SHRI SAI LEELA - Under Construction

SHRI SAI LEELA - Under Construction SHRI SAI LEELA - Under Construction
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SHRI SAI LEELA – APRIL 1986Thursday, and reached Secunderabad on 31 -1-86 at 9-30 a.m. Wehad a comfortable journey from Ongole to Secunderabad, since wewere alloted lower berths in the 3-tier sleeper coach. We started at 6-30 p.m. from Secunderabad to Manmad. In Ajantha Express also, Igot lower berth, while my brother was allotted middle berth in thesleeper coach. We reached Manmad safe by about 9 A.M. and Shirdiat about 11-30 A.M. The Conference was to be held on 2nd and 3rdFeb. 1986. After reaching Shirdi, I met the Superintendentimmediately, who was kind enough to allot a room in Bhakta Nivasand gave us a plastic bucket, tumbler, badge, lock and key, tickets formeals and tea for two days. We did not feel any difficulty in securingaccommodation, as Shirdi Samsthan authorities made elaborate andexcellent arrangements for our comfortable stay at Shirdi for twodays.My brother, Sri Cali Narayana did not attend the Conferencethroughout, as he had left Shirdi on 2nd evening by bus, as he couldnot get reservation at Shirdi Out-Agency Booking Office on 2-2-86.Later, he told me at Ongole that he did not have a comfortable busjourney from Shirdi to Secunderabad.But I stuck to my guns and never wanted to leave Shirdi at any cost,unless Baba permitted me to do so. Being a novice in Sai service andas a new participant, I attended all the four Sessions held on the twodays and heard the speeches with rapt attention. Especially thespeeches by Shri P.R. Behre, the chief guest and Sri V.B. Kher,Chairman, Shri Sai Leela Publications and Library Sub-Committeeand President of the Conference were inspiring and instructive whichwere felt highly beneficial to the devotees. Sri P.R. Behre spoke in34WWW.SAILEELAS.ORG

SHRI SAI LEELA – APRIL 1986Marathi eloquently which was full of devotion and in the end, heappealed to one and all to treat Shirdi as a Holy place and not aTourist centre. Dr. Smt. Indira Kher, the learned Editor of Srhi SaiLeela Magazine gave a resume of the Marathi speech in English. Sheimpressed the audience as an erudite scholar both in English andMarathi. The learned Chairman of Shri Sai Leela Publicationsaddressed the gathering both in English and Marathi and his speechwas received by the contributors present with wide applause.During my stay at Shirdi, I visited Chavadi, Dwaraka Mayi Musjid,Lendi Baug and Martanda Maharaj, son of late Bhagat Mahalsapati.Since I was not fully accustomed to the style of food served in SaiPrasad Bhojana Griha at Shirdi, I felt a little bit nervous. Immediatelythe omniscient and merciful Sai Baba came to my rescue byarranging food at the residence of Shri D.L. Kantha Rao Garu, asenior devotee from Andhra Pradesh, participating in the ConferenceTo my surprise, this devotee is found to belong to my Gothra(Bharadwaja). Really, I took him as Sai-sent and felt greatly honouredto be the guest of such a sincere and staunch Sai devotee I wasreally suprised to see the entire family of Shri D.L. Kantha Rao Garu,Sai-minded and Sai-devoted. I enjoyed Sai-Sat Sang during theperiod of my stay at Shirdi with his family.On 4-2-86 I performed abhisekham and Satyanarayana Pooja, whichwere my long cherished desires. I entered in the appartments setapart for devotees at 4 a.m. and remained there till 7 A.M. to receivetickets for Abhisekam and Satyanarayana Pooja. Here also, Saishowered his Grace on me, since I could get tickets easily and earlyand I could complete Abhisekam by 7-30 A.M. and Satyanarayana35WWW.SAILEELAS.ORG

<strong>SHRI</strong> <strong>SAI</strong> <strong>LEELA</strong> – APRIL 1986Thursday, and reached Secunderabad on 31 -1-86 at 9-30 a.m. Wehad a comfortable journey from Ongole to Secunderabad, since wewere alloted lower berths in the 3-tier sleeper coach. We started at 6-30 p.m. from Secunderabad to Manmad. In Ajantha Express also, Igot lower berth, while my brother was allotted middle berth in thesleeper coach. We reached Manmad safe by about 9 A.M. and Shirdiat about 11-30 A.M. The Conference was to be held on 2nd and 3rdFeb. 1986. After reaching Shirdi, I met the Superintendentimmediately, who was kind enough to allot a room in Bhakta Nivasand gave us a plastic bucket, tumbler, badge, lock and key, tickets formeals and tea for two days. We did not feel any difficulty in securingaccommodation, as Shirdi Samsthan authorities made elaborate andexcellent arrangements for our comfortable stay at Shirdi for twodays.My brother, Sri Cali Narayana did not attend the Conferencethroughout, as he had left Shirdi on 2nd evening by bus, as he couldnot get reservation at Shirdi Out-Agency Booking Office on 2-2-86.Later, he told me at Ongole that he did not have a comfortable busjourney from Shirdi to Secunderabad.But I stuck to my guns and never wanted to leave Shirdi at any cost,unless Baba permitted me to do so. Being a novice in Sai service andas a new participant, I attended all the four Sessions held on the twodays and heard the speeches with rapt attention. Especially thespeeches by Shri P.R. Behre, the chief guest and Sri V.B. Kher,Chairman, Shri Sai Leela Publications and Library Sub-Committeeand President of the Conference were inspiring and instructive whichwere felt highly beneficial to the devotees. Sri P.R. Behre spoke in34WWW.<strong>SAI</strong><strong>LEELA</strong>S.ORG

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