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Products & Applications<strong>optibelt</strong>OMEGADrive solutions with Optibelt

The designTension cord: A glass fibre tension body twinedfrom many cords transmits the tangential forceat the pulleys. His length stability guaranteesmaintenance-free operation and exact entranceof the belt into the pulley.Fabric: A polyamide fabric on the tooth surfaceprotects from wear and guarantees an optimalefficiency due to a low friction value.Teeth and belt top surface: Teeth and belttop surface are made from a shear-resistant and solidpolychloroprene compound. All components arevulcanised to one unit in one process step.Belt top surfaceTension cordToothFabricThe high performance Optibelt OMEGAtiming belts are the result of consequentfurther development.The versatile experience with theOptibelt ZR and the Optibelt HTD ®is the basis of this belt generation.Open-ended OMEGA timing belts areideal for synchronous performancedrives and positioning drives.The geometry of the Optibelt OMEGAtooth shape was adapted to the common,rounded timing pulleys, makingit possible to use Optibelt OMEGAtiming belts in HTD ® pulleys in thesections 3M, 5M, 8M and 14M.Optibelt ZRS HTD ® timing pulleysare standard items for cylindrical boresor for Optibelt TB taper bushes.In addition, all OMEGA timing beltscan also be used in RPP ® pulleys.No special timing pulleys are requiredfor Optibelt OMEGA timing belts.<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGAThe Optibelt OMEGAtiming belt has theperformance level of theestablished Optibelt HTD ®timing belt.The latter is replaced by theOptibelt OMEGA. It nowfulfils medium performancerequirements for low-speed to fast-speeddrives without special shock loading.<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGATiming belts – powerful and universal

<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGATiming belts – powerful and universalAvailable timing belt types:<strong>optibelt</strong>OMEGA2M<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA3M<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA5M<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA8M<strong>optibelt</strong>OMEGA14MPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teethPitchlengthmmNumberof teeth74 3790 45100 50104 52112 56118 59120 60124 62130 65140 70148 74180 90184 92188 94200 100208 104210 105216 108224 112232 116250 125256 128266 133274 137280 140288 144304 152308 154310 155318 159328 164330 165336 168340 170368 184370 185386 193406 203426 213448 224558 279560 280710 355930 465984 4921066 5331224 612111 37117 39120 40123 41126 42129 43141 47144 48150 50156 52159 53165 55168 56171 57174 58177 59180 60183 61186 62192 64195 65201 67204 68207 69210 70213 71216 72225 75237 79240 80243 81246 82249 83252 84255 85267 89276 92282 94285 95288 96291 97294 98300 100306 102312 104315 105318 106330 110333 111336 112339 113345 115357 119363 121366 122384 128390 130411 137420 140426 142435 145447 149462 154474 158477 159480 160486 162489 163495 165501 167513 171519 173522 174525 175531 177537 179558 186564 188570 190582 194591 197594 198597 199600 200606 202612 204615 205633 211648 216669 223672 224675 225708 236711 237738 246753 251804 268816 272843 281882 294888 296945 315960 3201041 3471062 3541068 3561071 3571125 3751176 3921245 4151263 4211500 5001530 5101569 5231863 621120 24180 36225 45255 51265 53270 54280 56295 59300 60305 61325 65330 66340 68345 69350 70360 72365 73370 74375 75385 77400 80415 83420 84425 85450 90460 92475 95490 98500 100520 104525 105535 107540 108550 110560 112565 113575 115580 116600 120610 122615 123620 124630 126635 127640 128645 129650 130665 133670 134700 140710 142720 144740 148750 150755 151775 155790 158800 160825 165830 166835 167850 170860 172890 178900 180925 185935 187940 188950 190965 193975 195980 1961000 2001025 2051035 2071050 2101100 2201125 2251135 2271200 2401270 2541380 2761400 2801420 2841425 2851500 3001595 3191690 3381790 3581800 3601870 3741895 3792000 4002110 4222350 4702525 505288 36320 40352 44376 47416 52424 53480 60512 64520 65560 70576 72600 75608 76624 78632 79640 80656 82680 85712 89720 90760 95776 97784 98800 100824 103840 105848 106856 107880 110896 112912 114920 115936 117960 120976 1221000 1251040 1301056 1321064 1331080 1351096 1371120 1401128 1411160 1451184 1481200 1501216 1521224 1531248 1561256 1571264 1581280 1601304 1631320 1651328 1661344 1681360 1701400 1751424 1781432 1791440 1801480 1851520 1901552 1941584 1981600 2001680 2101696 2121728 2161760 2201800 2251904 2381936 2422000 2502080 2602104 2632240 2802248 2812272 2842400 3002504 3132600 3252800 3503048* 3813280 4103600* 4504400* 550966 691092 781190 851400 1001456 1041610 1151778 1271890 1352100 1502310 1652450 1752590 1852800 2003150 2253360 2403500 2503850 2754004 2864326 3094578 327Our product rangeis constantly enlarged.*Section on request.

<strong>optibelt</strong> SERVICE KITOptibelt Service ToolsEconomic situations are now demanding that belt drives be properly installed and maintained to ensurethat all available cost savings are realized. Large energy savings can be realized as well as time! All thesecosts are not usually associated to belt installations or the belt drives themselves; however using theproper belt effectively ensures a cost savings many times the cost of the individual drive components! Thetotal drive cost or cost of ownership has to be understood in order to evaluate the savings realized byOptibelt products and the service tools we make available to the market.The implementation of cost/energy reductions can take place easily and quickly with our technicaldevices. These devices are easy to use and operate. The wide range of tools has beenexpanded with a new offering that encompasses all installation and maintenance requirementsin one kit! This economically priced SERVICE KIT contains a variety oftechnical devices that optimize the efficiency and operation of existing drives aswell ensuring the proper initial installation on new equipment. The SERVICEKIT contains the following aids:• Optibelt Service-Box: a selection of useful aidsfor quick help on site• Optibelt laser pointer II: for correct pulley alignment• Optibelt Tension Notebox: for the durable documentation of thetension values on the respective drive• Optibelt TT mini S frequency tension tester:for the simple measurement of ideal belt tension<strong>optibelt</strong> Service-BoxWhen dealing with V-belts and ribbedbelts, a level of tension that is too lowresults in unnecessary slipping of the belts,an issue that is difficult to notice and israrely realized. This additional frictionleads to increased energy consumption,and decreased belt life. The friction agesand hardens the belt resulting in mechanicalefficiency losses that result in energy costs being realized that couldeasily be eliminated. In addition the reduction in belt life extends more costs byshutting down equipment more often to maintain and replace belt components.Not to mention the opportunity costs of working on these drives instead of somethingelse. A level of tension that is too high leads to an increased bearing and shaft loadswhich can damage other components of the equipment. Also it can apply a distortion of thebelt composition that is undesirable. When dealing with timing belts, the teeth may not engagecleanly with a low or a high tension value being introduced. It is easy to avoid these issues with the toolsprovided in the service-box.

<strong>optibelt</strong> SERVICE KIT<strong>optibelt</strong> laser pointer IIOn top of this, the mechanic can quickly and precisely align many types of drives, as wellas other equipment. Reducing the friction in a belt drive means less pulley wear, longerrunning drive components, increased time between replacements and energy cost reductions.Total cost of ownership is reduced! Use of the Optibelt laser pointer II usually paysfor itself in less than one month when dealing with multiple or large drives.<strong>optibelt</strong> Tension NoteboxWhile setting the correct drive tension is of great importance, it is equally importantto be able to repeat the action and achieve the cost savings into thefuture and with other people that may be involved. The proven Optibelt“Tension notes” adhesive labels document the set values for the correcttension methods. This provides the servicetechnician at a future date the requiredinformation in a reliable manner withouthaving to search through documentation ofequipment. These adhesive labels can thenbe attached where appropriate for quickaccess to the information. As a result themaintenance and installation work can becarried out quicker and in a more accuratemanner. Costs are subsequently reduced.<strong>optibelt</strong> TT mini S... with a flexible swan neck for effortless measurementsat difficult-to-reach placesThe Optibelt TT mini S frequency tension tester is anappliance that is used to check the tension of drivebelts by means of measuring frequency. Thanks toits compact design, this tension tester offers universalapplication possibilities for drives in machineconstruction, in the automotive industry and manyother application areas. The Optibelt TT mini S can even be used in difficult-to-reach places. V-belts,ribbed belts and timing belts can be simply and quickly reached in order to check their tension values. The OptibeltTT mini S offers more advantages with its Hertz [Hz] display, large measuring range from 10-600 Hz, simpleand repeat measurement accuracy, small and compact construction (size of a mobile telephone), automatic switchofffunction, plant calibration and CE approval.

LieferprogrammProduct Range1 <strong>optibelt</strong> RED POWER II5 <strong>optibelt</strong> KB RED POWER IIHochleistungs-Schmalkeilriemen,wartungsfreiHigh performance wedge belts,maintenance-free2 <strong>optibelt</strong> BLUE POWER6 <strong>optibelt</strong> KB BLUE POWERHochleistungs-SchmalkeilriemenHigh performance wedge belts3 <strong>optibelt</strong> SK7 <strong>optibelt</strong> KB SKSchmalkeilriemenWedge belts4 <strong>optibelt</strong> VB8 <strong>optibelt</strong> KB VBKlassische KeilriemenClassical V-belts9 <strong>optibelt</strong>Super X-POWER M=SKeilriemen, flankenoffen,formgezahntV-belts, raw edge,moulded cogged10 <strong>optibelt</strong>Super KBX-POWERKraftbänder, flankenoffenKraftbands, raw edge11 <strong>optibelt</strong> SUPER VXBreitkeilriemen, flankenoffen,formgezahntVariable speed belts,raw edge, moulded cogged12 <strong>optibelt</strong> SUPER DVXDoppel-Breitkeilriemen,flankenoffen, formgezahntDouble section variable speed belts,raw edge, moulded cogged13 <strong>optibelt</strong> ZR<strong>optibelt</strong> ZR linearZahnriemen aus ChloroprenChloroprene timing belts1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 15 1617 18 19 2021 22 23 24www.<strong>optibelt</strong>.com14 <strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA HL<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA HP<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA FanPower<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA<strong>optibelt</strong> OMEGA linearZahnriemen aus ChloroprenChloroprene timing belts15 <strong>optibelt</strong> ALPHA Power16 <strong>optibelt</strong> ALPHA<strong>optibelt</strong> ALPHA linear / V<strong>optibelt</strong> ALPHAflexZahnriemen aus PolyurethanPolyurethane timing belts17 <strong>optibelt</strong> DKDoppelkeilriemenDouble section V-belts18 optimat OEEndliche KeilriemenDIN 2216, gelochtOpen-ended V-belting,punched19 <strong>optibelt</strong> RBRippenbänderRibbed belts20 <strong>optibelt</strong> RR / RR PLUSKunststoffrundriemenPlastic round section belting20 <strong>optibelt</strong> KKKunststoffkeilriemenPlastic V-belting21 <strong>optibelt</strong> KSKeilrillenscheibenV-grooved pulleys22 <strong>optibelt</strong> ZRSZahnriemenscheibenTiming belt pulleys23 <strong>optibelt</strong> RBSRippenbandscheibenRibbed belt pulleys24 <strong>optibelt</strong>SERVICE KITOptibelt GmbHP.O. Box 10 01 32 · 37669 Höxter/Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 52 71 - 6 21 · Fax +49 (0) 52 71 - 97 62 00info@<strong>optibelt</strong>.com · www.<strong>optibelt</strong>.comEin Unternehmen der Arntz Optibelt Gruppe · A member of the Arntz Optibelt Group© Arntz Optibelt Group · 315024/0110Hux

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