TOWER TIDINGS - The Presbyterian Church in Morristown

TOWER TIDINGS - The Presbyterian Church in Morristown

TOWER TIDINGS - The Presbyterian Church in Morristown


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“<strong>The</strong> function of prayer is not to <strong>in</strong>fluenceGod, but rather to change the nature of theone who prays.” ---Soren KierkegaardMy Doctorate of M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>in</strong> Science and <strong>The</strong>ologyf<strong>in</strong>al project paper is entitled: “A Study of the Impactof Two Forms of Prayer Practices on Resilience.” Iam so grateful for all the people <strong>in</strong> our church andcommunity who participated <strong>in</strong> the prayer studies and faithfully supported me dur<strong>in</strong>g this program!In the process of design<strong>in</strong>g and writ<strong>in</strong>g up the results of this study, I learned much more about theimportance of prayer for resilience development. Resilience is basically def<strong>in</strong>ed as: the ability toovercome stress, adapt to change, and recover from adversity. <strong>The</strong> Bible is full of scriptures thatprescribe guidance for liv<strong>in</strong>g a faithful, healthy and abundant life. “Pray without ceas<strong>in</strong>g”(1<strong>The</strong>ss. 5:17) is a well-known scripture passage that <strong>in</strong>spires the <strong>in</strong>clusion of prayer <strong>in</strong>to dailyliv<strong>in</strong>g. Yet many people are not aware that this guidance to pray is beneficial for more than one’sspiritual wellbe<strong>in</strong>g. Prayer has many physical and emotional wellbe<strong>in</strong>g benefits <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g theability to enhance resilience.<strong>The</strong> Mayo Cl<strong>in</strong>ic’s website page on “Resilience: Build<strong>in</strong>g Skills to Endure Hardship,” lists theprescription to pray daily as important for enhanc<strong>in</strong>g wellbe<strong>in</strong>g and resilience, as well as othergenerally accepted health prescriptions such as a balanced diet, ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a healthy weight,and exercise.So how do we pray <strong>in</strong> a way that builds resilience? <strong>The</strong> answer is: often. How you pray isn’t asimportant as the fact that you pray often. Prayer as a way of be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> touch with God <strong>in</strong>creasesyour awareness of God’s presence.My prayer study showed that the contemplative way of prayer, called Center<strong>in</strong>g Prayer, is a goodway to enhance resilience. To pray <strong>in</strong> this way <strong>in</strong>volves simple silent “rest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> God,” for 20m<strong>in</strong>utes each day. This form of prayer showed the highest impact on enhanc<strong>in</strong>g resilience <strong>in</strong> mytwo prayer studies.Mahatma Gandhi would not be surprised by this. He believed that, "Prayer is the very soul andessence of religion, and therefore, prayer must be the very core of the life of all people.”Ruth Burrow agrees with Gandhi <strong>in</strong> her lovely book, Essence of Prayer. She said, “Prayer isessentially God's work. Our part is to give time, do our best to keep attention, surrender ourselvesas best we can. <strong>The</strong>n we can be sure that God works. Faith does not ask for signs, or tokens.”So trust <strong>in</strong> God that when you pray, you are heard; God is present <strong>in</strong> your joys and <strong>in</strong> yoursorrows and ready to give you “rest” enabl<strong>in</strong>g you to become more resilient.Jesus was call<strong>in</strong>g us to pray when he said, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy ladenand I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11: 28)——————————————————For more <strong>in</strong>formation on Build<strong>in</strong>g Resilience, see: <strong>The</strong> Mayo Cl<strong>in</strong>ic, “Resilience: Build Skills ToEndure Hardship,” www.mayocl<strong>in</strong>ic.com/health/resilience/MH00078/NSECTIONGROUP=2)4<strong>The</strong> Function of PrayerPastor C<strong>in</strong>dy

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