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140<br />

Financial statem<strong>en</strong>ts Notes<br />

G<strong>en</strong>eral information<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />

Accounting principles<br />

and policies<br />

Segm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>report</strong>ing Consolidation,<br />

business combinations<br />

Non-curr<strong>en</strong>t assets held for<br />

sale and disposal <strong>group</strong>s<br />

Technical provisions: As at 31 December <strong>2011</strong>, the Group recognised loss and loss adjustm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

exp<strong>en</strong>se reserves in the amount of EUR 31,420 million and b<strong>en</strong>efit reserves in the amount of<br />

EUR 45,739 million. The loss and loss adjustm<strong>en</strong>t exp<strong>en</strong>se reserves, the amount and maturity of<br />

which are uncertain, are recognised according to “best estimate” principles in the amount that will<br />

probably be utilised. The actual amounts payable may prove to be higher or lower; any resulting<br />

run-off profits or losses are recognised in income. In the area of life insurance and life/health reinsurance,<br />

the determination of provisions and assets is crucially dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t on actuarial projections<br />

of the business. In this context key input parameters are either predetermined by the metrics of the<br />

insurance plan (e.g. costs included in the calculation, amount of premium, actuarial interest rate)<br />

or estimated (e.g. mortality, morbidity or lapse rates). These assumptions are heavily dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t, for<br />

instance, on country-specific parameters, sales channel, quality of underwriting and type of reinsurance.<br />

For the purposes of US GAAP accounting these assumptions are reviewed as at each balance<br />

sheet date and subsequ<strong>en</strong>tly adjusted in line with the actual projection. The resulting effects are<br />

reflected, for instance, in true-up adjustm<strong>en</strong>ts in the balance sheet items “Other intangible assets,”<br />

“Insurance-related intangible assets (PVFP),” “Deferred acquisition costs,” “Provision for premium<br />

refunds” (provision for deferred premium refunds) and, where applicable, the “B<strong>en</strong>efit reserve”<br />

(funding of maturity bonuses).<br />

Fair value or impairm<strong>en</strong>ts of financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts: Financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts with a fair value of<br />

EUR 37,203 million were recognised at the balance sheet date. Fair values and impairm<strong>en</strong>ts for<br />

financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts, especially for those not traded on an active market (e.g. derivatives in connection<br />

with Modified Coinsurance/Coinsurance Funds Withheld treaties), are determined using<br />

appropriate measurem<strong>en</strong>t methods. In this regard, please see our remarks on the determination<br />

of fair values as well as the applicability criteria for determination of the need to take impairm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

on certain financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts in the subsection <strong>en</strong>titled “Investm<strong>en</strong>ts including income and<br />

exp<strong>en</strong>ses.” The allocation of financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts to the various levels of the fair value hierarchy is<br />

described under item 11 of the Notes “Fair value hierarchy.” To the ext<strong>en</strong>t that significant measurem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

parameters are not based on observable market data (level 3), estimates and assumptions play<br />

a major role in determining the fair value of these instrum<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />

Impairm<strong>en</strong>t test of goodwill (carrying amount as at 31 December <strong>2011</strong>: EUR 690 million): The Group<br />

tests for impairm<strong>en</strong>t of goodwill in the manner described in the subsection <strong>en</strong>titled “Goodwill.”<br />

Insofar as the recoverable amount is based on calculations of the value in use, appropriate assumptions<br />

– such as sustainably achievable results and growth rates – are used as a basis (cf. item 1 of the<br />

Notes “Goodwill,” pages 209 et seq.).<br />

Deferred acquisition costs: At the balance sheet date, the Group recognised acquisition costs in the<br />

amount of EUR 4,013 million. The actuarial bases for amortisation of the deferred acquisition costs<br />

are continuously reviewed and adjusted where necessary. Impairm<strong>en</strong>t tests are carried out through<br />

regular checks on, for example, profit developm<strong>en</strong>ts, lapse assumptions and default probabilities.<br />

Pres<strong>en</strong>t value of future profits (pvfp) on acquired insurance portfolios: The PVFP (EUR 1,333 million<br />

as at 31 December <strong>2011</strong>) is the pres<strong>en</strong>t value of the expected future net cash flows from existing life<br />

insurance contracts at the time of acquisition, and is determined using actuarial methods. Uncertainties<br />

may arise with regard to the expected amount of these net cash flows.

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