© 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation

© 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation © 2006 - The Charles H. Tweed International Foundation

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Many times I have said that there is no better experience than the exhilaration that results when the Tweed-Merrifield appliance is removed, revealing a successful result and a beautiful smile from an exceedingly happy andsatisfied patient.John Deere’s commitment to integrity: “Integrity means telling the truth, keeping our word and treatingothers with fairness and respect … honest relationships, effective discussions … unquestioned commitment toethical behavior.Our reputation is based, in large part, on our desire toalways act with integrity and this is one of our most valued assets.Of what does integrity consist?Courtesy … in every word.Honesty … in every transaction.Dignity … in every personal act.Progressiveness … in every thought.Constructiveness … in every criticism.Quality … in every piece of work produced.” Or as we wouldsay in the Foundation “Quality in the service of every patient wetreat.”It would be impossible for me to express it any better than theauthor, David Magee. Therefore, as you read the words written byhim think ‘Tweed’. That is what I did throughout the book when I wasreading it.Country auction in Cookeville with Jim andhis beautiful daughter ‘Meg’.John Deere’s commitment to quality: “Stand behind the product … at all costs … we do whatever we haveto do because that is our promise … stick-to-itiveness makes a difference.People believe John Deere will stand behind its products because they have seen it do it year after year …that is The John Deere Way’By delivering quality and being proud of it John Deere’s equipment became the farmer’s BMW covetedas the ultimate agricultural machine. The brand stood for everything great about the product, and the productsstood for everything great about the brand.“In the future we simply take the John Deere legacy to the next level and the secret ingredient is passion …in remaining true to the core values of quality, innovation, integrity and commitment. People trust us to deliverthe best that is within us. This is not only our legacy, it is our purpose … to create and sustain an exceptionalexperience in genuine value for our customers.” (patients)“Performance drives us as an organization. Success is not just for the moment, but also for the long run.”“We deliver performance that endures.”“Ultimately, we learn and understand that John Deere’s secret to success is its legacy, built in layers, yearafter year and generation after generation. It is how the company became a world leader, delivering performancethat endures through quality, commitment, innovation and integrity: “The John Deere Way.”And … so it is with The Tweed Foundation.I could go on and on, and … on, but I have made my point. At the same time, I hope that I have inspired thosewho are reading these words to do better … to “jump start” your determination to provide the highest standard oforthodontic care that is within you … before you put your name on your treatment.Reference: Magee, David: The John Deere Way. John Wylie and Sons, Inc. 2005.Jack Dale5

Tribute: Dr. Herbert A. Klontz, Tweed Course Director2006 Albert H. Ketcham Memorial AwardWhen I see the name “Herb Klontz”, I immediately think of enthusiasm, energy, discipline and perfection, andwhen I hear his name spoken, I think of the highest possible standard of orthodontic treatment.Whatever Herb attempts, he will not rest until he challenges his talents and capabilities to the absolute maximum.As a youth, he not only aspired to become a member of a highly respected and admired group of young men: The BoyScouts of America, but he would not be content until he reached the very pinnacle of that organization: Eagle Scout.When he was growing up in Iowa, he lived on the golf course. Again, he was not content with just being a golfer,he had a burning desire to be the best golfer he could possibly be. He was constantly driven to reach his potential, toreach his standards. He competed with himself more than with others. But, in his competition with others, he did prettywell … exceedingly well. For instance, he won The Iowa State High School Championship twice, The Iowa StateJunior Championship, The Iowa State Amateur Championship, The Chicago District Junior Open Championship,and The Western Junior Championship.He qualified four times for The National Amateur Championship, once at Grosse Point, Michigan whenArnold Palmer won the tournament and once at Pebble Beach,California when Jack Nicklaus won.During the second year of his orthodontic program atWashington University in St. Louis, Earl Shepard asked Herba very important question: “Are you going out to Californiato play golf or are you going to stay here and pursue yourorthodontic career.” Obviously, Herb stayed in the program and,to this day, he thanks Dr. Shepard for his foresight and guidance.Herb Klontz attacked orthodontics with the same energyand enthusiasm as he did scouting and golf, and … with a bundleof talent. He not only decided to be a general practitioner indentistry, he wanted to be a specialist in orthodontics. He notonly wanted to be an orthodontist, he wanted to be the bestorthodontist in the world. While it is difficult, if not impossible,to say who is the best orthodontist in the world, Herb ranks rightup there with the best of them. I have heard the phrase, “The bestin the world” associated with him on many, many occasions.Herb reasoned that if he were going to be the bestorthodontist he could possibly be, he would have to becomeassociated with one of the most prestigious organizations inthe specialty. Thus, he enrolled in The Tweed Course given byThe Charles H. Tweed Foundation. The year was 1963. Dr.Herb Klontz, Eagle Scout.Tweed and his protégé, Levern Merrifield, were Co-Directors. Hetook the course again in 1965 with one of his classmates at WashingtonUniversity, and very dear friend, Ed Noffel. In 1967, Herb was asked to become an Instructor and, followingDr. Tweed’s death in 1970, he was appointed Course Coordinator by the new Course Director, Levern Merrifield ... in1976.In 1983, Herb was elevated to Tweed Study Course Director when Levern Merrifield became The Chairman ofthe Board.Since 1976, Herb has never missed a course … all 65 of them. In this regard, his dedication and loyalty equals thatof his mentor and role model, Levern Merrifield. Levern never missed a course, or a meeting, in the 47 years that he wasinvolved with The Foundation.One can estimate the direct influence that Herb has had on world orthodontics. He has taught in 65 TweedCourses averaging 75 participants per course. In recent years, over 100 orthodontists and students have participated ineach course. Therefore, he has directly influenced 4875 (75 x 65) participants from approximately 75 countries and,what is important, that influence has been the highest standard of care.6

Many times I have said that there is no better experience than the exhilaration that results when the <strong>Tweed</strong>-Merrifield appliance is removed, revealing a successful result and a beautiful smile from an exceedingly happy andsatisfied patient.John Deere’s commitment to integrity: “Integrity means telling the truth, keeping our word and treatingothers with fairness and respect … honest relationships, effective discussions … unquestioned commitment toethical behavior.Our reputation is based, in large part, on our desire toalways act with integrity and this is one of our most valued assets.Of what does integrity consist?Courtesy … in every word.Honesty … in every transaction.Dignity … in every personal act.Progressiveness … in every thought.Constructiveness … in every criticism.Quality … in every piece of work produced.” Or as we wouldsay in the <strong>Foundation</strong> “Quality in the service of every patient wetreat.”It would be impossible for me to express it any better than theauthor, David Magee. <strong>The</strong>refore, as you read the words written byhim think ‘<strong>Tweed</strong>’. That is what I did throughout the book when I wasreading it.Country auction in Cookeville with Jim andhis beautiful daughter ‘Meg’.John Deere’s commitment to quality: “Stand behind the product … at all costs … we do whatever we haveto do because that is our promise … stick-to-itiveness makes a difference.People believe John Deere will stand behind its products because they have seen it do it year after year …that is <strong>The</strong> John Deere Way’By delivering quality and being proud of it John Deere’s equipment became the farmer’s BMW covetedas the ultimate agricultural machine. <strong>The</strong> brand stood for everything great about the product, and the productsstood for everything great about the brand.“In the future we simply take the John Deere legacy to the next level and the secret ingredient is passion …in remaining true to the core values of quality, innovation, integrity and commitment. People trust us to deliverthe best that is within us. This is not only our legacy, it is our purpose … to create and sustain an exceptionalexperience in genuine value for our customers.” (patients)“Performance drives us as an organization. Success is not just for the moment, but also for the long run.”“We deliver performance that endures.”“Ultimately, we learn and understand that John Deere’s secret to success is its legacy, built in layers, yearafter year and generation after generation. It is how the company became a world leader, delivering performancethat endures through quality, commitment, innovation and integrity: “<strong>The</strong> John Deere Way.”And … so it is with <strong>The</strong> <strong>Tweed</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.I could go on and on, and … on, but I have made my point. At the same time, I hope that I have inspired thosewho are reading these words to do better … to “jump start” your determination to provide the highest standard oforthodontic care that is within you … before you put your name on your treatment.Reference: Magee, David: <strong>The</strong> John Deere Way. John Wylie and Sons, Inc. 2005.Jack Dale5

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