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Glossary. A–C<br />

Accumulation risk<br />

Underwriting risk that a single trigger<br />

ev<strong>en</strong>t (e.g. an earthquake or hurricane)<br />

can lead to an accumulation of claims<br />

within a > portfolio.<br />

Acquisition costs<br />

Costs incurred by an insurance company<br />

wh<strong>en</strong> insurance policies are tak<strong>en</strong> out or<br />

r<strong>en</strong>ewed (e.g. new business commission,<br />

costs of proposal assessm<strong>en</strong>t or underwriting).<br />

Acquisition costs (life) as a perc<strong>en</strong>tage of<br />

premium income from new business<br />

(Net) cost of acquiring new business in proportion<br />

to the premium income obtained<br />

from that business.<br />

Acquisition cost ratio<br />

gross: cost (gross) of acquiring new business<br />

in proportion to the premiums earned, including<br />

savings elem<strong>en</strong>ts under unit-linked life/<br />

annuity insurance.<br />

a) net: cost (net) of acquiring new business<br />

in proportion to the premiums earned, not<br />

including savings elem<strong>en</strong>ts under unitlinked<br />

life/annuity insurance.<br />

Administrative exp<strong>en</strong>ses<br />

Costs of curr<strong>en</strong>t administration connected<br />

with the production of insurance coverage.<br />

Administrative exp<strong>en</strong>se ratio<br />

a) gross: cost (gross) of running in-force<br />

business in proportion to the premiums<br />

earned, including savings elem<strong>en</strong>ts under<br />

unit-linked life/annuity insurance.<br />

b) net: cost (net) of running in-force busi ness<br />

in proportion to the premiums earned, not<br />

including savings elem<strong>en</strong>ts under unitlinked<br />

life/annuity insurance.<br />

Annual Premium Equival<strong>en</strong>t – APE<br />

Industry standard for measuring new<br />

business income in life insurance.<br />

Asset managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Supervision and managem<strong>en</strong>t of investm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

according to risk and return considerations.<br />

Associated company<br />

Company included in the consolidated<br />

financial statem<strong>en</strong>t not through full or proportionate<br />

consolidation but normally using<br />

the > equity method and over whose business<br />

or company policy a company included<br />

in the consolidated financial statem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

exerts a significant influ<strong>en</strong>ce.<br />

Bancassurance<br />

Partnership betwe<strong>en</strong> a bank/postal service<br />

partner and an insurance company for<br />

the purpose of selling insurance products<br />

through the banking/postal service partner’s<br />

branches. The linkage betwe<strong>en</strong> insurer and<br />

bank oft<strong>en</strong> takes the form of a capital participation<br />

or a longterm strategic cooperation<br />

betwe<strong>en</strong> the two partners.<br />

B<strong>en</strong>efit reserve<br />

Value arrived at using mathematical<br />

methods for future liabilities (pres<strong>en</strong>t value<br />

of future liabilities minus pres<strong>en</strong>t value of<br />

future incoming premiums), especially in life<br />

and health insurance.<br />

Cash flow statem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Statem<strong>en</strong>t on the origin and utilisation<br />

of cash and cash equival<strong>en</strong>ts during the<br />

accounting period. It shows the changes in<br />

liquid funds separated into cash flows from<br />

operating, investing and financing activities.<br />

Catastrophe bond (also: cat bond)<br />

Instrum<strong>en</strong>t used to transfer catastrophe<br />

risks of a (re)insurer to the capital market.<br />

Cedant (also: ceding company)<br />

Primary insurer or reinsurer that passes<br />

on (cedes) shares of its insured risks to a<br />

reinsurer in exchange for a premium.<br />

Claims equalisation reserve<br />

> equalisation reserve<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />

Coinsurance funds withheld treaty<br />

Type of coinsurance contract where the<br />

ceding company retains a portion of the<br />

original premium at least equal to the<br />

ceded reserves.<br />

Combined ratio<br />

Sum of the > loss ratio and > exp<strong>en</strong>se ratio<br />

(net) after allowance for interest income on<br />

funds withheld and contract deposits, as a<br />

proportion of net premiums earned. In the<br />

calculation of the adjusted combined ratio,<br />

the interest income on funds withheld and<br />

contract deposits is offset against the losses<br />

and loss adjustm<strong>en</strong>t exp<strong>en</strong>ses. This ratio is<br />

used by both property/casualty insurers and<br />

non-life reinsurers.<br />

Commission<br />

Remuneration paid by a primary insurer to<br />

ag<strong>en</strong>ts, brokers and other professional intermediaries.<br />

Compliance<br />

Statutory regulations and undertakingspecific<br />

rules governing the responsible and<br />

lawful actions of an undertaking and its<br />

employees.<br />

Consolidation<br />

In accounting practice: combining of the<br />

individual financial statem<strong>en</strong>ts of several<br />

companies belonging to one <strong>group</strong> into<br />

a consolidated financial statem<strong>en</strong>t. In so<br />

doing, internal transactions within the<br />

<strong>group</strong> are eliminated.<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

System that serves to <strong>en</strong>sure responsible<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t and supervision of <strong>en</strong>terprises<br />

and is int<strong>en</strong>ded to foster the trust of investors,<br />

cli<strong>en</strong>ts, employees and the g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

public in companies.<br />

Credit status<br />

Also creditworthiness. Ability of a debtor to<br />

meet its paym<strong>en</strong>t commit m<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />


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