talanx group annual report 2011 en

talanx group annual report 2011 en

talanx group annual report 2011 en


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Nature of risks Notes on the consolidated<br />

balance sheet – assets<br />

Notes on the consolidated<br />

balance sheet – liabilities<br />

124 Consolidated balance sheet<br />

126 Consolidated statem<strong>en</strong>t of income<br />

127 Consolidated statem<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

compreh<strong>en</strong>sive income<br />

128 Consolidated statem<strong>en</strong>t of changes<br />

in equity<br />

129 Consolidated cash flow statem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

130 Notes on the consolidated cash flow<br />

statem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

131 G<strong>en</strong>eral information<br />

132 G<strong>en</strong>eral accounting principles and<br />

application of International Financial<br />

Reporting Standards (IFRS)<br />

136 Accounting policies<br />

158 Segm<strong>en</strong>t <strong>report</strong>ing<br />

168 Consolidation<br />

178 Business combinations<br />

182 Non-curr<strong>en</strong>t assets held for sale and disposal<br />

<strong>group</strong>s<br />

186 Nature of risks associated with insurance<br />

contracts and financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

209 Notes on the consolidated balance sheet – assets<br />

209 (1) Goodwill<br />

213 (2) Other intangible assets<br />

216 (3) Investm<strong>en</strong>t property<br />

217 (4) Investm<strong>en</strong>ts in affiliated companies<br />

and participating interests<br />

217 (5) Investm<strong>en</strong>ts in associated companies<br />

218 (6) Loans and receivables<br />

219 (7) Financial assets held to maturity<br />

221 (8) Financial assets available for sale<br />

223 (9) Financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss<br />

225 (10) Other invested assets<br />

226 (11) Fair value hierarchy<br />

231 (12) Derivative financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts and<br />

hedge accounting<br />

235 (13) Accounts receivable on insurance<br />

business<br />

235 (14) Deferred acquisition costs<br />

236 (15) Other assets<br />

Notes on the consolidated<br />

statem<strong>en</strong>t of income<br />

Consolidated financial statem<strong>en</strong>t. Index<br />

123<br />

131 Notes<br />

Consolidated financial statem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

238<br />

258<br />

Other information List of shareholdings<br />

Notes on the consolidated balance sheet<br />

– liabilities<br />

238 (16) Shareholders’ equity<br />

241 (17) Subordinated liabilities<br />

243 (18) Unearned premium reserve<br />

243 (19) B<strong>en</strong>efit reserve<br />

244 (20) Losses and adjustm<strong>en</strong>t exp<strong>en</strong>ses<br />

reserve<br />

248 (21) Provision for premium refunds<br />

249 (22) Provisions for p<strong>en</strong>sions and similar<br />

obligations<br />

253 (23) Provisions for taxes<br />

254 (24) Sundry provisions<br />

255 (25) Notes payable and loans<br />

256 (26) Other liabilities<br />

257 (27) Deferred tax assets and liabilities<br />

Notes on the consolidated statem<strong>en</strong>t of income<br />

258 (28) Net premium earned<br />

259 (29) Net investm<strong>en</strong>t income<br />

264 (30) Claims and claims exp<strong>en</strong>ses<br />

266 (31) Acquisition costs and administrative<br />

exp<strong>en</strong>ses<br />

268 (32) Other income/exp<strong>en</strong>ses<br />

269 (33) Goodwill impairm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

269 (34) Financing costs<br />

270 (35) Income tax<br />

273 Other information<br />

273 Staff and exp<strong>en</strong>ditures on personnel<br />

274 Related-party disclosures<br />

275 Share-based paym<strong>en</strong>t<br />

282 Lawsuits<br />

283 Conting<strong>en</strong>t liabilities and other financial<br />

commitm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

284 R<strong>en</strong>ts and leases<br />

285 Remuneration of the managem<strong>en</strong>t boards<br />

of the par<strong>en</strong>t company<br />

286 Fee paid to the auditor<br />

286 Declaration of conformity pursuant to<br />

§ 161 German Stock Corporation Act<br />

(AktG)<br />

286 Ev<strong>en</strong>ts after the balance sheet date<br />

288 List of shareholdings<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />


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