IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ

IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ

IC-910H Service manual.pdf - N3UJJ


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4-1-11 NOISE BLANKER CIRCUIT (MAIN UNIT)The noise blanker circuit detects pulse-type noises, andstops IF amplifier operation during detection.A portion of the 10 MHz IF signal from the bandpass filter(FI51 [Main], FI651 [Sub]) is amplified at the noise amplifiercircuit (Q102, <strong>IC</strong>101, Q101 [Main], Q702, <strong>IC</strong>701, Q701[Sub]). The amplified signal is rectified at the noise detector(D371 [Main], D701 [Sub]) for conversion into DC voltage.The DC voltage is amplified at the DC amplifier circuit (Q105[Main], Q705 [Sub]) and then applied to the noise blankercontrol circuit (Q52, Q107 [Main], Q652, Q707 [Sub]) to stopamplification of the IF amplifier circuit (Q51 [Main], Q651[Sub]).4-1-12 AGC CIRCUIT (MAIN UNIT)The AGC (Auto Gain Control) circuit reduces IF amplifiergain to keep the audio output at a constant level.A portion of the 10 MHz IF signal from the IF amplifier (Q352[Main], Q852 [Sub]) is applied to the AGC detector circuitD303 [Main], D902 [Sub]). The detected signal is then amplifiedat the DC amplifier circuit (Q305 [Main], Q901 [Sub])and then applied to the IF amplifiers (Q51, Q351, Q352[Main], Q651, Q851, Q852 [Sub]).When strong signals are received, the detected voltageincreases and the output level of the DC amplifier, as AGCvoltage, decreases. The AGC voltage is used for the biasvoltage for the IF amplifiers, therefore, the IF amplifier gainis decreased.AGC response time is controlled by changing the time constantat the AGC control line with a resistor and capacitor.While AGC is set to slow, the resistor (R312 [Main], R914[Sub]) and capacitor (C306 [Main], C911 [Sub]) are connectedto the AGC control line. While AGC is set to fast,R311 [Main], R913 [Sub] are connected to the AGC controlline. Due to Q304 and Q303 [Main]/Q905 and Q904 [Sub]being switched ON that controlled by the “AGSM”, “AGFM”[Main], “AGSS”, “AGFS” [Sub]. Also, R310 [Main]/R912[Sub] is connected to the AGC control line due to Q302[Main]/Q903 being switched ON while scanning for fasterresponse than AGC fast mode that controlled by the“AGRM” [Main], “AGRS” [Sub].4-1-13 S-METER CIRCUIT (MAIN UNIT)The S-meter circuit indicates the relative received signalstrength while receiving and changes depending on thereceived signal strength.(1) FM modeSome of the amplified IF signal is applied to the S-meterdetector section in the FM IF <strong>IC</strong> (<strong>IC</strong>401 [Main], <strong>IC</strong>951 [Sub])to be converted into DC voltage. The converted signal is outputfrom pin 12 and applied to the meter amplifier circuit(<strong>IC</strong>1804c [Main], <strong>IC</strong>1804a [Sub]). The amplified signal isthen applied to the CPU (DISPLAY board; <strong>IC</strong>1) passingthrough the analog multiplexer (DISPLAY board; <strong>IC</strong>4, pins12 and 1) via the “SMLM [Main]/SMLS [Sub]” line. The CPUthen outputs S-meter control signal.(2) SSB and CW modesA portion of the AGC control signal is applied to the meteramplifier (<strong>IC</strong>1804d [Main], <strong>IC</strong>1804b [Sub]). The amplifiedsignal is then applied to the CPU via the analog multiplexerto control the S-meter.4-2 TRANSMITTER CIRCUITS4-2-1 M<strong>IC</strong>ROPHONE AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT(MAIN UNIT)The microphone amplifier circuit amplifies audio signalsfrom the microphone or ACC connector and then appliesthem to the FM modulation or balanced modulator circuit.One microphone amplifier circuit is commonly used for bothFM/SSB and VHF/UHF.Audio signals from the [M<strong>IC</strong>] connector enter the microphoneamplifier <strong>IC</strong> (<strong>IC</strong>1701, pin 22) and are then amplifiedat the microphone amplifier or speech compressor section.Compression level is adjusted by the setting mode.The amplified or compressed signals are applied to the VCAsection of <strong>IC</strong>1701. The microphone gain setting from the D/Aconverter (<strong>IC</strong>1521, pin 8) is applied to the VCA control terminal(<strong>IC</strong>1701, pin 10). The resulting signals from pin 9 arethen applied to the buffer-amplifier (Q1651) via the analogswitch (<strong>IC</strong>1653a). External modulation input from the [ACC]socket (pin 4) is also applied to Q1651.• AGC CIRCUIT FOR MAIN BAND2nd IFsignalRFGM(RF/SQL control)C309–5 VAGC det.D303C310R315R316R317C311Q306C312D302R314SCANR310Q302R311Q303FASTSLOWC306 R312Q304C307 R313C308R303R302 <strong>IC</strong>1804d13+Meter 1412 amp.–R304AGC line“SMLM”S-meter signal9 V4 - 3From The <strong>N3UJJ</strong>.COM Document Library

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