Average rates for painting - Resene

Average rates for painting - Resene Average rates for painting - Resene

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Resene Professional development programmeThe Consumer Guarantees Act and PaintingThis Act provides a guarantee of performancefor customers and there are plenty of grey areasin establishing just how well your painting workperforms and for how long customers may takeactions against painters either real or imagined, forproblems that arise with work.Mostly problems are rare with both the materialsand workmanship but arise because of unexpectedsubstrate difficulties – for example timber can anddoes move substantially with weather changes,concrete surfaces can leak and rust is difficult tosuppress.You therefore need a safety parachute to providesome defense against the unexpected.Well – after you work out your price and prepareyour quoted systems add on another offer alongthe following.“We take every care with the preparationand painting, but experience teaches us thatsometimes problems arise due to substratescausing unexpected difficulties. We offer toreturn after 12 months and carefully inspect(and wash if exterior) our decorating andcorrect any deficiencies.This will ensure your property is kept in greatshape.This service, should you accept, will cost ($whatever) when completed, please advise etcetc”.This sends a proper signal to customers because itwill be an easy add on to keep everything spic’nspan and you get to deal with the customer again.And those that don’t accept the offer don’t haveany retrospective claim again your work becauseeffectively they have opted out of any suchwarranty.Sell customers a Service Plan.59

Resene Professional development programmeCall 0800 RESENE (737 363), visit www.resene.co.nzor email us at advice@resene.co.nz60

<strong>Resene</strong> Professional development programmeThe Consumer Guarantees Act and PaintingThis Act provides a guarantee of per<strong>for</strong>mance<strong>for</strong> customers and there are plenty of grey areasin establishing just how well your <strong>painting</strong> workper<strong>for</strong>ms and <strong>for</strong> how long customers may takeactions against painters either real or imagined, <strong>for</strong>problems that arise with work.Mostly problems are rare with both the materialsand workmanship but arise because of unexpectedsubstrate difficulties – <strong>for</strong> example timber can anddoes move substantially with weather changes,concrete surfaces can leak and rust is difficult tosuppress.You there<strong>for</strong>e need a safety parachute to providesome defense against the unexpected.Well – after you work out your price and prepareyour quoted systems add on another offer alongthe following.“We take every care with the preparationand <strong>painting</strong>, but experience teaches us thatsometimes problems arise due to subst<strong>rates</strong>causing unexpected difficulties. We offer toreturn after 12 months and carefully inspect(and wash if exterior) our decorating andcorrect any deficiencies.This will ensure your property is kept in greatshape.This service, should you accept, will cost ($whatever) when completed, please advise etcetc”.This sends a proper signal to customers because itwill be an easy add on to keep everything spic’nspan and you get to deal with the customer again.And those that don’t accept the offer don’t haveany retrospective claim again your work becauseeffectively they have opted out of any suchwarranty.Sell customers a Service Plan.59

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