talanx group annual report 2011 en

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176<br />

Financial statem<strong>en</strong>ts Notes<br />

G<strong>en</strong>eral information<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />

Accounting principles<br />

and policies<br />

Segm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>report</strong>ing Consolidation,<br />

business combinations<br />

Non-curr<strong>en</strong>t assets held for<br />

sale and disposal <strong>group</strong>s<br />

Retrocessions and insurance-linked securities (ILS)<br />

Since 2010, as part of its ext<strong>en</strong>ded insurance-linked securities (ILS) activities, Hannover Re has<br />

writt<strong>en</strong> so-called collateralised fronting arrangem<strong>en</strong>ts under which risks assumed from ceding<br />

companies are passed on to institutional investors outside the Group using special purpose <strong>en</strong>tities.<br />

The purpose of such transactions is to directly transfer cli<strong>en</strong>ts’ business. Due to the lack of a controlling<br />

influ<strong>en</strong>ce over the special purpose <strong>en</strong>tities involved, there is no consolidation requirem<strong>en</strong>t for<br />

Hannover Re with respect to these structures.<br />

A major transaction, “FacPool Re”, under which Hannover Re transferred a portfolio of facultative<br />

reinsurance risks to the capital market from September 2009 until January <strong>2011</strong>, is in run-off as at<br />

the balance sheet date. A number of special purpose <strong>en</strong>tities participated in the reinsurance cessions<br />

within “FacPool Re”; Hannover Re did not hold any shares in these special purpose <strong>en</strong>tities and<br />

did not bear the majority of the economic b<strong>en</strong>efits or risks arising out of their activities through any<br />

of its business relations.<br />

In connection with the sale of the operational companies of the sub<strong>group</strong> Clar<strong>en</strong>don Insurance<br />

Group, Inc. (CIGI), Wilmington, to Enstar Group Ltd., Hamilton/Bermuda, a partial portfolio of CIGI<br />

was retroceded to a special purpose <strong>en</strong>tity. The retrocession arrangem<strong>en</strong>t became effective along<br />

with the <strong>en</strong>tire disposal transaction upon approval by the US regulatory authorities (“closing condition”).<br />

Approval was granted on 8 July <strong>2011</strong>; the transaction comm<strong>en</strong>ced with the closing of the<br />

disposal and the simultaneous deconsolidation of the operational companies. Since Hannover Re<br />

is not the major b<strong>en</strong>eficiary of the special purpose <strong>en</strong>tity and does not exercise either indirect or<br />

direct control over it, there is no requirem<strong>en</strong>t to consolidate this special purpose <strong>en</strong>tity.<br />

Associated companies valued at equity<br />

Associated companies are those over which the Group exercises a significant but not controlling<br />

influ<strong>en</strong>ce. In the year under review 13 (12) were valued using the equity method in accordance with<br />

IAS 28 “Investm<strong>en</strong>ts in Associates.” A further nine (six) associated companies are not recognised at<br />

equity owing to their subordinate importance for the pres<strong>en</strong>tation of the net assets, financial position<br />

and net income (please see here our remarks in the chapter “Accounting policies” from page 136<br />

onwards).<br />

HDI-Direktversicherung AG, Hannover, acquired a participation of 21,1% in Aspect Online AG,<br />

Augsburg, as part of a consortium by subscribing to a capital increase on 1 July <strong>2011</strong> and concluding<br />

a share purchase and transfer agreem<strong>en</strong>t on 15 July <strong>2011</strong>. Aspect Online AG is the operator of<br />

the online comparison portal “Transparo” for all types of insurance, <strong>en</strong>ergy and financial services.<br />

In the third quarter of <strong>2011</strong> we included this participating interest in the consolidated financial<br />

statem<strong>en</strong>t for the first time as an associated company due to its significant influ<strong>en</strong>ce (see also our<br />

information on the relevant balance sheet item in the Notes).

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