IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ

IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ


5-7 UX-910 ADJUSTMENTSADJUSTMENT2ND LO LOCKVOLTAGE1ST LO LOCKVOLTAGE112ADJUSTMENT CONDITION• Connect an optional UX-910 (1200MHz band unit).• Display frequency: 1270.5000 MHz• Receiving• Display frequency: 1240.0000 MHz• Receiving• Display frequency: 1300.0000 MHz• ReceivingADJUSTMENTMEASUREMENTVALUEPOINTUNIT LOCATION UNIT ADJUSTMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)Connect a digitalmultimeter or oscilloscopeto check pointCP701.Connect a digitalmultimeter or oscilloscopeto check pointCP501.2.6–3.8 V6.0–7.0 V3.4–4.4 VVerifyVerifyRECEIVERGAINATT GAINIDLINGPOWERBALLANCETRANSMITTERGAIN11112341• Display frequency: 1280.0000 MHz• Connect a standard signal generatorto [12 ANT] connector and set as:Frequency : 1280.0000 MHzLevelModulation: OFF• Receiving: 710 µV* (–50 dBm)• Display frequency: 1280.0000 MHz• [ATT]: ON• Set an SSG as :Frequency : 1280.0000 MHzLevel : 710 µV* (–50 dBm)Modulation: OFF• Receiving• Display frequency: Any• Mode: CW• Preset R61, R67, R83 to max.clockwise, R13 to max. counterclockwise, and C332 to center.• Connect an RF power meter to [12ANT].• Connect an SSG to the check pointCP311 and set as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHzLevel : OFF• Transmitting• Display frequency: Any• Mode: CW• Connect an SSG to the check pointCP311 and set as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1240.0000 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1300.0000 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1270.0000 MHz• Set an SSG as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHzLevel : 18 mV* (–22 dBm)• TransmittingMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)RearpanelRearpanelConnect a spectramanalyzer to checkpoint CP311.Connect a spectramanalyzer to checkpoint CP311.Connect a digitalmultimeter betweencheck points CP321and CP322.Connect an RFpower meter to [12ANT].Repeat step 2 and step 3 several times until power difference is minimum.Connect an RFpower meter to [12ANT].*This output level of a standard signal generator (SSG) is indicated as SSG’s open circuit.–34 dBm (16 dB gain)–14 dBm (20 dB of gaindifference between theattenuator ON andOFF.)0.5 Vvoltage difference5 WRead the RF powermeter indication.Same power as step 25 WMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)R224R288R13AdjustSSG’slevelVerifyC332R835 - 18From The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

CP321Idling check pointCP322Idling check pointR67APC adjustmentCP401APC check pointCP15APC check pointR288Attenuator adjustmentC332Power ballanceadjustmentR13Idling adjustmentCP5011st LO lock voltagecheck pointR37APC adjustmentR61APC adjustmentR83Transmitter gainadjustmentR224Receiver gainadjustmentCP7012nd LO lock voltagecheck pointCP311Receiver gaincheck point5 - 19From The N3UJJ.COM Document Library

5-7 UX-910 ADJUSTMENTSADJUSTMENT2ND LO LOCKVOLTAGE1ST LO LOCKVOLTAGE112ADJUSTMENT CONDITION• Connect an optional UX-910 (1200MHz band unit).• Display frequency: 1270.5000 MHz• Receiving• Display frequency: 1240.0000 MHz• Receiving• Display frequency: 1300.0000 MHz• ReceivingADJUSTMENTMEASUREMENTVALUEPOINTUNIT LOCATION UNIT ADJUSTMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)Connect a digitalmultimeter or oscilloscopeto check pointCP701.Connect a digitalmultimeter or oscilloscopeto check pointCP501.2.6–3.8 V6.0–7.0 V3.4–4.4 VVerifyVerifyRECEIVERGAINATT GAINIDLINGPOWERBALLANCETRANSMITTERGAIN11112341• Display frequency: 1280.0000 MHz• Connect a standard signal generatorto [12 ANT] connector and set as:Frequency : 1280.0000 MHzLevelModulation: OFF• Receiving: 710 µV* (–50 dBm)• Display frequency: 1280.0000 MHz• [ATT]: ON• Set an SSG as :Frequency : 1280.0000 MHzLevel : 710 µV* (–50 dBm)Modulation: OFF• Receiving• Display frequency: Any• Mode: CW• Preset R61, R67, R83 to max.clockwise, R13 to max. counterclockwise, and C332 to center.• Connect an RF power meter to [12ANT].• Connect an SSG to the check pointCP311 and set as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHzLevel : OFF• Transmitting• Display frequency: Any• Mode: CW• Connect an SSG to the check pointCP311 and set as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1240.0000 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1300.0000 MHz• Transmitting• Display frequency: 1270.0000 MHz• Set an SSG as :Frequency : 10.8500 MHzLevel : 18 mV* (–22 dBm)• TransmittingMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)RearpanelRearpanelConnect a spectramanalyzer to checkpoint CP311.Connect a spectramanalyzer to checkpoint CP311.Connect a digitalmultimeter betweencheck points CP321and CP322.Connect an RFpower meter to [12ANT].Repeat step 2 and step 3 several times until power difference is minimum.Connect an RFpower meter to [12ANT].*This output level of a standard signal generator (SSG) is indicated as SSG’s open circuit.–34 dBm (16 dB gain)–14 dBm (20 dB of gaindifference between theattenuator ON andOFF.)0.5 Vvoltage difference5 WRead the RF powermeter indication.Same power as step 25 WMAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)MAIN(UX-910)R224R288R13AdjustSSG’slevelVerifyC332R835 - 18From The <strong>N3UJJ</strong>.COM Document Library

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