© 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation

© 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation © 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation

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Herb receiving trophy as The WesternJunior Amateur Champion in 1954.If each of these participants returned to his/her respective countryand practiced, even in part, the Tweed-Merrifield Principles according toHerb’s teaching, with a conservative 2000 patients during their careers (acareer being approximately 30 years, with a patient load of 300 patients peryear amounting to 9000 patients in total), Herb would directly influence inthe neighborhood of 8,000,000 patients. I am convinced that his influence isof that magnitude … no doubt in my mind.That figure does not include the students he has taught on a routinebasis in three universities: St. Louis University, six years, Baylor University,ten years and Oklahoma University, 18 years.Nor does it include the universities where he has been a visitinglecturer, such as Iowa, Michigan, Southern California, UMKC, Case WesternReserve, New York, Tennessee, NOVA, Toronto, and Harvard.It does not include the lectures presented in a dozen countries, whichinclude Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, Italy,France and Brazil, and in at least 25 states in the United States.It does not include the extra courses given in Tucson; it does notinclude the 100 plus lectures that he has given to associations other than TheTweed Course, and it does not include his publications in the literature andhis chapter in the Graber text book. Herb Klontz teaches by example; he doesnot tell students what to do, he shows them. He is constantly in the trenches, in his office, treating patients exactly ashe teaches in Tucson. I cannot remember calling Herb on the telephone in his office when he was not present.There is no question, Herb Klontz has directly influenced a staggering number of colleagues, students andpatients and has served as a role model around the world. He represents the gold standard of precision orthodontics.But … he is more than that.I am particularly aware of Herb’s personal qualities for I have seen him in action … behind the scenes. There isnot a more unselfish, giving and thoughtful person in our specialty. For several years he took the time to travel fromOklahoma City to Toronto to share his special talents with 10 – 12 graduate orthodonticstudents for remuneration that was barely more than his expenses. Howmany teachers of his caliber and reputation would be as considerate, as generousand as caring as that … for the benefit of such a few?Herb with his son Kelly and Arnold Palmer.Herb in 1962 upongraduating as an orthodontistfrom Washington University,St. Louis.7

He was not only generous in Toronto, but he was just as generous in Boston. Each year, for a number of years,Herb was a major contributor to The Jack G. Dale Residency in Orthodontics at Harvard University. In thisinstance, he traveled a similar distance to teach approximately 20 Harvard orthodontic students and between 5 to 6Toronto dental graduates aspiring to become orthodontic students. Again, he was barely paid for his expenses.Professor Emile Rossouw in Toronto, Professor Leslie Will at Harvard, the students, both from Toronto and Boston, andI are eternally grateful to Herb for his participation and his contribution. When he presented his beautiful clinicalmaterial, you could hear a pin drop all day long. On top of all that … we had a lot of fun with the students in the evening.“On behalf of both groups, I say ‘ThankYou Herb!’ I know that you have been justas engaging and generous with many othergroups around the world throughout yourincredible career of 44 years.”For those many reasons I am delightedthat The American Board of Orthodonticshas honored Herb Klontz with what manyrefer to as the most prestigious award inorthodontics … worldwide: The Albert H.Ketcham Memorial Award.For health reasons in our family, I wasunable to attend the AAO Meeting in SanFrancisco last year, but I will leave no stoneunturned in my effort to be present to witnessHerb Klontz receiving this high honor, thisyear, at the AAO Meeting in Las Vegas.All of us in The Tweed Foundationshould be very, very proud of our CourseHerb Klontz appointed Course Coordinator, 1976.Director for his wonderful achievement. I urge all our membership to travel to Las Vegas to pay tribute to Herb and toenjoy the Friday night reception in his honor.Herb has received many awards for his leadership throughout his career, and he has been recognized on manyoccasions. He is the first to tell you, and he expresses himself with his characteristic enthusiasm, that this would notbe possible without the constant companionship and support of Karen, his partner in life and wife of 47 years. He iseternally grateful to her for the passionate and loving care of their two children. Their son Kelly, an outstanding youngorthodontist himself, is married to Terrie, and together they are parents of Morgan, age 9 and Lilly age 6. Kathy (Klontz)Nassimbene, their daughter, is in real estate, and she is married to a dentist. They live in Denver, Colorado.Herb elevated to Course Director, 1983.A familiar scene at Tucson.8

Herb receiving trophy as <strong>The</strong> WesternJunior Amateur Champion in 1954.If each of these participants returned to his/her respective countryand practiced, even in part, the <strong>Tweed</strong>-Merrifield Principles according toHerb’s teaching, with a conservative 2000 patients during their careers (acareer being approximately 30 years, with a patient load of 300 patients peryear amounting to 9000 patients in total), Herb would directly influence inthe neighborhood of 8,000,000 patients. I am convinced that his influence isof that magnitude … no doubt in my mind.That figure does not include the students he has taught on a routinebasis in three universities: St. Louis University, six years, Baylor University,ten years and Oklahoma University, 18 years.Nor does it include the universities where he has been a visitinglecturer, such as Iowa, Michigan, Southern California, UMKC, Case WesternReserve, New York, Tennessee, NOVA, Toronto, and Harvard.It does not include the lectures presented in a dozen countries, whichinclude Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, Italy,France and Brazil, and in at least 25 states in the United States.It does not include the extra courses given in Tucson; it does notinclude the 100 plus lectures that he has given to associations other than <strong>The</strong><strong>Tweed</strong> Course, and it does not include his publications in the literature andhis chapter in the Graber text book. Herb Klontz teaches by example; he doesnot tell students what to do, he shows them. He is constantly in the trenches, in his office, treating patients exactly ashe teaches in Tucson. I cannot remember calling Herb on the telephone in his office when he was not present.<strong>The</strong>re is no question, Herb Klontz has directly influenced a staggering number of colleagues, students andpatients and has served as a role model around the world. He represents the gold standard of precision orthodontics.But … he is more than that.I am particularly aware of Herb’s personal qualities for I have seen him in action … behind the scenes. <strong>The</strong>re isnot a more unselfish, giving and thoughtful person in our specialty. For several years he took the time to travel fromOklahoma City to Toronto to share his special talents with 10 – 12 graduate orthodonticstudents for remuneration that was barely more than his expenses. Howmany teachers of his caliber and reputation would be as considerate, as generousand as caring as that … for the benefit of such a few?Herb with his son Kelly and Arnold Palmer.Herb in 1962 upongraduating as an orthodontistfrom Washington University,St. Louis.7

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