Your Neighbourhood Matters Scrapbook of Achievement - Coventry ...

Your Neighbourhood Matters Scrapbook of Achievement - Coventry ...

Your Neighbourhood Matters Scrapbook of Achievement - Coventry ...


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<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> (YNM) aims to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> life for people living in sixtargeted areas by making them greener, cleaner and safer.The new scheme covers six areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>Coventry</strong> – Hillfields; Spon End and Lower Coundon; EastBell Green; Edgwick and Paradise; Stoke Aldermoor; and Willenhall and Willenhall Wood.YNM brings together local people with service providers and allows themto have their say about how services are developed and delivered.Residents know what is wrong with the services delivered in theirneighbourhoods and the programme recognises that they <strong>of</strong>ten havegood ideas about the ways in which they can be improved.Through the YNM project, local people are encouraged to work with partner organisationssuch as <strong>Coventry</strong> City Council, Whitefriars Housing Group, Groundwork, the CommunityEmpowerment Network, <strong>Coventry</strong> Voluntary Services Council, West Midlands Police and theHeart <strong>of</strong> England Community Foundation to understand what services are being delivered intheir neighbourhood and to have a greater say in how these are delivered in the future.

During the first year <strong>of</strong> the project, a number <strong>of</strong> successes have been achieved that havemade a real difference to the people living in the six targeted neighbourhoods. These arenot always major changes but <strong>of</strong>ten relatively minor projects that have a considerableimpact on the day-to-day lives <strong>of</strong> the people who live there.This scrapbook aims to record some <strong>of</strong> these achievements to give a flavour <strong>of</strong> the diversework it carries out.For more information about the <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> programme, contact yourlocal <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management <strong>of</strong>fice.Edgwick and Paradise and East Bell Green024 7678 5910Hillfields024 7629 4429Spon End and Lower Coundon024 7678 5940Stoke Aldermoor, Willenhall and Willenhall Wood024 7678 5555

Following consultation between WhitefriarsHousing Group and residents living in flatson Purcell Road, the <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong><strong>Matters</strong> programme funded a spring cleanwas given to the exterior <strong>of</strong> the apartmentblock. Pigeon mess was removed fromwindows and walls and spikes installed todeter birds from returning. Balconies werealso given a new lease <strong>of</strong> life with panelsreplaced.The <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management team,along with Groundwork and the<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Wardens, took part in thisawareness raising event to publicise <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> in Carey Street andneighbouring roads. As well as the chancefor adults to learn about the programmeand express their views, children had thechance to take part in a range <strong>of</strong> activitiessuch as face-painting and playing thedidgeridoo!

The <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management NorthEast team joined forces with Groundworkto <strong>of</strong>fer healthy food advice as well asconsulting children and parents on whatthey think <strong>of</strong> the neighbourhood. It wasone <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> events at the schoolto raise awareness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> programme andto engage with the local community.Groundwork and the <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Managementteam joined forces with Foleshill Children’sServices to <strong>of</strong>fer a range <strong>of</strong> taster sessions forpeople <strong>of</strong> all ages. The event helped to open awindow <strong>of</strong> opportunity for people wanting toimprove skills across a range <strong>of</strong> areas.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> has helped to fund a joint operationinvolving more than 20 partner organisations aimed at making thearea a safer, cleaner place to live and work. Called Operation Blue Ribbon, it is tacklingspecific issues raised by residents in Edgwick and Paradise by visiting the area on randomdays and evening in high pr<strong>of</strong>ile crackdowns.

Youngsters from across theneighbourhood enjoyed a range <strong>of</strong>physical activities thanks to the RisingStars support and partnership trip. Theevent was organised bythe <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management teamand West Midlands Police.After listening to concerned residentsabout the state <strong>of</strong> fencing along AwsonStreet, the <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Managementteam were able to repair and improvethe look <strong>of</strong> the street thanks to <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> funding.• Community briefings to raise awareness <strong>of</strong> the programmeand obtain residents views.• Representatives from <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management,Groundwork and Whitefriars along with <strong>Neighbourhood</strong>Wardens visited five streets in the Edgwick area topublicise the programme• Using film as a consultative tool, the Peace House andGroundwork were able to reflect community views <strong>of</strong> lifein the Paradise area.• A community safety event identified the needs andconcerns about service provision in the neighbourhood aswell as <strong>of</strong>fering the opportunity for service providers toengage with the community about current provision.• Re-planted thr beds close to Broad Street Heath Centreto improve the local environment.

Residents living in Pioneer House had raised concerns about thestate <strong>of</strong> the car park serving the multi-storey building.Whitefriars Housing Group, thanks to funding from <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong>, was able to resurface the area and allbays were remarked including creation <strong>of</strong> visitor unloading bays.Lighting in the car park was also improved.The <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> programme includes thecreation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Involvement Fund - a smallgrants scheme that can issue awards ranging from £250-£10,000 managed by the Heart <strong>of</strong> England CommunityFoundation. St. Peter’s Community Centre received £9,489.50 toestablish a Community Network Forum to represent the diverserange <strong>of</strong> communities, groups and organisations in the area.The Hillfields Readers Group was also a beneficiary <strong>of</strong> a grantfrom the <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Involvement Fund. It received a grant<strong>of</strong> £1,950 to fund the NOW Reading Project.• The setting up <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> ArtistsNetwork through the <strong>Coventry</strong> Asian Arts andCultural Forum.• Support for the <strong>Coventry</strong> West Credit Union inthe area by helping the interpretation <strong>of</strong>publicity literature to encourage more members.• 40 local organisations and Service providersengaged in developing a prioritised action planfor neighbourhood improvement action steeredby the Hillfields <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Partnership• Local volunteers supported in deliverycommunity consultation and business planning tosecure the future <strong>of</strong> the Hillfields City Farm

Two consultation events were held on the Spon Endestate to get the views <strong>of</strong> residents and serviceproviders in the area involving <strong>Neighbourhood</strong>Management, Groundwork, Whitefriars, WestMidlands Police and <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Wardens. Arange <strong>of</strong> entertainment and activities for childrenin the area was laid on as a database <strong>of</strong> residents’views <strong>of</strong> the area was compiled.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> is helping to support acommunity-led initiative to bring to life a rich part <strong>of</strong><strong>Coventry</strong>’s 1,000 year history. Black Swan Terrace is a row<strong>of</strong> medieval buildings which can trace its history from the1400’s. A future phase <strong>of</strong> the project includes the creation<strong>of</strong> a weaver’s cottage and a medieval garden, where plantsneeded for the dyeing effects for the workers were grown.<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> is creating a group <strong>of</strong>volunteers to support the garden project.• After consultation with residents, awall outside Milestone house whichhas become a focal point for anti-socialbehaviour was removed• A community <strong>of</strong>fice has been openedin Black Swan Terrace to publiciseachievements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> programme inthe area as well as providing an accesspoint for Spon End and Lower Coundonresidents to engage with them.

Three empty properties on The Moorfield hadbecome a target for anti-social behaviour and hadbecome un-lettable due to its appearance the level<strong>of</strong> fly-tipping in the gardens. As a result <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Your</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> programme, the gardenswere cleared, windows and doors boarded up,making a real difference to residents living nearby.Following a walkabout by residents and service providers, thegroup identified garages <strong>of</strong>f The Coppice that were a hot-spotfor anti-social behaviour which had also become a dumpingground for waste. Thanks to the programme, the rubbish wascleared and the empty buildings demolished to the delight <strong>of</strong>residents living close by.• Residents joined representatives frompartner organisations - including<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Management, WhitefriarsHousing Group, <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Wardens,Groundwork and West Midlands Police - ina walk around the estate to identify waysthe area could be improved.• An environmental clean-up was held withresidents to remove litter that had built upon certain parts <strong>of</strong> the Stoke Aldermoorestate.• Summer Fete Consultation Event

After consultation with local residents, afence that had been fallen into disrepairwas identified for improvement in terms <strong>of</strong>safety as well as being an eyesore. As aresult <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong>programme, the fencing was replaced byWhitefriars Housing Group.• A launch event to raise awareness <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong> initiative withresidents and partners.• Setting up <strong>of</strong> the Tooth Homework Club• A partnership approach to the clean up <strong>of</strong>Strawberry Field• A walkabout with residents to identify issuesand areas needing improvements• Creating a YOM steering group for Willenhall• A series <strong>of</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Matters</strong>initiative partnership meetings.

For more information about the ‘<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong><strong>Matters</strong>’ Programme in your area contact:Edgwick and Paradise and East Bell Green024 7678 5910Hillfields024 7629 4429Spon End and Lower Coundon024 7678 5940Stoke Aldermoor, Willenhall and Willenhall Wood024 7678 5555

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