talanx group annual report 2011 en

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talanx group annual report 2011 en


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Overall assessm<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

the economic situation<br />

Non-financial<br />

performance indicators<br />

Corporate Governance Remuneration <strong>report</strong> Ev<strong>en</strong>ts of special<br />

significance<br />

Real estate risks may result from unfavourable changes in the value<br />

of real estate held either directly or through fund units. They may<br />

be caused by a deterioration in the qualities of a particular property<br />

or by a g<strong>en</strong>eral downslide in market values (such as a real estate<br />

crash). In the case of direct investm<strong>en</strong>ts in real estate, the yield and<br />

other key performance indicators (e.g. vacancies and arrears) are<br />

measured at the level of individual properties and the portfolio as a<br />

whole. Risk controlling for indirect real estate investm<strong>en</strong>ts, as with<br />

private equity funds, is based on regular monitoring of the developm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

and performance of the funds.<br />

The Talanx Group <strong>en</strong>ters into derivative transactions in particular<br />

to hedge against price risks or interest rate risks affecting existing<br />

assets, to prepare for the subsequ<strong>en</strong>t purchase of securities or to<br />

g<strong>en</strong>erate additional earnings on existing securities. The use of derivative<br />

products is regulated by internal guidelines in order to <strong>en</strong>sure<br />

the most effici<strong>en</strong>t and risk-free use of forward purchases, derivative<br />

financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts and structured products and to satisfy regulatory<br />

requirem<strong>en</strong>ts. The use of such instrum<strong>en</strong>ts is thus subject to<br />

very strict limits. The parameters of the investm<strong>en</strong>t guidelines and<br />

the statutory provisions governing the use of derivative financial<br />

instrum<strong>en</strong>ts and structured products are kept up to date and constantly<br />

monitored within the system of limits. Derivative positions<br />

and transactions are specified in detail in the <strong>report</strong>ing.<br />

We reduce pot<strong>en</strong>tial market price risks through a variety of riskcontrolling<br />

mechanisms. One important measure for monitoring<br />

and steering market price risks is constant analysis of the value at<br />

risk (VaR), which is evolving more and more from an assets-side<br />

measurem<strong>en</strong>t approach to an asset/liability concept. The VaR is determined<br />

on the basis of historical data, e.g. the volatility of the fair<br />

values and the correlation betwe<strong>en</strong> risks. As part of these calculations,<br />

the pot<strong>en</strong>tial decline in the fair value of our portfolio is simulated<br />

with a giv<strong>en</strong> probability and within a certain period. Stress<br />

tests are further vital risk controlling tools. The experts at Talanx<br />

Asset Managem<strong>en</strong>t GmbH simulate possible market changes that<br />

can result in significant price and interest rate losses for the bulk<br />

of our securities. In addition, market price risks are id<strong>en</strong>tified using<br />

<strong>en</strong>terprise-specific stress tests and those required by regulators with<br />

the corresponding prescribed stress test parameters.<br />

Credit risks<br />

Default or credit risks refer to a pot<strong>en</strong>tial deterioration in the financial<br />

situation of debtors resulting in their becoming unable to make<br />

contractually agreed paym<strong>en</strong>ts in full as they fall due, or to declines<br />

in the value of financial instrum<strong>en</strong>ts due to impaired creditworthiness<br />

of the issuer. The credit ratings assigned by ag<strong>en</strong>cies such as<br />

S&P and Moody’s are a key pointer for the investm<strong>en</strong>t decisions<br />

tak<strong>en</strong> by Portfolio Managem<strong>en</strong>t. In the abs<strong>en</strong>ce of ratings for<br />

individual issues, an in-house rating is determined. This is done by<br />

Risk <strong>report</strong> Forecast and<br />

opportunities <strong>report</strong><br />

applying mark-ups and mark-downs to the issuer’s rating or to the<br />

ratings for other instrum<strong>en</strong>ts from the same issuer. In addition to<br />

the default probabilities associated with the respective rating class,<br />

further criteria for risk measurem<strong>en</strong>t and managem<strong>en</strong>t are the type<br />

or product, the expected recovery ratio and the remaining term to<br />

maturity. As a further risk indicator, the “credit value at risk” is determined,<br />

defined as the unanticipated loss giv<strong>en</strong> a holding period<br />

of one year and a target confid<strong>en</strong>ce level of 99.97%.<br />

Risks of counterparty default are controlled by applying various<br />

limits at the portfolio, rating class, issuer and issue levels. Any violation<br />

of these limits triggers defined referral measures. The Talanx<br />

Group also uses OTC on a minor scale, which may involve a counterparty<br />

risk. The risk of financial default by the issuers concerned is<br />

reduced by netting and by means of collateral security agreem<strong>en</strong>ts.<br />

Liquidity risks<br />

We understand liquidity risks as the risk of being unable to convert<br />

investm<strong>en</strong>ts and other assets into cash wh<strong>en</strong> they are needed to<br />

meet our financial obligations as they fall due. For example, it may<br />

not be possible to sell holdings (at least not without delay) or to<br />

close op<strong>en</strong> positions (without accepting price markdowns) due to<br />

the illiquidity of the markets. As a rule, the Group continuously<br />

g<strong>en</strong>erates significant liquidity positions because premium income<br />

normally accrues well before claims paym<strong>en</strong>ts and other b<strong>en</strong>efits<br />

need to be r<strong>en</strong>dered. We counteract liquidity risks through regular<br />

liquidity planning and by continuously matching the maturities of<br />

our investm<strong>en</strong>ts to our financial obligations. A liquid asset structure<br />

<strong>en</strong>sures that the Group is able to make the necessary paym<strong>en</strong>ts at<br />

all times. Planning for insurance-related paym<strong>en</strong>t obligations is<br />

based, for example, on the expected due dates, making allowance<br />

for the run-off pattern of the reserves.<br />

As an aid to monitoring liquidity risks, each type of security is assigned<br />

a liquidity code that indicates how quickly a security can be<br />

sold.<br />

These codes are regularly reviewed by Portfolio Managem<strong>en</strong>t. The<br />

plausibility of changes is checked by Risk Controlling and, where<br />

appropriate, the codes are modified. The data are th<strong>en</strong> included in<br />

the standardised portfolio <strong>report</strong>ing provided to the Chief Financial<br />

Officers. Compliance with the defined minimum and maximum<br />

limits for liquidity is monitored. Overstepping of any risk limits is<br />

immediately <strong>report</strong>ed to the Chief Financial Officers and Portfolio<br />

Managem<strong>en</strong>t.<br />

The Group also optimises the availability of liquid funds using cash<br />

pools within the various Group companies, which facilitate managem<strong>en</strong>t<br />

of their cash inflows and outflows.<br />

Talanx Group. Annual Report <strong>2011</strong><br />


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