Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan, Ph.D., CEng., Eur Ing., FInstMC. Member

Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan, Ph.D., CEng., Eur Ing., FInstMC. Member Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan, Ph.D., CEng., Eur Ing., FInstMC. Member
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Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan, Ph.D., CEng., Eur Ing., FInstMC.Member of the New York Academy of SciencesProfessional Preparation:Technical University Berlin Process Measurement and Control Ph.D. 1985Technical University Berlin Process Engineering (Metrology) MS 1982Technical University Magdeburg Electrical Engineering & Cybernetics MS 1979Appointments:Since 09/05:2000-2005:1998-2000:1992-20001992-1998:1990-1991:1989-1990:1988-1989:1986-1988:1979-1985:• Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UTEP;• Adjunct Faculty, College of Health Sciences, UTEP.• Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Tech• Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, New Mexico Tech.• Reader (Research Professor) in Cybernetics and Systems Science,University of Teesside, United Kingdom• Director of Research, Laboratory for Intelligent Systems Technology,University of Teesside, United Kingdom.• Director, Manufacturing Systems Research Unit, University of Teesside• Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, University of Teesside• Research Coordinator, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering• Consultant Applied Technology Associates, Inc., Albuquerque, NM• Senior Research Scientist, Applied Technology Associates, Inc.,• Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University ofNew Mexico, Albuquerque.• Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Hull, North Humberside,United Kingdom.• Research Scientist, Human-Machines Systems Research Lab,Department of Automotive Engineering, Technical University Berlin.• Lecturer, Measurements in Automotive Technology, TU Berlin• Research Assistant, Institute of Measurement and Control, TechnicalUniversity Berlin, Germany.Research Interests:• Analysis of Human Locomotor Systems• Neurological Rehabilitation• Modeling of Human Physiological Systems• Mechatronics Systems Engineering• Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition• Applications of Soft Computing• Robotics and Automation• Electrical Measurements of non-Electrical Quantities• Sensor TechnologyProfessional Recognition (National):2008 Appointed Member of Review Panel of CREST, National Science Foundations.1

<strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, <strong>Ph</strong>.D., <strong>CEng</strong>., <strong>Eur</strong> <strong>Ing</strong>., <strong>FInstMC</strong>.<strong>Member</strong> of the New York Academy of SciencesProfessional Preparation:Technical University Berlin Process Measurement and Control <strong>Ph</strong>.D. 1985Technical University Berlin Process Engineering (Metrology) MS 1982Technical University Magdeburg Electrical Engineering & Cybernetics MS 1979Appointments:Since 09/05:2000-2005:1998-2000:1992-20001992-1998:1990-1991:1989-1990:1988-1989:1986-1988:1979-1985:• Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UTEP;• Adjunct Faculty, College of Health Sciences, UTEP.• Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Tech• Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, New Mexico Tech.• Reader (Research Professor) in Cybernetics and Systems Science,University of Teesside, United Kingdom• Director of Research, Laboratory for Intelligent Systems Technology,University of Teesside, United Kingdom.• Director, Manufacturing Systems Research Unit, University of Teesside• Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, University of Teesside• Research Coordinator, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering• Consultant Applied Technology Associates, Inc., Albuquerque, NM• Senior Research Scientist, Applied Technology Associates, Inc.,• Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University ofNew Mexico, Albuquerque.• Senior Visiting Research Fellow, University of Hull, North Humberside,United Kingdom.• Research Scientist, Human-Machines Systems Research Lab,Department of Automotive Engineering, Technical University Berlin.• Lecturer, Measurements in Automotive Technology, TU Berlin• Research Assistant, Institute of Measurement and Control, TechnicalUniversity Berlin, Germany.Research Interests:• Analysis of Human Locomotor Systems• Neurological Rehabilitation• Modeling of Human <strong>Ph</strong>ysiological Systems• Mechatronics Systems Engineering• Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition• Applications of Soft Computing• Robotics and Automation• Electrical Measurements of non-Electrical Quantities• Sensor TechnologyProfessional Recognition (National):2008 Appointed <strong>Member</strong> of Review Panel of CREST, National Science Foundations.1

Symposium of Automotive Technology and Automation, ISATA.1993 <strong>Member</strong> of the Development and Editorial Team of the Encyclopedia ofDesalinations and Water Resources; www.desware.net1990 Conferment as <strong>Eur</strong>opean Engineer of the FEANI;Professional Qualifications:• Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control, (InstMC), United Kingdom, 1997.• <strong>Member</strong> of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1996• <strong>Eur</strong>opean Engineer, (<strong>Eur</strong> <strong>Ing</strong>.) of the <strong>Eur</strong>opean Federation of National EngineeringAssociations, FEANI, 1990.• <strong>Member</strong> of the Institute of Measurement and Control, (InstMC), United Kingdom, 1989• Chartered Engineer, <strong>CEng</strong>. 1989• Chartered Measurement and Control Technologist of the Royal Charter; 1989• <strong>Member</strong> of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 1987• <strong>Member</strong> of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 1987• Distinguished <strong>Member</strong> of the VDI/VDE-Society for Measurement and Automation(Gesellschaft fuer Mess-und Automatisierungstechnik), Germany; 1981-Patents:2004 Gait Training Apparatus #20040116839 (USA)1999 Robotic Manipulator # 9909862.6 (United Kingdom)*1998 Training Instrument for Human Motion # 19805164 (Germany)*1997 Spring System in Gait Training # 19725972 (Germany)*1997 Instrument for use in Gait Training forStroke patients # 19725973 (Germany)**These patents were the results of successful completion of MS and <strong>Ph</strong>D degrees by myresearch students.Service to the Profession:2008 Director, Laboratory for Human Motion Analysis and Neurorehabilitation.2007 College of Engineering Representative on Graduate Council2006 Chair of the Task Force on Systems Engineering Program2006 Committee member of the Human Performance Research Cooperative2005- Advisor to students (undergraduate & graduate), UTEP2005- Director, Laboratory for Industrial Metrology and Automation.2000-2005 Advisor to students (undergraduate & graduate), NMT2000-2005 <strong>Member</strong>, Library Committee (Mech Eng. Dept. library committee representative)2001-2003 Chairman, Academic Standards and Admissions Committee2000-2001 <strong>Member</strong>, Academic Standards and Admission Committee2000-2005 Developed the Mechatronics Program at New Mexico Tech (NMT).2001-2005 <strong>Member</strong> of MGE@MSA committee1993-2000 Director of Studies, School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside.1999-2000 Vice-Chairman, Research Degrees Committee of the School of Science andTechnology; University of Teesside, United Kingdom1997-2000 <strong>Member</strong>, University Research Degrees Committee;1992-2000 Director, Laboratory for Intelligent Systems Technology;1993-1998 Director, Manufacturing Systems Research Unit.1993-2000 <strong>Member</strong>, School Research Degrees Committee;1993-2000 <strong>Member</strong>, School Research Policy Committee.1993-1997 Consultant, Cummins Engine Company, Darlington, UK;1993-1996 Consultant, Holset Engineering Company Ltd. UK;1992-1996 Consultant, JL-Automation, Sunderland, UK.3

Selected Publications:A: Books• Neuro-rehabilitation Devices: Engineering design, measurement, and control;McGraw-Hill Company, 2005. ISBN: 0071448306.B: Book Chapters:• Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Vol. 208/2007:ISBN 978-3-540-37419-0• Advances in Soft Computing: Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Springer2003: Editors: Ajith Abraham, Katrin Franke, Mario Koeppen.• Electronic Noses and Olfaction 2000, Edited by J.W. Gardner and K.C. Persaud, IOPPublishing Ltd, Bristol, August 2000, ISBN: 0-7503-0764-1.C: Other:• “Performance Analysis of Helicopter Development Engine using a Synthesis Modeland Soft Computing,” Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 10, No. 692; Informatik/Komm.Author: Hassan Abdulahi; Co-Authors: T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, Charles Allen and KenGrattan.Refereed Journals:• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (2008) “Modeling of Neuromechanics as the Optimal Control ofWalking,” IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering (In preparation).• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., Hong, D. Campbell, A.W. (2000) “A Novel Diagnostic Scheme forthe Classification of Pistons" Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 9, Issues1,2, pp101-111.• Z. Ali, T. O’Hare, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, B.J. Theaker, (2000) “Overview of ElectronicOlfaction and its Application to Medicine,” Invited Paper for the Journal of theAssociation of Laboratory Automation.”• S. Hesse, D. Uhlenbrock, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “Gait Pattern of SeverelyDisabled Hemiparetic Subjects on a new Controlled Gait Trainer as Compared toAssisted Treadmill Walking with Partial Body Weight Support”, J. ClinicalRehabilitation 1999; 13, pp.401-410, 0269-2155(99)CR2710A.• D. Uhlenbrock, S. Hesse. T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “Development of an advancedmechanised gait-trainer, controlling movement of the centre of mass, for therestoration of gait in non-ambulatory subjects,” Journal of Biomed.Technik , Band 44,Heft 7-8/1999, pp. 194-201.• Z. Ali, T. O’Hare, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, B.J. Theaker, (1999) “Gas-Sensing SystemUsing an Array of Coated Quartz Crystal Microbalances with a Fuzzy InferenceSystem” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol.55, pp.371-381.• K.G. Goh; A.W. Campbell; T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, et al (1998)“Image Processing forComputer Assisted <strong>Ph</strong>otocoagulation” J. Computer Methods and Programs inBiomedicine, Elsevier Science.• Hong, D.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., et al. (1998) “A Prototype Indexing Approach to 2-DObject Description and Recognition”, J. Pattern Recognition, Vol.31, No. 6, pp. 699-725, 1998.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>,T. et al (1997)“An Efficient Object Recognition Scheme for aPrototype Component Inspection” Int. Journal of Mechatronics ElsevierScience,vol.7, No.2,pp.185-197.• Hesse, S., Reiter, F., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, al (1997) "Asymmetry of Gait Initiation inHemiparetic Stroke of <strong>Ph</strong>ysical Medicine Rehabilitation, Official Journal of theAmerican Congress of Reha Medicine & the American Academy of <strong>Ph</strong>ysical Med.and Reha, vol 78.• Uhlenbrock, D., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>,T., Hesse, S., Reiter, F.(1997) "Development of agait trainer for the rehabilitation of non-ambulatory patients" Journal of Biomed.Technik , Band 42, Heft 7-8/1997, pp.196-202.• Dawson, M; Reiter, F.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Provinciali, L.; Hesse, S. (1996) “Gait4

Initiation, Development of a Measurement System for use in a Clinical Environment,”Journal of Biomedizinische Technik, Band 41, Heft 7-8, pp. 213-217.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., Lam, C.W., et al (1997) “Development of a Novel Image Sensorand Its Application to Analysis of Automobile Components”, IEEE/ASME Trans. onMechatronics, vol2, No.2, pp.144-150, June 1997.• C.W. Lam, <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1997) “ Fuzzy Cross-Correlation Algorithm forClassifying High Tolerance Engine Components” Measurement, Journal of theInternational Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, vol. 22, No.1/2, Sept/Oct.1997,pp 15-22.Refereed Conference Papers:• Ernesto R. Ceron, Joseph H. Pierlussi, <strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, Oscar YanezSuarez (2008) “Starting points in acoustic reflectometry to estimate the shape of ahuman trachea” Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference,pp.69-72.• Patricia Nava, Homer Nazeran, Elizabeth Maduko, Erika Meraz, <strong>Thompson</strong><strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, Michael Goldman (2008) “A co-active neuro-fuzzy inference systemfor classification of asthma,” Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical EngineeringConference, pp.81-84.• Huiying Yu, Patricia Nava, Richard Brower, <strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2008)“Design and evaluation of a fuzzy expert system for neurorehabilitation: A casestudy” Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp.149-152.• Naga Suman Kanagala, Martine Ceberio, <strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, VladikKreinovich, Roberto Araiza (2008) “Identification of human gait in neurorehabilitation:Towards efficient algorithms,” Proc. of the 24 th Southern BiomedicalEngineering Conference, pp.153-156.• Chad MacDonald, Eric Spier, Richard Brower, <strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2008)“Towards real-time fuzzy inferential gait phase detection using lower-limb kinematicdata,” Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp.157-160.• Adrian Trejo, David Acuna, Mario Valtierra, Gerardo Villagrana, Chad MacDonald,<strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2008) “Mechanical Design o fan automated gaitrehabilitation machine,” Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical EngineeringConference, pp.161-162.• Gilberto Sergio Contreras Jr., John K. Avor, <strong>Thompson</strong> <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2008)“Development of a nonuniform rod sensor for a magnetic levitating microcantilever,”Proc. of the 24 th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp.163-164.• H. Yu, P. Nava, R. Brower, M. Ceberio, and T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, (2007) “Identificationof Human Gait using Fuzzy Inferential Reasoning,” Proc. IEEE 10 th InternationalConf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, Amsterdam, pp.656-666• B. Betancourt, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, et al., (2007) “Automated Interpretable<strong>Member</strong>ship Functions in Human Gait,” Proc. IEEE 10 th International Conf. onRehabilitation Robotics, Amsterdam, pp.666-671• C. E. MacDonald, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, et al., (2007) “Determination of Human Gait<strong>Ph</strong>ases using Fuzzy Inference,” Proc. IEEE 10 th International Conf. on RehabilitationRobotics, Amsterdam, pp.661-665• T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> and K. J. Jensen, (2007) “Design of a 3DOF Robotic System forUse in Neurorehabilitation,” Proc. IEEE 10 th International Conf. on RehabilitationRobotics, Amsterdam, pp. 650-655• Ou Ma, Xiumin Diao, Lucas Martinez, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2007) “Dynamicallyremoving partial body mass using acceleration feedback for neural training,” Proc.IEEE 10 th International Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, Amsterdam.• MacDonald C., Moussavi Z., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (2007) “Formation of an internalmodel of environment dynamics during upper limb reaching movements: A fuzzyapproach,” Proc. 29 th IEEE EMBS, pp. 4862-4865.• Jensen, Kirt, <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2004) “Experimental Investigations on a GaitEmulator for Neurological Rehabilitation,” World Automatic Control Congress,5

Proceedings, WAC Seville, Spain.• Anderson, J., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2004) “Mechanical Design and Modeling of anInertial Reference Unit for Laser Beam Stabilization” Proceedings, World AutomaticControl Congress, WAC Seville, Spain.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., Abdullahi, H., Hertter, M. (2004) “New Approach for ThermalSpray Process Control with an Artificial Neural Network in Aero-engines”Proceedings, World Automatic Control Congress, Seville, Spain.• Jensen, K., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2004) “The Paradigm of a Smart Gait Emulator,”Proc. of the 2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Denver, CO,• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2004) “Efficient 2-D Object Recognition using ComputationalIntelligence,” Proceedings of the 2004 Japan-USA Symposium on FlexibleAutomation, Denver, CO.• Anderson J., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2004) “The Development of an Inertial ReferenceUnit for Airborne Laser Weapon Pointing Systems,” Proceedings of the 2004 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Denver, CO.• Gummadi, V., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., (2003) “2-D Object Recognition Using the HoughTransform.”Proc. of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Springer, pp. 413-421.• Sue Vorenberg (2003) “Tech researcher puts nose to the grindstone” AlbuquerqueTribune, May 12, 2003.• George Zamora, (2003) “Smart Rehab Device for Walking Impaired” Scope, NMT.• Sue Vorenberg (2002) “New leg rehab device hitting stride” Albuquerque Tribune,12/30/02.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (2002), “Recognition of Irregularly-Shaped Objects using FuzzyInferential Reasoning,” Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, July 15-17.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (2001), “Robotics and Mechatronics Education at New MexicoTech,”2001 International Conf. on Eng. Education, Oslo/Bergen, Norway.• Harold Walling, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, Alan Miller (2001) “Mechanical EngineeringCapstone Design Experience at New Mexico Tech,”2001 International Conferenceon Engineering Education, August 6-10, 2001, Oslo/Bergen, Norway.• K. Wedeward, S. Bruder, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (2001), “Robotics in Education at NewMexico Tech, 2001 AAAI Spring Symp. Series, Stanford University, CA, March 2001.• Z. Ali, T. O’Hare, B.J. Theaker, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, (March 2001), “Monitoring OilDegradation using Coated Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal based Electronic Nose,” TheElectrochemical Society-AA2-The 8 th International Symposium on Olfaction and theElectronic Nose (ISOEN8), Washington, DC.• Z. Ali, T. O’Hare, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, B.J. Theaker, (1999) “Organic vapour sensingusing a piezoelectric quartz crystal based sensor array,” Environmental andRemediation Technologies II, Proc. SPIE, Vol.3853, pp. 116-120.• S. Hesse, D. Uhlennbrock, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “Development and Evaluation ofa machine-supported gait trainer,”Proc. 32 nd ISATA Conf.,14 th -18 th June, Vienna,Austria, pp.91-93.• Ali, Z., O’Hare, H.T., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. and Theaker, B.J, E.J. Watson (1999)“Classification of vapours using a coated piezoelectric quartz crystal based electronicnose,” First Int. Conf. on Forensic Human Identification in the Millenium, London ,October 1999.• S. Mclachlan, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “Motion and real time stress analysis forpatient clinical diagnosis,” Proc. 32 nd ISATA Conf., 14 th -18 th June, Vienna, Austria.• M. O’Neal, D.Fenna, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “The ‘lost’ degrees of freedom inendoscopic surgery,”Proc 32 nd ISATA Conf., 14 th -18 th June, Vienna, Austria, pp.101-103.• M. ’Neal, D.Fenna, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “The ideal working envelope of anendoscopic instrument,” Proc. 32 nd ISATA Conf., 14 th -18 th June, Vienna, Austria,pp. 105-108.• Z. Ali, T. O’Hare, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, B.J. Theaker (1999) “Overview of Electronic6

Olfaction and its Application to Medicine,” <strong>Eur</strong>oLabAutomation ’99, London, October25 th -29 th .• M. Gonias, C. Durham, S. McLachlan, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> (1999) “On-line sensors forcondition monitoring using the performance method,” Proc. 32 nd ISATA Conf., 14 th -18 th June, Vienna, Austria, pp. 365-371.• Ali, Z., Caduff, A., O’Hare, H.T., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. and Theaker, B.J (1998) “TheUse of an Array of Coated Quartz Crystals to Discrimination Between ContaminatedMilk Samples With Different Bacteris, ”AD Research and Development Topics, RSCCongress, University of Durham, 6-9 April, 1998, Poster.• Ali, Z., Caduff, A., O’Hare, W.,T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., Theaker, B.J. ( 1998 )“Discrimination Between Milk Samples Contaminated with Bacteria using an Array ofCoated Piezzoelectric Quartz Crystals”, Poster, RSC Young Researchers’ Meeting,University of Durham, April 6-9• Goh, KG, Campbell, AW, <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1997) “Real-time Retina Trackingby a Personal Computer” Proc. IEEE Speech & Image Technology for Computers &Telecommunications, pp. 699-702, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1997.• D. Hong, T. <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, et al (1997) “A Vision Based Inspection System forPistons” Proc. Of the 7 th Int. FAIM, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK, June25-27 1997, pp. 517-532, ISBN 1-56700-089-4.• Goh, K.G., Campbell, A.W., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1997) "Computer Assisted<strong>Ph</strong>otocoagulation for Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy: Preliminary Results" 30thISATA dedicated Conf. on Mechatronics, 16-19 June 1997, vol.2, pp. 655-662, ISBN0 947719 873, Florence, Italy.• Hong, D.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Campbell, A.W. (1997) “ A Vision Based InspectionSystem of Pistons” ", 30th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Mechatronics, 16-19 June1997, vol.2, pp. 647-654, ISBN 0 947719 873, Florence.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1997) "An Indexing Approach to 2-D ObjectRecognition Based on Fuzzy Thresholding Techniques" Second International ICSCSymposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, pp. 283-289, ISBN 3-906454-03-7,ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, ICSC Academic Pres• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> et al “ (1996)”A Fuzzy Clustering Method for Efficient 2-D ObjectRecognition” Proc.of the Fifth International Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE’96),New Orleans, Sept. 8-11, 1996, pp.1400-1406, ISBN 0-7803-3645-3.• Hong, D., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong> et al (1996)”A Threshold Strategy for Edge Tracking”(1996) Proc.of the Fifth International Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE’96), NewOrleans, Louisiana, USA, Sept. 8-11, 1996, pp.1886-1891, ISBN 0-7803-3645-3.• Hong, D.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Campbell, A.W.; Yan, Y. (1996) “Fuzzy Measurementfor edge extraction,” 29th ISATA Conf. on Fuzzy Systems/Soft Computing in theAutomotive and Transportation Industries, Florence, Italy, pp 299-306.• Hong, D; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995) “Three Dimensional Feature Description ofPistons using the Fuzzy Subsets Theory”, Proc. Second Asian Conf. on ComputerVision, ACCV’95, Singapore, Vol. 3, pp. 554-558; ISBN 981-00-7190-6.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995) “In-Process Vision Inspection of AutomobileComponents”, Proc.,Second Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, ACCV’95, 5-8 Dec.1995, Singapore, Vol. 3; pp. .671-675; ISBN 981-00-7190-6.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T., Campbell, A.W., Dempsey, M.C. !995) "Supervision of a MSFProcess using Fuzzy Control Operations", Proc. IDA World Congress onDesalination and Water Sc., Nov. 18-24, 1995, Abu Dhabi, UAE.• Dempsey, M.C., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)" Modelling and Simulation of theProcesses in a Single Stage of a Multi Stage Flash Desalination Plant" Proc. IDAWorld Congress on Desalination and Water Science, Abu Dhabi, UAE.• Dempsey, M.C., <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>,T. (1995) "Knowledge Based Supervisory Control ofa Single Stage of a Multi Stage Flash Desalination Plant" Proc. IDA World Congresson Desalination and Water Science, Nov. 18-24, 1995, Abu Dhabi, UAE.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1995)“Knowledge-based Technical Diagnostics inAdvanced Manufacturing”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion7

and Machine Vision, Stuttgart, Germany, pp 115-119, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1995) “Vision-based Pattern Recognition Scheme usingFuzzy Sets Theory”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion andMachine Vision, 18-22 Sept. 1995, Stuttgart, pp 467-472, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)“Identification of High Tolerance Componentsusing Data Clustering Based Artificial Neural Networks” Proc. 28th ISATA dedicatedConf. on Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision, 18-22 Sept. 1995, Germany, pp481-485, ISBN 0 947719 73 3,• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)“A Performance Analysis and Optimisation ofShape Classification using an Edge Detected Contour Sequence and ArtificialNeural Networks”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion andMachine Vision,18-22 Sept.1995, Germany, pp487-492, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• Shaw, T.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>,T. (1995)“Development of <strong>Member</strong>ship Functions for 2-DShape Recognition”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion andMachine Vision,18-22 Sept. 1995, Germany, pp.9-15, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• Shaw, T.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.(1995) “ A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Pattern ClassificationScheme”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion and MachineVision,18-22 Sept. 1995, Germany, pp493-499, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.(1995) “A Methodology to Recognise and ClassifyTurbocharger Components”,Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motionand Machine Vision, 18-22 Sept. 1995, Germany, pp18-22, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• Hong, D.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al (1995) “Pseudo-three-dimensional Vision BasedMeasurement System of Pistons”, Proc. 28th ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics,Motion and Machine Vision, Germany, pp323-328, ISBN 0 947719 73 3.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995) “Hough Transform Techniques for MeasuringIndustrial Components”, Proc. 2nd. International Conf. on Industrial Automation,Vol.2, pp661-666, ISBN 2-980 2946-1-6, Nancy, France, 7-9th June 1995, Publishedby the International Association for Industrial Automation.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Willumeit, H.-P (1995).”Neuro-Fuzzy Based AutonomousVehicles”, Proc. International Joint Conf. of the 4th IEEE Int. Conf. of Fuzzy Systemsand the Second Int. Fuzzy Engineering Symposium, FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95,Yokohama, Japan, March 20-24 1995, pp. 855-862; ISBN 0-7803-2461-7/95.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)“A Neural Network based recognition schemefor the classification of industrial components”, Proc. International Joint Conf. of theFourth IEEE Int. Conf. of Fuzzy Systems and the Second Int. Fuzzy EngineeringSymposium, FUZZ-IEEE/IFES’95, Yokohama, March 20-24 1995, pp. 1813-1818.;ISBN 0-7803-2461-7/95.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Campbell, A.W. (1995)“Diagnostics in advanced Manufacturingusing Knowledge-based System”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf. on Competitive Manufacturing,Cork, 6-8th Sept. 1995, ISBN 0 907134-335.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995) “Application of an Artificial Neural Networkfor the Recognition of High Tolerance Component Curvatures”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf.on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, Republic of Ireland, ISBN 0 907134-335.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)“Optimisation of Shape Classification usingan Edge Detected Contour Sequence and an Artificial Neural Network”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf. on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, ISBN 0 907134-335.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1995)“Classification of Industrial Components usingthe Hough Transform”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf. on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork,Rep. of Ireland, 6-8th Sept. 1995, ISBN 0 907134-335.• Anumba, C.J.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1995)“A Model for the Prediction ofResources for Joint Venture Manufacturing Plants”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf. onCompetitive Manufacturing, pp.1111-1118, ISBN 0 907134-335.• Anumba, C.J.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1995)“An Approach to ModellingConstruction as a Competitive Manufacturing Process”, Proc. IMC-12 Conf. onCompetitive Manufacturing, pp.1069-1076, ISBN 0 907134-335.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Willumeit, H.-P. (1994)“Algorithm for Speed-Adaptation in Curves8

as a Contribution to Autonomous Mobile Vehicles”, Proc. IMC-11 on LeanProduction, Queen’s Univ. of Belfast, pp. 409-419, ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Gast, Th. (1994)“Determination of True Mass Flow Rate”, Proc.IMC-11 on Lean Production, Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, 31Aug.-2 Sept. 1994, pp. 197-208, ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Lam, C.W. (1994)“The Paradigm of Neuro-Fuzzy in AutonomousVehicles”, Proc. IMC-11 on Lean Production, Queen’s University of Belfast, NorthernIreland, 31 Aug.-2 Sept. 1994, pp.397-407, ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1994)“A Neural Network Recognition Schemefor Classifying Industrial Workpieces based on the Edge Detection ContourSequence”, Proc. IMC-11 on Lean Production, Queen’s University of Belfast,Northern Ireland, 31Aug.-2 Sept. 1994, pp.421-425, ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• Campbell, A.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1994) “Identification of TurbochargerComponents which are Similar but not Identical”,Proc. IMC-11 on Lean Production,Queen’s University of Belfast, pp. 471-474, ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Willumeit, H.-P. et al. (1994)“Pattern Recognition using FuzzySets Theory”, Proc. IMC-11 on Lean Production, Queen’s University of Belfast,Northern IrelandAug/ Sept. 1994, pp.461-467,ISBN 0-85389-534-1.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1994)“Recognition of Industrial Components usingthe Hough Transform”, Proc. ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion andMachine Vision, Aachen, Germany, ISBN 0-947719-69-5, pp. 91-99.• Lam, C.W.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1994)“Experimental Investigations to ClassifyIndustrial Components”, Proc. ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motion andMachine Vision, Aachen, Germany, ISBN 0-947719-69-5, pp. 101-106.• McNeil, A.R.; <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. et al. (1994)“Classification of 2-D Planar Shapesusing Artificial Neural Networks”,Proc. ISATA dedicated Conf. on Robotics, Motionand Machine Vision, Aachen, Germany, , ISBN 0-947719-69-5, pp. 535-541.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. (1992)“Intelligent Diagnostics of the Brain”, Proc. First Int.Workshop on Mechatronics in Medicine and Surgery, Costa Del Sol, pp 64-77.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T. “Recognition and Decision Making in Flexible ManufacturingSystems” (1992), Proc. IMC-9, Dublin, pp. 224-238, ISBN 1-870089-79-0.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T; Jamshidi, M. (1990)“Sensor-Fusion Based Intelligent RobotPlanning Algorithm”, Proc. IMEKO Conf. on “Knowledge Based Measurement-Application, Research and Education”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-28 Sept. 1990, ISBN3-18-09856-4, VDI-Berichte 856, VDI-Verlag GmbH, pp. 295-302.• <strong>Sarkodie</strong>-<strong>Gyan</strong>, T.; Jamshidi, M. (1990)“Development of a Prototype Robot TaskPlanning Algorithm using Sensor Fusion”, Proc. 3rd. International Symposium inRobotics and Manufacturing (ISRAM), British Columbia, Canada, ASME Press, ISBN0-7918-0016-4, pp. 155-160.9

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