talanx group annual report 2011 en

talanx group annual report 2011 en

talanx group annual report 2011 en


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280<br />

Financial statem<strong>en</strong>ts Notes<br />

G<strong>en</strong>eral information<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />

Accounting principles<br />

and policies<br />

Segm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>report</strong>ing Consolidation,<br />

business combinations<br />

Non-curr<strong>en</strong>t assets held for<br />

sale and disposal <strong>group</strong>s<br />

The amount payable to each <strong>en</strong>titled participant is the total value, calculated at the time of disbursem<strong>en</strong>t,<br />

of the share awards for which the four-year waiting period has expired. This amount is<br />

paid by bank transfer in the month following the <strong>en</strong>d of the period designated for calculation of the<br />

value per share as described in the previous paragraphs. Any withholding taxes and social security<br />

contributions will be deducted.<br />

Together with paym<strong>en</strong>t of the value of the share awards, an amount equal to the divid<strong>en</strong>d – if<br />

divid<strong>en</strong>ds are distributed to shareholders – is paid. The amount of the divid<strong>en</strong>d is the sum of all<br />

divid<strong>en</strong>ds paid per share during the term of the share awards multiplied by the number of share<br />

awards paid out to each <strong>en</strong>titled participant at the time of disbursem<strong>en</strong>t. If the share awards are<br />

paid out ahead of time, only the value of the divid<strong>en</strong>ds for the period up to occurr<strong>en</strong>ce of the ev<strong>en</strong>t<br />

triggering the early pay-out will be paid. No proportionate share in any divid<strong>en</strong>ds not yet distributed<br />

will be tak<strong>en</strong> into account.<br />

If the <strong>en</strong>titled participant’s period of office as member of the Board or employm<strong>en</strong>t contract <strong>en</strong>ds,<br />

the participant remains <strong>en</strong>titled to paym<strong>en</strong>t of the value of any share awards already granted at the<br />

time of expiry of the respective waiting period, unless membership of the Board or the employm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

contract is terminated (i) by resignation of the participant with the exception of resignation of the<br />

Board member for good cause, (ii) by the participant’s declining to except an offer of ext<strong>en</strong>sion on<br />

the same or better terms (except if the Board member is at least 60 years old and has served two<br />

terms of office on the Board of the company concerned), (iii) by extraordinary termination of the<br />

participant’s contract without notice for good cause, or (iv) by dismissal for good cause within the<br />

meaning of Art. § 84 Para. 3 AktG (German Stock Corporation Act) (exception: withdrawal of confid<strong>en</strong>ce).<br />

In the ev<strong>en</strong>t of death of the participant, <strong>en</strong>titlem<strong>en</strong>t to share awards already allocated or still<br />

to be allocated passes to the heirs.<br />

Allocation of share awards after the participant has left the company is ruled out, except if the<br />

participant has left the company due to non-reappointm<strong>en</strong>t, retirem<strong>en</strong>t or death, and th<strong>en</strong> only in<br />

respect of <strong>en</strong>titlem<strong>en</strong>ts to variable remuneration earned by the participant in the last year – or part<br />

thereof – of activity on behalf of the company.<br />

If during the validity of the share award scheme the share capital changes or any corporate restructuring<br />

directly affects the share capital or (e.g. via a stock split or consolidation) the total number of<br />

shares issued (“structural measures”) such as to bring about a (positive or negative) change in the<br />

value of the share awards by 10% or more on aggregate, the method for calculating the value of the<br />

individual share awards or the number of share awards will be adapted accordingly to balance out<br />

any change in the value of the share awards due to the structural measure.<br />

This adjustm<strong>en</strong>t will be done by the Supervisory Board of Talanx AG for the Talanx share awards<br />

and by the Supervisory Board of Hannover Rückversicherung AG for the Hannover Re share awards<br />

such that the overall value of the allocated share awards immediately after the structural measure<br />

corresponds as closely as possible to the overall value of the share awards immediately prior to the<br />

structural measure.

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