-Scholes option pricing model) at the time wh<strong>en</strong> they were granted (8 March <strong>2011</strong>). Since the Supervisory Board of<br />

Hannover Re decides upon the final allocation of stock appreciation rights at the meeting after the balance sheet date and giv<strong>en</strong> that the period of the stock appreciation<br />

rights comm<strong>en</strong>ces in each case on 1 January of the following year, the stock appreciation rights awarded for the financial year are not exp<strong>en</strong>sed until the following year.<br />

On account of the changeover from the stock appreciation rights programme to the share awards programme in <strong>2011</strong> and the differ<strong>en</strong>t booking rules applicable to these programmes,<br />

DRS 17 requires that both share-based paym<strong>en</strong>t programmes be shown in <strong>2011</strong> ev<strong>en</strong> though they refer to differ<strong>en</strong>t years<br />

12) For the 2010 bonus paym<strong>en</strong>ts altogether EUR 336 thousand less was paid out than reserved. The total amount for the variable remuneration payable in <strong>2011</strong> was reduced<br />

accordingly<br />

13) The total amounts for 2010 reflect the old remuneration structure and are therefore only comparable to a limited ext<strong>en</strong>t with the total figures for <strong>2011</strong>

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