Release 178 Notes - Nvidia's Download site!!

Release 178 Notes - Nvidia's Download site!!

Release 178 Notes - Nvidia's Download site!!


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: Known Product LimitationsVideo Playback in nView Clone and Span Modes• ProblemWith nView Clone or Span mode enabled, video playback appears on onlyone display under the following conditions:• Under nView Clone mode, when full‐screen video mirror is not used.• Under nView Span mode, when full‐screen video mirror is not used andthe video is positioned to span across both monitors.• ExplanationWith applications that render using the hardware overlay—such as DirectXapplications—the default driver behavior is to enable the hardware overlaywhen nView Clone or Span mode is enabled.Because the driver supports only one hardware overlay, the video appears on onlyone display.Monitor Ordering in the Windows Settings PageMonitor Ordering on a Single GPU• IssueThe monitor order in the Display Properties Settings page is not consistentlymatched with the connectors on the graphics card.• ExplanationThe driver does not distinguish connector positions, but insteaddistinguishes the display type, and consequently assigns monitor numbersaccording to the display type and not according to the connector.Monitor Ordering on a Multiple GPU System• IssueWhen four monitors are connected to a system with multiple PCI GPUs, suchas a NVIDIA Quadro NVS 400 graphics card, and enabled in Dualviewmode, many customers expect the monitor ordering in the DisplayProperties Settings page to conform to the following:Connector PositionPrimary GPU—Output 1 1Primary GPU—Output 2 2Monitor Number24 NVIDIA Corporation

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